[pypy-commit] pypy shadowstack-perf-2: Merge add_enter and add_leave_roots_frame into a single function which

arigo pypy.commits at gmail.com
Sun May 29 16:45:27 EDT 2016

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: shadowstack-perf-2
Changeset: r84827:95e7ce8adc6f
Date: 2016-05-29 22:45 +0200

Log:	Merge add_enter and add_leave_roots_frame into a single function
	which does hopefully the right thing (including avoiding all
	gc_enter/gc_leave on fast paths that don't need any

diff --git a/rpython/memory/gctransform/shadowcolor.py b/rpython/memory/gctransform/shadowcolor.py
--- a/rpython/memory/gctransform/shadowcolor.py
+++ b/rpython/memory/gctransform/shadowcolor.py
@@ -453,7 +453,10 @@
             block.operations = newops
-def add_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc):
+def add_enter_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, c_gcdata):
+    # put 'gc_enter_roots_frame' as late as possible, but before the
+    # first 'gc_save_root' is reached.
+    #
     # put the 'gc_leave_roots_frame' operations as early as possible,
     # that is, just after the last 'gc_restore_root' reached.  This is
     # done by putting it along a link, such that the previous block
@@ -475,138 +478,126 @@
     # done
+    insert_empty_startblock(graph)
     entrymap = mkentrymap(graph)
-    flagged_blocks = set()     # blocks with 'gc_restore_root' in them,
-                               # or from which we can reach such a block
+    # helpers
+    def is_interesting_op(op):
+        if op.opname == 'gc_restore_root':
+            return True
+        if op.opname == 'gc_save_root':
+            # ignore saves that say "everything is free"
+            return not (isinstance(op.args[1], Constant) and
+                        isinstance(op.args[1].value, int) and
+                        op.args[1].value == bitmask_all_free)
+        return False
+    bitmask_all_free = (1 << regalloc.numcolors) - 1
+    def insert_along_link(link, opname, args, cache):
+        b2 = link.target
+        if b2 not in cache:
+            newblock = Block([v.copy() for v in b2.inputargs])
+            newblock.operations.append(
+                SpaceOperation(opname, args, varoftype(lltype.Void)))
+            newblock.closeblock(Link(list(newblock.inputargs), b2))
+            cache[b2] = newblock
+        link.target = cache[b2]
+    # make a list of blocks with gc_save_root/gc_restore_root in them
+    interesting_blocks = []
     for block in graph.iterblocks():
         for op in block.operations:
-            if op.opname == 'gc_restore_root':
-                flagged_blocks.add(block)
+            if is_interesting_op(op):
+                assert block is not graph.startblock
+                assert block is not graph.returnblock
+                interesting_blocks.append(block)
                 break    # interrupt this block, go to the next one
-    links = list(graph.iterlinks())
-    links.reverse()
-    while True:
-        prev_length = len(flagged_blocks)
-        for link in links:
-            if link.target in flagged_blocks:
-                flagged_blocks.add(link.prevblock)
-        if len(flagged_blocks) == prev_length:
-            break
-    assert graph.returnblock not in flagged_blocks
-    assert graph.startblock in flagged_blocks
-    extra_blocks = {}
-    for link in links:
-        block = link.target
-        if (link.prevblock in flagged_blocks and
-                block not in flagged_blocks):
-            # share the gc_leave_roots_frame if possible
-            if block not in extra_blocks:
-                newblock = Block([v.copy() for v in block.inputargs])
-                newblock.operations.append(
-                    SpaceOperation('gc_leave_roots_frame', [],
-                                   varoftype(lltype.Void)))
-                newblock.closeblock(Link(list(newblock.inputargs), block))
-                extra_blocks[block] = newblock
-            link.target = extra_blocks[block]
-    # check all blocks not in flagged_blocks: they might contain a
-    # gc_save_root() that writes the bitmask meaning "everything is
-    # free".  Remove such gc_save_root().
-    bitmask_all_free = (1 << regalloc.numcolors) - 1
-    for block in graph.iterblocks():
-        if block in flagged_blocks:
-            continue
-        newops = []
-        for op in block.operations:
-            if op.opname == 'gc_save_root':
-                assert isinstance(op.args[1], Constant)
-                assert op.args[1].value == bitmask_all_free
-            else:
-                newops.append(op)
-        if len(newops) < len(block.operations):
-            block.operations = newops
-def add_enter_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, c_gcdata):
-    # symmetrical operation from add_leave_roots_frame(): put
-    # 'gc_enter_roots_frame' as late as possible, but before the
-    # first 'gc_save_root' and not in any loop.
