[pypy-commit] pypy rpython-sprint: Fix formatting of code blocks from previous commit.

ariava pypy.commits at gmail.com
Mon Mar 19 10:23:24 EDT 2018

Author: Arianna Avanzini <avanzini.arianna at gmail.com>
Branch: rpython-sprint
Changeset: r94001:0c4b7c3e09fa
Date: 2018-03-19 15:22 +0100

Log:	Fix formatting of code blocks from previous commit.

diff --git a/rpython/doc/rpython.rst b/rpython/doc/rpython.rst
--- a/rpython/doc/rpython.rst
+++ b/rpython/doc/rpython.rst
@@ -263,18 +263,18 @@
 RPython provides a helper decorator to force RPython-level types on function
-arguments. The decorator, called `enforceargs()`, accepts as parameters the
+arguments. The decorator, called ``enforceargs()``, accepts as parameters the
 types expected to match the arguments of the function.
-Functions decorated with `enforceargs()` have their function signature analyzed
-and their RPython-level type inferred at import time (for further details about
-the flavor of translation performed in RPython, see the
+Functions decorated with ``enforceargs()`` have their function signature
+analyzed and their RPython-level type inferred at import time (for further
+details about the flavor of translation performed in RPython, see the
 `Annotation pass documentation`_). Encountering types not supported by RPython
-will raise a `TypeError`.
+will raise a ``TypeError``.
-`enforceargs()` by default also performs type checking of parameter types each
-time the function is invoked. To disable this behavior, it's possible to
-pass the `typecheck=False` parameter to the decorator.
+``enforceargs()`` by default also performs type checking of parameter types
+each time the function is invoked. To disable this behavior, it's possible to
+pass the ``typecheck=False`` parameter to the decorator.
 .. _Annotation pass documentation: http://rpython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/translation.html#annotator

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