[pypy-commit] benchmarks chameleon: update sphinx to 1.8.5

mattip pypy.commits at gmail.com
Mon Jan 6 15:26:39 EST 2020

Author: Matti Picus <matti.picus at gmail.com>
Branch: chameleon
Changeset: r418:ab6c3e5c29b6
Date: 2020-01-06 14:05 +0200

Log:	update sphinx to 1.8.5

diff too long, truncating to 2000 out of 230237 lines

diff --git a/lib/cpython-doc/conf.py b/lib/cpython-doc/conf.py
--- a/lib/cpython-doc/conf.py
+++ b/lib/cpython-doc/conf.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 # General configuration
 # ---------------------
-extensions = ['sphinx.ext.refcounting', 'sphinx.ext.coverage',
+extensions = ['sphinx.ext.coverage',
               'sphinx.ext.doctest', 'pyspecific']
 templates_path = ['tools/sphinxext']
diff --git a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/docutils2/__init__.py b/lib/cpython-doc/tools/docutils2/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cpython-doc/tools/docutils2/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+# $Id: __init__.py 8304 2019-07-30 09:51:07Z grubert $
+# Author: David Goodger <goodger at python.org>
+# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.
+This is the Docutils (Python Documentation Utilities) package.
+Package Structure
+- __init__.py: Contains component base classes, exception classes, and
+  Docutils version information.
+- core.py: Contains the ``Publisher`` class and ``publish_*()`` convenience
+  functions.
+- frontend.py: Runtime settings (command-line interface, configuration files)
+  processing, for Docutils front-ends.
+- io.py: Provides a uniform API for low-level input and output.
+- nodes.py: Docutils document tree (doctree) node class library.
+- statemachine.py: A finite state machine specialized for
+  regular-expression-based text filters.
+- languages: Language-specific mappings of terms.
+- parsers: Syntax-specific input parser modules or packages.
+- readers: Context-specific input handlers which understand the data
+  source and manage a parser.
+- transforms: Modules used by readers and writers to modify DPS
+  doctrees.
+- utils: Contains the ``Reporter`` system warning class and miscellaneous
+  utilities used by readers, writers, and transforms.
+  utils/urischemes.py: Contains a complete mapping of known URI addressing
+  scheme names to descriptions.
+- utils/math: Contains functions for conversion of mathematical notation
+  between different formats (LaTeX, MathML, text, ...).
+- writers: Format-specific output translators.
+import sys
+from collections import namedtuple
+__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
+__version__ = '0.15.2'
+"""Docutils version identifier (complies with PEP 440)::
+    major.minor[.micro][releaselevel[serial]][.dev]
+For version comparison operations, use `__version_info__` (which see, below)
+rather than parsing the text of `__version__`.
+See 'Version Numbering' in docs/dev/policies.txt.
+VersionInfo = namedtuple(
+    'VersionInfo', 'major minor micro releaselevel serial release')
+__version_info__ = VersionInfo(
+    major=0,
+    minor=15,
+    micro=2,
+    releaselevel='final', # one of 'alpha', 'beta', 'candidate', 'final'
+    # pre-release serial number (0 for final releases and active development):
+    serial=0,
+    release=True # True for official releases and pre-releases
+    )
+"""Comprehensive version information tuple. See 'Version Numbering' in
+__version_details__ = 'release'
+"""Optional extra version details (e.g. 'snapshot 2005-05-29, r3410').
+(For development and release status see `__version_info__`.)
+class ApplicationError(StandardError): pass
+class DataError(ApplicationError): pass
+class SettingsSpec:
+    """
+    Runtime setting specification base class.
+    SettingsSpec subclass objects used by `docutils.frontend.OptionParser`.
+    """
+    settings_spec = ()
+    """Runtime settings specification.  Override in subclasses.
+    Defines runtime settings and associated command-line options, as used by
+    `docutils.frontend.OptionParser`.  This is a tuple of:
+    - Option group title (string or `None` which implies no group, just a list
+      of single options).
+    - Description (string or `None`).
+    - A sequence of option tuples.  Each consists of:
+      - Help text (string)
+      - List of option strings (e.g. ``['-Q', '--quux']``).
+      - Dictionary of keyword arguments sent to the OptionParser/OptionGroup
+        ``add_option`` method.
+        Runtime setting names are derived implicitly from long option names
+        ('--a-setting' becomes ``settings.a_setting``) or explicitly from the
+        'dest' keyword argument.
+        Most settings will also have a 'validator' keyword & function.  The
+        validator function validates setting values (from configuration files
+        and command-line option arguments) and converts them to appropriate
+        types.  For example, the ``docutils.frontend.validate_boolean``
+        function, **required by all boolean settings**, converts true values
+        ('1', 'on', 'yes', and 'true') to 1 and false values ('0', 'off',
+        'no', 'false', and '') to 0.  Validators need only be set once per
+        setting.  See the `docutils.frontend.validate_*` functions.
+        See the optparse docs for more details.
+    - More triples of group title, description, options, as many times as
+      needed.  Thus, `settings_spec` tuples can be simply concatenated.
