[pypy-commit] pypy docs-osx-brew-openssl: DOC: For translation on MacOS, get OpenSSL from Homebrew and set env var.

cjrh pypy.commits at gmail.com
Sun Oct 8 03:40:49 EDT 2017

Author: Caleb Hattingh <caleb.hattingh at gmail.com>
Branch: docs-osx-brew-openssl
Changeset: r92651:9eb4dfce15c7
Date: 2017-10-08 14:57 +1000

Log:	DOC: For translation on MacOS, get OpenSSL from Homebrew and set env

diff --git a/pypy/doc/build.rst b/pypy/doc/build.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/build.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/build.rst
@@ -149,12 +149,23 @@
     xz-devel # For lzma on PyPy3.
     (XXX plus the SLES11 version of libgdbm-dev and tk-dev)
-On Mac OS X, most of these build-time dependencies are installed alongside
+On Mac OS X::
+Most of these build-time dependencies are installed alongside
 the Developer Tools. However, note that in order for the installation to
 find them you may need to run::
     xcode-select --install
+An exception is OpenSSL, which is no longer provided with the operating
+system. It can be obtained via Homebrew (with ``$ brew install openssl``),
+but it will not be available on the system path by default. The easiest
+way to enable it for building pypy is to set an environment variable::
+    export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(brew --prefix)/opt/openssl/lib/pkgconfig
+After setting this, translation (described next) will find the OpenSSL libs
+as expected.
 Run the translation
@@ -187,18 +198,18 @@
    entire pypy interpreter. This step is currently singe threaded, and RAM
    hungry. As part of this step,  the chain creates a large number of C code
    files and a Makefile to compile them in a
-   directory controlled by the ``PYPY_USESSION_DIR`` environment variable.  
+   directory controlled by the ``PYPY_USESSION_DIR`` environment variable.
 2. Create an executable ``pypy-c`` by running the Makefile. This step can
-   utilize all possible cores on the machine.  
-3. Copy the needed binaries to the current directory.  
-4. Generate c-extension modules for any cffi-based stdlib modules.  
+   utilize all possible cores on the machine.
+3. Copy the needed binaries to the current directory.
+4. Generate c-extension modules for any cffi-based stdlib modules.
 The resulting executable behaves mostly like a normal Python
 interpreter (see :doc:`cpython_differences`), and is ready for testing, for
 use as a base interpreter for a new virtualenv, or for packaging into a binary
 suitable for installation on another machine running the same OS as the build
 Note that step 4 is merely done as a convenience, any of the steps may be rerun
 without rerunning the previous steps.
@@ -255,7 +266,7 @@
 * PyPy 2.5.1 or earlier: normal users would see permission errors.
   Installers need to run ``pypy -c "import gdbm"`` and other similar
-  commands at install time; the exact list is in 
+  commands at install time; the exact list is in
   :source:`pypy/tool/release/package.py <package.py>`.  Users
   seeing a broken installation of PyPy can fix it after-the-fact if they
   have sudo rights, by running once e.g. ``sudo pypy -c "import gdbm``.

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