[pypy-commit] pypy py3.6: merge py3.6-wordcode

cfbolz pypy.commits at gmail.com
Sat Jul 28 09:23:52 EDT 2018

Author: Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick <cfbolz at gmx.de>
Branch: py3.6
Changeset: r94914:2e5eb984c7fa
Date: 2018-07-28 15:22 +0200

Log:	merge py3.6-wordcode

	switch the py3.6 over to the new wordcode format introduced in
	CPython 3.6.

diff too long, truncating to 2000 out of 2009 lines

diff --git a/lib-python/3/opcode.py b/lib-python/3/opcode.py
--- a/lib-python/3/opcode.py
+++ b/lib-python/3/opcode.py
@@ -216,6 +216,7 @@
 def_op('BUILD_SET_UNPACK', 153)
 def_op('FORMAT_VALUE', 155)   # in CPython 3.6, but available in PyPy from 3.5
+def_op('BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP', 156)
 def_op('BUILD_STRING', 157)   # in CPython 3.6, but available in PyPy from 3.5
 # pypy modification, experimental bytecode
diff --git a/lib-python/3/test/test_opcodes.py b/lib-python/3/test/test_opcodes.py
--- a/lib-python/3/test/test_opcodes.py
+++ b/lib-python/3/test/test_opcodes.py
@@ -27,7 +27,9 @@
             with open(ann_module.__file__) as f:
                 txt = f.read()
             co = compile(txt, ann_module.__file__, 'exec')
-            self.assertEqual(co.co_firstlineno, 6)
+            # On PyPy, the lineno of multiline tokens is the *first* line, on
+            # CPython the last (CPython expects 6 here)
+            self.assertEqual(co.co_firstlineno, 3)
         except OSError:
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/assemble.py b/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/assemble.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/assemble.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/assemble.py
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
     def __init__(self, opcode, arg=0):
         self.opcode = opcode
         self.arg = arg
+        if opcode < ops.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
+            assert arg == 0
         self.lineno = 0
         self.has_jump = False
@@ -28,9 +30,33 @@
         """Return the size of bytes of this instruction when it is
-        if self.opcode >= ops.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
-            return (6 if self.arg > 0xFFFF else 3)
-        return 1
+        if self.arg <= 0xff:
+            return 2
+        if self.arg <= 0xffff:
+            return 4
+        if self.arg <= 0xffffff:
+            return 6
+        return 8
+    def encode(self, code):
+        opcode = self.opcode
+        arg = self.arg
+        size = self.size()
+        if size == 8:
+            code.append(chr(ops.EXTENDED_ARG))
+            code.append(chr((arg >> 24) & 0xff))
+            assert ((arg >> 24) & 0xff) == (arg >> 24)
+        if size >= 6:
+            code.append(chr(ops.EXTENDED_ARG))
+            code.append(chr((arg >> 16) & 0xff))
+        if size >= 4:
+            code.append(chr(ops.EXTENDED_ARG))
+            code.append(chr((arg >> 8) & 0xff))
+        if size >= 2:
+            code.append(chr(opcode))
+            code.append(chr(arg & 0xff))
     def jump_to(self, target, absolute=False):
         """Indicate the target this jump instruction.
@@ -121,20 +147,9 @@
         """Encode the instructions in this block into bytecode."""
         code = []
         for instr in self.instructions:
-            opcode = instr.opcode
-            if opcode >= ops.HAVE_ARGUMENT:
-                arg = instr.arg
-                if instr.arg > 0xFFFF:
-                    ext = arg >> 16
-                    code.append(chr(ops.EXTENDED_ARG))
-                    code.append(chr(ext & 0xFF))
-                    code.append(chr(ext >> 8))
-                    arg &= 0xFFFF
-                code.append(chr(opcode))
-                code.append(chr(arg & 0xFF))
-                code.append(chr(arg >> 8))
-            else:
-                code.append(chr(opcode))
+            instr.encode(code)
+        assert len(code) == self.code_size()
+        assert len(code) & 1 == 0
         return ''.join(code)
@@ -185,6 +200,13 @@
         self.lineno = 0
         self.add_none_to_final_return = True
+    def _check_consistency(self, blocks):
+        current_off = 0
+        for block in blocks:
+            assert block.offset == current_off
+            for instr in block.instructions:
+                current_off += instr.size()
     def new_block(self):
         return Block()
@@ -315,14 +337,12 @@
     def _resolve_block_targets(self, blocks):
         """Compute the arguments of jump instructions."""
-        last_extended_arg_count = 0
         # The reason for this loop is extended jumps.  EXTENDED_ARG
-        # extends the bytecode size, so it might invalidate the offsets
-        # we've already given.  Thus we have to loop until the number of
-        # extended args is stable.  Any extended jump at all is
-        # extremely rare, so performance is not too concerning.
+        # extends the bytecode size, so it might invalidate the offsets we've
+        # already given.  Thus we have to loop until the size of all jump
+        # instructions is stable. Any extended jump at all is extremely rare,
+        # so performance should not be too concerning.
         while True:
-            extended_arg_count = 0
             offset = 0
             force_redo = False
             # Calculate the code offset of each block.
@@ -332,7 +352,8 @@
             for block in blocks:
                 offset = block.offset
                 for instr in block.instructions:
-                    offset += instr.size()
+                    size = instr.size()
+                    offset += size
                     if instr.has_jump:
                         target, absolute = instr.jump
                         op = instr.opcode
@@ -351,22 +372,21 @@
                                     instr.opcode = ops.RETURN_VALUE
                                     instr.arg = 0
                                     instr.has_jump = False
-                                    # The size of the code changed,
+                                    # The size of the code maybe have changed,
                                     # we have to trigger another pass
-                                    force_redo = True
+                                    if instr.size() != size:
+                                        force_redo = True
                         if absolute:
                             jump_arg = target.offset
                             jump_arg = target.offset - offset
                         instr.arg = jump_arg
-                        if jump_arg > 0xFFFF:
-                            extended_arg_count += 1
-            if (extended_arg_count == last_extended_arg_count and
-                not force_redo):
-                break
-            else:
-                last_extended_arg_count = extended_arg_count
+                        if instr.size() != size:
+                            force_redo = True
+            if not force_redo:
+                self._check_consistency(blocks)
+                return
     def _build_consts_array(self):
         """Turn the applevel constants dictionary into a list."""
@@ -738,7 +758,7 @@
     return -2 - _num_args(arg) - ((arg >> 16) & 0xFFFF)
 def _compute_MAKE_FUNCTION(arg):
-    return -1 - _num_args(arg) - ((arg >> 16) & 0xFFFF)
+    return -1 - bool(arg & 0x01) - bool(arg & 0x02) - bool(arg & 0x04) - bool(arg & 0x08)
 def _compute_BUILD_SLICE(arg):
     if arg == 3:
@@ -775,6 +795,9 @@
 def _compute_BUILD_STRING(arg):
     return 1 - arg
+def _compute_BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP(arg):
+    return  -arg
 _stack_effect_computers = {}
 for name, func in globals().items():
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/codegen.py b/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/codegen.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/codegen.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/codegen.py
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
         # if the scope contained an annotated variable assignemt,
         # this will emit the requisite SETUP_ANNOTATIONS
         if self.scope.contains_annotated and not isinstance(self, AbstractFunctionCodeGenerator):
-            self.emit_op(ops.SETUP_ANNOTATIONS)
+            return self.emit_op(ops.SETUP_ANNOTATIONS)
     def visit_Module(self, mod):
         if not self._handle_body(mod.body):
@@ -321,10 +321,11 @@
         self.add_none_to_final_return = False
-    def _make_function(self, code, num_defaults=0, qualname=None):
+    def _make_function(self, code, oparg=0, qualname=None):
         """Emit the opcodes to turn a code object into a function."""