+    """
+    settings_defaults = None
+    """A dictionary of defaults for settings not in `settings_spec` (internal
+    settings, intended to be inaccessible by command-line and config file).
+    Override in subclasses."""
+    settings_default_overrides = None
+    """A dictionary of auxiliary defaults, to override defaults for settings
+    defined in other components.  Override in subclasses."""
+    relative_path_settings = ()
+    """Settings containing filesystem paths.  Override in subclasses.
+    Settings listed here are to be interpreted relative to the current working
+    directory."""
+    config_section = None
+    """The name of the config file section specific to this component
+    (lowercase, no brackets).  Override in subclasses."""
+    config_section_dependencies = None
+    """A list of names of config file sections that are to be applied before
+    `config_section`, in order (from general to specific).  In other words,
+    the settings in `config_section` are to be overlaid on top of the settings
+    from these sections.  The "general" section is assumed implicitly.
+    Override in subclasses."""
+class TransformSpec:
+    """
+    Runtime transform specification base class.
+    TransformSpec subclass objects used by `docutils.transforms.Transformer`.
+    """
+    def get_transforms(self):
+        """Transforms required by this class.  Override in subclasses."""
+        if self.default_transforms != ():
+            import warnings
+            warnings.warn('default_transforms attribute deprecated.\n'
+                          'Use get_transforms() method instead.',
+                          DeprecationWarning)
+            return list(self.default_transforms)
+        return []
+    # Deprecated; for compatibility.
+    default_transforms = ()
+    unknown_reference_resolvers = ()
+    """List of functions to try to resolve unknown references.  Unknown
+    references have a 'refname' attribute which doesn't correspond to any
+    target in the document.  Called when the transforms in
+    `docutils.tranforms.references` are unable to find a correct target.  The
+    list should contain functions which will try to resolve unknown
+    references, with the following signature::
+        def reference_resolver(node):
+            '''Returns boolean: true if resolved, false if not.'''
+    If the function is able to resolve the reference, it should also remove
+    the 'refname' attribute and mark the node as resolved::
+        del node['refname']
+        node.resolved = 1
+    Each function must have a "priority" attribute which will affect the order
+    the unknown_reference_resolvers are run::
+        reference_resolver.priority = 100
+    Override in subclasses."""
+class Component(SettingsSpec, TransformSpec):
+    """Base class for Docutils components."""
+    component_type = None
+    """Name of the component type ('reader', 'parser', 'writer').  Override in
+    subclasses."""
+    supported = ()
+    """Names for this component.  Override in subclasses."""
+    def supports(self, format):
+        """
+        Is `format` supported by this component?
+        To be used by transforms to ask the dependent component if it supports
+        a certain input context or output format.
+        """
+        return format in self.supported
diff --git a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/docutils2/_compat.py b/lib/cpython-doc/tools/docutils2/_compat.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/cpython-doc/tools/docutils2/_compat.py
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# $Id: _compat.py 8164 2017-08-14 11:28:48Z milde $
+# Author: Georg Brandl <georg at python.org>
+# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.
+Python 2/3 compatibility definitions.
+This module currently provides the following helper symbols:
+* u_prefix (unicode repr prefix: 'u' in 2.x, '' in 3.x)
+  (Required in docutils/test/test_publisher.py)
+* BytesIO (a StringIO class that works with bytestrings)
+import sys
+if sys.version_info < (3,0):
+    u_prefix = 'u'
+    from StringIO import StringIO as BytesIO
+    u_prefix = b''
+    # using this hack since 2to3 "fixes" the relative import
+    # when using ``from io import BytesIO``
+    BytesIO = __import__('io').BytesIO
diff --git a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/all-wcprops b/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/all-wcprops
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/all-wcprops
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-K 25
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-K 25
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-K 25
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-K 25
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-K 25
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-K 25
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-K 25
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-K 25
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diff --git a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/entries b/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/entries
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/entries
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,534 +0,0 @@

























diff --git a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/__init__.py.svn-base b/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/__init__.py.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/__init__.py.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-K 12
-V 2
diff --git a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/addnodes.py.svn-base b/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/addnodes.py.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/addnodes.py.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-K 12
-V 2
diff --git a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/application.py.svn-base b/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/application.py.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/application.py.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-K 12
-V 2
diff --git a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/cmdline.py.svn-base b/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/cmdline.py.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/cmdline.py.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-K 12
-V 2
diff --git a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/config.py.svn-base b/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/config.py.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/config.py.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-K 12
-V 2
diff --git a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/environment.py.svn-base b/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/environment.py.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/environment.py.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-K 12
-V 2
diff --git a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/errors.py.svn-base b/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/errors.py.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/errors.py.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-K 12
-V 2
diff --git a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/highlighting.py.svn-base b/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/highlighting.py.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/highlighting.py.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-K 12
-V 2
diff --git a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/jinja2glue.py.svn-base b/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/jinja2glue.py.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/jinja2glue.py.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-K 12
-V 2
diff --git a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/quickstart.py.svn-base b/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/quickstart.py.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/quickstart.py.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-K 12
-V 2
diff --git a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/roles.py.svn-base b/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/roles.py.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/roles.py.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-K 12
-V 2
diff --git a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/search.py.svn-base b/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/search.py.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/search.py.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-K 12
-V 2
diff --git a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/setup_command.py.svn-base b/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/setup_command.py.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/setup_command.py.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-K 12
-V 2
diff --git a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/theming.py.svn-base b/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/theming.py.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/prop-base/theming.py.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-K 12
-V 2
diff --git a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/text-base/__init__.py.svn-base b/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/text-base/__init__.py.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/text-base/__init__.py.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-    Sphinx
-    ~~~~~~
-    The Sphinx documentation toolchain.
