[pypy-commit] pypy arm64: merge

fijal pypy.commits at gmail.com
Fri Jul 5 01:35:43 EDT 2019

Author: fijal
Branch: arm64
Changeset: r96951:88dea7ad32c8
Date: 2019-07-05 07:34 +0200

Log:	merge

diff --git a/rpython/jit/backend/aarch64/regalloc.py b/rpython/jit/backend/aarch64/regalloc.py
--- a/rpython/jit/backend/aarch64/regalloc.py
+++ b/rpython/jit/backend/aarch64/regalloc.py
@@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@
             if box.type == REF and self.rm.is_still_alive(box):
                 assert not noregs
                 assert loc.is_core_reg()
-                val = loc.value
+                val = self.cpu.all_reg_indexes[loc.value]
                 gcmap[val // WORD // 8] |= r_uint(1) << (val % (WORD * 8))
         for box, loc in self.fm.bindings.iteritems():
             if box.type == REF and self.rm.is_still_alive(box):
@@ -1137,4 +1137,4 @@
     if hasattr(Regalloc, methname):
         func = getattr(Regalloc, methname).im_func
         comp_operations[value] = func
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rpython/translator/c/src/stacklet/slp_platformselect.h b/rpython/translator/c/src/stacklet/slp_platformselect.h
--- a/rpython/translator/c/src/stacklet/slp_platformselect.h
+++ b/rpython/translator/c/src/stacklet/slp_platformselect.h
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
 #include "switch_x86_gcc.h" /* gcc on X86 */
 #elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__arm__)
 #include "switch_arm_gcc.h" /* gcc on arm */
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__aarch64__)
+#include "switch_aarch64_gcc.h" /* gcc on aarch64 */
 #elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__PPC64__)
 #include "switch_ppc64_gcc.h" /* gcc on ppc64 */
 #elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__mips__) && defined(_ABI64)
diff --git a/rpython/translator/c/src/stacklet/switch_aarch64_gcc.h b/rpython/translator/c/src/stacklet/switch_aarch64_gcc.h
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpython/translator/c/src/stacklet/switch_aarch64_gcc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+static void *slp_switch(void *(*save_state)(void*, void*),
+                        void *(*restore_state)(void*, void*),
+                        void *extra) __attribute__((noinline));
+static void *slp_switch(void *(*save_state)(void*, void*),
+                        void *(*restore_state)(void*, void*),
+                        void *extra)
+  void *result;
+  /*
+      registers to preserve: x18-x28, x29(fp), x30(lr), and v8-v15
+      registers marked as clobbered: x0-x18
+      Note that x18 appears in both lists; see below.
+      Don't assume gcc saves any register for us when generating
+      code for slp_switch().
+      The values 'save_state', 'restore_state' and 'extra' are first moved
+      by gcc to some registers that are not marked as clobbered, so >= x19.
+      Similarly, gcc expects 'result' to be in a register >= x19.
+      We don't want x18 to be used here, because of some special meaning
+      it might have.
+      This means that three of the values we happen to save and restore
+      will, in fact, contain the three arguments, and one of these values
+      will, in fact, not be restored at all but receive 'result'.
+      The following two points may no longer be true, because "x30" is
+      now present in the clobbered list, but the extra workarounds we
+      do might be safer just in case:
+          (1) Careful writing "blr %[...]": if gcc resolves it to x30---and it
+          can!---then you're in trouble, because "blr x30" does not jump
+          anywhere at all (it probably loads the current position into x30
+          before it jumps to x30...)
+          (2) Also, because "%[...]" can resolve to x30, we can't use that after
+          the first call.  Instead, we need to copy the values somewhere
+          safe, like x24 and x25.  We do that in such an order that it should
+          work even if any of the "%[...]" expressions becomes x24 or x25 too.
+  */
+  __asm__ volatile (
+    /* The stack is supposed to be aligned as necessary already.
+       Save 13 registers from x18 to x30, plus 8 from v8 to v15 */
+    "stp x29, x30, [sp, -176]!\n"
+    "stp x18, x19, [sp, 16]\n"
+    "stp x20, x21, [sp, 32]\n"
+    "stp x22, x23, [sp, 48]\n"
+    "stp x24, x25, [sp, 64]\n"
+    "stp x26, x27, [sp, 80]\n"
+    "str x28,      [sp, 96]\n"
+    "str d8,  [sp, 104]\n"
+    "str d9,  [sp, 112]\n"
+    "str d10, [sp, 120]\n"
+    "str d11, [sp, 128]\n"
+    "str d12, [sp, 136]\n"
+    "str d13, [sp, 144]\n"
+    "str d14, [sp, 152]\n"
+    "str d15, [sp, 160]\n"
+    "mov x0, sp\n"        	/* arg 1: current (old) stack pointer */
+    "mov x1, %[extra]\n"   	/* arg 2: extra, from >= x18          */
+    "mov x3, %[save_state]\n"
+    "mov x24, %[restore_state]\n"   /* save restore_state => x24 */
+    "mov x25, x1\n"                 /* save extra => x25 */
+    "blr x3\n"			/* call save_state()                  */
+    /* skip the rest if the return value is null */
+    "cbz x0, zero\n"
+    "mov sp, x0\n"			/* change the stack pointer */
+	/* From now on, the stack pointer is modified, but the content of the
+	stack is not restored yet.  It contains only garbage here. */
+    "mov x1, x25\n"		/* arg 2: extra                       */
+                /* arg 1: current (new) stack pointer is already in x0*/
+    "blr x24\n"			/* call restore_state()               */
+    /* The stack's content is now restored. */
+    "zero:\n"
+    /* Restore all saved registers */
+    "ldp x18, x19, [sp, 16]\n"
+    "ldp x20, x21, [sp, 32]\n"
+    "ldp x22, x23, [sp, 48]\n"
+    "ldp x24, x25, [sp, 64]\n"
+    "ldp x26, x27, [sp, 80]\n"
+    "ldr x28,      [sp, 96]\n"
+    "ldr d8,  [sp, 104]\n"
+    "ldr d9,  [sp, 112]\n"
+    "ldr d10, [sp, 120]\n"
+    "ldr d11, [sp, 128]\n"
+    "ldr d12, [sp, 136]\n"
+    "ldr d13, [sp, 144]\n"
+    "ldr d14, [sp, 152]\n"
+    "ldr d15, [sp, 160]\n"
+    "ldp x29, x30, [sp], 176\n"
+    /* Move x0 into the final location of 'result' */
+    "mov %[result], x0\n"
+    : [result]"=r"(result)	/* output variables */
+	/* input variables  */
+    : [restore_state]"r"(restore_state),
+      [save_state]"r"(save_state),
+      [extra]"r"(extra)
+    : "x0", "x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5", "x6", "x7", "x8", "x9",
+      "x10", "x11", "x12", "x13", "x14", "x15", "x16", "x17", "x18",
+      "memory", "cc", "x30"  // x30==lr
+  );
+  return result;

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