         w_qualname = self.space.newtext(qualname or code.co_name)
         if code.co_freevars:
+            oparg = oparg | 0x08
             # Load cell and free vars to pass on.
             for free in code.co_freevars:
                 free_scope = self.scope.lookup(free)
@@ -335,24 +336,25 @@
                     index = self.free_vars[free]
                 self.emit_op_arg(ops.LOAD_CLOSURE, index)
             self.emit_op_arg(ops.BUILD_TUPLE, len(code.co_freevars))
-            self.load_const(code)
-            self.load_const(w_qualname)
-            self.emit_op_arg(ops.MAKE_CLOSURE, num_defaults)
-        else:
-            self.load_const(code)
-            self.load_const(w_qualname)
-            self.emit_op_arg(ops.MAKE_FUNCTION, num_defaults)
+        self.load_const(code)
+        self.load_const(w_qualname)
+        self.emit_op_arg(ops.MAKE_FUNCTION, oparg)
     def _visit_kwonlydefaults(self, args):
         defaults = 0
+        keys_w = []
         for i, default in enumerate(args.kw_defaults):
             if default:
                 kwonly = args.kwonlyargs[i]
                 assert isinstance(kwonly, ast.arg)
                 mangled = self.scope.mangle(kwonly.arg)
-                self.load_const(self.space.newtext(mangled))
+                keys_w.append(self.space.newtext(mangled))
                 defaults += 1
+        if keys_w:
+            w_tup = self.space.newtuple(keys_w)
+            self.load_const(w_tup)
+            self.emit_op_arg(ops.BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP, len(keys_w))
         return defaults
     def _visit_arg_annotation(self, name, ann, names):
@@ -387,7 +389,7 @@
                 self.error("too many annotations", func)
             w_tup = space.newtuple([space.newtext(name) for name in names])
-            l += 1
+            self.emit_op_arg(ops.BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP, l)
         return l
@@ -396,16 +398,25 @@
         # Load decorators first, but apply them after the function is created.
         args = func.args
         assert isinstance(args, ast.arguments)
+        oparg = 0
-        kw_default_count = 0
+        if args.defaults is not None and len(args.defaults):
+            oparg = oparg | 0x01
+            self.emit_op_arg(ops.BUILD_TUPLE, len(args.defaults))
         if args.kwonlyargs:
             kw_default_count = self._visit_kwonlydefaults(args)
+            if kw_default_count:
+                oparg = oparg | 0x02
         num_annotations = self._visit_annotations(func, args, func.returns)
-        num_defaults = len(args.defaults) if args.defaults is not None else 0
-        oparg = num_defaults
-        oparg |= kw_default_count << 8
-        oparg |= num_annotations << 16
+        if num_annotations:
+            oparg = oparg | 0x04
         code, qualname = self.sub_scope(function_code_generator, func.name,
                                         func, func.lineno)
         self._make_function(code, oparg, qualname=qualname)
@@ -425,15 +436,20 @@
         args = lam.args
         assert isinstance(args, ast.arguments)
-        kw_default_count = 0
+        oparg = 0
+        if args.defaults is not None and len(args.defaults):
+            oparg = oparg | 0x01
+            self.emit_op_arg(ops.BUILD_TUPLE, len(args.defaults))
         if args.kwonlyargs:
             kw_default_count = self._visit_kwonlydefaults(args)
-        default_count = len(args.defaults) if args.defaults is not None else 0
+            if kw_default_count:
+                oparg = oparg | 0x02
         code, qualname = self.sub_scope(
             LambdaCodeGenerator, "<lambda>", lam, lam.lineno)
-        oparg = default_count
-        oparg |= kw_default_count << 8
         self._make_function(code, oparg, qualname=qualname)
     def visit_ClassDef(self, cls):
@@ -1281,28 +1297,46 @@
         containers = 0
         elements = 0
         is_unpacking = False
+        all_constant_keys_w = None
         if d.values:
+            if len(d.keys) < 0xffff:
+                all_constant_keys_w = []
+                for key in d.keys:
+                    if key is None or key.as_constant() is None:
+                        all_constant_keys_w = None
+                        break
+                    else:
+                        all_constant_keys_w.append(key.as_constant())
             for i in range(len(d.values)):
                 key = d.keys[i]
                 is_unpacking = key is None
                 if elements == 0xFFFF or (elements and is_unpacking):
+                    assert all_constant_keys_w is None
                     self.emit_op_arg(ops.BUILD_MAP, elements)
                     containers += 1
                     elements = 0
                 if is_unpacking:
+                    assert all_constant_keys_w is None
                     containers += 1
-                    key.walkabout(self)
+                    if not all_constant_keys_w:
+                        key.walkabout(self)
                     elements += 1
         if elements or containers == 0:
-            self.emit_op_arg(ops.BUILD_MAP, elements)
-            containers += 1
+            if all_constant_keys_w:
+                w_tup = self.space.newtuple(all_constant_keys_w)
+                self.load_const(w_tup)
+                self.emit_op_arg(ops.BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP, elements)
+            else:
+                self.emit_op_arg(ops.BUILD_MAP, elements)
+                containers += 1
         # If there is more than one dict, they need to be merged into
         # a new dict. If there is one dict and it's an unpacking, then
         #it needs to be copied into a new dict.
         while containers > 1 or is_unpacking:
+            assert all_constant_keys_w is None
             oparg = min(containers, 255)
             self.emit_op_arg(ops.BUILD_MAP_UNPACK, oparg)
             containers -= (oparg - 1)
@@ -1699,6 +1733,12 @@
                                      symbols, compile_info, qualname=None)
     def _compile(self, tree):
+        if isinstance(tree, ast.Module):
+            if tree.body:
+                self.first_lineno = tree.body[0].lineno
+            else:
+                self.first_lineno = self.lineno = 1
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/test/test_astbuilder.py b/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/test/test_astbuilder.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/test/test_astbuilder.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/test/test_astbuilder.py
@@ -939,7 +939,7 @@
     def test_flufl(self):
         source = "x <> y"
-        raises(SyntaxError, self.get_ast, source)
+        py.test.raises(SyntaxError, self.get_ast, source)
         comp = self.get_first_expr(source,
         assert isinstance(comp, ast.Compare)
@@ -1167,7 +1167,7 @@
         s = self.get_first_expr("b'hi' b' implicitly' b' extra'")
         assert isinstance(s, ast.Bytes)
         assert space.eq_w(s.s, space.newbytes("hi implicitly extra"))
-        raises(SyntaxError, self.get_first_expr, "b'hello' 'world'")
+        py.test.raises(SyntaxError, self.get_first_expr, "b'hello' 'world'")
         sentence = u"Die Männer ärgern sich!"
         source = u"# coding: utf-7\nstuff = '%s'" % (sentence,)
         info = pyparse.CompileInfo("<test>", "exec")
@@ -1362,8 +1362,8 @@
         assert isinstance(if2, ast.Name)
     def test_cpython_issue12983(self):
-        raises(SyntaxError, self.get_ast, r"""b'\x'""")
-        raises(SyntaxError, self.get_ast, r"""b'\x0'""")
+        py.test.raises(SyntaxError, self.get_ast, r"""b'\x'""")
+        py.test.raises(SyntaxError, self.get_ast, r"""b'\x0'""")
     def test_matmul(self):
         mod = self.get_ast("a @ b")
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/test/test_compiler.py b/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/test/test_compiler.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/test/test_compiler.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/test/test_compiler.py
@@ -72,10 +72,9 @@
     def check(self, w_dict, evalexpr, expected):
         # for now, we compile evalexpr with CPython's compiler but run
         # it with our own interpreter to extract the data from w_dict
-        co_expr = compile(evalexpr, '<evalexpr>', 'eval')
         space = self.space
-        pyco_expr = PyCode._from_code(space, co_expr)
-        w_res = pyco_expr.exec_host_bytecode(w_dict, w_dict)
+        pyco_expr = space.createcompiler().compile(evalexpr, '<evalexpr>', 'eval', 0)
+        w_res = space.exec_(pyco_expr, w_dict, w_dict)
         res = space.str_w(space.repr(w_res))
         expected_repr = self.get_py3_repr(expected)
         if isinstance(expected, float):
@@ -1011,6 +1010,7 @@
         ("C4.__doc__", 'docstring'),
         ("C4.__doc__", 'docstring'),
         ("__doc__", None),])
     def test_remove_docstring(self, expr, result):
         source = '"module_docstring"\n' + """if 1:
         def f1():
@@ -1210,12 +1210,12 @@
         yield self.st, """z=f'{f"{0}"*3}'""", 'z', '000'
     def test_fstring_error(self):
-        raises(SyntaxError, self.run, "f'{}'")
-        raises(SyntaxError, self.run, "f'{   \t   }'")
-        raises(SyntaxError, self.run, "f'{5#}'")
-        raises(SyntaxError, self.run, "f'{5)#}'")
-        raises(SyntaxError, self.run, "f'''{5)\n#}'''")
-        raises(SyntaxError, self.run, "f'\\x'")
+        py.test.raises(SyntaxError, self.run, "f'{}'")
+        py.test.raises(SyntaxError, self.run, "f'{   \t   }'")
+        py.test.raises(SyntaxError, self.run, "f'{5#}'")
+        py.test.raises(SyntaxError, self.run, "f'{5)#}'")
+        py.test.raises(SyntaxError, self.run, "f'''{5)\n#}'''")
+        py.test.raises(SyntaxError, self.run, "f'\\x'")
     def test_fstring_encoding(self):
         src = """# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-\nz=ord(f'{"\xd8"}')\n"""
@@ -1512,3 +1512,18 @@
             del []
         generate_function_code(source, self.space)
+    def test_make_constant_map(self):
+        source = """def f():
+            return {"A": 1, "b": 2}
+        """
+        counts = self.count_instructions(source)
+        assert ops.BUILD_MAP not in counts
+        source = """def f():
+            return {"a": 1, "b": {}, 1: {"a": x}}
+        """
+        counts = self.count_instructions(source)
+        assert counts[ops.BUILD_MAP] == 1 # the empty dict
+        assert counts[ops.BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP] == 2
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/test/test_misc.py b/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/test/test_misc.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/test/test_misc.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/astcompiler/test/test_misc.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 from pypy.interpreter.astcompiler.misc import mangle
+from pypy.interpreter.astcompiler.assemble import Instruction, ops
 def test_mangle():
     assert mangle("foo", "Bar") == "foo"
@@ -13,6 +14,34 @@
     assert mangle("__foo", "___") == "__foo"
     assert mangle("___foo", "__Bar") == "_Bar___foo"
+def test_instruction_size():
+    assert Instruction(ops.POP_TOP).size() == 2
+    assert Instruction(ops.LOAD_FAST, 23).size() == 2
+    assert Instruction(ops.LOAD_FAST, 0xfff0).size() == 4
+    assert Instruction(ops.LOAD_FAST, 0x10000).size() == 6
+    assert Instruction(ops.LOAD_FAST, 0x1000000).size() == 8
+def test_instruction_encode():
+    c = []
+    Instruction(ops.POP_TOP).encode(c)
+    assert c == [chr(ops.POP_TOP), '\x00']
+    c = []
+    Instruction(ops.LOAD_FAST, 1).encode(c)
+    assert c == [chr(ops.LOAD_FAST), '\x01']
+    c = []
+    Instruction(ops.LOAD_FAST, 0x201).encode(c)
+    assert c == [chr(ops.EXTENDED_ARG), '\x02', chr(ops.LOAD_FAST), '\x01']
+    c = []
+    Instruction(ops.LOAD_FAST, 0x30201).encode(c)
+    assert c == [chr(ops.EXTENDED_ARG), '\x03', chr(ops.EXTENDED_ARG), '\x02', chr(ops.LOAD_FAST), '\x01']
+    c = []
+    Instruction(ops.LOAD_FAST, 0x5030201).encode(c)
+    assert c == [chr(ops.EXTENDED_ARG), '\x05', chr(ops.EXTENDED_ARG), '\x03', chr(ops.EXTENDED_ARG), '\x02', chr(ops.LOAD_FAST), '\x01']
 def app_test_warning_to_error_translation():
     import warnings
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/generator.py b/pypy/interpreter/generator.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/generator.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/generator.py
