[pypy-commit] pypy unicode-utf8-py3: rework logic of space.newtext() to special case None as CPython does

mattip pypy.commits at gmail.com
Tue Oct 16 07:31:41 EDT 2018

Author: Matti Picus <matti.picus at gmail.com>
Branch: unicode-utf8-py3
Changeset: r95216:87307b6c75cd
Date: 2018-10-16 14:11 +0300

Log:	rework logic of space.newtext() to special case None as CPython does

diff --git a/pypy/objspace/std/unicodeobject.py b/pypy/objspace/std/unicodeobject.py
--- a/pypy/objspace/std/unicodeobject.py
+++ b/pypy/objspace/std/unicodeobject.py
@@ -187,19 +187,18 @@
     def descr_new(space, w_unicodetype, w_object=None, w_encoding=None,
         if w_object is None:
-            w_object = W_UnicodeObject.EMPTY
-        w_obj = w_object
-        encoding, errors, allow_surrogates = _get_encoding_and_errors(space, w_encoding,
-                                                                      w_errors)
-        if encoding is None and errors is None:
-            # this is very quick if w_obj is already a w_unicode
-            w_value = unicode_from_object(space, w_obj)
+            w_value = W_UnicodeObject.EMPTY
-            if space.isinstance_w(w_obj, space.w_unicode):
-                raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError,
+            encoding, errors, allow_surrogates = _get_encoding_and_errors(space,
+                                                          w_encoding, w_errors)
+            if encoding is None and errors is None:
+                # this is very quick if w_object is already a w_unicode
+                w_value = unicode_from_object(space, w_object)
+            else:
+                if space.isinstance_w(w_object, space.w_unicode):
+                    raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError,
                             "decoding str is not supported")
-            w_value = unicode_from_encoded_object(space, w_obj,
+                w_value = unicode_from_encoded_object(space, w_object,
                                                   encoding, errors)
         if space.is_w(w_unicodetype, space.w_unicode):
             return w_value

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