[pypy-commit] pypy.org nikola: update content, make theme look about like other site

mattip pypy.commits at gmail.com
Mon Dec 30 08:32:05 EST 2019

Author: Matti Picus <matti.picus at gmail.com>
Branch: nikola
Changeset: r968:6fb6953b8617
Date: 2019-12-30 15:29 +0200

Log:	update content, make theme look about like other site

diff too long, truncating to 2000 out of 2403 lines

diff --git a/conf.py b/conf.py
--- a/conf.py
+++ b/conf.py
@@ -139,16 +139,26 @@
-        ('/index.html', '<image src="images/pypy-logo-nav.png" alt=PyPy/>'),
-        ('/features.html', 'What is PyPy?'),
+        ('/index.html', '<image src="images/pypy-logo.svg" width=75 alt=PyPy>'),
+        (
+            (
+                ('/features.html', 'What is PyPy?'),
+                ('/compat.html', 'Compatibility'),
+                ('/performance.html', 'Performance'),
+            ),
+            'Features',
+        ),
         ('/download.html', 'Download'),
-        ('/compat.html', 'Compatibility'),
-        ('/performance.html', 'Performance'),
         ('http://doc.pypy.org', 'Dev Documentation'),
         ('http://morepypy.blogspot.com', 'Blog'),
-        ('/people.html', 'People'),
-        ('/contact.html', 'Contact'),
-        ("/rss.xml", "RSS feed"),
+        (
+            (
+                ('/people.html', 'People'),
+                ('/contact.html', 'Contact'),
+            ),
+            'About',
+        ),
+        #("/rss.xml", "RSS feed"),
@@ -944,7 +954,11 @@
 # A small copyright notice for the page footer (in HTML).
 # (translatable)
-CONTENT_FOOTER = 'Contents © {date}         <a href="mailto:{email}">{author}</a> - Powered by         <a href="https://getnikola.com" rel="nofollow">Nikola</a>         {license}'
+<img src="images/pypy-logo-nav-grey.png" alt="PyPy Logo" />  Contents ©
+{date} <a href="mailto:{email}">{author}</a> Powered by <a
+href="https://getnikola.com" rel="nofollow">Nikola</a> {license}
 # Things that will be passed to CONTENT_FOOTER.format().  This is done
 # for translatability, as dicts are not formattable.  Nikola will
diff --git a/image/pypy-logo-nav-grey.png b/image/pypy-logo-nav-grey.png
new file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0ac40afe49713efe05dd296a619862e5ee7f00cb
GIT binary patch


diff --git a/image/pypy-logo.svg b/image/pypy-logo.svg
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/image/pypy-logo.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
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+		c-1.2,3.1,0.3,6.6,3.4,7.8c3.1,1.2,6.6-0.3,7.8-3.4l0,0l7-18.3C361,98.6,361.4,96.6,361.4,94.4z"/>
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+		c0.1-0.4,0.1-0.9,0.2-1.3c0-0.1,0-0.3,0.1-0.4c0-0.1,0-0.2,0-0.4c0-0.4,0-0.7,0-1.1c0-0.3,0-0.5,0-0.8l0,0c-0.3-3.4-2-6.4-4.3-8.6
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GIT binary patch


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new file mode 100644
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GIT binary patch


