[pypy-commit] pypy stmgc-c8: fixes to dataflow.py and use in gctransform.framework

Raemi noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Thu Nov 26 10:26:41 EST 2015

Author: Remi Meier <remi.meier at gmail.com>
Branch: stmgc-c8
Changeset: r80977:fce7bdeba033
Date: 2015-11-26 16:19 +0100

Log:	fixes to dataflow.py and use in gctransform.framework

diff --git a/rpython/memory/gctransform/framework.py b/rpython/memory/gctransform/framework.py
--- a/rpython/memory/gctransform/framework.py
+++ b/rpython/memory/gctransform/framework.py
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 from rpython.memory.gctypelayout import ll_weakref_deref, WEAKREF, WEAKREFPTR
 from rpython.tool.sourcetools import func_with_new_name
 from rpython.translator.backendopt import graphanalyze
+from rpython.translator.backendopt.dataflow import AbstractForwardDataFlowAnalysis
 from rpython.translator.backendopt.finalizer import FinalizerAnalyzer
 from rpython.translator.backendopt.support import var_needsgc
 import types
@@ -53,7 +54,8 @@
-class WriteBarrierCollector(object):
+class WriteBarrierCollector(AbstractForwardDataFlowAnalysis):
     This class implements a forward data flow analysis to find all
     set/write-operations in the graph that do *not* require a
@@ -65,18 +67,38 @@
         self.graph = graph
         self.collect_analyzer = collect_analyzer
         self.clean_ops = set()
-        self._in_states = {} # block->state of each inputarg
-        self._out_states = {} # block->writable dict
         self.in_stm_ignored = False
-    def _merge_out_states(self, out_states):
-        assert out_states
-        # True: writeable or fresh, otherwise False
-        result = [True] * len(out_states[0])
-        for outset in out_states:
-            for i, state in enumerate(outset):
-                result[i] = result[i] and state
-        return result
+    def entry_state(self, block):
+        assert block is self.graph.startblock
+        return {} # no variable writeable
+    def initialize_block(self, block):
+        # the initial out_state of a block is that
+        # all variables are "writable". This is the
+        # "neutral element" for the join_operation
+        out_state = set()
+        for link in block.exits:
+            for arg in link.args:
+                out_state.add(arg)
+        #
+        # in_state will be newly calculated in forward analysis
+        return out_state
+    def join_operation(self, preds_outs, inputargs, pred_out_args):
+        # collect the (renamed) variables / inputargs that are
+        # writeable coming from all predecessors.
+        result = set(inputargs)
+        for i, iarg in enumerate(inputargs):
+            # for input arg, go through all predecessor out_sets
+            # and see if the renamed arg was writable there:
+            for pidx, pouts in enumerate(preds_outs):
+                name_in_pred = pred_out_args[i][pidx]
+                if name_in_pred not in pouts:
+                    # was not writable in pred[pidx]
+                    result.remove(iarg)
+                    break
+        return frozenset(result)
     def _set_into_gc_array_part(self, op):
         if op.opname == 'setarrayitem':
@@ -87,24 +109,19 @@
                     return v
         return None
-    def _flow_through_block(self, block):
-        # get all out_state of predecessors and recalculate
-        # the in_state of our block (except for startblock)
-        insets = self._in_states
-        #
-        # get input variables and their states:
-        assert len(insets[block]) == len(block.inputargs)
-        writeable = {}
-        for v, state in zip(block.inputargs, insets[block]):
-            writeable[v] = state
+    def transfer_function(self, block, in_state):
+        # the set of variables that are writable at the
+        # start of 'block':
+        writeable = set(in_state)
         # flow through block and inspect operations that
         # need a write barrier, and those that create new
         # objects
-        for i, op in enumerate(block.operations):
+        print writeable, block.operations
+        for op in block.operations:
             if self.collect_analyzer.analyze(op): # incl. malloc, obviously
                 # clear all writeable status
-                writeable = {}
+                writeable = set()
             if op.opname == "stm_ignored_start":
                 assert not self.in_stm_ignored
@@ -114,7 +131,7 @@
                 self.in_stm_ignored = False
             elif op.opname == "gc_writebarrier":
                 assert not self.in_stm_ignored
-                writeable[op.args[0]] = True
+                writeable.add(op.args[0])
             elif op.opname == "malloc":
                 rtti = get_rtti(op.args[0].value)
                 if rtti is not None and hasattr(rtti._obj, 'destructor_funcptr'):
@@ -123,10 +140,11 @@
                     assert op not in self.clean_ops
                     # freshly allocated object
-                    writeable[op.result] = True
+                    writeable.add(op.result)
             elif op.opname in ("cast_pointer", "same_as"):
-                writeable[op.result] = writeable.get(op.args[0], False)
+                if op.args[0] in writeable:
+                    writeable.add(op.result)
             elif op.opname in ('setfield', 'setarrayitem', 'setinteriorfield', 'raw_store'):
                 # generic_set case
@@ -148,7 +166,7 @@
                     # we need a (partial) write barrier if arg0 is not writeable
-                    if writeable.get(op.args[0], False):
+                    if op.args[0] in writeable:
                     elif op in self.clean_ops:
@@ -156,42 +174,16 @@
                     if self._set_into_gc_array_part(op) is None:
                         # this will do a full write barrier, not card marking
                         # arg0 is always writeable afterwards
-                        writeable[op.args[0]] = True
+                        writeable.add(op.args[0])
-        # update in_states of all successors
-        to_do = set()
-        for link in block.exits:
-            succ = link.target
-            outset = [writeable.get(v, False) for v in link.args]
-            if succ in insets:
-                old = insets[succ]
-                new = self._merge_out_states([old, outset])
-                if new != old:
