[pypy-commit] pypy space-newtext: Ah, found the proper fix for e53e4fe0c683, which is also a bug on

arigo pypy.commits at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 10:33:00 EST 2017

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: space-newtext
Changeset: r90165:93c00a9b8f71
Date: 2017-02-16 16:32 +0100

Log:	Ah, found the proper fix for e53e4fe0c683, which is also a bug on
	Windows on PyPy2: if listdir(unicode) returns RPython unicodes, then
	they must not be decode()d again!

diff --git a/pypy/module/posix/interp_posix.py b/pypy/module/posix/interp_posix.py
--- a/pypy/module/posix/interp_posix.py
+++ b/pypy/module/posix/interp_posix.py
@@ -576,20 +576,28 @@
         if space.isinstance_w(w_dirname, space.w_unicode):
             dirname = FileEncoder(space, w_dirname)
             result = rposix.listdir(dirname)
+            # NOTE: 'result' can be either a list of str or a list of
+            # unicodes, depending on the platform
             w_fs_encoding = getfilesystemencoding(space)
             len_result = len(result)
             result_w = [None] * len_result
             for i in range(len_result):
                 res = result[i]
-                w_bytes = space.newunicode(res)
-                try:
-                    result_w[i] = space.call_method(w_bytes,
-                                                    "decode", w_fs_encoding)
-                except OperationError as e:
-                    # fall back to the original byte string
-                    if e.async(space):
-                        raise
-                    result_w[i] = w_bytes
+                if isinstance(res, str):
+                    w_bytes = space.newtext(res)
+                    try:
+                        w_res = space.call_method(w_bytes,
+                                                  "decode", w_fs_encoding)
+                    except OperationError as e:
+                        # fall back to the original byte string
+                        if e.async(space):
+                            raise
+                        w_res = w_bytes
+                elif isinstance(res, unicode):
+                    w_res = space.newunicode(res)
+                else:
+                    assert False
+                result_w[i] = w_res
             return space.newlist(result_w)
             dirname = space.str0_w(w_dirname)

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