diff --git a/pages/compat.rst b/pages/compat.rst
--- a/pages/compat.rst
+++ b/pages/compat.rst
@@ -14,17 +14,11 @@
 PyPy3 implements the Python language version 3.6.9.  It has been released,
 but Python is a large language and it is quite possible that a few things are missing.
-.. class:: download_menu
-   `List of installable top 1000 PyPI packages`_
 PyPy has support for the `CPython C API`_, however there are constructs
 that are `not compatible`.  We strongly advise use of `CFFI`_
 instead. CFFI come builtin with PyPy. Many libraries will require
 a bit of effort to work, but there are known success stories. Check out
-PyPy blog for updates, as well as the `Compatibility Wiki`__.
-.. __: https://bitbucket.org/pypy/compatibility/wiki/Home
+PyPy blog for updates
 C extensions need to be recompiled for PyPy in order to work. Depending on
 your build system, it might work out of the box or will be slightly harder.
@@ -33,11 +27,11 @@
 library are implemented in pure python, so they don't have to be listed
 there. Please just check if it imports. If it imports, it should work.
-* ``__builtin__, __pypy__, _ast, _cffi_backend, _codecs, _collections, _continuation, _csv, _file, _hashlib, _io, _locale, _lsprof, _md5, _minimal_curses, _multibytecodec, _multiprocessing, _numpypy, _pickle_support, _pypyjson, _random, _rawffi, _sha, _socket, _sre, _ssl, _struct, _testing, _warnings, _weakref, array, binascii, bz2, cStringIO, cmath, cppyy, cpyext, crypt, errno, exceptions, fcntl, gc, imp, itertools, marshal, math, mmap, operator, parser, posix, pwd, pyexpat, pypyjit, select, signal, symbol, sys, termios, thread, time, token, unicodedata, zipimport, zlib``
+``__builtin__, __pypy__, _ast, _cffi_backend, _codecs, _collections, _continuation, _csv, _file, _hashlib, _io, _locale, _lsprof, _md5, _minimal_curses, _multibytecodec, _multiprocessing, _numpypy, _pickle_support, _pypyjson, _random, _rawffi, _sha, _socket, _sre, _ssl, _struct, _testing, _warnings, _weakref, array, binascii, bz2, cStringIO, cmath, cppyy, cpyext, crypt, errno, exceptions, fcntl, gc, imp, itertools, marshal, math, mmap, operator, parser, posix, pwd, pyexpat, pypyjit, select, signal, symbol, sys, termios, thread, time, token, unicodedata, zipimport, zlib``
-Supported, but written in pure Python:
+Supported, and written in pure Python:
-* ``cPickle, ctypes, datetime, dbm, _functools, grp, readline, resource, sqlite3, syslog``
+``cPickle, ctypes, datetime, dbm, _functools, grp, readline, resource, sqlite3, syslog``
 All modules that are pure python in CPython of course work.
@@ -79,14 +73,6 @@
 .. code-block:: python
-    f = open("filename", "w")
-    f.write("stuff")
-    f.close()
-or using the ``with`` keyword
-.. code-block:: python
     with open("filename", "w") as f:
@@ -95,12 +81,11 @@
 In that case, you can easily hit the system limit on the number of file
 descriptors that are allowed to be opened at the same time.
-Since release 5.4, PyPy can be run with the command-line option ``-X
-track-resources`` (as in, ``pypy -X track-resources myprogram.py``).
-This produces a ResourceWarning when the GC closes a non-closed file or
-socket.  The traceback for the place where the file or socket was
-allocated is given as well, which aids finding places where ``close()``
-is missing.
+PyPy can be run with the command-line option ``-X track-resources`` (as in,
+``pypy -X track-resources myprogram.py``). This produces a ``ResourceWarning``
+when the GC closes a non-closed file or socket.  The traceback for the place
+where the file or socket was allocated is given as well, which aids finding
+places where ``close()`` is missing.
 Similarly, remember that you must ``close()`` a non-exhausted
 generator in order to have its pending ``finally`` or ``with``
diff --git a/pages/download.rst b/pages/download.rst
--- a/pages/download.rst
+++ b/pages/download.rst
@@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
 .. link: 
 .. description: 
-.. class:: download_menu
+.. contents::
+    :depth: 2
+.. note::
   There are `nightly binary builds`_ available. Those builds are not always
   as stable as the release, but they contain numerous bugfixes and
@@ -24,19 +27,6 @@
 .. _what's new in PyPy 7.3.0?: http://doc.pypy.org/en/latest/release-v7.3.0.html
-.. class:: download_menu
- * Download
-   * `Default (with a JIT Compiler)`_
-   * `Other versions`_
- * `Installing`_ (optional)
- * `Installing more modules`_
- * `Building from source`_
- * `Packaging`_
- * `Checksums`_
 .. _`Default (with a JIT Compiler)`:
 "JIT Compiler" version
@@ -83,7 +73,7 @@
 * or translate_ your own PyPy.
-.. class:: download_menu
+.. note::
     SSL Certificates
diff --git a/pages/features.rst b/pages/features.rst
--- a/pages/features.rst
+++ b/pages/features.rst
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
-.. title: What is PyPy?
+.. title: PyPy - Features
