[pypy-commit] pypy default: (s390x) merged s390x-5.3-catchup

plan_rich pypy.commits at gmail.com
Tue Jun 7 09:06:13 EDT 2016

Author: Richard Plangger <planrichi at gmail.com>
Changeset: r84995:02f61acb357d
Date: 2016-06-07 15:04 +0200

Log:	(s390x) merged s390x-5.3-catchup

diff --git a/rpython/jit/backend/ppc/regalloc.py b/rpython/jit/backend/ppc/regalloc.py
--- a/rpython/jit/backend/ppc/regalloc.py
+++ b/rpython/jit/backend/ppc/regalloc.py
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@
     prepare_int_lshift = helper.prepare_binary_op
     prepare_int_rshift = helper.prepare_binary_op
     prepare_uint_rshift = helper.prepare_binary_op
-    prepare_uint_mul_high = helper.prepare_binary_op
+    prepare_uint_mul_high = helper.prepare_int_mul_ovf
     prepare_int_add_ovf = helper.prepare_binary_op
     prepare_int_sub_ovf = helper.prepare_binary_op
diff --git a/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/instructions.py b/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/instructions.py
--- a/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/instructions.py
+++ b/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/instructions.py
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
     'MGHI':    ('ri',    ['\xA7','\x0D']),
     'MSGFI':   ('ril',   ['\xC2','\x00']),
     'MLGR':    ('rre',   ['\xB9','\x86'], 'eo,r'),
+    'MLG':     ('rxy',   ['\xE3','\x86'], 'eo,bid'),
     # div/mod
     'DSGR':    ('rre',   ['\xB9','\x0D'], 'eo,r'),
     'DSG':     ('rxy',   ['\xE3','\x0D'], 'eo,bidl'),
diff --git a/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/opassembler.py b/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/opassembler.py
--- a/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/opassembler.py
+++ b/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/opassembler.py
@@ -160,11 +160,15 @@
         omc.BRC(c.ANY, l.imm(label_end - jmp_neither_lqlr_overflow))
-    emit_int_floordiv = gen_emit_div_mod('DSGR', 'DSG')
-    emit_uint_floordiv = gen_emit_div_mod('DLGR', 'DLG')
-    # NOTE division sets one register with the modulo value, thus
-    # the regalloc ensures the right register survives.
-    emit_int_mod = gen_emit_div_mod('DSGR', 'DSG')
+    def emit_uint_mul_high(self, op, arglocs, regalloc):
+        r0, _, a1 = arglocs
+        # _ carries the value, contents of r0 are ignored
+        assert not r0.is_imm()
+        assert not a1.is_imm()
+        if a1.is_core_reg():
+            self.mc.MLGR(r0, a1)
+        else:
+            self.mc.MLG(r0, a1)
     def emit_int_invert(self, op, arglocs, regalloc):
         l0, = arglocs
diff --git a/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/regalloc.py b/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/regalloc.py
--- a/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/regalloc.py
+++ b/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/regalloc.py
@@ -733,9 +733,6 @@
     prepare_int_sub_ovf = helper.prepare_int_sub
     prepare_int_mul = helper.prepare_int_mul
     prepare_int_mul_ovf = helper.prepare_int_mul_ovf
-    prepare_int_floordiv = helper.prepare_int_div
-    prepare_uint_floordiv = helper.prepare_int_div
-    prepare_int_mod = helper.prepare_int_mod
     prepare_nursery_ptr_increment = prepare_int_add
     prepare_int_and = helper.prepare_int_logic
@@ -746,6 +743,18 @@
     prepare_int_lshift  = helper.prepare_int_shift
     prepare_uint_rshift = helper.prepare_int_shift
+    def prepare_uint_mul_high(self, op):
+        a0 = op.getarg(0)
+        a1 = op.getarg(1)
+        if a0.is_constant():
+            a0, a1 = a1, a0
+        if helper.check_imm32(a1):
+            l1 = self.ensure_reg(a1)
+        else:
+            l1 = self.ensure_reg_or_pool(a1)
+        lr,lq = self.rm.ensure_even_odd_pair(a0, op, bind_first=True)
+        return [lr, lq, l1]
     prepare_int_le = helper.generate_cmp_op()
     prepare_int_lt = helper.generate_cmp_op()
     prepare_int_ge = helper.generate_cmp_op()
diff --git a/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/test/test_int.py b/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/test/test_int.py
--- a/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/test/test_int.py
+++ b/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/test/test_int.py
@@ -35,41 +35,13 @@
         fail = self.cpu.get_latest_descr(deadframe)
         assert fail == finishdescr # ensures that guard is not taken!
-    def test_double_evenodd_pair(self):
-        code = """
-        [i0]
-        i1 = int_floordiv(i0, 2)
-        i2 = int_floordiv(i0, 3)
-        i3 = int_floordiv(i0, 4)
-        i4 = int_floordiv(i0, 5)
-        i5 = int_floordiv(i0, 6)
-        i6 = int_floordiv(i0, 7)
-        i7 = int_floordiv(i0, 8)
-        i8 = int_le(i1, 0)
-        guard_true(i8) [i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7]
-        finish(i0, descr=faildescr)
-        """
-        # the guard forces 3 spills because after 4 divisions
-        # all even slots of the managed registers are full
-        loop = parse(code, namespace={'faildescr': BasicFinalDescr(1)})
-        looptoken = JitCellToken()
-        self.cpu.compile_loop(loop.inputargs, loop.operations, looptoken)
-        deadframe = self.cpu.execute_token(looptoken, 100)
-        fail = self.cpu.get_latest_descr(deadframe)
-        for i in range(2,9):
-            assert self.cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, i-2) == 100//i
     @py.test.mark.parametrize('value', [2,3,15,2**16])
     def test_evenodd_pair_extensive(self, value):
         instrs = []
         failargs = []
         values = []
         j = 0
-        mapping = (('int_floordiv',lambda x,y: x // y),
