[pypy-commit] pypy stmgc-c8: Kill old test for stmgc-c4

arigo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Mon Mar 2 17:31:10 CET 2015

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: stmgc-c8
Changeset: r76213:680637a4b092
Date: 2015-03-02 17:30 +0100

Log:	Kill old test for stmgc-c4

diff --git a/rpython/jit/backend/x86/test/test_stm_integration.py b/rpython/jit/backend/x86/test/test_stm_integration.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/rpython/jit/backend/x86/test/test_stm_integration.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1128 +0,0 @@
-import py
-from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, llmemory, rffi, rstr
-from rpython.rtyper import rclass
-from rpython.jit.metainterp.history import ResOperation, TargetToken,\
-     JitCellToken
-from rpython.jit.metainterp.history import (BoxInt, BoxPtr, ConstInt,
-                                            ConstPtr, Box, Const,
-                                            BasicFailDescr, BasicFinalDescr)
-from rpython.jit.backend.detect_cpu import getcpuclass
-from rpython.jit.backend.x86.arch import WORD
-from rpython.jit.backend.x86.rx86 import fits_in_32bits
-from rpython.jit.backend.llsupport import symbolic
-from rpython.jit.metainterp.resoperation import rop
-from rpython.jit.metainterp.executor import execute
-from rpython.jit.backend.test.runner_test import LLtypeBackendTest
-from rpython.jit.tool.oparser import parse
-from rpython.rtyper.annlowlevel import llhelper
-from rpython.jit.backend.llsupport.gc import BarrierDescr
-from rpython.jit.backend.llsupport.test.test_gc_integration import (
-    GCDescrShadowstackDirect, BaseTestRegalloc, JitFrameDescrs)
-from rpython.jit.backend.llsupport import jitframe
-from rpython.memory.gc.stmgc import StmGC
-from rpython.jit.metainterp import history
-from rpython.jit.codewriter.effectinfo import EffectInfo
-from rpython.rlib import rgc
-from rpython.rtyper.llinterp import LLException
-import itertools, sys
-import ctypes
-def cast_to_int(obj):
-    if isinstance(obj, rgc._GcRef):
-        return rgc.cast_gcref_to_int(obj)
-    else:
-        return rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, obj)
-CPU = getcpuclass()
-class MockSTMRootMap(object):
-    is_shadow_stack = True
-    is_stm = True
-    def __init__(self):
-        TP = rffi.CArray(lltype.Signed)
-        self.stack = lltype.malloc(TP, 10, flavor='raw')
-        self.stack_addr = lltype.malloc(TP, 1,
-                                        flavor='raw')
-        self.stack_addr[0] = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, self.stack)
-    def register_asm_addr(self, start, mark):
-        pass
-    def get_root_stack_top_addr(self):
-        return rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, self.stack_addr)
-class FakeSTMBarrier(BarrierDescr):
-    def __init__(self, gc_ll_descr, stmcat, func):
-        BarrierDescr.__init__(self, gc_ll_descr)
-        self.stmcat = stmcat
-        self.returns_modified_object = True
-        self.B_FUNCPTR_MOD = lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType(
-            [llmemory.Address], llmemory.Address))
-        self.write_barrier_fn = llhelper(self.B_FUNCPTR_MOD, func)
-    def get_barrier_funcptr(self, returns_modified_object):
-        assert returns_modified_object
-        return self.write_barrier_fn
-    def get_barrier_fn(self, cpu, returns_modified_object):
-        assert returns_modified_object
-        return self.write_barrier_fn
-# ____________________________________________________________
-def allocate_protected(TP, n=1, zero=True, tid=124):
-    obj = lltype.malloc(TP, n=n, zero=zero)
-    obj.h_tid = rffi.cast(lltype.Unsigned,
-                          StmGC.GCFLAG_OLD|StmGC.GCFLAG_WRITE_BARRIER | tid)
-    obj.h_revision = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, -sys.maxint)
-    return obj
-def allocate_prebuilt(TP, n=1, zero=True, tid=123):
-    obj = lltype.malloc(TP, n=n, zero=zero)
