[pypy-commit] pypy reverse-debugger: Fix interact.py

arigo pypy.commits at gmail.com
Mon Jun 20 05:21:39 EDT 2016

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: reverse-debugger
Changeset: r85235:d761ca2cb60e
Date: 2016-06-20 11:22 +0200

Log:	Fix interact.py

diff --git a/rpython/translator/revdb/interact.py b/rpython/translator/revdb/interact.py
--- a/rpython/translator/revdb/interact.py
+++ b/rpython/translator/revdb/interact.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import sys, re
 import subprocess, socket
 import traceback
-from rpython.translator.revdb.message import *
+from rpython.translator.revdb.process import ReplayProcessGroup, maxint64
 r_cmdline = re.compile(r"(\S+)\s*(.*)")
@@ -17,38 +17,17 @@
         if executable is None:
             executable = fields[1]
-        #
-        s1, s2 = socket.socketpair()
-        subproc = subprocess.Popen(
-            [executable, '--revdb-replay', revdb_log_filename,
-             str(s2.fileno())])
-        s2.close()
-        self.subproc = subproc
-        child = ReplayProcess(subproc.pid, s1)
-        msg = child.expect(ANSWER_INIT, INIT_VERSION_NUMBER, Ellipsis)
-        self.total_stop_points = msg.arg2
-        msg = child.expect(ANSWER_STD, 1, Ellipsis)
-        child.update_times(msg)
-        self.active_child = child
-        self.paused_children = []
-        #
-        # fixed time division for now
-        if self.total_stop_points < 1:
-            raise ValueError("no stop points recorded in %r" % (
-                revdb_log_filename,))
-        self.fork_points = {1: child.clone()}
-        p = 1
-        while p < self.total_stop_points and len(self.fork_points) < 30:
-            p += int((self.total_stop_points - p) * 0.25) + 1
-            self.fork_points[p] = None
+        self.pgroup = ReplayProcessGroup(executable, revdb_log_filename)
     def interact(self):
         last_command = ''
         while True:
-            last_time = self.active_child.current_time
+            last_time = self.pgroup.get_current_time()
             prompt = '(%d)$ ' % last_time
+            sys.stdout.write(prompt)
+            sys.stdout.flush()
-                cmdline = raw_input(prompt).strip()
+                cmdline = raw_input().strip()
             except EOFError:
                 cmdline = 'quit'
@@ -57,6 +36,7 @@
             match = r_cmdline.match(cmdline)
             if not match:
+            last_command = cmdline
             command, argument = match.groups()
                 runner = getattr(self, 'command_' + command)
@@ -67,7 +47,6 @@
                 except Exception as e:
-                last_command = cmdline
     def command_help(self, argument):
         """Display commands summary"""
@@ -76,29 +55,42 @@
             if name.startswith('command_'):
                 command = name[len('command_'):]
                 docstring = getattr(self, name).__doc__ or 'undocumented'
-                print '\t%s\t%s' % (command, docstring)
+                print '\t%-12s %s' % (command, docstring)
     def command_quit(self, argument):
         """Exit the debugger"""
+        self.pgroup.close()
-    def change_child(self, target_time):
-        """If 'target_time' is not soon after 'self.active_child',
-        close it and fork another child."""
-        assert 1 <= target_time <= self.total_stop_points
-        best = max([key for key in self.fork_points if key <= target_time])
-        if best < self.active_child.current_time <= target_time:
-            pass     # keep 'active_child'
-        else:
-            self.active_child.close()
-            self.active_child = self.fork_points[best].clone()
+    def command_go(self, argument):
+        """Jump to time ARG"""
+        self.pgroup.jump_in_time(int(argument))
-    def command_go(self, argument):
-        """Go to time ARG"""
-        target_time = int(argument)
-        if target_time < 1:
-            target_time = 1
-        if target_time > self.total_stop_points:
-            target_time = self.total_stop_points
-        self.change_child(target_time)
-        self.active_child.forward(target_time - self.active_child.current_time)
+    def command_info(self, argument):
+        """Display various info ('info help' for more)"""
+        display = getattr(self, 'cmd_info_' + argument, self.cmd_info_help)
+        return display()
+    def cmd_info_help(self):
+        """Display info topics summary"""
+        print 'Available info topics:'
+        for name in dir(self):
+            if name.startswith('cmd_info_'):
+                command = name[len('cmd_info_'):]
+                docstring = getattr(self, name).__doc__ or 'undocumented'
+                print '\tinfo %-12s %s' % (command, docstring)
+    def cmd_info_paused(self):
+        """List current paused subprocesses"""
+        lst = [str(n) for n in sorted(self.pgroup.paused)]
+        print ', '.join(lst)
+    def command_step(self, argument):
+        """Run forward ARG steps (default 1)"""
+        self.pgroup.go_forward(int(argument or '1'))
+    command_s = command_step
+    def command_continue(self, argument):
+        """Run forward"""
+        self.pgroup.go_forward(maxint64)
+    command_c = command_continue
diff --git a/rpython/translator/revdb/process.py b/rpython/translator/revdb/process.py
--- a/rpython/translator/revdb/process.py
+++ b/rpython/translator/revdb/process.py
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
 from rpython.translator.revdb.message import *
+maxint64 = int(2**63 - 1)
 class Breakpoint(Exception):
     def __init__(self, num):
         self.num = num
@@ -183,3 +186,9 @@
         # else, start from a fork
         self._resume(max(time for time in self.paused if time <= target_time))
