[pypy-commit] pypy cffi-libs: backport package.py, build_cffi_imports from py3.6

mattip pypy.commits at gmail.com
Mon May 20 15:22:08 EDT 2019

Author: Matti Picus <matti.picus at gmail.com>
Branch: cffi-libs
Changeset: r96648:8ae1951978c7
Date: 2019-05-20 22:21 +0300

Log:	backport package.py, build_cffi_imports from py3.6

diff --git a/pypy/tool/build_cffi_imports.py b/pypy/tool/build_cffi_imports.py
--- a/pypy/tool/build_cffi_imports.py
+++ b/pypy/tool/build_cffi_imports.py
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
 from __future__ import print_function
-import sys, shutil, os
+import sys, shutil, os, tempfile, hashlib
+from os.path import join
 class MissingDependenciesError(Exception):
 cffi_build_scripts = {
+    "_ssl": "_ssl_build.py",
     "sqlite3": "_sqlite3_build.py",
     "audioop": "_audioop_build.py",
     "tk": "_tkinter/tklib_build.py",
@@ -17,10 +19,125 @@
     "xx": None,    # for testing: 'None' should be completely ignored
-def create_cffi_import_libraries(pypy_c, options, basedir):
+# for distribution, we may want to fetch dependencies not provided by
+# the OS, such as a recent openssl/libressl.
+cffi_dependencies = {
+    '_ssl': ('http://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/LibreSSL/libressl-2.6.2.tar.gz',
+            'b029d2492b72a9ba5b5fcd9f3d602c9fd0baa087912f2aaecc28f52f567ec478',
+            ['--without-openssldir']),
+    '_gdbm': ('http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gdbm/gdbm-1.13.tar.gz',
+              '9d252cbd7d793f7b12bcceaddda98d257c14f4d1890d851c386c37207000a253',
+              ['--without-readline']),
+def _unpack_tarfile(filename, extract_dir):
+    """Unpack tar/tar.gz/tar.bz2/tar.xz `filename` to `extract_dir`
+    """
+    import tarfile  # late import for breaking circular dependency
+    try:
+        tarobj = tarfile.open(filename)
+    except tarfile.TarError:
+        raise ReadError(
+            "%s is not a compressed or uncompressed tar file" % filename)
+    try:
+        tarobj.extractall(extract_dir)
+    finally:
+        tarobj.close()
+def _sha256(filename):
+    dgst = hashlib.sha256()
+    with open(filename, 'rb') as fp:
+        dgst.update(fp.read())
+    return dgst.hexdigest()
+def _build_dependency(name, destdir, patches=[]):
+    import multiprocessing
+    import shutil
+    import subprocess
     from rpython.tool.runsubprocess import run_subprocess
-    shutil.rmtree(str(basedir.join('lib_pypy', '__pycache__')),
+    try:
+        from urllib.request import urlretrieve
+    except ImportError:
+        from urllib import urlretrieve
+    try:
+        url, dgst, args = cffi_dependencies[name]
+    except KeyError:
+        return 0, None, None
+    archive_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'pypy-archives')
+    if not os.path.isdir(archive_dir):
+        os.makedirs(archive_dir)
+    archive = os.path.join(archive_dir, url.rsplit('/', 1)[-1])
+    # next, fetch the archive to disk, if needed
+    if not os.path.exists(archive) or _sha256(archive) != dgst:
+        print('fetching archive', url, file=sys.stderr)
+        urlretrieve(url, archive)
+    # extract the archive into our destination directory
+    print('unpacking archive', archive, file=sys.stderr)
+    _unpack_tarfile(archive, destdir)
+    sources = os.path.join(
+        destdir,
+        os.path.basename(archive)[:-7],
+    )
+    # apply any patches
+    if patches:
+        for patch in patches:
+            print('applying patch', patch, file=sys.stderr)
+            status, stdout, stderr = run_subprocess(
+                '/usr/bin/patch', ['-p1', '-i', patch], cwd=sources,
+            )
+            if status != 0:
+                return status, stdout, stderr
+    print('configuring', sources, file=sys.stderr)
+    # configure & build it
+    status, stdout, stderr = run_subprocess(
+        './configure',
+        [
+            '--prefix=/usr',
+            '--disable-shared',
+            '--enable-silent-rules',
+            '--disable-dependency-tracking',
+        ] + args,
+        cwd=sources,
+    )
+    if status != 0:
+        return status, stdout, stderr
+    print('building', sources, file=sys.stderr)
+    status, stdout, stderr = run_subprocess(
+        'make',
+        [
+            '-s', '-j' + str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()),
+            'install', 'DESTDIR={}/'.format(destdir),
+        ],
+        cwd=sources,
+    )
+    return status, stdout, stderr
+def create_cffi_import_libraries(pypy_c, options, basedir, only=None,
+                                 embed_dependencies=False):
+    from rpython.tool.runsubprocess import run_subprocess