@@ -166,16 +166,20 @@
             # Normal case: the call above raises Yield.
             # We reach this point if the iterable is exhausted.
             last_instr = jit.promote(frame.last_instr)
+            assert last_instr & 1 == 0
             assert last_instr >= 0
-            return r_uint(last_instr + 1)
+            return r_uint(last_instr + 2)
         if isinstance(w_arg_or_err, SApplicationException):
             return frame.handle_generator_error(w_arg_or_err.operr)
         last_instr = jit.promote(frame.last_instr)
         if last_instr != -1:
+            assert last_instr & 1 == 0
-        return r_uint(last_instr + 1)
+            return r_uint(last_instr + 2)
+        else:
+            return r_uint(0)
     def next_yield_from(self, frame, w_yf, w_inputvalue_or_err):
         """Fetch the next item of the current 'yield from', push it on
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/interactive.py b/pypy/interpreter/interactive.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/interactive.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/interactive.py
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
             ec.bytecode_only_trace = self._orig_bytecode_only_trace
     def _do_bytecode_only_trace(self, frame):
-        from pypy.tool.pydis import Bytecode, HAVE_ARGUMENT
+        from pypy.tool import opcode3, dis3
         if frame.hide():
@@ -221,18 +221,12 @@
         next_instr = frame.last_instr
         opcode = ord(frame.pycode.co_code[next_instr])
+        oparg = ord(frame.pycode.co_code[next_instr+1])
-        oparg = 0
-        if opcode >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
-            lo = ord(frame.pycode.co_code[next_instr+1])
-            hi = ord(frame.pycode.co_code[next_instr+2])
-            oparg = (hi * 256) | lo
-        class fake:
-            code = frame.pycode
-        bytecode = Bytecode(fake, next_instr, oparg, 0)
+        argrepr = reprargstring(self.space, frame.pycode, opcode, oparg)
+        oprepr = opcode3.opname[opcode] + argrepr.ljust(5)
         print '\t%-19s %s' % (str(frame.pycode.co_name) + ':',
-                              bytecode.repr_with_space(self.space))
+                              oprepr)
     def checktrace(self):
@@ -255,3 +249,26 @@
 class IncompleteInput(Exception):
+def reprargstring(space, pycode, opcode, oparg):
+    """ return a string representation of any arguments. (empty for no args)"""
+    from pypy.tool import opcode3
+    if oparg is None:
+        return ''
+    s = repr(oparg).rjust(5) + " "
+    if opcode in opcode3.hasconst:
+        r = space.text_w(space.repr(pycode.co_consts_w[oparg]))
+        s += '(' + r + ')'
+    elif opcode in opcode3.hasname:
+        s +=  '(' + pycode.co_names[oparg] + ')'
+    elif opcode in opcode3.hasjrel:
+        s +=  '(to ' + repr(self.index + oparg) + ')'
+    elif opcode in opcode3.haslocal:
+        s +=  '(' + pycode.co_varnames[oparg] + ')'
+    elif opcode in opcode3.hascompare:
+        s +=  '(' + opcode3.cmp_op[oparg] + ')'
+    elif opcode in opcode3.hasfree:
+        free = pycode.co_cellvars + pycode.co_freevars
+        s +=  '(' + free[oparg] + ')'
+    return s
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/pycode.py b/pypy/interpreter/pycode.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/pycode.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/pycode.py
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 # time you make pyc files incompatible.  This value ends up in the frozen
 # importlib, via MAGIC_NUMBER in module/_frozen_importlib/__init__.
-pypy_incremental_magic = 128 # bump it by 16
+pypy_incremental_magic = 160 # bump it by 16
 assert pypy_incremental_magic % 16 == 0
 assert pypy_incremental_magic < 3000 # the magic number of Python 3. There are
                                      # no known magic numbers below this value
@@ -216,6 +216,7 @@
         Hack to initialize the code object from a real (CPython) one.
+        raise TypeError("assert reinterpretation for applevel tests is broken on PyPy3!")
         assert isinstance(code, types.CodeType)
         newconsts_w = [None] * len(code.co_consts)
         num = 0
@@ -301,11 +302,7 @@
     def exec_host_bytecode(self, w_globals, w_locals):
-        if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
-            raise Exception("PyPy no longer supports Python 2.6 or lower")
-        frame = self.space.FrameClass(self.space, self, w_globals, None)
-        frame.setdictscope(w_locals)
-        return frame.run()
+        raise Exception("no longer supported after the switch to wordcode!")
     def dump(self):
         """NOT_RPYTHON: A dis.dis() dump of the code object."""