-    if regalloc is None:
-        return
-    flagged_blocks = {}     # blocks with 'gc_save_root' in them,
-                            # or which can be reached from such a block
-    bitmask_all_free = (1 << regalloc.numcolors) - 1
-    for block in graph.iterblocks():
-        for i, op in enumerate(block.operations):
-            if op.opname == 'gc_save_root':
-                if (isinstance(op.args[1], Constant) and
-                    isinstance(op.args[1].value, int) and
-                    op.args[1].value == bitmask_all_free):
-                    pass     # ignore saves that say "everything is free"
-                else:
-                    flagged_blocks[block] = i
-                    break    # interrupt this block, go to the next one
-    pending = flagged_blocks.keys()
+    # compute the blocks such that 'gc_save_root/gc_restore_root'
+    # exist anywhere before the start of this block
+    before_blocks = set()
+    pending = list(interesting_blocks)
+    seen = set(pending)
     while pending:
         block = pending.pop()
         for link in block.exits:
-            if link.target not in flagged_blocks:
+            before_blocks.add(link.target)
+            if link.target not in seen:
+                seen.add(link.target)
-            flagged_blocks[link.target] = -1
-    #assert flagged_blocks[graph.returnblock] == -1, except if the
-    #   returnblock is never reachable at all
+    assert graph.startblock not in before_blocks
+    # compute the blocks such that 'gc_save_root/gc_restore_root'
+    # exist anywhere after the start of this block
+    after_blocks = set(interesting_blocks)
+    pending = list(interesting_blocks)
+    while pending:
+        block = pending.pop()
+        for link in entrymap[block]:
+            if link.prevblock is not None:
+                if link.prevblock not in after_blocks:
+                    after_blocks.add(link.prevblock)
+                    pending.append(link.prevblock)
+    assert graph.returnblock not in after_blocks
+    # this is the set of blocks such that, at the start of the block,
+    # we're "in frame", i.e. there are 'gc_save_root/gc_restore_root'
+    # both before and after the start of the block.
+    inside_blocks = before_blocks & after_blocks
+    inside_or_interesting_blocks = set(interesting_blocks) | inside_blocks
+    # if a block contains gc_save_root/gc_restore_root but is not
+    # an "inside_block", then add gc_enter_roots_frame where needed
     c_num = Constant(regalloc.numcolors, lltype.Signed)
-    extra_blocks = {}
-    for link in list(graph.iterlinks()):
-        block = link.target
-        if (link.prevblock not in flagged_blocks and
-                block in flagged_blocks and
-                flagged_blocks[block] == -1):
-            # share the gc_enter_roots_frame if possible
-            if block not in extra_blocks:
-                newblock = Block([v.copy() for v in block.inputargs])
-                newblock.operations.append(
-                    SpaceOperation('gc_enter_roots_frame', [c_gcdata, c_num],
-                                   varoftype(lltype.Void)))
-                newblock.closeblock(Link(list(newblock.inputargs), block))
-                extra_blocks[block] = newblock
-            link.target = extra_blocks[block]
-    for block, i in flagged_blocks.items():
-        if i >= 0:
+    for block in interesting_blocks:
+        if block not in inside_blocks:
+            i = 0
+            while not is_interesting_op(block.operations[i]):
+                i += 1
                 SpaceOperation('gc_enter_roots_frame', [c_gcdata, c_num],
-    # check all blocks not in flagged_blocks, or before the
-    # gc_enter_roots_frame: they might contain a gc_save_root() that writes
-    # the bitmask meaning "everything is free".  Remove such gc_save_root().
-    bitmask_all_free = (1 << regalloc.numcolors) - 1
+    # If a link goes from a "non-inside, non-interesting block"
+    # straight to an "inside_block", insert a gc_enter_roots_frame
+    # along the link.  Similarly, if a block is a "inside-or-
+    # interesting_block" and exits with a link going to a
+    # "non-inside_block", then insert a gc_leave_roots_frame along the
+    # link.
+    cache1 = {}
+    cache2 = {}
+    for block in list(graph.iterblocks()):
+        if block not in inside_or_interesting_blocks:
+            for link in block.exits:
+                if link.target in inside_blocks:
+                    insert_along_link(link, 'gc_enter_roots_frame',
+                                      [c_gcdata, c_num], cache1)
+        else:
+            for link in block.exits:
+                if link.target not in inside_blocks:
+                    insert_along_link(link, 'gc_leave_roots_frame',
+                                      [], cache2)
+    # check all blocks not in "inside_block": they might contain a
+    # gc_save_root() that writes the bitmask meaning "everything is
+    # free".  Look only before gc_enter_roots_frame, if there is one
+    # in that block.  Remove these out-of-frame gc_save_root().
     for block in graph.iterblocks():
-        # 'operations-up-to-limit' are the operations that occur before
-        # gc_enter_roots_frame.  If flagged_blocks contains -1, then none
-        # are; if flagged_blocks does not contain block, then all are.