 .. slug: features
 .. date: 2019-12-28 16:14:02 UTC
 .. tags: 
 .. category: 
 .. link: 
-.. description: 
+.. author: The PyPy Team
+.. description: What is PyPy and what are its features
-PyPy is a replacement for CPython.  It is built using the RPython
+**PyPy** is a replacement for CPython.  It is built using the RPython
 language that was co-developed with it.  The main reason to use it
 instead of CPython is speed: it runs generally faster (see next section).
@@ -39,16 +40,17 @@
 .. _`System Z (s390x)`: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/System/390
 .. _`howtohelp`: howtohelp.html
+.. |---| unicode:: U+2014  .. em dash, trimming surrounding whitespace
+   :trim:
 The main features of PyPy:
 Our `main executable`_ comes with a Just-in-Time compiler.  It is
-`really fast`_ in running most benchmarks --- including very large and
+`really fast`_ in running most benchmarks |---| including very large and
 complicated Python applications, not just 10-liners.
 There are two cases that you should be aware where PyPy will *not* be
@@ -72,7 +74,7 @@
 Memory usage
 Memory-hungry Python programs (several hundreds of MBs or more) might
 end up taking less space than they do in CPython.  It is not always
@@ -81,7 +83,7 @@
 Support for Stackless_ and greenlets are now integrated in the normal
 PyPy.  More detailed information is available here__.
@@ -91,7 +93,7 @@
 Other features
 PyPy has many secondary features and semi-independent
 projects.  We will mention here:
@@ -105,7 +107,7 @@
 PyPy's *sandboxing* is a working prototype for the idea of running untrusted
 user programs. Unlike other sandboxing approaches for Python, PyPy's does not
@@ -113,28 +115,32 @@
 calls to external libraries (C or platform) with a stub that communicates
 with an external process handling the policy.
-| **Please be aware that it is a prototype only.**  *It needs work to become  |
-| more complete, and you are welcome to help.  In particular, almost none     |
-| of the extension modules work (not even* ``time`` *), and* ``pypy_interact``|
-| *is merely a demo.  Also, a more complete system would include a way        |
-| to do the same as* ``pypy_interact`` *from other languages than Python,     |
-| to embed a sandboxed interpreter inside programs written in other           |
-| languages.*                                                                 |
+.. note::
+    **Please be aware that it is a prototype only.**  It needs work to become  
+    more complete, and you are welcome to help.  In particular, almost none     
+    of the extension modules work (not even ``time`` ), and ``pypy_interact``
+    is merely a demo.  Also, a more complete system would include a way        
+    to do the same as ``pypy_interact`` from other languages than Python,     
+    to embed a sandboxed interpreter inside programs written in other           
+    languages. 
 To run the sandboxed process, you need to get the full sources and
 build ``pypy-sandbox`` from it (see `Building from source`_).  These
 instructions give you a ``pypy-c`` that you should rename to
-``pypy-sandbox`` to avoid future confusion.  Then run::
+``pypy-sandbox`` to avoid future confusion.  Then run:
-   cd pypy/sandbox
-   pypy_interact.py path/to/pypy-sandbox
-   # don't confuse it with pypy/goal/pyinteractive.py!
+.. code-block:: bash
+    cd pypy/sandbox
+    pypy_interact.py path/to/pypy-sandbox
+    # don't confuse it with pypy/goal/pyinteractive.py!
 You get a fully sandboxed interpreter, in its own filesystem hierarchy
 (try ``os.listdir('/')``).  For example, you would run an untrusted
-script as follows::
+script as follows:
+.. code-block:: bash
    mkdir virtualtmp
    cp untrusted.py virtualtmp/
@@ -150,9 +156,6 @@
 .. _`Building from source`: download.html#building-from-source
 .. _`our documentation site`: http://pypy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/sandbox.html
 .. _`the cli-jit branch`: https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/src/cli-jit
 .. _`contact us`: contact.html
 .. _Prolog: https://bitbucket.org/cfbolz/pyrolog/
diff --git a/pages/index.rst b/pages/index.rst
--- a/pages/index.rst
+++ b/pages/index.rst
@@ -7,35 +7,76 @@
 .. description: 
 .. type: text
-PyPy is a `fast`_, `compliant`_ alternative implementation of the `Python`_
-language (2.7.13 and 3.6.9). It has several advantages and distinct features:
+.. raw:: html
-  * **Speed:** thanks to its Just-in-Time compiler, Python programs
-    often run `faster`_ on PyPy.  `(What is a JIT compiler?)`_
+    <div class="row">
+    <div class="column pb-4">
-    "If you want your code to run faster, you should probably just use PyPy."
+.. image:: images/pypy-logo.svg
+    :alt: PyPy logo
+    :width: 350px
+A `fast`_, `compliant`_ alternative implementation of `Python`_
+.. class:: button
+    `Get Started`_ : Download and install