-    :copyright: Copyright 2007-2011 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
-    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
-import sys
-from os import path
-__version__  = '1.0.7'
-__released__ = '1.0.7'  # used when Sphinx builds its own docs
-package_dir = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))
-if '+' in __version__ or 'pre' in __version__:
-    # try to find out the changeset hash if checked out from hg, and append
-    # it to __version__ (since we use this value from setup.py, it gets
-    # automatically propagated to an installed copy as well)
-    try:
-        import subprocess
-        p = subprocess.Popen(['hg', 'id', '-i', '-R',
-                              path.join(package_dir, '..')],
-                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-        out, err = p.communicate()
-        if out:
-            __version__ += '/' + out.strip()
-    except Exception:
-        pass
-def main(argv=sys.argv):
-    if sys.version_info[:3] < (2, 4, 0):
-        print >>sys.stderr, \
-              'Error: Sphinx requires at least Python 2.4 to run.'
-        return 1
-    try:
-        from sphinx import cmdline
-    except ImportError, err:
-        errstr = str(err)
-        if errstr.lower().startswith('no module named'):
-            whichmod = errstr[16:]
-            hint = ''
-            if whichmod.startswith('docutils'):
-                whichmod = 'Docutils library'
-            elif whichmod.startswith('jinja'):
-                whichmod = 'Jinja2 library'
-            elif whichmod == 'roman':
-                whichmod = 'roman module (which is distributed with Docutils)'
-                hint = ('This can happen if you upgraded docutils using\n'
-                        'easy_install without uninstalling the old version'
-                        'first.')
-            else:
-                whichmod += ' module'
-            print >>sys.stderr, ('Error: The %s cannot be found. '
-                                 'Did you install Sphinx and its dependencies '
-                                 'correctly?' % whichmod)
-            if hint:
-                print >> sys.stderr, hint
-            return 1
-        raise
-    return cmdline.main(argv)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
diff --git a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/text-base/addnodes.py.svn-base b/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/text-base/addnodes.py.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/text-base/addnodes.py.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-    sphinx.addnodes
-    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    Additional docutils nodes.
-    :copyright: Copyright 2007-2011 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
-    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
-from docutils import nodes
-# index markup
-class index(nodes.Invisible, nodes.Inline, nodes.TextElement): pass
-# domain-specific object descriptions (class, function etc.)
-# parent node for signature and content
-class desc(nodes.Admonition, nodes.Element): pass
-# additional name parts (module name, class name)
-class desc_addname(nodes.Part, nodes.Inline, nodes.TextElement): pass
-# compatibility alias
-desc_classname = desc_addname
-# return type (C); object type
-class desc_type(nodes.Part, nodes.Inline, nodes.TextElement): pass
-# -> annotation (Python)
-class desc_returns(desc_type):
-    def astext(self):
-        return ' -> ' + nodes.TextElement.astext(self)
-# main name of object
-class desc_name(nodes.Part, nodes.Inline, nodes.TextElement): pass
-# argument list
-class desc_signature(nodes.Part, nodes.Inline, nodes.TextElement): pass
-class desc_parameterlist(nodes.Part, nodes.Inline, nodes.TextElement):
-    child_text_separator = ', '
-class desc_parameter(nodes.Part, nodes.Inline, nodes.TextElement): pass
-class desc_optional(nodes.Part, nodes.Inline, nodes.TextElement):
-    child_text_separator = ', '
-    def astext(self):
-        return '[' + nodes.TextElement.astext(self) + ']'
-# annotation (not Python 3-style annotations)
-class desc_annotation(nodes.Part, nodes.Inline, nodes.TextElement): pass
-# node for content
-class desc_content(nodes.General, nodes.Element): pass
-# \versionadded, \versionchanged, \deprecated
-class versionmodified(nodes.Admonition, nodes.TextElement): pass
-# seealso
-class seealso(nodes.Admonition, nodes.Element): pass
-# productionlist
-class productionlist(nodes.Admonition, nodes.Element): pass
-class production(nodes.Part, nodes.Inline, nodes.TextElement): pass
-# toc tree
-class toctree(nodes.General, nodes.Element): pass
-# centered
-class centered(nodes.Part, nodes.Element): pass
-# pending xref
-class pending_xref(nodes.Inline, nodes.Element): pass
-# compact paragraph -- never makes a <p>
-class compact_paragraph(nodes.paragraph): pass
-# reference to a file to download
-class download_reference(nodes.reference): pass
-# for the ACKS list
-class acks(nodes.Element): pass
-# for horizontal lists
-class hlist(nodes.Element): pass
-class hlistcol(nodes.Element): pass
-# sets the highlighting language for literal blocks
-class highlightlang(nodes.Element): pass
-# like emphasis, but doesn't apply further text processors, e.g. smartypants
-class literal_emphasis(nodes.emphasis): pass
-# for abbreviations (with explanations)
-class abbreviation(nodes.Inline, nodes.TextElement): pass
-# glossary
-class glossary(nodes.Element): pass
-# start of a file, used in the LaTeX builder only
-class start_of_file(nodes.Element): pass
-# tabular column specification, used for the LaTeX writer
-class tabular_col_spec(nodes.Element): pass
-# only (in/exclusion based on tags)
-class only(nodes.Element): pass
