[pypy-commit] pypy vlen-resume: (fijal, cfbolz, arigo)

arigo pypy.commits at gmail.com
Sun Feb 21 11:55:07 EST 2016

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: vlen-resume
Changeset: r82371:a3dc1d20dc0f
Date: 2016-02-21 16:39 +0100

Log:	(fijal, cfbolz, arigo)

	work in progress

diff --git a/rpython/jit/metainterp/resume.py b/rpython/jit/metainterp/resume.py
--- a/rpython/jit/metainterp/resume.py
+++ b/rpython/jit/metainterp/resume.py
@@ -1147,7 +1147,7 @@
             end = first_snapshot_size - len(virtualizable_boxes)
         elif ginfo is not None:
             item, self.cur_index = resumecode.numb_next_item(self.numb,
-                first_snapshot_size - 1)
+                first_snapshot_size - 1)xxxxxxxxxxxxx
             virtualizable_boxes = [self.decode_ref(item)]
             end = first_snapshot_size - 1
@@ -1483,7 +1483,7 @@
             if vinfo is not None:
                 end_vref = self.consume_vable_info(vinfo)
             if ginfo is not None:
-                end_vref -= 1
+                end_vref -= 1         xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
             self.consume_virtualref_info(vrefinfo, end_vref) 
         self.cur_index = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, self.numb.first_snapshot_size)
diff --git a/rpython/jit/metainterp/resumecode.py b/rpython/jit/metainterp/resumecode.py
--- a/rpython/jit/metainterp/resumecode.py
+++ b/rpython/jit/metainterp/resumecode.py
@@ -20,77 +20,64 @@
 #                            ('prev', NUMBERINGP),
 #                            ('prev_index', rffi.USHORT),
                             ('first_snapshot_size', rffi.USHORT), # ugh, ugly
-                            ('code', lltype.Array(rffi.SHORT)))
+                            ('code', lltype.Array(rffi.UCHAR)))
 NULL_NUMBER = lltype.nullptr(NUMBERING)
 # this is the actually used version
+## def create_numbering(lst, first_snapshot_size):
+##     numb = lltype.malloc(NUMBERING, len(lst))
+##     for i in range(len(lst)):
+##         numb.code[i] = rffi.cast(rffi.SHORT, lst[i])
+##     numb.first_snapshot_size = rffi.cast(rffi.USHORT, first_snapshot_size)
+##     return numb
+## def numb_next_item(numb, index):
+##     return rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, numb.code[index]), index + 1
+# this is the version that can be potentially used
 def create_numbering(lst, first_snapshot_size):
-    numb = lltype.malloc(NUMBERING, len(lst))
-    for i in range(len(lst)):
-        numb.code[i] = rffi.cast(rffi.SHORT, lst[i])
+    result = []
+    for item in lst:
+        item *= 2
+        if item < 0:
+            item = -1 - item
+        assert item >= 0
+        if item < 2**7:
+            result.append(rffi.cast(rffi.UCHAR, item))
+        elif item < 2**14:
+            result.append(rffi.cast(rffi.UCHAR, item | 0x80))
+            result.append(rffi.cast(rffi.UCHAR, item >> 7))
+        else:
+            assert item < 2**16
+            result.append(rffi.cast(rffi.UCHAR, item | 0x80))
+            result.append(rffi.cast(rffi.UCHAR, (item >> 7) | 0x80))
+            result.append(rffi.cast(rffi.UCHAR, item >> 14))
+    numb = lltype.malloc(NUMBERING, len(result))
     numb.first_snapshot_size = rffi.cast(rffi.USHORT, first_snapshot_size)
+    for i in range(len(result)):
+        numb.code[i] = result[i]
     return numb
 def numb_next_item(numb, index):
-    return rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, numb.code[index]), index + 1
-# this is the version that can be potentially used
-def _create_numbering(lst, prev, prev_index, first_snapshot_size):
-    count = 0
-    for item in lst:
-        if item < 0:
-            if item < -63:
-                count += 1
-        if item > 127:
-            count += 1
-        count += 1
-    numb = lltype.malloc(NUMBERING, count)
-    numb.prev = prev
-    numb.prev_index = rffi.cast(rffi.USHORT, prev_index)
-    numb.first_snapshot_size = rffi.cast(rffi.USHORT, first_snapshot_size)
-    index = 0
-    for item in lst:
-        if 0 <= item <= 128:
-            numb.code[index] = rffi.cast(rffi.UCHAR, item)
+    value = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, numb.code[index])
+    index += 1
+    if value & (2**7):
+        value &= 2**7 - 1
+        value |= rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, numb.code[index]) << 7
+        index += 1
+        if value & (2**14):
+            value &= 2**14 - 1
+            value |= rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, numb.code[index]) << 14
             index += 1
-        else:
-            assert (item >> 8) <= 63
-            if item < 0:
-                item = -item
-                if item <= 63:
-                    numb.code[index] = rffi.cast(rffi.UCHAR, item | 0x40)
-                    index += 1
-                else:
-                    numb.code[index] = rffi.cast(rffi.UCHAR, (item >> 8) | 0x80 | 0x40)
-                    numb.code[index + 1] = rffi.cast(rffi.UCHAR, item & 0xff)
-                    index += 2
-            else:
-                numb.code[index] = rffi.cast(rffi.UCHAR, (item >> 8) | 0x80)
-                numb.code[index + 1] = rffi.cast(rffi.UCHAR, item & 0xff)
-                index += 2
-    return numb
-def copy_from_list_to_numb(lst, numb, index):
-    i = 0
-    while i < len(lst):
-        numb.code[i + index] = lst[i]
-        i += 1
-def _numb_next_item(numb, index):
-    one = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, numb.code[index])
-    if one & 0x40:
-        if one & 0x80:
-            two = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, numb.code[index + 1])
-            return -(((one & ~(0x80 | 0x40)) << 8) | two), index + 2
-        else:
-            return -(one & (~0x40)), index + 1
-    if one & 0x80:
-        two = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, numb.code[index + 1])
-        return ((one & 0x7f) << 8) | two, index + 2
-    return one, index + 1
+    if value & 1:
+        value = -1 - value
+    value >>= 1
+    return value, index
 def unpack_numbering(numb):
     l = []
diff --git a/rpython/jit/metainterp/test/test_resumecode.py b/rpython/jit/metainterp/test/test_resumecode.py
--- a/rpython/jit/metainterp/test/test_resumecode.py
+++ b/rpython/jit/metainterp/test/test_resumecode.py
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
 from rpython.jit.metainterp.resumecode import NUMBERING, NULL_NUMBER
 from rpython.jit.metainterp.resumecode import create_numbering,\
-    unpack_numbering, copy_from_list_to_numb
+    unpack_numbering
 from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype
+from hypothesis import strategies, given
 def test_pack_unpack():
     examples = [
         [1, 2, 3, 4, 257, 10000, 13, 15],
@@ -14,3 +17,13 @@
     for l in examples:
         n = create_numbering(l, 0)
         assert unpack_numbering(n) == l
+ at given(strategies.lists(strategies.integers(-2**15, 2**15-1)))
+def test_roundtrip(l):
+    n = create_numbering(l, 0)
+    assert unpack_numbering(n) == l
+ at given(strategies.lists(strategies.integers(-2**15, 2**15-1)))
+def test_compressing(l):
+    n = create_numbering(l, 0)
+    assert len(n.code) <= len(l) * 3

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