[pypy-commit] pypy py3.6-wordcode: also emit BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP for regular dicts (the implementation could be faster, but later)

cfbolz pypy.commits at gmail.com
Mon May 21 08:34:57 EDT 2018

Author: Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick <cfbolz at gmx.de>
Branch: py3.6-wordcode
Changeset: r94624:761a52b54b30
Date: 2018-05-21 14:09 +0200

Log:	also emit BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP for regular dicts (the implementation
	could be faster, but later)

diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/codegen.py b/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/codegen.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/codegen.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/codegen.py
@@ -1296,28 +1296,46 @@
         containers = 0
         elements = 0
         is_unpacking = False
+        all_constant_keys_w = None
         if d.values:
+            if len(d.keys) < 0xffff:
+                all_constant_keys_w = []
+                for key in d.keys:
+                    if key is None or key.as_constant() is None:
+                        all_constant_keys_w = None
+                        break
+                    else:
+                        all_constant_keys_w.append(key.as_constant())
             for i in range(len(d.values)):
                 key = d.keys[i]
                 is_unpacking = key is None
                 if elements == 0xFFFF or (elements and is_unpacking):
+                    assert all_constant_keys_w is None
                     self.emit_op_arg(ops.BUILD_MAP, elements)
                     containers += 1
                     elements = 0
                 if is_unpacking:
+                    assert all_constant_keys_w is None
                     containers += 1
-                    key.walkabout(self)
+                    if not all_constant_keys_w:
+                        key.walkabout(self)
                     elements += 1
         if elements or containers == 0:
-            self.emit_op_arg(ops.BUILD_MAP, elements)
-            containers += 1
+            if all_constant_keys_w:
+                w_tup = self.space.newtuple(all_constant_keys_w)
+                self.load_const(w_tup)
+                self.emit_op_arg(ops.BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP, elements)
+            else:
+                self.emit_op_arg(ops.BUILD_MAP, elements)
+                containers += 1
         # If there is more than one dict, they need to be merged into
         # a new dict. If there is one dict and it's an unpacking, then
         #it needs to be copied into a new dict.
         while containers > 1 or is_unpacking:
+            assert all_constant_keys_w is None
             oparg = min(containers, 255)
             self.emit_op_arg(ops.BUILD_MAP_UNPACK, oparg)
             containers -= (oparg - 1)
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/test/test_compiler.py b/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/test/test_compiler.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/test/test_compiler.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/test/test_compiler.py
@@ -1491,3 +1491,18 @@
             del []
         generate_function_code(source, self.space)
+    def test_make_constant_map(self):
+        source = """def f():
+            return {"A": 1, "b": 2}
+        """
+        counts = self.count_instructions(source)
+        assert ops.BUILD_MAP not in counts
+        source = """def f():
+            return {"a": 1, "b": {}, 1: {"a": x}}
+        """
+        counts = self.count_instructions(source)
+        assert counts[ops.BUILD_MAP] == 1 # the empty dict
+        assert counts[ops.BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP] == 2
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/test/test_pycode.py b/pypy/interpreter/test/test_pycode.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/test/test_pycode.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/test/test_pycode.py
@@ -14,6 +14,6 @@
         sys.stdout = stdout
     print '>>>\n' + output + '\n<<<'
-    assert ' 1 (7)' in output
+    assert ' 0 (7)' in output
     assert ' 4 (None)' in output
     assert ' 16 RETURN_VALUE' in output

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