-# meta directive -- same as docutils' standard meta node, but pickleable
-class meta(nodes.Special, nodes.PreBibliographic, nodes.Element): pass
-# make them known to docutils. this is needed, because the HTML writer
-# will choke at some point if these are not added
-nodes._add_node_class_names("""index desc desc_content desc_signature
-      desc_type desc_returns desc_addname desc_name desc_parameterlist
-      desc_parameter desc_optional download_reference hlist hlistcol
-      centered versionmodified seealso productionlist production toctree
-      pending_xref compact_paragraph highlightlang literal_emphasis
-      abbreviation glossary acks module start_of_file tabular_col_spec
-      meta""".split())
diff --git a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/text-base/application.py.svn-base b/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/text-base/application.py.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/text-base/application.py.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,532 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-    sphinx.application
-    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    Sphinx application object.
-    Gracefully adapted from the TextPress system by Armin.
-    :copyright: Copyright 2007-2011 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
-    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
-import sys
-import types
-import posixpath
-from os import path
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-from docutils import nodes
-from docutils.parsers.rst import convert_directive_function, \
-     directives, roles
-import sphinx
-from sphinx import package_dir, locale
-from sphinx.roles import XRefRole
-from sphinx.config import Config
-from sphinx.errors import SphinxError, SphinxWarning, ExtensionError, \
-     VersionRequirementError
-from sphinx.domains import ObjType, BUILTIN_DOMAINS
-from sphinx.domains.std import GenericObject, Target, StandardDomain
-from sphinx.builders import BUILTIN_BUILDERS
-from sphinx.environment import BuildEnvironment, SphinxStandaloneReader
-from sphinx.util import pycompat  # imported for side-effects
-from sphinx.util.tags import Tags
-from sphinx.util.osutil import ENOENT
-from sphinx.util.console import bold
-# Directive is either new-style or old-style
-clstypes = (type, types.ClassType)
-# List of all known core events. Maps name to arguments description.
-events = {
-    'builder-inited': '',
-    'env-purge-doc': 'env, docname',
-    'source-read': 'docname, source text',
-    'doctree-read': 'the doctree before being pickled',
-    'missing-reference': 'env, node, contnode',
-    'doctree-resolved': 'doctree, docname',
-    'env-updated': 'env',
-    'html-collect-pages': 'builder',
-    'html-page-context': 'pagename, context, doctree or None',
-    'build-finished': 'exception',
-CONFIG_FILENAME = 'conf.py'
-ENV_PICKLE_FILENAME = 'environment.pickle'
-class Sphinx(object):
-    def __init__(self, srcdir, confdir, outdir, doctreedir, buildername,
-                 confoverrides=None, status=sys.stdout, warning=sys.stderr,
-                 freshenv=False, warningiserror=False, tags=None):
-        self.next_listener_id = 0
-        self._extensions = {}
-        self._listeners = {}
-        self.domains = BUILTIN_DOMAINS.copy()
-        self.builderclasses = BUILTIN_BUILDERS.copy()
-        self.builder = None
-        self.env = None
-        self.srcdir = srcdir
-        self.confdir = confdir
-        self.outdir = outdir
-        self.doctreedir = doctreedir
-        if status is None:
-            self._status = StringIO()
-            self.quiet = True
-        else:
-            self._status = status
-            self.quiet = False
-        if warning is None:
-            self._warning = StringIO()
-        else:
-            self._warning = warning
-        self._warncount = 0
-        self.warningiserror = warningiserror
-        self._events = events.copy()
-        # say hello to the world
-        self.info(bold('Running Sphinx v%s' % sphinx.__version__))
-        # status code for command-line application
-        self.statuscode = 0
-        # read config
-        self.tags = Tags(tags)
-        self.config = Config(confdir, CONFIG_FILENAME,
-                             confoverrides or {}, self.tags)
-        self.config.check_unicode(self.warn)
-        # set confdir to srcdir if -C given (!= no confdir); a few pieces
-        # of code expect a confdir to be set
-        if self.confdir is None:
-            self.confdir = self.srcdir
-        # backwards compatibility: activate old C markup
-        self.setup_extension('sphinx.ext.oldcmarkup')
-        # load all user-given extension modules
-        for extension in self.config.extensions:
-            self.setup_extension(extension)
-        # the config file itself can be an extension
-        if self.config.setup:
-            self.config.setup(self)
-        # now that we know all config values, collect them from conf.py
-        self.config.init_values()
-        # check the Sphinx version if requested
-        if self.config.needs_sphinx and \
-           self.config.needs_sphinx > sphinx.__version__[:3]:
-            raise VersionRequirementError(
-                'This project needs at least Sphinx v%s and therefore cannot '
-                'be built with this version.' % self.config.needs_sphinx)
-        # set up translation infrastructure
-        self._init_i18n()
-        # set up the build environment
-        self._init_env(freshenv)
-        # set up the builder
-        self._init_builder(buildername)
-    def _init_i18n(self):
-        """
-        Load translated strings from the configured localedirs if
-        enabled in the configuration.