+    shutil.rmtree(str(join(basedir,'lib_pypy','__pycache__')),
     # be sure pip, setuptools are installed in a fresh pypy
     # allows proper functioning of cffi on win32 with newer vc compilers
@@ -29,24 +146,72 @@
     if status  != 0:
         status, stdout, stderr = run_subprocess(str(pypy_c), ['-m', 'ensurepip'])
     failures = []
-    env = os.environ.copy()
-    if sys.platform == 'win32':
-        env['INCLUDE'] = r'..\externals\include;' + env.get('INCLUDE', '')
-        env['LIB'] = r'..\externals\lib;' + env.get('LIB', '')
-        env['PATH'] = r'..\externals\bin;' + env.get('PATH', '')
-    for key, module in sorted(cffi_build_scripts.items()):
+    for key, module in cffi_build_scripts.items():
+        if only and key not in only:
+            print("* SKIPPING", key, '(not specified in --only)')
+            continue
         if module is None or getattr(options, 'no_' + key, False):
+        # the key is the module name, has it already been built?
+        status, stdout, stderr = run_subprocess(str(pypy_c), ['-c', 'import %s' % key])
+        if status  == 0:
+            print('*', ' %s already built' % key, file=sys.stderr)
+            continue
         if module.endswith('.py'):
             args = [module]
-            cwd = str(basedir.join('lib_pypy'))
+            cwd = str(join(basedir,'lib_pypy'))
             args = ['-c', 'import ' + module]
             cwd = None
+        env = os.environ.copy()
         print('*', ' '.join(args), file=sys.stderr)
+        if embed_dependencies:
+            curdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+            destdir = os.path.join(curdir, 'dest')
+            shutil.rmtree(destdir, ignore_errors=True)
+            os.makedirs(destdir)
+            if key == '_ssl' and sys.platform == 'darwin':
+                # this patch is loosely inspired by an Apple and adds
+                # a fallback to the OS X roots when none are available
+                patches = [
+                    os.path.join(curdir,
+                                 '../../lib_pypy/_cffi_ssl/osx-roots.diff'),
+                ]
+            else:
+                patches = []
+            status, stdout, stderr = _build_dependency(key, destdir,
+                                                       patches=patches)
+            if status != 0:
+                failures.append((key, module))
+                print("stdout:")
+                print(stdout.decode('utf-8'))
+                print("stderr:")
+                print(stderr.decode('utf-8'))
+                continue
+            env['CPPFLAGS'] = \
+                '-I{}/usr/include {}'.format(destdir, env.get('CPPFLAGS', ''))
+            env['LDFLAGS'] = \
+                '-L{}/usr/lib {}'.format(destdir, env.get('LDFLAGS', ''))
+            if key == '_ssl' and sys.platform == 'darwin':
+                # needed for our roots patch
+                env['LDFLAGS'] += ' -framework CoreFoundation -framework Security'
+        elif sys.platform == 'win32':
+            env['INCLUDE'] = r'..\externals\include;' + env.get('INCLUDE', '')
+            env['LIB'] = r'..\externals\lib;' + env.get('LIB', '')
+            env['PATH'] = r'..\externals\bin;' + env.get('PATH', '')
             status, stdout, stderr = run_subprocess(str(pypy_c), args,
-                                                     cwd=cwd, env=env)
+                                                    cwd=cwd, env=env)
             if status != 0:
                 print(stdout, stderr, file=sys.stderr)
                 failures.append((key, module))
@@ -56,6 +221,7 @@
     return failures
 if __name__ == '__main__':
+    import argparse
     if '__pypy__' not in sys.builtin_module_names:
         print('Call with a pypy interpreter', file=sys.stderr)
@@ -64,21 +230,35 @@
     base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(tool_dir))
     sys.path.insert(0, base_dir)
-    import py
     class Options(object):
-    exename = py.path.local(sys.executable) 
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Build all cffi backends in lib_pypy')
+    parser.add_argument('--exefile', dest='exefile', default=sys.executable,
+                        help='instead of executing sys.executable' \
+                             ' you can specify an alternative pypy vm here')
+    parser.add_argument('--only', dest='only', default=None,
+                        help='Only build the modules delimited by a colon. E.g. _ssl,sqlite')
+    parser.add_argument('--embed-dependencies', dest='embed_dependencies', action='store_true',