-    obj.h_tid = rffi.cast(lltype.Unsigned, StmGC.PREBUILT_FLAGS | tid)
-    obj.h_revision = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, StmGC.PREBUILT_REVISION)
-    return obj
-def jitframe_allocate(frame_info):
-    frame = allocate_protected(JITFRAME, n=frame_info.jfi_frame_depth, 
-                               zero=True)
-    frame.jf_frame_info = frame_info
-    return frame
-JITFRAME = lltype.GcStruct(
-    'JITFRAME',
-    ('h_tid', lltype.Unsigned),
-    ('h_revision', lltype.Signed),
-    ('h_original', lltype.Unsigned),
-    ('jf_frame_info', lltype.Ptr(jitframe.JITFRAMEINFO)),
-    ('jf_descr', llmemory.GCREF),
-    ('jf_force_descr', llmemory.GCREF),
-    ('jf_extra_stack_depth', lltype.Signed),
-    ('jf_guard_exc', llmemory.GCREF),
-    ('jf_gcmap', lltype.Ptr(jitframe.GCMAP)),
-    ('jf_gc_trace_state', lltype.Signed),
-    ('jf_frame', lltype.Array(lltype.Signed)),
-    adtmeths = {
-        'allocate': jitframe_allocate,
-    },
-class FakeGCHeaderBuilder:
-    size_gc_header = WORD
-class fakellop:
-    PRIV_REV = 66
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.TP = rffi.CArray(lltype.Signed)
-        self.privrevp = lltype.malloc(self.TP, n=1, flavor='raw', 
-                                      track_allocation=False, zero=True)
-        self.privrevp[0] = fakellop.PRIV_REV
-        entries = (StmGC.FX_MASK + 1) / WORD
-        self.read_cache = lltype.malloc(self.TP, n=entries, flavor='raw',
-                                        track_allocation=False, zero=True)
-        self.read_cache_adr = lltype.malloc(self.TP, 1, flavor='raw',
-                                            track_allocation=False)
-        self.read_cache_adr[0] = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, self.read_cache)
-    def set_cache_item(self, obj, value):
-        obj_int = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, obj)
-        idx = (obj_int & StmGC.FX_MASK) / WORD
-        self.read_cache[idx] = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, value)
-    def stm_get_adr_of_private_rev_num(self, _):
-        return self.privrevp
-    def stm_get_adr_of_read_barrier_cache(self, _):
-        return self.read_cache_adr
-class GCDescrStm(GCDescrShadowstackDirect):
-    def __init__(self):
-        GCDescrShadowstackDirect.__init__(self)
-        self.gcrootmap = MockSTMRootMap()
-        self.gcheaderbuilder = FakeGCHeaderBuilder()
-        self.write_barrier_descr = None
-        self.llop1 = None
-        self.rb_called_on = []
-        self.wb_called_on = []
-        self.ptr_eq_called_on = []
-        self.stm = True
-        def read_barrier(obj):
-            self.rb_called_on.append(obj)
-            return obj
-        def write_barrier(obj):
-            self.wb_called_on.append(obj)
-            return obj
-        self.A2Rdescr = FakeSTMBarrier(self, 'A2R', read_barrier)
-        self.A2Idescr = FakeSTMBarrier(self, 'A2I', read_barrier)
-        self.Q2Rdescr = FakeSTMBarrier(self, 'Q2R', read_barrier)
-        self.A2Wdescr = FakeSTMBarrier(self, 'A2W', write_barrier)
-        self.A2Vdescr = FakeSTMBarrier(self, 'A2V', write_barrier)
-        self.V2Wdescr = FakeSTMBarrier(self, 'V2W', write_barrier)
-        self.do_write_barrier = None
-        self.get_nursery_top_addr = None
-        self.get_nursery_free_addr = None
-        def malloc_str(length):
-            assert False
-        self.generate_function('malloc_str', malloc_str,
-                               [lltype.Signed])
-        def malloc_unicode(length):
-            assert False
-        self.generate_function('malloc_unicode', malloc_unicode,
-                               [lltype.Signed])
-        def inevitable():
-            pass
-        self.generate_function('stm_try_inevitable',
-                               inevitable, [],
-                               RESULT=lltype.Void)
-        def ptr_eq(x, y):
-            print "=== ptr_eq", hex(cast_to_int(x)), hex(cast_to_int(y))