-        """
-        if self.config.language is not None:
-            self.info(bold('loading translations [%s]... ' %
-                           self.config.language), nonl=True)
-            locale_dirs = [None, path.join(package_dir, 'locale')] + \
-                [path.join(self.srcdir, x) for x in self.config.locale_dirs]
-        else:
-            locale_dirs = []
-        self.translator, has_translation = locale.init(locale_dirs,
-                                                       self.config.language)
-        if self.config.language is not None:
-            if has_translation:
-                self.info('done')
-            else:
-                self.info('locale not available')
-    def _init_env(self, freshenv):
-        if freshenv:
-            self.env = BuildEnvironment(self.srcdir, self.doctreedir,
-                                        self.config)
-            self.env.find_files(self.config)
-            for domain in self.domains.keys():
-                self.env.domains[domain] = self.domains[domain](self.env)
-        else:
-            try:
-                self.info(bold('loading pickled environment... '), nonl=True)
-                self.env = BuildEnvironment.frompickle(self.config,
-                    path.join(self.doctreedir, ENV_PICKLE_FILENAME))
-                self.env.domains = {}
-                for domain in self.domains.keys():
-                    # this can raise if the data version doesn't fit
-                    self.env.domains[domain] = self.domains[domain](self.env)
-                self.info('done')
-            except Exception, err:
-                if type(err) is IOError and err.errno == ENOENT:
-                    self.info('not yet created')
-                else:
-                    self.info('failed: %s' % err)
-                return self._init_env(freshenv=True)
-        self.env.set_warnfunc(self.warn)
-    def _init_builder(self, buildername):
-        if buildername is None:
-            print >>self._status, 'No builder selected, using default: html'
-            buildername = 'html'
-        if buildername not in self.builderclasses:
-            raise SphinxError('Builder name %s not registered' % buildername)
-        builderclass = self.builderclasses[buildername]
-        if isinstance(builderclass, tuple):
-            # builtin builder
-            mod, cls = builderclass
-            builderclass = getattr(
-                __import__('sphinx.builders.' + mod, None, None, [cls]), cls)
-        self.builder = builderclass(self)
-        self.emit('builder-inited')
-    def build(self, force_all=False, filenames=None):
-        try:
-            if force_all:
-                self.builder.build_all()
-            elif filenames:
-                self.builder.build_specific(filenames)
-            else:
-                self.builder.build_update()
-        except Exception, err:
-            self.emit('build-finished', err)
-            raise
-        else:
-            self.emit('build-finished', None)
-        self.builder.cleanup()
-    def warn(self, message, location=None, prefix='WARNING: '):
-        if isinstance(location, tuple):
-            docname, lineno = location
-            if docname:
-                location = '%s:%s' % (self.env.doc2path(docname), lineno or '')
-            else:
-                location = None
-        warntext = location and '%s: %s%s\n' % (location, prefix, message) or \
-                   '%s%s\n' % (prefix, message)
-        if self.warningiserror:
-            raise SphinxWarning(warntext)
-        self._warncount += 1
-        try:
-            self._warning.write(warntext)
-        except UnicodeEncodeError:
-            encoding = getattr(self._warning, 'encoding', 'ascii') or 'ascii'
-            self._warning.write(warntext.encode(encoding, 'replace'))
-    def info(self, message='', nonl=False):
-        try:
-            self._status.write(message)
-        except UnicodeEncodeError:
-            encoding = getattr(self._status, 'encoding', 'ascii') or 'ascii'
-            self._status.write(message.encode(encoding, 'replace'))
-        if not nonl:
-            self._status.write('\n')
-        self._status.flush()
-    # general extensibility interface
-    def setup_extension(self, extension):
-        """Import and setup a Sphinx extension module. No-op if called twice."""
-        if extension in self._extensions:
-            return
-        try:
-            mod = __import__(extension, None, None, ['setup'])
-        except ImportError, err:
-            raise ExtensionError('Could not import extension %s' % extension,
-                                 err)
-        if not hasattr(mod, 'setup'):
-            self.warn('extension %r has no setup() function; is it really '
-                      'a Sphinx extension module?' % extension)
-        else:
-            try:
-                mod.setup(self)
-            except VersionRequirementError, err:
-                # add the extension name to the version required
-                raise VersionRequirementError(
-                    'The %s extension used by this project needs at least '
-                    'Sphinx v%s; it therefore cannot be built with this '
-                    'version.' % (extension, err))
-        self._extensions[extension] = mod
-    def require_sphinx(self, version):
-        # check the Sphinx version if requested
-        if version > sphinx.__version__[:3]:
-            raise VersionRequirementError(version)
-    def import_object(self, objname, source=None):
-        """Import an object from a 'module.name' string."""