-                   ('int_mod', lambda x,y: x % y),
-                   ('int_mul_ovf', lambda x,y: x * y))
+        mapping = (('int_mul_ovf', lambda x,y: x * y),)
         for i in range(20):
             name, func = mapping[j]
             instrs.append("i{d} = {i}(i0, {d})".format(d=i+1, i=name))
diff --git a/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/test/test_regalloc.py b/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/test/test_regalloc.py
--- a/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/test/test_regalloc.py
+++ b/rpython/jit/backend/zarch/test/test_regalloc.py
@@ -146,128 +146,3 @@
     assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 0) == 0
     assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 1) == -1000
-def test_bug_0():
-    cpu, deadframe = run([-13, 10, 10, 8, -8, -16, -18, 46, -12, 26], '''
-    [i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10]
-    i11 = uint_gt(i3, -48)
-    i12 = int_xor(i8, i1)
-    i13 = int_gt(i6, -9)
-    i14 = int_le(i13, i2)
-    i15 = int_le(i11, i5)
-    i16 = uint_ge(i13, i13)
-    i17 = int_or(i9, -23)
-    i18 = int_lt(i10, i13)
-    i19 = int_or(i15, i5)
-    i20 = int_xor(i17, 54)
-    i21 = int_mul(i8, i10)
-    i22 = int_or(i3, i9)
-    i41 = int_and(i11, -4)
-    i42 = int_or(i41, 1)
-    i23 = int_mod(i12, i42)
-    i24 = int_is_true(i6)
-    i25 = uint_rshift(i15, 6)
-    i26 = int_or(-4, i25)
-    i27 = int_invert(i8)
-    i28 = int_sub(-113, i11)
-    i29 = int_neg(i7)
-    i30 = int_neg(i24)
-    i31 = int_floordiv(i3, 53)
-    i32 = int_mul(i28, i27)
-    i43 = int_and(i18, -4)
-    i44 = int_or(i43, 1)
-    i33 = int_mod(i26, i44)
-    i34 = int_or(i27, i19)
-    i35 = uint_lt(i13, 1)
-    i45 = int_and(i21, 31)
-    i36 = int_rshift(i21, i45)
-    i46 = int_and(i20, 31)
-    i37 = uint_rshift(i4, i46)
-    i38 = uint_gt(i33, -11)
-    i39 = int_neg(i7)
-    i40 = int_gt(i24, i32)
-    i99 = same_as_i(0)
-    guard_true(i99) [i40, i36, i37, i31, i16, i34, i35, i23, i22, i29, i14, i39, i30, i38]
-    finish(42)
-    ''')
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 0) == 0
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 1) == 0
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 2) == 0
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 3) == 0
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 4) == 1
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 5) == -7
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 6) == 1
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 7) == 0
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 8) == -2
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 9) == 18
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 10) == 1
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 11) == 18
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 12) == -1
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 13) == 0
-def test_bug_1():
-    cpu, deadframe = run([17, -20, -6, 6, 1, 13, 13, 9, 49, 8], '''
-    [i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10]
-    i11 = uint_lt(i6, 0)
-    i41 = int_and(i3, 31)
-    i12 = int_rshift(i3, i41)
-    i13 = int_neg(i2)
-    i14 = int_add(i11, i7)
-    i15 = int_or(i3, i2)
-    i16 = int_or(i12, i12)
-    i17 = int_ne(i2, i5)
-    i42 = int_and(i5, 31)
-    i18 = uint_rshift(i14, i42)
-    i43 = int_and(i14, 31)
-    i19 = int_lshift(7, i43)
-    i20 = int_neg(i19)
-    i21 = int_mod(i3, 1)
-    i22 = uint_ge(i15, i1)
-    i44 = int_and(i16, 31)
-    i23 = int_lshift(i8, i44)
-    i24 = int_is_true(i17)
-    i45 = int_and(i5, 31)
-    i25 = int_lshift(i14, i45)
-    i26 = int_lshift(i5, 17)
-    i27 = int_eq(i9, i15)
-    i28 = int_ge(0, i6)
-    i29 = int_neg(i15)
-    i30 = int_neg(i22)
-    i31 = int_add(i7, i16)
-    i32 = uint_lt(i19, i19)
-    i33 = int_add(i2, 1)
-    i34 = int_neg(i5)
-    i35 = int_add(i17, i24)
-    i36 = uint_lt(2, i16)
-    i37 = int_neg(i9)
-    i38 = int_gt(i4, i11)
-    i39 = int_lt(i27, i22)
-    i40 = int_neg(i27)
-    i99 = same_as_i(0)
-    guard_true(i99) [i40, i10, i36, i26, i13, i30, i21, i33, i18, i25, i31, i32, i28, i29, i35, i38, i20, i39, i34, i23, i37]
-    finish(-42)
-    ''')
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 0) == 0
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 1) == 8
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 2) == 1
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 3) == 131072
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 4) == 20
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 5) == -1
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 6) == 0
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 7) == -19
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 8) == 6
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 9) == 26
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 10) == 12
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 11) == 0
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 12) == 0
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 13) == 2
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 14) == 2
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 15) == 1
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 16) == -57344
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 17) == 1
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 18) == -1
-    if WORD == 4:
-        assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 19) == -2147483648
-    elif WORD == 8:
-        assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 19) == 19327352832
-    assert cpu.get_int_value(deadframe, 20) == -49

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