-            self.ptr_eq_called_on.append((cast_to_int(x), cast_to_int(y)))
-            return x == y
-        self.generate_function('stm_ptr_eq', ptr_eq, [llmemory.GCREF] * 2,
-                               RESULT=lltype.Bool)
-        def stm_allocate_nonmovable_int_adr(obj):
-            assert False # should not be reached
-            return rgc.cast_gcref_to_int(obj)
-        self.generate_function('stm_allocate_nonmovable_int_adr', 
-                               stm_allocate_nonmovable_int_adr, 
-                               [llmemory.GCREF],
-                               RESULT=lltype.Signed)
-        def malloc_big_fixedsize(size, tid):
-            print "malloc:", size, tid
-            if size > sys.maxint / 2:
-                # for testing exception
-                raise LLException(0, 0)
-            entries = size + StmGC.GCHDRSIZE
-            TP = rffi.CArray(lltype.Char)
-            obj = lltype.malloc(TP, n=entries, flavor='raw',
-                                track_allocation=False, zero=True)
-            objptr = rffi.cast(StmGC.GCHDRP, obj)
-            objptr.h_tid = rffi.cast(lltype.Unsigned,
-                                     StmGC.GCFLAG_OLD
-                                     | StmGC.GCFLAG_WRITE_BARRIER | tid)
-            objptr.h_revision = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, -sys.maxint)
-            print "return:", obj, objptr
-            return rffi.cast(llmemory.GCREF, objptr)
-        self.generate_function('malloc_big_fixedsize', malloc_big_fixedsize,
-                               [lltype.Signed] * 2)
-    def malloc_jitframe(self, frame_info):
-        """ Allocate a new frame, overwritten by tests
-        """
-        frame = JITFRAME.allocate(frame_info)
-        self.frames.append(frame)
-        return frame
-    def getframedescrs(self, cpu):
-        descrs = JitFrameDescrs()
-        descrs.arraydescr = cpu.arraydescrof(JITFRAME)
-        for name in ['jf_descr', 'jf_guard_exc', 'jf_force_descr',
-                     'jf_frame_info', 'jf_gcmap', 'jf_extra_stack_depth']:
-            setattr(descrs, name, cpu.fielddescrof(JITFRAME, name))
-        descrs.jfi_frame_depth = cpu.fielddescrof(jitframe.JITFRAMEINFO,
-                                                  'jfi_frame_depth')
-        descrs.jfi_frame_size = cpu.fielddescrof(jitframe.JITFRAMEINFO,
-                                                  'jfi_frame_size')
-        return descrs
-    def get_malloc_slowpath_addr(self):
-        return None
-    def clear_lists(self):
-        self.rb_called_on[:] = []
-        self.wb_called_on[:] = []
-        self.ptr_eq_called_on[:] = []
-class TestGcStm(BaseTestRegalloc):
-    def setup_method(self, meth):
-        cpu = CPU(None, None)
-        cpu.gc_ll_descr = GCDescrStm()
-        def latest_descr(self, deadframe):
-            deadframe = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(JITFRAMEPTR, deadframe)
-            descr = deadframe.jf_descr
-            res = history.AbstractDescr.show(self, descr)
-            assert isinstance(res, history.AbstractFailDescr)
-            return res
-        import types
-        cpu.get_latest_descr = types.MethodType(latest_descr, cpu,
-                                                cpu.__class__)
-        self.a2wd = cpu.gc_ll_descr.A2Wdescr
-        self.a2vd = cpu.gc_ll_descr.A2Vdescr
-        self.v2wd = cpu.gc_ll_descr.V2Wdescr
-        self.a2rd = cpu.gc_ll_descr.A2Rdescr
-        self.a2id = cpu.gc_ll_descr.A2Idescr
-        self.q2rd = cpu.gc_ll_descr.Q2Rdescr
-        TP = rffi.CArray(lltype.Signed)
-        self.priv_rev_num = lltype.malloc(TP, 1, flavor='raw')
-        self.clear_read_cache()
-        cpu.assembler._get_stm_private_rev_num_addr = self.get_priv_rev_num
-        cpu.assembler._get_stm_read_barrier_cache_addr = self.get_read_cache
-        S = lltype.GcForwardReference()
-        S.become(lltype.GcStruct(