-        try:
-            module, name = objname.rsplit('.', 1)
-        except ValueError, err:
-            raise ExtensionError('Invalid full object name %s' % objname +
-                                 (source and ' (needed for %s)' % source or ''),
-                                 err)
-        try:
-            return getattr(__import__(module, None, None, [name]), name)
-        except ImportError, err:
-            raise ExtensionError('Could not import %s' % module +
-                                 (source and ' (needed for %s)' % source or ''),
-                                 err)
-        except AttributeError, err:
-            raise ExtensionError('Could not find %s' % objname +
-                                 (source and ' (needed for %s)' % source or ''),
-                                 err)
-    # event interface
-    def _validate_event(self, event):
-        event = intern(event)
-        if event not in self._events:
-            raise ExtensionError('Unknown event name: %s' % event)
-    def connect(self, event, callback):
-        self._validate_event(event)
-        listener_id = self.next_listener_id
-        if event not in self._listeners:
-            self._listeners[event] = {listener_id: callback}
-        else:
-            self._listeners[event][listener_id] = callback
-        self.next_listener_id += 1
-        return listener_id
-    def disconnect(self, listener_id):
-        for event in self._listeners.itervalues():
-            event.pop(listener_id, None)
-    def emit(self, event, *args):
-        results = []
-        if event in self._listeners:
-            for _, callback in self._listeners[event].iteritems():
-                results.append(callback(self, *args))
-        return results
-    def emit_firstresult(self, event, *args):
-        for result in self.emit(event, *args):
-            if result is not None:
-                return result
-        return None
-    # registering addon parts
-    def add_builder(self, builder):
-        if not hasattr(builder, 'name'):
-            raise ExtensionError('Builder class %s has no "name" attribute'
-                                 % builder)
-        if builder.name in self.builderclasses:
-            if isinstance(self.builderclasses[builder.name], tuple):
-                raise ExtensionError('Builder %r is a builtin builder' %
-                                     builder.name)
-            else:
-                raise ExtensionError(
-                    'Builder %r already exists (in module %s)' % (
-                    builder.name, self.builderclasses[builder.name].__module__))
-        self.builderclasses[builder.name] = builder
-    def add_config_value(self, name, default, rebuild):
-        if name in self.config.values:
-            raise ExtensionError('Config value %r already present' % name)
-        if rebuild in (False, True):
-            rebuild = rebuild and 'env' or ''
-        self.config.values[name] = (default, rebuild)
-    def add_event(self, name):
-        if name in self._events:
-            raise ExtensionError('Event %r already present' % name)
-        self._events[name] = ''
-    def add_node(self, node, **kwds):
-        nodes._add_node_class_names([node.__name__])
-        for key, val in kwds.iteritems():
-            try:
-                visit, depart = val
-            except ValueError:
-                raise ExtensionError('Value for key %r must be a '
-                                     '(visit, depart) function tuple' % key)
-            if key == 'html':
-                from sphinx.writers.html import HTMLTranslator as translator
-            elif key == 'latex':
-                from sphinx.writers.latex import LaTeXTranslator as translator
-            elif key == 'text':
-                from sphinx.writers.text import TextTranslator as translator
-            elif key == 'man':
-                from sphinx.writers.manpage import ManualPageTranslator \
-                    as translator
-            else:
-                # ignore invalid keys for compatibility
-                continue
-            setattr(translator, 'visit_'+node.__name__, visit)
-            if depart:
-                setattr(translator, 'depart_'+node.__name__, depart)
-    def _directive_helper(self, obj, content=None, arguments=None, **options):
-        if isinstance(obj, (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType)):
-            obj.content = content
-            obj.arguments = arguments or (0, 0, False)
-            obj.options = options
-            return convert_directive_function(obj)
-        else:
-            if content or arguments or options:
-                raise ExtensionError('when adding directive classes, no '
-                                     'additional arguments may be given')
-            return obj
-    def add_directive(self, name, obj, content=None, arguments=None, **options):
-        directives.register_directive(
-            name, self._directive_helper(obj, content, arguments, **options))
-    def add_role(self, name, role):
-        roles.register_local_role(name, role)
-    def add_generic_role(self, name, nodeclass):
-        # don't use roles.register_generic_role because it uses
-        # register_canonical_role
-        role = roles.GenericRole(name, nodeclass)
-        roles.register_local_role(name, role)
-    def add_domain(self, domain):
-        if domain.name in self.domains:
-            raise ExtensionError('domain %s already registered' % domain.name)
-        self.domains[domain.name] = domain
-    def override_domain(self, domain):
-        if domain.name not in self.domains:
-            raise ExtensionError('domain %s not yet registered' % domain.name)
-        if not issubclass(domain, self.domains[domain.name]):
-            raise ExtensionError('new domain not a subclass of registered '
-                                 'domain' % domain.name)
-        self.domains[domain.name] = domain
-    def add_directive_to_domain(self, domain, name, obj,
-                                content=None, arguments=None, **options):
-        if domain not in self.domains:
-            raise ExtensionError('domain %s not yet registered' % domain)
-        self.domains[domain].directives[name] = \
-            self._directive_helper(obj, content, arguments, **options)
-    def add_role_to_domain(self, domain, name, role):
-        if domain not in self.domains:
-            raise ExtensionError('domain %s not yet registered' % domain)
-        self.domains[domain].roles[name] = role
-    def add_index_to_domain(self, domain, name, localname, shortname, func):
-        if domain not in self.domains:
-            raise ExtensionError('domain %s not yet registered' % domain)
-        self.domains[domain].indices.append((name, localname, shortname))
-        setattr(self.domains[domain], 'get_%s_index' % name, func)
-    def add_object_type(self, directivename, rolename, indextemplate='',
-                        parse_node=None, ref_nodeclass=None, objname='',
-                        doc_field_types=[]):
-        StandardDomain.object_types[directivename] = \
-            ObjType(objname or directivename, rolename)
-        # create a subclass of GenericObject as the new directive
-        new_directive = type(directivename, (GenericObject, object),
-                             {'indextemplate': indextemplate,
-                              'parse_node': staticmethod(parse_node),
-                              'doc_field_types': doc_field_types})
-        StandardDomain.directives[directivename] = new_directive
-        # XXX support more options?