-        limit = flagged_blocks.get(block, len(block.operations))
-        if limit < 0:
-            continue
-        newops = []
-        for op in block.operations[:limit]:
-            if op.opname == 'gc_save_root':
-                assert isinstance(op.args[1], Constant)
-                assert op.args[1].value == bitmask_all_free
-            else:
-                newops.append(op)
-        if len(newops) < limit:
-            block.operations = newops + block.operations[limit:]
+        if block not in inside_blocks:
+            newops = []
+            for i, op in enumerate(block.operations):
+                if op.opname == 'gc_enter_roots_frame':
+                    newops.extend(block.operations[i:])
+                    break
+                if op.opname == 'gc_save_root' and not is_interesting_op(op):
+                    pass   # don't add in newops
+                else:
+                    newops.append(op)
+            if len(newops) < len(block.operations):
+                block.operations = newops
-    join_blocks(graph)  # for the extra new blocks made in this function as
-                        # well as in earlier functions
+    join_blocks(graph)  # for the extra new blocks made in this function
 class GCBitmaskTooLong(Exception):
@@ -686,7 +677,7 @@
                     locsaved[v] = frozenset()
             elif op.opname == 'gc_leave_roots_frame':
                 if not currently_in_frame:
-                    raise PostProcessCheckError(graph, block, op,'double leave')
+                    raise PostProcessCheckError(graph, block, op, 'not entered')
                 currently_in_frame = False
             elif is_trivial_rewrite(op) and currently_in_frame:
                 locsaved[op.result] = locsaved[op.args[0]]
@@ -731,8 +722,7 @@
     expand_push_roots(graph, regalloc)
     move_pushes_earlier(graph, regalloc)
     expand_pop_roots(graph, regalloc)
-    add_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc)
-    add_enter_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, c_gcdata)
+    add_enter_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, c_gcdata)
     return (regalloc is not None)
diff --git a/rpython/memory/gctransform/test/test_shadowcolor.py b/rpython/memory/gctransform/test/test_shadowcolor.py
--- a/rpython/memory/gctransform/test/test_shadowcolor.py
+++ b/rpython/memory/gctransform/test/test_shadowcolor.py
@@ -326,8 +326,7 @@
     expand_push_roots(graph, regalloc)
     move_pushes_earlier(graph, regalloc)
     expand_pop_roots(graph, regalloc)
-    add_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc)
-    add_enter_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, Constant('fake gcdata'))
+    add_enter_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, Constant('fake gcdata'))
     assert graphmodel.summary(graph) == {
         'int_mul': 1,
         'gc_enter_roots_frame': 1,
@@ -370,8 +369,7 @@
         'int_sub': 1,
         'direct_call': 2,
-    add_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc)
-    add_enter_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, Constant('fake gcdata'))
+    add_enter_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, Constant('fake gcdata'))
 def test_remove_intrablock_push_roots():
@@ -426,8 +424,7 @@
         'int_sub': 1,
         'direct_call': 2,
-    add_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc)
-    add_enter_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, Constant('fake gcdata'))
+    add_enter_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, Constant('fake gcdata'))
 def test_move_pushes_earlier_rename_2():
@@ -458,8 +455,7 @@
         'int_sub': 1,
         'direct_call': 2,
-    add_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc)
-    add_enter_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, Constant('fake gcdata'))
+    add_enter_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, Constant('fake gcdata'))
 def test_move_pushes_earlier_rename_3():
@@ -492,8 +488,7 @@
         'int_sub': 2,
         'direct_call': 2,
-    add_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc)
-    add_enter_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, Constant('fake gcdata'))
+    add_enter_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, Constant('fake gcdata'))
 def test_move_pushes_earlier_rename_4():
@@ -534,8 +529,7 @@
         'int_sub': 3,
         'direct_call': 2,
-    add_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc)
-    add_enter_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, Constant('fake gcdata'))
+    add_enter_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, Constant('fake gcdata'))
 def test_add_leave_roots_frame_1():
@@ -562,8 +556,7 @@
     expand_push_roots(graph, regalloc)
     move_pushes_earlier(graph, regalloc)
     expand_pop_roots(graph, regalloc)
-    add_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc)
-    add_enter_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, Constant('fake gcdata'))