         self.go_forward(target_time - self.get_current_time())
+    def close(self):
+        """Close all subprocesses.
+        """
+        for subp in [self.active] + self.paused.values():
+            subp.close()
diff --git a/rpython/translator/revdb/test/test_basic.py b/rpython/translator/revdb/test/test_basic.py
--- a/rpython/translator/revdb/test/test_basic.py
+++ b/rpython/translator/revdb/test/test_basic.py
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
     def test_fork(self):
         child = self.replay()
-        child2 = child.fork()
+        child2 = child.clone()
         child.send(Message(CMD_FORWARD, 2))
         child.expect(ANSWER_STD, 3, Ellipsis)
         child2.send(Message(CMD_FORWARD, 1))
@@ -389,116 +389,3 @@
         child.expect(120, 3)
         child.send(Message(CMD_FORWARD, 0))
         child.expect(ANSWER_STD, 3, Ellipsis)
-    def test_get_unique_id_and_track_object(self):
-        child = self.replay()
-        child.expectx('(3)$ ')
-        child.sendline('r print-id')
-        child.expect(re.escape('<<<print-id>>>\r\n')
-                     + r'obj.x=1002 (\d+) (\d+)'
-                     + re.escape('\r\n'
-                                 'blipped\r\n'
-                                 '(3)$ '))
-        object_id_3rd = int(child.match.group(1))
-        created_objects_3rd = int(child.match.group(2))
-        assert 0 < object_id_3rd < created_objects_3rd
-        #
-        child.sendline('__go 1')
-        child.expectx('(1)$ ')
-        child.sendline('r print-id')
-        child.expect(re.escape('<<<print-id>>>\r\n')
-                     + r'obj.x=1000 (\d+) (\d+)'
-                     + re.escape('\r\n'
-                                 'blipped\r\n'
-                                 '(1)$ '))
-        object_id_1st = int(child.match.group(1))
-        created_objects_1st = int(child.match.group(2))
-        assert 0 < object_id_1st < created_objects_1st
-        assert created_objects_1st <= object_id_3rd   # only created afterwards
-        #
-        child.sendline('r track-object %d' % object_id_3rd)
-        child.expectx('<<<track-object %d>>>\r\n' % object_id_3rd +
-                      'blipped\r\n'
-                      '(1)$ ')
-        for i in [1, 2]:
-            child.sendline('r get-tracked-object')
-            child.expectx('<<<get-tracked-object>>>\r\n'
-                          'none\r\n'
-                          'blipped\r\n'
-                          '(%d)$ ' % i)
-            child.sendline('__forward 1')
-            child.expectx('(%d)$ ' % (i + 1))
-        child.sendline('r get-tracked-object')
-        child.expectx('<<<get-tracked-object>>>\r\n'
-                      'got obj.x=1002\r\n'
-                      'blipped\r\n'
-                      '(3)$ ')
-        child.sendline('__go 3')
-        child.expectx('(3)$ ')
-        child.sendline('r get-tracked-object')
-        child.expectx('<<<get-tracked-object>>>\r\n'
-                      'none\r\n'
-                      'blipped\r\n'
-                      '(3)$ ')
-        #
-        child.sendline('__go 2')
-        child.expectx('(2)$ ')
-        child.sendline('r print-id')
-        child.expect(re.escape('<<<print-id>>>\r\n')
-                     + r'obj.x=1001 (\d+) (\d+)'
-                     + re.escape('\r\n'
-                                 'blipped\r\n'
-                                 '(2)$ '))
-        object_id_2nd = int(child.match.group(1))
-        created_objects_2nd = int(child.match.group(2))
-        #
-        child.sendline('r track-object %d' % object_id_2nd)
-        child.expectx('<<<track-object %d>>>\r\n' % object_id_2nd +
-                    'cannot track the creation of an object already created\r\n'
-                      'blipped\r\n'
-                      '(2)$ ')
-        child.sendline('r track-object 0')
-        child.expectx('<<<track-object 0>>>\r\n'
-                      'cannot track a prebuilt or debugger-created object\r\n'
-                      'blipped\r\n'
-                      '(2)$ ')
-        child.sendline('__go 1')
-        child.expectx('(1)$ ')
-        child.sendline('r track-object %d' % object_id_2nd)
-        child.expectx('<<<track-object %d>>>\r\n' % object_id_2nd +
-                      'blipped\r\n'
-                      '(1)$ ')
-        child.sendline('__forward 2')
-        child.expectx('(3)$ ')
-        child.sendline('r get-tracked-object')
-        child.expectx('<<<get-tracked-object>>>\r\n'
-                      'got obj.x=1001\r\n'
-                      'blipped\r\n'
-                      '(3)$ ')
-        child.sendline('__forward 1')
-        child.expectx('At end.\r\n'
-                      '(3)$ ')
-        child.sendline('r get-tracked-object')
-        child.expectx('<<<get-tracked-object>>>\r\n'
-                      'none\r\n'
-                      'blipped\r\n'
-                      '(3)$ ')
-    def test_first_created_uid(self):
-        child = self.replay()
-        child.expectx('(3)$ ')
-        child.sendline('r first-created-uid')
-        child.expectx('<<<first-created-uid>>>\r\n')
-        child.expect('first-created-uid=(\d+)\r\n')
-        first_created_id = int(child.match.group(1))
-        child.expectx('blipped\r\n'
-                      '(3)$ ')
-        child.sendline('__go 1')
-        child.expectx('(1)$ ')
-        child.sendline('r print-id')
-        child.expect(re.escape('<<<print-id>>>\r\n')
-                     + r'obj.x=1000 (\d+) (\d+)'
-                     + re.escape('\r\n'
-                                 'blipped\r\n'
-                                 '(1)$ '))
-        assert int(child.match.group(2)) == first_created_id

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