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/pyframe.py b/pypy/interpreter/pyframe.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/pyframe.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/pyframe.py
@@ -691,6 +691,7 @@
         endblock = [-1]     # current finally/except block stack
         addr = 0
         while addr < len(code):
+            assert addr & 1 == 0
             op = ord(code[addr])
@@ -713,10 +714,7 @@
             if addr == self.last_instr:
                 f_lasti_handler_addr = endblock[-1]
-            if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
-                addr += 3
-            else:
-                addr += 1
+            addr += 2
         if len(blockstack) != 0 or len(endblock) != 1:
             raise oefmt(space.w_SystemError,
@@ -774,6 +772,7 @@
         self.getorcreatedebug().f_lineno = new_lineno
+        assert new_lasti & 1 == 0
         self.last_instr = new_lasti
     def get_last_lineno(self):
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/pyopcode.py b/pypy/interpreter/pyopcode.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/pyopcode.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/pyopcode.py
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
         co_code = pycode.co_code
             while True:
+                assert next_instr & 1 == 0
                 next_instr = self.handle_bytecode(co_code, next_instr, ec)
         except ExitFrame:
             return self.popvalue()
@@ -152,22 +153,17 @@
     def dispatch_bytecode(self, co_code, next_instr, ec):
         while True:
+            assert next_instr & 1 == 0
             self.last_instr = intmask(next_instr)
             if jit.we_are_jitted():
             next_instr = r_uint(self.last_instr)
+            assert next_instr & 1 == 0
             opcode = ord(co_code[next_instr])
-            next_instr += 1
-            if opcode >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
-                lo = ord(co_code[next_instr])
-                hi = ord(co_code[next_instr+1])
-                next_instr += 2
-                oparg = (hi * 256) | lo
-            else:
-                oparg = 0
+            oparg = ord(co_code[next_instr + 1])
+            next_instr += 2
             # note: the structure of the code here is such that it makes
             # (after translation) a big "if/elif" chain, which is then
@@ -175,12 +171,11 @@
             while opcode == opcodedesc.EXTENDED_ARG.index:
                 opcode = ord(co_code[next_instr])
+                arg = ord(co_code[next_instr + 1])
                 if opcode < HAVE_ARGUMENT:
                     raise BytecodeCorruption
-                lo = ord(co_code[next_instr+1])
-                hi = ord(co_code[next_instr+2])
-                next_instr += 3
-                oparg = (oparg * 65536) | (hi * 256) | lo
+                next_instr += 2
+                oparg = (oparg * 256) | arg
             if opcode == opcodedesc.RETURN_VALUE.index:
                 w_returnvalue = self.popvalue()
@@ -252,6 +247,8 @@
                 self.BINARY_TRUE_DIVIDE(oparg, next_instr)
             elif opcode == opcodedesc.BINARY_XOR.index:
                 self.BINARY_XOR(oparg, next_instr)
+            elif opcode == opcodedesc.BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP.index:
+                self.BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP(oparg, next_instr)
             elif opcode == opcodedesc.BUILD_LIST.index:
                 self.BUILD_LIST(oparg, next_instr)
             elif opcode == opcodedesc.BUILD_LIST_FROM_ARG.index:
@@ -362,8 +359,6 @@
                 self.LOAD_NAME(oparg, next_instr)
             elif opcode == opcodedesc.LOOKUP_METHOD.index:
                 self.LOOKUP_METHOD(oparg, next_instr)
-            elif opcode == opcodedesc.MAKE_CLOSURE.index:
-                self.MAKE_CLOSURE(oparg, next_instr)
             elif opcode == opcodedesc.MAKE_FUNCTION.index:
                 self.MAKE_FUNCTION(oparg, next_instr)
             elif opcode == opcodedesc.MAP_ADD.index:
@@ -1357,47 +1352,42 @@
         self.call_function(oparg, w_varkw, has_vararg=True)
-    def _make_function(self, oparg, freevars=None):
+    def MAKE_FUNCTION(self, oparg, next_instr):
         space = self.space
         w_qualname = self.popvalue()
         qualname = self.space.unicode_w(w_qualname)
         w_codeobj = self.popvalue()
         codeobj = self.space.interp_w(PyCode, w_codeobj)
-        if freevars is not None:
-            # Pop freevars
-            self.popvalue()
-        posdefaults = oparg & 0xFF
-        kwdefaults = (oparg >> 8) & 0xFF
-        num_annotations = (oparg >> 16) & 0xFF
-        w_ann = None
-        if num_annotations:
-            names_w = space.fixedview(self.popvalue())
-            w_ann = space.newdict(strdict=True)
-            for i in range(len(names_w) - 1, -1, -1):
-                space.setitem(w_ann, names_w[i], self.popvalue())
-        kw_defs_w = None
-        if kwdefaults:
-            kw_defs_w = []
-            for i in range(kwdefaults):
-                w_defvalue = self.popvalue()
-                w_defname = self.popvalue()
-                kw_defs_w.append((w_defname, w_defvalue))
-        defaultarguments = self.popvalues(posdefaults)
+        assert 0 <= oparg <= 0x0F
+        if oparg & 0x08:
+            w_freevarstuple = self.popvalue()
+            # XXX this list copy is expensive, it's purely for the annotator
+            freevars = [self.space.interp_w(Cell, cell)
+                        for cell in self.space.fixedview(w_freevarstuple)]
+        else:
+            freevars = None
+        if oparg & 0x04:
+            w_ann = self.popvalue()
+        else:
+            w_ann = None
+        if oparg & 0x02:
+            w_kw_defs = self.popvalue()
+            # XXX
+            kw_defs_w = [space.unpackiterable(w_tup)
+                            for w_tup in space.fixedview(
+                                space.call_method(w_kw_defs, 'items'))]
+        else:
+            kw_defs_w = None
+        if oparg & 0x01:
+            defaultarguments = space.fixedview(self.popvalue())
+        else:
+            defaultarguments = []
         fn = function.Function(space, codeobj, self.get_w_globals(),
                                kw_defs_w, freevars, w_ann, qualname=qualname)
-    def MAKE_FUNCTION(self, oparg, next_instr):
-        return self._make_function(oparg)
-    @jit.unroll_safe
-    def MAKE_CLOSURE(self, oparg, next_instr):
-        w_freevarstuple = self.peekvalue(2)
-        freevars = [self.space.interp_w(Cell, cell)
-                    for cell in self.space.fixedview(w_freevarstuple)]
-        self._make_function(oparg, freevars)
     def BUILD_SLICE(self, numargs, next_instr):
         if numargs == 3:
             w_step = self.popvalue()
@@ -1447,7 +1437,18 @@
             w_value = self.peekvalue(2 * i)
             w_key = self.peekvalue(2 * i + 1)
             self.space.setitem(w_dict, w_key, w_value)
-        self.popvalues(2 * itemcount)
+        self.dropvalues(2 * itemcount)
+        self.pushvalue(w_dict)
+    @jit.unroll_safe
+    def BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP(self, itemcount, next_instr):
+        keys_w = self.space.fixedview(self.popvalue())
+        w_dict = self.space.newdict()
+        for i in range(itemcount):
+            w_value = self.peekvalue(itemcount - 1 - i)
+            w_key = keys_w[i]
+            self.space.setitem(w_dict, w_key, w_value)
+        self.dropvalues(itemcount)
@@ -1456,7 +1457,7 @@
         for i in range(itemcount-1, -1, -1):
             w_item = self.peekvalue(i)
             self.space.call_method(w_set, 'add', w_item)
-        self.popvalues(itemcount)
+        self.dropvalues(itemcount)
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/test/test_annotations.py b/pypy/interpreter/test/test_annotations.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/test/test_annotations.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/test/test_annotations.py
@@ -132,3 +132,11 @@
+    def test_lineno(self):
+        s = """
+a: int
+        """
+        c = compile(s, "f", "exec")
+        assert c.co_firstlineno == 3
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/test/test_function.py b/pypy/interpreter/test/test_function.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/test/test_function.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/test/test_function.py
@@ -643,11 +643,20 @@
 class TestMethod:
-    def setup_method(self, method):
-        def c(self, bar):
-            return bar
-        code = PyCode._from_code(self.space, c.__code__)
-        self.fn = Function(self.space, code, self.space.newdict())
+    @classmethod
+    def compile(cls, src):
+        assert src.strip().startswith("def ")
+        compiler = cls.space.createcompiler()
+        code = compiler.compile(src, '<hello>', 'exec', 0).co_consts_w[0]
+        return Function(cls.space, code, cls.space.newdict())
+    def setup_class(cls):
+        src = """
+def c(self, bar):
+    return bar
+        """
+        cls.fn = cls.compile(src)
     def test_get(self):
         space = self.space
@@ -672,9 +681,7 @@
     def test_method_get(self):
         space = self.space
         # Create some function for this test only
-        def m(self): return self
-        func = Function(space, PyCode._from_code(self.space, m.__code__),
-                        space.newdict())
+        func = self.compile("def m(self): return self")
         # Some shorthands
         obj1 = space.wrap(23)
         obj2 = space.wrap(42)
@@ -696,6 +703,11 @@
         assert meth3 is func
 class TestShortcuts(object):
+    def compile(self, src):
+        assert src.strip().startswith("def ")
+        compiler = self.space.createcompiler()
+        code = compiler.compile(src, '<hello>', 'exec', 0).co_consts_w[0]
+        return Function(self.space, code, self.space.newdict())
     def test_call_function(self):
         space = self.space
@@ -703,14 +715,15 @@
         d = {}
         for i in range(10):
             args = "(" + ''.join(["a%d," % a for a in range(i)]) + ")"
-            exec """
+            src = """
 def f%s:
     return %s
-""" % (args, args) in d