+        help='embed dependencies for distribution')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    exename = join(os.getcwd(), args.exefile)
     basedir = exename
-    while not basedir.join('include').exists():
-        _basedir = basedir.dirpath()
+    while not os.path.exists(join(basedir,'include')):
+        _basedir = os.path.dirname(basedir)
         if _basedir == basedir:
             raise ValueError('interpreter %s not inside pypy repo', 
         basedir = _basedir
     options = Options()
-    failures = create_cffi_import_libraries(exename, options, basedir)
+    if args.only is None:
+        only = None
+    else:
+        only = set(args.only.split(','))
+    failures = create_cffi_import_libraries(exename, options, basedir, only=only,
+                                            embed_dependencies=args.embed_dependencies)
     if len(failures) > 0:
         print('*** failed to build the CFFI modules %r' % (
             [f[1] for f in failures],), file=sys.stderr)
@@ -97,7 +277,7 @@
         for k in cffi_build_scripts:
             setattr(options, 'no_' + k, True)
         must_fail = '_missing_build_script.py'
-        assert not os.path.exists(str(basedir.join('lib_pypy').join(must_fail)))
+        assert not os.path.exists(str(join(join(basedir,'lib_pypy'),must_fail)))
         cffi_build_scripts['should_fail'] = must_fail
-        failures = create_cffi_import_libraries(exename, options, basedir)
+        failures = create_cffi_import_libraries(exename, options, basedir, only=only)
         assert len(failures) == 1
diff --git a/pypy/tool/release/package.py b/pypy/tool/release/package.py
--- a/pypy/tool/release/package.py
+++ b/pypy/tool/release/package.py
@@ -83,7 +83,11 @@
     if not _fake and not pypy_runs(pypy_c):
         raise OSError("Running %r failed!" % (str(pypy_c),))
     if not options.no_cffi:
-        failures = create_cffi_import_libraries(pypy_c, options, basedir)
+        failures = create_cffi_import_libraries(
+            str(pypy_c), options, str(basedir),
+            embed_dependencies=options.embed_dependencies,
+        )
         for key, module in failures:
             print >>sys.stderr, """!!!!!!!!!!\nBuilding {0} bindings failed.
                 You can either install development headers package,
@@ -262,11 +266,16 @@
     return retval, builddir # for tests
 def package(*args, **kwds):
-    try:
-        import argparse
-    except ImportError:
-        import imp
-        argparse = imp.load_source('argparse', 'lib-python/2.7/argparse.py')
+    import argparse
+    class NegateAction(argparse.Action):
+        def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, nargs=0, **kwargs):
+            super(NegateAction, self).__init__(option_strings, dest, nargs,
+                                               **kwargs)
+        def __call__(self, parser, ns, values, option):
+            setattr(ns, self.dest, option[2:4] != 'no')
     if sys.platform == 'win32':
         pypy_exe = 'pypy.exe'
@@ -288,7 +297,7 @@
     parser.add_argument('--no-keep-debug', dest='keep_debug',
                         action='store_false', help='do not keep debug symbols')
     parser.add_argument('--rename_pypy_c', dest='pypy_c', type=str, default=pypy_exe,
-        help='target executable name, defaults to "pypy"')
+        help='target executable name, defaults to "%s"' % pypy_exe)
     parser.add_argument('--archive-name', dest='name', type=str, default='',
     parser.add_argument('--builddir', type=str, default='',
@@ -296,13 +305,21 @@
     parser.add_argument('--targetdir', type=str, default='',
         help='destination dir for archive')
     parser.add_argument('--override_pypy_c', type=str, default='',
-        help='use as pypy exe instead of pypy/goal/pypy-c')
+        help='use as pypy3 exe instead of pypy/goal/pypy3-c')
+    parser.add_argument('--embedded-dependencies', '--no-embedded-dependencies',
+                        dest='embed_dependencies',
+                        action=NegateAction,
+                        default=(sys.platform == 'darwin'),
+                        help='whether to embed dependencies for distribution '
+                        '(default on OS X)')
     options = parser.parse_args(args)
     if os.environ.has_key("PYPY_PACKAGE_NOKEEPDEBUG"):
         options.keep_debug = False
     if os.environ.has_key("PYPY_PACKAGE_WITHOUTTK"):
         options.no_tk = True
+    if os.environ.has_key("PYPY_EMBED_DEPENDENCIES"):
+        options.embed_dependencies = True
     if not options.builddir:
         # The import actually creates the udir directory
         from rpython.tool.udir import udir

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