+.. class:: button
+    `What is PyPy`_ : Features
+.. class:: button
+    `Documentation`_ (external link)
+.. _`Get Started`: download.html
+.. _`What is PyPy`: features.html
+.. _`Documentation`: https://doc.pypy.org
+.. raw:: html
+    </div>
+    <div class="column pb-4" "flex-basis: 400px">
+.. class:: small
+On average, PyPy is **4.4 times faser** than CPython
+.. figure:: images/pypy_speed_graph.png
+    :alt: PyPy vs. Python speed comparison graph"
+    :figclass: text-sm
+    PyPy trunk (with JIT) benchmark times normalized to CPython. Smaller is
+    better. Based on he geometric average of all benchmarks
+.. raw:: html
+    </div>
+    </div>
+    "If you want your code to run faster,
+    you should probably just use PyPy."
     -- Guido van Rossum (creator of Python)
-  * **Memory usage:** memory-hungry Python programs (several hundreds of
-    MBs or more) might end up taking `less space`_ than they do in CPython.
+**Advantages and distinct Features**
-  * **Compatibility:** PyPy is `highly compatible`_ with existing python code.
-    It supports `cffi`_ and can run popular python libraries like `twisted`_
-    and `django`_.
+* **Speed:** thanks to its Just-in-Time compiler, Python programs
+  often run `faster`_ on PyPy.  `(What is a JIT compiler?)`_
-  * **Stackless:** PyPy comes by default with support for `stackless mode`_,
-    providing micro-threads for massive concurrency.
+* **Memory usage:** memory-hungry Python programs (several hundreds of
+  MBs or more) might end up taking `less space`_ than they do in CPython.
-  * As well as other `features`_.
+* **Compatibility:** PyPy is `highly compatible`_ with existing python code.
+  It supports `cffi`_, `cppyy`_, and can run popular python libraries like
+  `twisted`_ and `django`_.
-.. class:: download
+* **Stackless:** PyPy comes by default with support for `stackless mode`_,
+  providing micro-threads for massive concurrency.
-`Download and try out PyPy`__
-.. __: download.html
-Want to know more? A good place to start is our detailed `speed`_ and
-`compatibility`_ reports!
+* As well as other `features`_.
 .. _`stackless mode`: features.html#stackless
 .. _`Python`: http://python.org/
@@ -48,6 +89,7 @@
 .. _`twisted`: https://twistedmatrix.com/
 .. _`django`: https://www.djangoproject.com/
 .. _`cffi`: https://cffi.readthedocs.org
+.. _`cppyy`: https://cppyy.readthedocs.org
 .. _`features`: features.html
 .. _`less space`: http://morepypy.blogspot.com/2009/10/gc-improvements.html
 .. _`highly compatible`: compat.html
diff --git a/themes/pypy/assets/css/styles.css b/themes/pypy/assets/css/styles.css
--- a/themes/pypy/assets/css/styles.css
+++ b/themes/pypy/assets/css/styles.css
@@ -1,1070 +1,143 @@
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-/* Chrome hack: SVG is rendered more smooth in Windozze. 100% magic, uncomment if you need it. */
-/* Note, that will break hinting! In other OS-es font will be not as sharp as it could be */
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-  /* For safety - reset parent styles, that can break glyph codes*/
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-  /* fix buttons height, for twitter bootstrap */
-  line-height: 1em;
-  /* Animation center compensation - margins should be symmetric */
-  /* remove if not needed */
-  margin-left: .2em;
-  /* you can be more comfortable with increased icons size */
-  /* font-size: 120%; */
-  /* Font smoothing. That was taken from TWBS */
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-  -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
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-     Animation example, for spinners
-  */
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-    transform: rotate(359deg); } }
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-    transform: rotate(0deg); }
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-    -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg);
-    transform: rotate(359deg); } }
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-    transform: rotate(0deg); }
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-    -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg);
-    transform: rotate(359deg); } }
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-    transform: rotate(0deg); }
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-    -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg);
-    transform: rotate(359deg); } }
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-    -o-transform: rotate(0deg);
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-    transform: rotate(0deg); }
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-    -o-transform: rotate(359deg);
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-.navbar-menu {

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