+    add_enter_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, Constant('fake gcdata'))
     assert len(graph.startblock.exits) == 2
     for link in graph.startblock.exits:
         assert [op.opname for op in link.target.operations] == [
@@ -595,8 +588,7 @@
     expand_push_roots(graph, regalloc)
     move_pushes_earlier(graph, regalloc)
     expand_pop_roots(graph, regalloc)
-    add_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc)
-    add_enter_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, Constant('fake gcdata'))
+    add_enter_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, Constant('fake gcdata'))
     assert [op.opname for op in graph.startblock.operations] == [
@@ -676,8 +668,7 @@
     expand_push_roots(graph, regalloc)
     move_pushes_earlier(graph, regalloc)
     expand_pop_roots(graph, regalloc)
-    add_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc)
-    add_enter_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, Constant('fake gcdata'))
+    add_enter_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, Constant('fake gcdata'))
 def test_add_enter_roots_frame_remove_empty():
@@ -708,8 +699,7 @@
     expand_push_roots(graph, regalloc)
     move_pushes_earlier(graph, regalloc)
     expand_pop_roots(graph, regalloc)
-    add_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc)
-    add_enter_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, Constant('fake gcdata'))
+    add_enter_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, Constant('fake gcdata'))
     assert [op.opname for op in graph.startblock.operations] == [
@@ -722,6 +712,35 @@
+def test_add_enter_roots_frame_avoided():
+    def g(x):
+        return x
+    def f(x, n):
+        if n > 100:
+            llop.gc_push_roots(lltype.Void, x)
+            g(x)
+            llop.gc_pop_roots(lltype.Void, x)
+        return x
+    graph = make_graph(f, [llmemory.GCREF, int])
+    regalloc = allocate_registers(graph)
+    expand_push_roots(graph, regalloc)
+    move_pushes_earlier(graph, regalloc)
+    expand_pop_roots(graph, regalloc)
+    add_enter_leave_roots_frame(graph, regalloc, Constant('fake gcdata'))
+    assert [op.opname for op in graph.startblock.operations] == [
+        'int_gt', 'same_as']
+    [fastpath, slowpath] = graph.startblock.exits
+    assert fastpath.target is graph.returnblock
+    block2 = slowpath.target
+    assert [op.opname for op in block2.operations] == [
+        'gc_enter_roots_frame',
+        'gc_save_root',
+        'direct_call',
+        'gc_restore_root',
+        'gc_leave_roots_frame']
+    postprocess_double_check(graph)
 def test_fix_graph_after_inlining():
     # the graph of f looks like it inlined another graph, which itself
     # would be "if x > 100: foobar()".  The foobar() function is supposed
diff --git a/rpython/translator/c/funcgen.py b/rpython/translator/c/funcgen.py
--- a/rpython/translator/c/funcgen.py
+++ b/rpython/translator/c/funcgen.py
@@ -172,11 +172,19 @@
     def cfunction_body(self):
         graph = self.graph
-        if (len(graph.startblock.operations) >= 1 and
-            graph.startblock.operations[0].opname == 'gc_enter_roots_frame'):
-            for line in self.gcpolicy.enter_roots_frame(self,
-                                        graph.startblock.operations[0]):
+        # ----- for gc_enter_roots_frame
+        _seen = set()
+        for block in graph.iterblocks():
+            for op in block.operations:
+                if op.opname == 'gc_enter_roots_frame':
+                    _seen.add(tuple(op.args))
+        if _seen:
+            assert len(_seen) == 1, (
+                "multiple different gc_enter_roots_frame in %r" % (graph,))
+            for line in self.gcpolicy.enter_roots_frame(self, list(_seen)[0]):
                 yield line
+        # ----- done
         yield 'goto block0;'    # to avoid a warning "this label is not used"
diff --git a/rpython/translator/c/gc.py b/rpython/translator/c/gc.py
--- a/rpython/translator/c/gc.py
+++ b/rpython/translator/c/gc.py
@@ -397,9 +397,8 @@
         from rpython.memory.gctransform import shadowstack
         return shadowstack.ShadowStackFrameworkGCTransformer(translator)
-    def enter_roots_frame(self, funcgen, op):
-        numcolors = op.args[1].value
-        c_gcdata = op.args[0]
+    def enter_roots_frame(self, funcgen, (c_gcdata, c_numcolors)):
+        numcolors = c_numcolors.value
         # XXX hard-code the field name here
         gcpol_ss = '%s->gcd_inst_root_stack_top' % funcgen.expr(c_gcdata)
@@ -415,8 +414,6 @@
         raise Exception("gc_pop_roots should be removed by postprocess_graph")
     def OP_GC_ENTER_ROOTS_FRAME(self, funcgen, op):
-        if op is not funcgen.graph.startblock.operations[0]:
-            raise Exception("gc_enter_roots_frame as a non-initial instruction")
         return '%s = (void *)(ss+1);' % funcgen.gcpol_ss
     def OP_GC_LEAVE_ROOTS_FRAME(self, funcgen, op):

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