-                    to_do.add(succ)
-                    insets[succ] = new
-            else:
-                # block not processed yet
-                insets[succ] = outset
-                to_do.add(succ)
-        return to_do
+        return frozenset(writeable)
     def collect(self):
         assert not self.clean_ops
         assert not self.in_stm_ignored
-        # we implement a forward-flow analysis that determines the
-        # operations that do NOT need a write barrier
-        graph = self.graph
-        #
-        # initialize blocks
-        self._in_states = {graph.startblock: [False] * len(graph.startblock.inputargs)}
-        #
-        # fixpoint iteration
-        # XXX: reverse postorder traversal
-        pending = {graph.startblock,}
-        while pending:
-            block = pending.pop()
-            pending |= self._flow_through_block(block)
+        self.calculate(self.graph)
diff --git a/rpython/translator/backendopt/dataflow.py b/rpython/translator/backendopt/dataflow.py
--- a/rpython/translator/backendopt/dataflow.py
+++ b/rpython/translator/backendopt/dataflow.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 from rpython.flowspace.model import mkentrymap
+import collections
 class AbstractDataFlowAnalysis(object):
@@ -17,16 +17,16 @@
         raise NotImplementedError("abstract base class")
     def initialize_block(self, block):
-        """Return the (default) in_state, out_state for 'block'
-        used to initialize all blocks before starting the analysis."""
+        """Return the (default) out_state for 'block' used to
+        initialize all blocks before starting the analysis."""
         raise NotImplementedError("abstract base class")
     def join_operation(self, preds_outs, inputargs, pred_out_args):
         """Joins all preds_outs to generate a new in_state for the
         current block.
-        'inputargs' is the list of input arguments to the block;
+        'inputargs' is the list of input arguments to the block
         'pred_out_args' is a list of lists of arguments given to
-            the link by a certain predecessor.
+            the link by a certain predecessor - one list per inputarg.
         raise NotImplementedError("abstract base class")
@@ -59,13 +59,15 @@
             pred = link.prevblock
             if pred is None:
                 # block == startblock
+                in_states[block] = self.entry_state(block)
                 return True
             for i in range(len(inputargs)):
         # join predecessor out_states for updated in_state:
         block_in = self.join_operation(preds_outs, inputargs, preds_out_args)
-        if block_in != in_states[block]:
+        #
+        if block not in in_states or block_in != in_states[block]:
             # in_state changed
             in_states[block] = block_in
             return True
@@ -79,18 +81,24 @@
         in_states = {}
         out_states = {}
-        for block in graph.iterblocks():
-            in_states[block], out_states[block] = self.initialize_block(block)
-        in_states[graph.startblock] = self.entry_state(graph.startblock)
+        blocks = set(graph.iterblocks())
+        for block in blocks:
+            out_states[block] = self.initialize_block(block)
         # iterate:
-        pending = {graph.startblock,}
+        # todo: ordered set? reverse post-order?
+        blocks.remove(graph.startblock)
+        pending = collections.deque(blocks)
+        pending.append(graph.startblock)
         while pending:
             block = pending.pop()
             if self._update_in_state_of(block, entrymap, in_states, out_states):
                 block_out = self.transfer_function(block, in_states[block])
                 if block_out != out_states[block]:
                     out_states[block] = block_out
-                    pending |= {link.target for link in block.exits}
+                    for link in block.exits:
+                        if link.target not in pending:
+                            pending.appendleft(link.target)
         return in_states, out_states
diff --git a/rpython/translator/backendopt/test/test_dataflow.py b/rpython/translator/backendopt/test/test_dataflow.py
--- a/rpython/translator/backendopt/test/test_dataflow.py
+++ b/rpython/translator/backendopt/test/test_dataflow.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 from rpython.tool.algo.unionfind import UnionFind
 from rpython.translator.backendopt.dataflow import AbstractForwardDataFlowAnalysis
+import pytest
 from rpython.translator.translator import TranslationContext, graphof
@@ -19,13 +19,31 @@
         return True
     def initialize_block(self, block):
-        return False, False
+        return False
     def join_operation(self, preds_outs, inputargs, pred_out_args):
         return any(preds_outs)
+class NotSimpleForwardAnalysis(AbstractForwardDataFlowAnalysis):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.seen = set()
-def test_simple_forward_flow():
+    def transfer_function(self, block, in_state):
+        self.seen.add(block)
+        return in_state
+    def entry_state(self, block):
+        return False
+    def initialize_block(self, block):
+        return True
+    def join_operation(self, preds_outs, inputargs, pred_out_args):
+        return all(preds_outs)
+ at pytest.mark.parametrize("flow", [SimpleForwardAnalysis, NotSimpleForwardAnalysis])
+def test_simple_forward_flow(flow):
     def f(x):
         if x < 0:
             if x == -1:
@@ -39,13 +57,14 @@
                 return x-2
     t = TranslationContext()
     g = t.buildflowgraph(f)
-    sfa = SimpleForwardAnalysis()
+    sfa = flow()
     ins, outs = sfa.calculate(g)
     assert len(sfa.seen) == 8
     assert ins[g.startblock] == sfa.entry_state(None)
     assert outs[g.returnblock] == sfa.entry_state(None)
-def test_loopy_forward_flow():
+ at pytest.mark.parametrize("flow", [SimpleForwardAnalysis, NotSimpleForwardAnalysis])
+def test_loopy_forward_flow(flow):
     def f(x):
         if x < 0:
             while x:
@@ -57,7 +76,7 @@
                     return x
     t = TranslationContext()
     g = t.buildflowgraph(f)
-    sfa = SimpleForwardAnalysis()
+    sfa = flow()
     ins, outs = sfa.calculate(g)
     assert len(sfa.seen) == 5
     assert ins[g.startblock] == sfa.entry_state(None)

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