+""" % (args, args)
+            exec src in d
             f = d['f']
             res = f(*range(i))
-            code = PyCode._from_code(self.space, f.__code__)
-            fn = Function(self.space, code, self.space.newdict())
+            fn = self.compile(src)
+            code = fn.code
             assert fn.code.fast_natural_arity == i|PyCode.FLATPYCALL
             if i < 5:
@@ -729,18 +742,18 @@
     def test_flatcall(self):
         space = self.space
-        def f(a):
-            return a
-        code = PyCode._from_code(self.space, f.__code__)
-        fn = Function(self.space, code, self.space.newdict())
+        src = """
+def f(a):
+    return a"""
+        fn = self.compile(src)
         assert fn.code.fast_natural_arity == 1|PyCode.FLATPYCALL
         def bomb(*args):
             assert False, "shortcutting should have avoided this"
-        code.funcrun = bomb
-        code.funcrun_obj = bomb
+        fn.code.funcrun = bomb
+        fn.code.funcrun_obj = bomb
         w_3 = space.newint(3)
         w_res = space.call_function(fn, w_3)
@@ -756,18 +769,19 @@
     def test_flatcall_method(self):
         space = self.space
-        def f(self, a):
-            return a
-        code = PyCode._from_code(self.space, f.__code__)
-        fn = Function(self.space, code, self.space.newdict())
+        src = """
+def f(self, a):
+    return a
+        fn = self.compile(src)
         assert fn.code.fast_natural_arity == 2|PyCode.FLATPYCALL
         def bomb(*args):
             assert False, "shortcutting should have avoided this"
-        code.funcrun = bomb
-        code.funcrun_obj = bomb
+        fn.code.funcrun = bomb
+        fn.code.funcrun_obj = bomb
         w_3 = space.newint(3)
         w_res = space.appexec([fn, w_3], """(f, x):
@@ -784,9 +798,11 @@
     def test_flatcall_default_arg(self):
         space = self.space
-        def f(a, b):
-            return a+b
-        code = PyCode._from_code(self.space, f.__code__)
+        src = """
+def f(a, b):
+    return a+b
+        code = self.compile(src).code
         fn = Function(self.space, code, self.space.newdict(),
@@ -813,9 +829,11 @@
     def test_flatcall_default_arg_method(self):
         space = self.space
-        def f(self, a, b):
-            return a+b
-        code = PyCode._from_code(self.space, f.__code__)
+        src = """
+def f(self, a, b):
+    return a+b
+        """
+        code = self.compile(src).code
         fn = Function(self.space, code, self.space.newdict(),
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/test/test_pycode.py b/pypy/interpreter/test/test_pycode.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/test/test_pycode.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/test/test_pycode.py
@@ -14,6 +14,6 @@
         sys.stdout = stdout
     print '>>>\n' + output + '\n<<<'
-    assert ' 1 (7)' in output
+    assert ' 0 (7)' in output
     assert ' 4 (None)' in output
-    assert ' 19 RETURN_VALUE ' in output
+    assert ' 16 RETURN_VALUE' in output
diff --git a/pypy/interpreter/test/test_zpy.py b/pypy/interpreter/test/test_zpy.py
--- a/pypy/interpreter/test/test_zpy.py
+++ b/pypy/interpreter/test/test_zpy.py
@@ -122,6 +122,3 @@
     # '5\n' --- this line sent to stderr
     assert ('\t<module>:           LOAD_NAME    0 (x)\n'
             '\t<module>:           PRINT_EXPR    0 \n') in output
-    assert ('\t<module>:           LOAD_CONST    0 (None)\n'
-            '\t<module>:           RETURN_VALUE    0 \n'
-            '>>>> ') in output
diff --git a/pypy/module/_ast/test/test_ast.py b/pypy/module/_ast/test/test_ast.py
--- a/pypy/module/_ast/test/test_ast.py
+++ b/pypy/module/_ast/test/test_ast.py
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@
     def test_bug_null_in_objspace_type(self):
         import ast
-        code = ast.Expression(lineno=1, col_offset=1, body=ast.ListComp(lineno=1, col_offset=1, elt=ast.Call(lineno=1, col_offset=1, func=ast.Name(lineno=1, col_offset=1, id='str', ctx=ast.Load(lineno=1, col_offset=1)), args=[ast.Name(lineno=1, col_offset=1, id='x', ctx=ast.Load(lineno=1, col_offset=1))], keywords=[]), generators=[ast.comprehension(lineno=1, col_offset=1, target=ast.Name(lineno=1, col_offset=1, id='x', ctx=ast.Store(lineno=1, col_offset=1)), iter=ast.List(lineno=1, col_offset=1, elts=[ast.Num(lineno=1, col_offset=1, n=23)], ctx=ast.Load(lineno=1, col_offset=1, )), ifs=[])]))
+        code = ast.Expression(lineno=1, col_offset=1, body=ast.ListComp(lineno=1, col_offset=1, elt=ast.Call(lineno=1, col_offset=1, func=ast.Name(lineno=1, col_offset=1, id='str', ctx=ast.Load(lineno=1, col_offset=1)), args=[ast.Name(lineno=1, col_offset=1, id='x', ctx=ast.Load(lineno=1, col_offset=1))], keywords=[]), generators=[ast.comprehension(lineno=1, col_offset=1, target=ast.Name(lineno=1, col_offset=1, id='x', ctx=ast.Store(lineno=1, col_offset=1)), iter=ast.List(lineno=1, col_offset=1, elts=[ast.Num(lineno=1, col_offset=1, n=23)], ctx=ast.Load(lineno=1, col_offset=1, )), ifs=[], is_async=False)]))
         compile(code, '<template>', 'eval')
     def test_empty_yield_from(self):
diff --git a/pypy/module/imp/test/test_import.py b/pypy/module/imp/test/test_import.py
--- a/pypy/module/imp/test/test_import.py
+++ b/pypy/module/imp/test/test_import.py
@@ -788,7 +788,7 @@
     if co:
         # marshal the code object with the PyPy marshal impl
-        pyco = PyCode._from_code(space, co)
+        pyco = space.createcompiler().compile(co, '?', 'exec', 0)
         w_marshal = space.getbuiltinmodule('marshal')
         w_marshaled_code = space.call_method(w_marshal, 'dumps', pyco)
         marshaled_code = space.bytes_w(w_marshaled_code)
@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@
     def test_read_compiled_module(self):
         space = self.space
         mtime = 12345
-        co = compile('x = 42', '?', 'exec')
+        co = 'x = 42'
         cpathname = _testfile(space, importing.get_pyc_magic(space), mtime, co)
         stream = streamio.open_file_as_stream(cpathname, "rb")
@@ -829,7 +829,7 @@
     def test_load_compiled_module(self):
         space = self.space
         mtime = 12345
-        co = compile('x = 42', '?', 'exec')
+        co = 'x = 42'
         cpathname = _testfile(space, importing.get_pyc_magic(space), mtime, co)
         w_modulename = space.wrap('somemodule')
         stream = streamio.open_file_as_stream(cpathname, "rb")
@@ -854,7 +854,7 @@
     def test_load_compiled_module_nopathname(self):
         space = self.space
         mtime = 12345
-        co = compile('x = 42', '?', 'exec')
+        co = 'x = 42'
         cpathname = _testfile(space, importing.get_pyc_magic(space), mtime, co)
         w_modulename = space.wrap('somemodule')
         stream = streamio.open_file_as_stream(cpathname, "rb")
@@ -931,7 +931,7 @@
                 pathname = "whatever"
                 mtime = 12345
-                co = compile('x = 42', '?', 'exec')
+                co = 'x = 42'
                 cpathname = _testfile(space1, importing.get_pyc_magic(space1),
                                       mtime, co)
                 w_modulename = space2.wrap('somemodule')
diff --git a/pypy/tool/dis3.py b/pypy/tool/dis3.py
--- a/pypy/tool/dis3.py
+++ b/pypy/tool/dis3.py
@@ -1,20 +1,40 @@
-"""Disassembler of Python byte code into mnemonics.
-Python 3 dis.py partly backported to Python 2"""
+"""Disassembler of Python byte code into mnemonics."""
+from __future__ import print_function
 import sys
 import types
+import collections
+import io
 from opcode3 import *
 from opcode3 import __all__ as _opcodes_all
-__all__ = ["dis", "disassemble", "distb", "disco",
-           "findlinestarts", "findlabels"] + _opcodes_all
+__all__ = ["code_info", "dis", "disassemble", "distb", "disco",
+           "findlinestarts", "findlabels", "show_code",
+           "get_instructions", "Instruction", "Bytecode"] + _opcodes_all
 del _opcodes_all
-_have_code = (types.MethodType, types.FunctionType, types.CodeType, type)
+_have_code = (types.MethodType, types.FunctionType, types.CodeType,
+              classmethod, staticmethod, type)
+def _try_compile(source, name):
+    """Attempts to compile the given source, first as an expression and
+       then as a statement if the first approach fails.
+       Utility function to accept strings in functions that otherwise
+       expect code objects
+    """
+    try:
+        c = compile(source, name, 'eval')
+    except SyntaxError:
+        c = compile(source, name, 'exec')
+    return c
 def dis(x=None):
-    """Disassemble classes, methods, functions, or code.
+    """Disassemble classes, methods, functions, generators, or code.
     With no argument, disassemble the last traceback.
@@ -22,30 +42,31 @@
     if x is None:
-    if isinstance(x, types.InstanceType):
-        x = x.__class__
-    if hasattr(x, 'im_func'):
-        x = x.im_func
-    if hasattr(x, 'func_code'):
-        x = x.func_code
-    if hasattr(x, 'co_code'): # PyCode needs co_code before __dict__
+    if hasattr(x, '__func__'):  # Method
+        x = x.__func__
+    if hasattr(x, '__code__'):  # Function
+        x = x.__code__
+    if hasattr(x, 'gi_code'):  # Generator
+        x = x.gi_code
+    if hasattr(x, 'co_code'): # Code object
-    elif hasattr(x, '__dict__'):
-        items = x.__dict__.items()
-        items.sort()
+    elif hasattr(x, '__dict__'):  # Class or module
+        items = sorted(x.__dict__.items())
         for name, x1 in items:
             if isinstance(x1, _have_code):
-                print "Disassembly of %s:" % name
+                print("Disassembly of %s:" % name)
                 except TypeError as msg:
-                    print "Sorry:", msg
-                print
-    elif isinstance(x, str):
-        disassemble_string(x)
+                    print("Sorry:", msg)
+                print()
+    elif isinstance(x, (bytes, bytearray)): # Raw bytecode
+        _disassemble_bytes(x)
+    elif isinstance(x, str):    # Source code
+        _disassemble_str(x)
-        raise TypeError("don't know how to disassemble %s objects" % \
-              type(x).__name__)
+        raise TypeError("don't know how to disassemble %s objects" %
+                        type(x).__name__)
 def distb(tb=None):
     """Disassemble a traceback (default: last traceback)."""