-        StandardDomain.roles[rolename] = XRefRole(innernodeclass=ref_nodeclass)
-    # backwards compatible alias
-    add_description_unit = add_object_type
-    def add_crossref_type(self, directivename, rolename, indextemplate='',
-                          ref_nodeclass=None, objname=''):
-        StandardDomain.object_types[directivename] = \
-            ObjType(objname or directivename, rolename)
-        # create a subclass of Target as the new directive
-        new_directive = type(directivename, (Target, object),
-                             {'indextemplate': indextemplate})
-        StandardDomain.directives[directivename] = new_directive
-        # XXX support more options?
-        StandardDomain.roles[rolename] = XRefRole(innernodeclass=ref_nodeclass)
-    def add_transform(self, transform):
-        SphinxStandaloneReader.transforms.append(transform)
-    def add_javascript(self, filename):
-        from sphinx.builders.html import StandaloneHTMLBuilder
-        if '://' in filename:
-            StandaloneHTMLBuilder.script_files.append(filename)
-        else:
-            StandaloneHTMLBuilder.script_files.append(
-                posixpath.join('_static', filename))
-    def add_stylesheet(self, filename):
-        from sphinx.builders.html import StandaloneHTMLBuilder
-        StandaloneHTMLBuilder.css_files.append(
-            posixpath.join('_static', filename))
-    def add_lexer(self, alias, lexer):
-        from sphinx.highlighting import lexers
-        if lexers is None:
-            return
-        lexers[alias] = lexer
-    def add_autodocumenter(self, cls):
-        from sphinx.ext import autodoc
-        autodoc.add_documenter(cls)
-        self.add_directive('auto' + cls.objtype, autodoc.AutoDirective)
-    def add_autodoc_attrgetter(self, type, getter):
-        from sphinx.ext import autodoc
-        autodoc.AutoDirective._special_attrgetters[type] = getter
-class TemplateBridge(object):
-    """
-    This class defines the interface for a "template bridge", that is, a class
-    that renders templates given a template name and a context.
-    """
-    def init(self, builder, theme=None, dirs=None):
-        """
-        Called by the builder to initialize the template system.
-        *builder* is the builder object; you'll probably want to look at the
-        value of ``builder.config.templates_path``.
-        *theme* is a :class:`sphinx.theming.Theme` object or None; in the latter
-        case, *dirs* can be list of fixed directories to look for templates.
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented in subclasses')
-    def newest_template_mtime(self):
-        """
-        Called by the builder to determine if output files are outdated
-        because of template changes.  Return the mtime of the newest template
-        file that was changed.  The default implementation returns ``0``.
-        """
-        return 0
-    def render(self, template, context):
-        """
-        Called by the builder to render a template given as a filename with a
-        specified context (a Python dictionary).
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented in subclasses')
-    def render_string(self, template, context):
-        """
-        Called by the builder to render a template given as a string with a
-        specified context (a Python dictionary).
-        """
-        raise NotImplementedError('must be implemented in subclasses')
diff --git a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/text-base/cmdline.py.svn-base b/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/text-base/cmdline.py.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib/cpython-doc/tools/sphinx/.svn/text-base/cmdline.py.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-    sphinx.cmdline
-    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-    sphinx-build command-line handling.
-    :copyright: Copyright 2007-2011 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
-    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
-import os
-import sys
-import getopt
-import traceback
-from os import path
-from docutils.utils import SystemMessage
-from sphinx import __version__
-from sphinx.errors import SphinxError
-from sphinx.application import Sphinx
-from sphinx.util import Tee, format_exception_cut_frames, save_traceback
-from sphinx.util.console import red, nocolor, color_terminal
-def usage(argv, msg=None):
-    if msg:
-        print >>sys.stderr, msg
-        print >>sys.stderr
-    print >>sys.stderr, """\
-Sphinx v%s
-Usage: %s [options] sourcedir outdir [filenames...]
