[pypy-commit] pypy default: update help-needed section

mattip pypy.commits at gmail.com
Wed Jun 21 17:09:37 EDT 2017

Author: Matti Picus <matti.picus at gmail.com>
Changeset: r91630:471848fce43a
Date: 2017-06-22 00:08 +0300

Log:	update help-needed section

diff --git a/pypy/doc/project-ideas.rst b/pypy/doc/project-ideas.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/project-ideas.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/project-ideas.rst
@@ -238,18 +238,17 @@
 using more pypy-friendly technologies, e.g. cffi. Here is a partial list of
 good work that needs to be finished:
-**matplotlib** https://github.com/mattip/matplotlib
+**matplotlib** https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib
-    Status: the repo is an older version of matplotlib adapted to pypy and cpyext
+    TODO: the tkagg backend does not work, which makes tests fail on downstream
+    projects like Pandas, SciPy. It uses id(obj) as a c-pointer to obj in 
+    tkagg.py, which requires refactoring
-    TODO: A suggested first step would be to merge the differences into 
-    matplotlib/HEAD. The major problem is the use of a generic view into a
-    numpy ndarray. The int* fields would need to be converted into int[MAX_DIMS]
-    c-arrays and filled in.
+**wxPython** https://bitbucket.org/amauryfa/wxpython-cffi
-**wxPython** https://bitbucket.org/waedt/wxpython_cffi
+    Status: A project by a PyPy developer to adapt the Phoenix sip build system to cffi
-    Status: A GSOC 2013 project to adapt the Phoenix sip build system to cffi
+    The project is a continuation of a 2013 GSOC https://bitbucket.org/waedt/wxpython_cffi
     TODO: Merge the latest version of the wrappers and finish the sip conversion

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