@@ -57,103 +78,290 @@
         while tb.tb_next: tb = tb.tb_next
     disassemble(tb.tb_frame.f_code, tb.tb_lasti)
+# The inspect module interrogates this dictionary to build its
+# list of CO_* constants. It is also used by pretty_flags to
+# turn the co_flags field into a human readable list.
+     1: "OPTIMIZED",
+     2: "NEWLOCALS",
+     4: "VARARGS",
+     8: "VARKEYWORDS",
+    16: "NESTED",
+    32: "GENERATOR",
+    64: "NOFREE",
+   128: "COROUTINE",
+def pretty_flags(flags):
+    """Return pretty representation of code flags."""
+    names = []
+    for i in range(32):
+        flag = 1<<i
+        if flags & flag:
+            names.append(COMPILER_FLAG_NAMES.get(flag, hex(flag)))
+            flags ^= flag
+            if not flags:
+                break
+    else:
+        names.append(hex(flags))
+    return ", ".join(names)
+def _get_code_object(x):
+    """Helper to handle methods, functions, generators, strings and raw code objects"""
+    if hasattr(x, '__func__'): # Method
+        x = x.__func__
+    if hasattr(x, '__code__'): # Function
+        x = x.__code__
+    if hasattr(x, 'gi_code'):  # Generator
+        x = x.gi_code
+    if isinstance(x, str):     # Source code
+        x = _try_compile(x, "<disassembly>")
+    if hasattr(x, 'co_code'):  # Code object
+        return x
+    raise TypeError("don't know how to disassemble %s objects" %
+                    type(x).__name__)
+def code_info(x):
+    """Formatted details of methods, functions, or code."""
+    return _format_code_info(_get_code_object(x))
+def _format_code_info(co):
+    lines = []
+    lines.append("Name:              %s" % co.co_name)
+    lines.append("Filename:          %s" % co.co_filename)
+    lines.append("Argument count:    %s" % co.co_argcount)
+    lines.append("Kw-only arguments: %s" % co.co_kwonlyargcount)
+    lines.append("Number of locals:  %s" % co.co_nlocals)
+    lines.append("Stack size:        %s" % co.co_stacksize)
+    lines.append("Flags:             %s" % pretty_flags(co.co_flags))
+    if co.co_consts:
+        lines.append("Constants:")
+        for i_c in enumerate(co.co_consts):
+            lines.append("%4d: %r" % i_c)
+    if co.co_names:
+        lines.append("Names:")
+        for i_n in enumerate(co.co_names):
+            lines.append("%4d: %s" % i_n)
+    if co.co_varnames:
+        lines.append("Variable names:")
+        for i_n in enumerate(co.co_varnames):
+            lines.append("%4d: %s" % i_n)
+    if co.co_freevars:
+        lines.append("Free variables:")
+        for i_n in enumerate(co.co_freevars):
+            lines.append("%4d: %s" % i_n)
+    if co.co_cellvars:
+        lines.append("Cell variables:")
+        for i_n in enumerate(co.co_cellvars):
+            lines.append("%4d: %s" % i_n)
+    return "\n".join(lines)
+def show_code(co, file=None):
+    """Print details of methods, functions, or code to *file*.
+    If *file* is not provided, the output is printed on stdout.
+    """
+    print(code_info(co))
+_Instruction = collections.namedtuple("_Instruction",
+     "opname opcode arg argval argrepr offset starts_line is_jump_target")
+class Instruction(_Instruction):
+    """Details for a bytecode operation
+       Defined fields:
+         opname - human readable name for operation
+         opcode - numeric code for operation
+         arg - numeric argument to operation (if any), otherwise None
+         argval - resolved arg value (if known), otherwise same as arg
+         argrepr - human readable description of operation argument
+         offset - start index of operation within bytecode sequence
+         starts_line - line started by this opcode (if any), otherwise None
+         is_jump_target - True if other code jumps to here, otherwise False
+    """
+    def _disassemble(self, lineno_width=3, mark_as_current=False):
+        """Format instruction details for inclusion in disassembly output
+        *lineno_width* sets the width of the line number field (0 omits it)
+        *mark_as_current* inserts a '-->' marker arrow as part of the line
+        """
+        fields = []
+        # Column: Source code line number
+        if lineno_width:
+            if self.starts_line is not None:
+                lineno_fmt = "%%%dd" % lineno_width
+                fields.append(lineno_fmt % self.starts_line)
+            else:
+                fields.append(' ' * lineno_width)
+        # Column: Current instruction indicator
+        if mark_as_current:
+            fields.append('-->')
+        else:
+            fields.append('   ')
+        # Column: Jump target marker
+        if self.is_jump_target:
+            fields.append('>>')
+        else:
+            fields.append('  ')
+        # Column: Instruction offset from start of code sequence
+        fields.append(repr(self.offset).rjust(4))
+        # Column: Opcode name
+        fields.append(self.opname.ljust(20))
+        # Column: Opcode argument
+        if self.arg is not None:
+            fields.append(repr(self.arg).rjust(5))
+            # Column: Opcode argument details
+            if self.argrepr:
+                fields.append('(' + self.argrepr + ')')
+        return ' '.join(fields).rstrip()
+def get_instructions(x, first_line=None):
+    """Iterator for the opcodes in methods, functions or code
+    Generates a series of Instruction named tuples giving the details of
+    each operations in the supplied code.
+    If *first_line* is not None, it indicates the line number that should
+    be reported for the first source line in the disassembled code.
+    Otherwise, the source line information (if any) is taken directly from
+    the disassembled code object.
+    """
+    co = _get_code_object(x)
+    cell_names = co.co_cellvars + co.co_freevars
+    linestarts = dict(findlinestarts(co))
+    if first_line is not None:
+        line_offset = first_line - co.co_firstlineno
+    else:
+        line_offset = 0
+    return _get_instructions_bytes(co.co_code, co.co_varnames, co.co_names,
+                                   co.co_consts, cell_names, linestarts,
+                                   line_offset)
+def _get_const_info(const_index, const_list):
+    """Helper to get optional details about const references
+       Returns the dereferenced constant and its repr if the constant
+       list is defined.
+       Otherwise returns the constant index and its repr().
+    """
+    argval = const_index
+    if const_list is not None:
+        argval = const_list[const_index]
+    return argval, repr(argval)
+def _get_name_info(name_index, name_list):
+    """Helper to get optional details about named references
+       Returns the dereferenced name as both value and repr if the name
+       list is defined.
+       Otherwise returns the name index and its repr().
+    """
+    argval = name_index
+    if name_list is not None:
+        argval = name_list[name_index]
+        argrepr = argval
+    else:
+        argrepr = repr(argval)
+    return argval, argrepr
+def _get_instructions_bytes(code, varnames=None, names=None, constants=None,
+                      cells=None, linestarts=None, line_offset=0):
+    """Iterate over the instructions in a bytecode string.
+    Generates a sequence of Instruction namedtuples giving the details of each
+    opcode.  Additional information about the code's runtime environment
+    (e.g. variable names, constants) can be specified using optional
+    arguments.
+    """
+    labels = findlabels(code)
+    starts_line = None
+    for offset, op, arg in _unpack_opargs(code):
+        if linestarts is not None:
+            starts_line = linestarts.get(offset, None)
+            if starts_line is not None:
+                starts_line += line_offset
+        is_jump_target = offset in labels
+        argval = None
+        argrepr = ''
+        if arg is not None:
+            #  Set argval to the dereferenced value of the argument when
+            #  available, and argrepr to the string representation of argval.
+            #    _disassemble_bytes needs the string repr of the
+            #    raw name index for LOAD_GLOBAL, LOAD_CONST, etc.
+            argval = arg
+            if op in hasconst:
+                argval, argrepr = _get_const_info(arg, constants)
+            elif op in hasname:
+                argval, argrepr = _get_name_info(arg, names)
+            elif op in hasjrel:
+                argval = offset + 2 + arg
+                argrepr = "to " + repr(argval)
+            elif op in haslocal:
+                argval, argrepr = _get_name_info(arg, varnames)
+            elif op in hascompare:
+                argval = cmp_op[arg]
+                argrepr = argval
+            elif op in hasfree:
+                argval, argrepr = _get_name_info(arg, cells)
+            elif op == FORMAT_VALUE:
+                argval = ((None, str, repr, ascii)[arg & 0x3], bool(arg & 0x4))
+                argrepr = ('', 'str', 'repr', 'ascii')[arg & 0x3]
+                if argval[1]:
+                    if argrepr:
+                        argrepr += ', '
+                    argrepr += 'with format'
+        yield Instruction(opname[op], op,
+                          arg, argval, argrepr,
+                          offset, starts_line, is_jump_target)
 def disassemble(co, lasti=-1):
     """Disassemble a code object."""