-Options: -b <builder> -- builder to use; default is html
-         -a        -- write all files; default is to only write \
-new and changed files
-         -E        -- don't use a saved environment, always read all files
-         -t <tag>  -- include "only" blocks with <tag>
-         -d <path> -- path for the cached environment and doctree files
-                      (default: outdir/.doctrees)
-         -c <path> -- path where configuration file (conf.py) is located
-                      (default: same as sourcedir)
-         -C        -- use no config file at all, only -D options
-         -D <setting=value> -- override a setting in configuration
-         -A <name=value>    -- pass a value into the templates, for HTML builder
-         -n        -- nit-picky mode, warn about all missing references
-         -N        -- do not do colored output
-         -q        -- no output on stdout, just warnings on stderr
-         -Q        -- no output at all, not even warnings
-         -w <file> -- write warnings (and errors) to given file
-         -W        -- turn warnings into errors
-         -P        -- run Pdb on exception
-* without -a and without filenames, write new and changed files.
-* with -a, write all files.
-* with filenames, write these.""" % (__version__, argv[0])
-def main(argv):
-    if not color_terminal():
-        # Windows' poor cmd box doesn't understand ANSI sequences
-        nocolor()
-    try:
-        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'ab:t:d:c:CD:A:ng:NEqQWw:P')
-        allopts = set(opt[0] for opt in opts)
-        srcdir = confdir = path.abspath(args[0])
-        if not path.isdir(srcdir):
-            print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: Cannot find source directory.'
-            return 1
-        if not path.isfile(path.join(srcdir, 'conf.py')) and \
-               '-c' not in allopts and '-C' not in allopts:
-            print >>sys.stderr, ('Error: Source directory doesn\'t '
-                                 'contain conf.py file.')
-            return 1
-        outdir = path.abspath(args[1])
-        if not path.isdir(outdir):
-            print >>sys.stderr, 'Making output directory...'
-            os.makedirs(outdir)
-    except (IndexError, getopt.error):
-        usage(argv)
-        return 1
-    filenames = args[2:]
-    err = 0
-    for filename in filenames:
-        if not path.isfile(filename):
-            print >>sys.stderr, 'Cannot find file %r.' % filename
-            err = 1
-    if err:
-        return 1
-    # likely encoding used for command-line arguments
-    try:
-        locale = __import__('locale')  # due to submodule of the same name
-        likely_encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
-    except Exception:
-        likely_encoding = None
-    buildername = None
-    force_all = freshenv = warningiserror = use_pdb = False
-    status = sys.stdout
-    warning = sys.stderr
-    error = sys.stderr
-    warnfile = None
-    confoverrides = {}
-    tags = []
-    doctreedir = path.join(outdir, '.doctrees')
-    for opt, val in opts:
-        if opt == '-b':
-            buildername = val
-        elif opt == '-a':
-            if filenames:
-                usage(argv, 'Cannot combine -a option and filenames.')
-                return 1
-            force_all = True
-        elif opt == '-t':
-            tags.append(val)
-        elif opt == '-d':
-            doctreedir = path.abspath(val)
-        elif opt == '-c':
-            confdir = path.abspath(val)
-            if not path.isfile(path.join(confdir, 'conf.py')):
-                print >>sys.stderr, ('Error: Configuration directory '
-                                     'doesn\'t contain conf.py file.')
-                return 1
-        elif opt == '-C':
-            confdir = None
-        elif opt == '-D':
-            try:
-                key, val = val.split('=')
-            except ValueError:
-                print >>sys.stderr, ('Error: -D option argument must be '
-                                     'in the form name=value.')
-                return 1
-            try:
-                val = int(val)
-            except ValueError:
-                if likely_encoding:
-                    try:
-                        val = val.decode(likely_encoding)
-                    except UnicodeError:
-                        pass
-            confoverrides[key] = val
-        elif opt == '-A':
-            try:
-                key, val = val.split('=')
-            except ValueError:
-                print >>sys.stderr, ('Error: -A option argument must be '
-                                     'in the form name=value.')
-                return 1
-            try:
-                val = int(val)
-            except ValueError:
-                if likely_encoding:
-                    try:
-                        val = val.decode(likely_encoding)
-                    except UnicodeError:
-                        pass
-            confoverrides['html_context.%s' % key] = val
-        elif opt == '-n':
-            confoverrides['nitpicky'] = True
-        elif opt == '-N':
-            nocolor()
-        elif opt == '-E':
-            freshenv = True
-        elif opt == '-q':
-            status = None
-        elif opt == '-Q':
-            status = None
-            warning = None
-        elif opt == '-W':
-            warningiserror = True
-        elif opt == '-w':
-            warnfile = val
-        elif opt == '-P':
-            use_pdb = True
-    if warning and warnfile:
-        warnfp = open(warnfile, 'w')
-        warning = Tee(warning, warnfp)
-        error = warning
-    try:
-        app = Sphinx(srcdir, confdir, outdir, doctreedir, buildername,
-                     confoverrides, status, warning, freshenv,
-                     warningiserror, tags)
-        app.build(force_all, filenames)

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