-    code = co.co_code
-    labels = findlabels(code)
+    cell_names = co.co_cellvars + co.co_freevars
     linestarts = dict(findlinestarts(co))
-    n = len(code)
-    i = 0
-    extended_arg = 0
-    free = None
-    while i < n:
-        c = code[i]
-        op = ord(c)
-        if i in linestarts:
-            if i > 0:
-                print
-            print "%3d" % linestarts[i],
-        else:
-            print '   ',
+    _disassemble_bytes(co.co_code, lasti, co.co_varnames, co.co_names,
+                       co.co_consts, cell_names, linestarts)
-        if i == lasti: print '-->',
-        else: print '   ',
-        if i in labels: print '>>',
-        else: print '  ',
-        print repr(i).rjust(4),
-        print opname[op].ljust(20),
-        i = i+1
-        if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
-            oparg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i+1])*256 + extended_arg
-            extended_arg = 0
-            i = i+2
-            if op == EXTENDED_ARG:
-                extended_arg = oparg*65536L
-            print repr(oparg).rjust(5),
-            if op in hasconst:
-                print '(' + repr(co.co_consts[oparg]) + ')',
-            elif op in hasname:
-                print '(' + co.co_names[oparg] + ')',
-            elif op in hasjrel:
-                print '(to ' + repr(i + oparg) + ')',
-            elif op in haslocal:
-                print '(' + co.co_varnames[oparg] + ')',
-            elif op in hascompare:
-                print '(' + cmp_op[oparg] + ')',
-            elif op in hasfree:
-                if free is None:
-                    free = co.co_cellvars + co.co_freevars
-                print '(' + free[oparg] + ')',
-            elif op in hasnargs:
-                print '(%d positional, %d keyword pair)' % \
-                      (ord(code[i-2]), ord(code[i-1])),
-        print
+def _disassemble_bytes(code, lasti=-1, varnames=None, names=None,
+                       constants=None, cells=None, linestarts=None,
+                       line_offset=0):
+    # Omit the line number column entirely if we have no line number info
+    show_lineno = linestarts is not None
+    # TODO?: Adjust width upwards if max(linestarts.values()) >= 1000?
+    lineno_width = 3 if show_lineno else 0
+    for instr in _get_instructions_bytes(code, varnames, names,
+                                         constants, cells, linestarts,
+                                         line_offset=line_offset):
+        new_source_line = (show_lineno and
+                           instr.starts_line is not None and
+                           instr.offset > 0)
+        if new_source_line:
+            print()
+        is_current_instr = instr.offset == lasti
+        print(instr._disassemble(lineno_width, is_current_instr))
-def disassemble_string(code, lasti=-1, varnames=None, names=None,
-                       constants=None):
-    labels = findlabels(code)
-    n = len(code)
-    i = 0
-    while i < n:
-        c = code[i]
-        op = ord(c)
-        if i == lasti: print '-->',
-        else: print '   ',
-        if i in labels: print '>>',
-        else: print '  ',
-        print repr(i).rjust(4),
-        print opname[op].ljust(15),
-        i = i+1
-        if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
-            oparg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i+1])*256
-            i = i+2
-            print repr(oparg).rjust(5),
-            if op in hasconst:
-                if constants:
-                    print '(' + repr(constants[oparg]) + ')',
-                else:
-                    print '(%d)'%oparg,
-            elif op in hasname:
-                if names is not None:
-                    print '(' + names[oparg] + ')',
-                else:
-                    print '(%d)'%oparg,
-            elif op in hasjrel:
-                print '(to ' + repr(i + oparg) + ')',
-            elif op in haslocal:
-                if varnames:
-                    print '(' + varnames[oparg] + ')',
-                else:
-                    print '(%d)' % oparg,
-            elif op in hascompare:
-                print '(' + cmp_op[oparg] + ')',
-            elif op in hasnargs:
-                print '(%d positional, %d keyword pair)' % \
-                      (ord(code[i-2]), ord(code[i-1])),
-        print
+def _disassemble_str(source):
+    """Compile the source string, then disassemble the code object."""
+    disassemble(_try_compile(source, '<dis>'))
 disco = disassemble                     # XXX For backwards compatibility
+def _unpack_opargs(code):
+    extended_arg = 0
+    for i in range(0, len(code), 2):
+        op = ord(code[i])
+        if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
+            arg = ord(code[i+1]) | extended_arg
+            extended_arg = (arg << 8) if op == EXTENDED_ARG else 0
+        else:
+            arg = None
+        yield (i, op, arg)
 def findlabels(code):
     """Detect all offsets in a byte code which are jump targets.
@@ -161,23 +369,16 @@
     labels = []
-    n = len(code)
-    i = 0
-    while i < n:
-        c = code[i]
-        op = ord(c)
-        i = i+1
-        if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
-            oparg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i+1])*256
-            i = i+2
-            label = -1
+    for offset, op, arg in _unpack_opargs(code):
+        if arg is not None:
             if op in hasjrel:
-                label = i+oparg
+                label = offset + 2 + arg
             elif op in hasjabs:
-                label = oparg
-            if label >= 0:
-                if label not in labels:
-                    labels.append(label)
+                label = arg
+            else:
+                continue
+            if label not in labels:
+                labels.append(label)
     return labels
 def findlinestarts(code):
@@ -186,13 +387,15 @@
     Generate pairs (offset, lineno) as described in Python/compile.c.
-    byte_increments = [ord(c) for c in code.co_lnotab[0::2]]
-    line_increments = [ord(c) for c in code.co_lnotab[1::2]]
+    byte_increments = code.co_lnotab[0::2]
+    line_increments = code.co_lnotab[1::2]
     lastlineno = None
     lineno = code.co_firstlineno
     addr = 0
     for byte_incr, line_incr in zip(byte_increments, line_increments):
+        byte_incr = ord(byte_incr)
+        line_incr = ord(line_incr)
         if byte_incr:
             if lineno != lastlineno:
                 yield (addr, lineno)
@@ -205,27 +408,77 @@
     if lineno != lastlineno:
         yield (addr, lineno)
+class Bytecode:
+    """The bytecode operations of a piece of code
+    Instantiate this with a function, method, string of code, or a code object
+    (as returned by compile()).
+    Iterating over this yields the bytecode operations as Instruction instances.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, x, first_line=None, current_offset=None):
+        self.codeobj = co = _get_code_object(x)
+        if first_line is None:
+            self.first_line = co.co_firstlineno
+            self._line_offset = 0
+        else:
+            self.first_line = first_line
+            self._line_offset = first_line - co.co_firstlineno
+        self._cell_names = co.co_cellvars + co.co_freevars
+        self._linestarts = dict(findlinestarts(co))
+        self._original_object = x
+        self.current_offset = current_offset
+    def __iter__(self):
+        co = self.codeobj
+        return _get_instructions_bytes(co.co_code, co.co_varnames, co.co_names,
+                                       co.co_consts, self._cell_names,
+                                       self._linestarts,
+                                       line_offset=self._line_offset)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "{}({!r})".format(self.__class__.__name__,
+                                 self._original_object)
+    @classmethod
+    def from_traceback(cls, tb):
+        """ Construct a Bytecode from the given traceback """
+        while tb.tb_next:
+            tb = tb.tb_next
+        return cls(tb.tb_frame.f_code, current_offset=tb.tb_lasti)
+    def info(self):
+        """Return formatted information about the code object."""
+        return _format_code_info(self.codeobj)
+    def dis(self):
+        """Return a formatted view of the bytecode operations."""
+        co = self.codeobj
+        if self.current_offset is not None:
+            offset = self.current_offset
+        else:
+            offset = -1
+        with io.StringIO() as output:
+            _disassemble_bytes(co.co_code, varnames=co.co_varnames,
+                               names=co.co_names, constants=co.co_consts,
+                               cells=self._cell_names,
+                               linestarts=self._linestarts,
+                               line_offset=self._line_offset,
+                               file=output,
+                               lasti=offset)
+            return output.getvalue()
 def _test():
     """Simple test program to disassemble a file."""
-    if sys.argv[1:]:
-        if sys.argv[2:]:
-            sys.stderr.write("usage: python dis.py [-|file]\n")
-            sys.exit(2)
-        fn = sys.argv[1]
-        if not fn or fn == "-":
-            fn = None
-    else:
-        fn = None
-    if fn is None:
-        f = sys.stdin
-    else:
-        f = open(fn)
-    source = f.read()
-    if fn is not None:
-        f.close()
-    else:
-        fn = "<stdin>"
-    code = compile(source, fn, "exec")
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument('infile', type=argparse.FileType(), nargs='?', default='-')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    with args.infile as infile:
+        source = infile.read()
+    code = compile(source, args.infile.name, "exec")
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/pypy/tool/opcode3.py b/pypy/tool/opcode3.py
--- a/pypy/tool/opcode3.py
+++ b/pypy/tool/opcode3.py
@@ -2,10 +2,8 @@
 opcode module - potentially shared between dis and other modules which
 operate on bytecodes (e.g. peephole optimizers).
-"Backported" from Python 3 to Python 2 land - an excact copy of lib-python/3/opcode.py
 __all__ = ["cmp_op", "hasconst", "hasname", "hasjrel", "hasjabs",
            "haslocal", "hascompare", "hasfree", "opname", "opmap",
            "HAVE_ARGUMENT", "EXTENDED_ARG", "hasnargs"]
@@ -33,10 +31,12 @@
 haslocal = []
 hascompare = []
 hasfree = []
-hasnargs = [] # unused
+hasnargs = []
 opmap = {}
-opname = ['<%r>' % (op,) for op in range(256)]
+opname = [''] * 256
+for op in range(256): opname[op] = '<%r>' % (op,)
+del op
 def def_op(name, op):
     opname[op] = name
@@ -174,9 +174,11 @@
 name_op('STORE_ANNOTATION', 127) # Index in name list
 def_op('RAISE_VARARGS', 130)    # Number of raise arguments (1, 2, or 3)
-def_op('CALL_FUNCTION', 131)    # #args
-def_op('MAKE_FUNCTION', 132)    # Flags
+def_op('CALL_FUNCTION', 131)    # #args + (#kwargs << 8)
+def_op('MAKE_FUNCTION', 132)    # Number of args with default values
 def_op('BUILD_SLICE', 133)      # Number of items
+def_op('MAKE_CLOSURE', 134)
 def_op('LOAD_CLOSURE', 135)
 def_op('LOAD_DEREF', 136)
@@ -186,8 +188,12 @@
 def_op('DELETE_DEREF', 138)
-def_op('CALL_FUNCTION_KW', 141)  # #args + #kwargs
-def_op('CALL_FUNCTION_EX', 142)  # Flags
+def_op('CALL_FUNCTION_VAR', 140)     # #args + (#kwargs << 8)
+def_op('CALL_FUNCTION_KW', 141)      # #args + (#kwargs << 8)
+def_op('CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW', 142)  # #args + (#kwargs << 8)
 jrel_op('SETUP_WITH', 143)
@@ -198,6 +204,8 @@
 def_op('LOAD_CLASSDEREF', 148)
+jrel_op('SETUP_ASYNC_WITH', 154)
 def_op('EXTENDED_ARG', 144)
@@ -207,12 +215,9 @@
 def_op('BUILD_TUPLE_UNPACK', 152)
 def_op('BUILD_SET_UNPACK', 153)
-jrel_op('SETUP_ASYNC_WITH', 154)
-def_op('FORMAT_VALUE', 155)
-def_op('BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP', 156)
-def_op('BUILD_STRING', 157)
+def_op('FORMAT_VALUE', 155)   # in CPython 3.6, but available in PyPy from 3.5
+def_op("BUILD_CONST_KEY_MAP", 156)
+def_op('BUILD_STRING', 157)   # in CPython 3.6, but available in PyPy from 3.5
 # pypy modification, experimental bytecode
 def_op('LOOKUP_METHOD', 201)          # Index in name list
diff --git a/pypy/tool/pydis.py b/pypy/tool/pydis.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/tool/pydis.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-"""disassembler of Python byte code into mnemonics.
-XXX this only works for python-2.3 because of the linenumber 
-    optimization 
-import sys
-from pypy.tool import stdlib_opcode
-from pypy.tool.stdlib_opcode import *
-__all__ = ["dis","pydisassemble","distb","disco"] + stdlib_opcode.__all__
-EXTENDED_ARG = stdlib_opcode.opcodedesc.EXTENDED_ARG.index
-class Bytecode:
-    def __init__(self, disresult, bytecodeindex, oparg, lineno):
-        self.disresult = disresult 
-        self.index = bytecodeindex
-        self.op = ord(disresult.code.co_code[self.index])
-        self.name = opname[self.op]
-        self.oparg = oparg
-        self.lineno = lineno
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return (self.__class__ == other.__class__ and 
-                self.index == other.index and
-                self.op == other.op and
-                self.name == other.name and
-                self.oparg == other.oparg)
-    def __ne__(self, other):
-        return not (self == other)
-    def reprargstring(self, space = None):
-        """ return a string representation of any arguments. (empty for no args)"""
-        oparg = self.oparg
-        if oparg is None:
-            return ''
-        co = self.disresult.code
-        op = self.op
-        s = repr(oparg).rjust(5) + " "
-        if op in hasconst:
-            consts = self.get_consts(space)
-            s += '(' + consts[oparg] + ')'
-        elif op in hasname:
-            s +=  '(' + co.co_names[oparg] + ')'
-        elif op in hasjrel:
-            s +=  '(to ' + repr(self.index + oparg) + ')'
-        elif op in haslocal:
-            s +=  '(' + co.co_varnames[oparg] + ')'
-        elif op in hascompare:
-            s +=  '(' + cmp_op[oparg] + ')'
-        elif op in hasfree:
-            #if free is None:
-            free = co.co_cellvars + co.co_freevars
-            s +=  '(' + free[oparg] + ')'
-        return s 
-    def get_consts(self, space=None):
-        # support both real code objects and PyCode objects
-        co = self.disresult.code
-        if hasattr(co, "co_consts"):
-            return [repr(c) for c in co.co_consts]
-        if space is None:
-            return [repr(c) for c in co.co_consts_w]
-        r = lambda x: space.str_w(space.repr(x))
-        return [r(c) for c in co.co_consts_w]
-    def repr_with_space(self, space):
-        return self.name + self.reprargstring(space)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return self.name + self.reprargstring()
-class DisResult:
-    """ an instance of this class gets returned for disassembling 
-        objects/functions/code objects whatever.    
-    """
-    def __init__(self, code):
-        self.code = code
-        self.bytecodes = []
-    def append(self,  bytecodeindex, oparg, lineno):
-        """ append bytecode anaylsis information ..."""
-        bc = Bytecode(self, bytecodeindex, oparg, lineno)
-        self.bytecodes.append(bc)
-    def getbytecode(self, index):
-        """ return bytecode instance matching the given index. """
-        for bytecode in self.bytecodes:
-            if bytecode.index == index:
-                return bytecode
-        raise ValueError("no bytecode found on index %s in code \n%s" % (
-                index, pydis(self.code)))
-    def format(self):
-        lastlineno = -1
-        labels = findlabels(self.code.co_code)
-        lines = []
-        for bc in self.bytecodes:
-            l = []
-            if bc.lineno != lastlineno:
-                lastlineno = bc.lineno
-                l.append("%3d" % bc.lineno)
-            else:
-                l.append("   ")
-            l.append(bc.index in labels and ">>" or "  ")
-            l.append(repr(bc.index).rjust(4)) 
-            l.append(bc.name.ljust(20))
-            l.append(bc.reprargstring())
-            lines.append(" ".join(l))
-        return "\n".join(lines)
-    __repr__ = format
-def pydis(co): 
-    """return result of dissassembling a code object. """
-    if hasattr(co, 'func_code'):
-        co = co.func_code 
-    if hasattr(co, 'code'):
-        co = co.code 
-    disresult = DisResult(co)
-    code = co.co_code
-    byte_increments = [ord(c) for c in co.co_lnotab[0::2]]
-    line_increments = [ord(c) for c in co.co_lnotab[1::2]]
-    table_length = len(byte_increments)
-    lineno = co.co_firstlineno
-    table_index = 0
-    while (table_index < table_length
-           and byte_increments[table_index] == 0):
-        lineno += line_increments[table_index]
-        table_index += 1
-    addr = 0
-    line_incr = 0
-    n = len(code)
-    i = 0
-    extended_arg = 0
-    while i < n:
-        c = code[i]
-        op = ord(c)
-        if i >= addr:
-            lineno += line_incr
-            while table_index < table_length:
-                addr += byte_increments[table_index]
-                line_incr = line_increments[table_index]
-                table_index += 1
-                if line_incr:
-                    break
-            else:
-                addr = sys.maxint
-        current_bytecodeindex = i
-        i = i+1
-        oparg = None
-        if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
-            oparg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i+1])*256 + extended_arg
-            extended_arg = 0
-            i = i+2
-            if op == EXTENDED_ARG:
-                extended_arg = oparg*65536L
-        disresult.append(current_bytecodeindex, oparg, lineno)
-    assert disresult is not None
-    return disresult
-def findlabels(code):
-    """Detect all offsets in a byte code which are jump targets.
-    Return the list of offsets.
-    """
-    labels = []
-    n = len(code)
-    i = 0
-    while i < n:
-        c = code[i]
-        op = ord(c)
-        i = i+1
-        if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
-            oparg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i+1])*256
-            i = i+2

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