-            'S', ('h_tid', lltype.Unsigned),
-            ('h_revision', lltype.Signed),
-            ('h_original', lltype.Unsigned)))
-        cpu.gc_ll_descr.fielddescr_tid = None # not needed
-        # = cpu.fielddescrof(S, 'h_tid')
-        self.S = S
-        self.cpu = cpu
-    def teardown_method(self, meth):
-        rffi.aroundstate._cleanup_()
-    def assert_in(self, called_on, args):
-        for i, ref in enumerate(args):
-            assert rffi.cast_ptr_to_adr(ref) in called_on
-    def assert_not_in(self, called_on, args):
-        for ref in args:
-            assert rffi.cast_ptr_to_adr(ref) not in called_on
-    def get_priv_rev_num(self):
-        return rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, self.priv_rev_num)
-    def get_read_cache(self):
-        return rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, self.read_cache_adr)
-    def clear_read_cache(self):
-        TP = rffi.CArray(lltype.Signed)
-        entries = (StmGC.FX_MASK + 1) / WORD
-        self.read_cache = lltype.malloc(TP, n=entries, flavor='raw',
-                                        track_allocation=False, zero=True)
-        self.read_cache_adr = lltype.malloc(TP, 1, flavor='raw',
-                                            track_allocation=False)
-        self.read_cache_adr[0] = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, self.read_cache)
-    def set_cache_item(self, obj):
-        obj_int = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, obj)
-        idx = (obj_int & StmGC.FX_MASK) / WORD
-        self.read_cache[idx] = obj_int
-    def allocate_prebuilt_s(self, tid=66):
-        s = lltype.malloc(self.S, zero=True)
-        s.h_tid = rffi.cast(lltype.Unsigned, StmGC.PREBUILT_FLAGS | tid)
-        s.h_revision = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, StmGC.PREBUILT_REVISION)
-        return s
-    def test_gc_read_barrier_fastpath(self):
-        from rpython.jit.backend.llsupport.gc import STMReadBarrierDescr
-        descr = STMReadBarrierDescr(self.cpu.gc_ll_descr, 'A2R')
-        called = []
-        def read(obj):
-            called.append(obj)
-            return obj
-        functype = lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType(
-            [llmemory.Address], llmemory.Address))
-        funcptr = llhelper(functype, read)
-        descr.b_failing_case_ptr = funcptr
-        descr.llop1 = fakellop()
-        # -------- TEST --------
-        for rev in [fakellop.PRIV_REV+4, fakellop.PRIV_REV]:
-            called[:] = []
-            s = self.allocate_prebuilt_s()
-            sgcref = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, s)
-            s.h_revision = rev
-            descr._do_barrier(sgcref,
-                              returns_modified_object=True)
-            # check if rev-fastpath worked
-            if rev == fakellop.PRIV_REV:
-                # fastpath
-                self.assert_not_in(called, [sgcref])
-            else:
-                self.assert_in(called, [sgcref])
-            # now check if sgcref in readcache:
-            called[:] = []
-            descr.llop1.set_cache_item(sgcref, sgcref)
-            descr._do_barrier(sgcref,
-                              returns_modified_object=True)
-            self.assert_not_in(called, [sgcref])
-            descr.llop1.set_cache_item(sgcref, 0)
-    def test_gc_repeat_read_barrier_fastpath(self):
-        from rpython.jit.backend.llsupport.gc import STMReadBarrierDescr
-        descr = STMReadBarrierDescr(self.cpu.gc_ll_descr, 'Q2R')
-        called = []
-        def read(obj):
-            called.append(obj)
-            return obj
-        functype = lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType(
-            [llmemory.Address], llmemory.Address))
-        funcptr = llhelper(functype, read)
-        descr.b_failing_case_ptr = funcptr
-        descr.llop1 = fakellop()
-        # -------- TEST --------
-        for flags in [StmGC.GCFLAG_PUBLIC_TO_PRIVATE|StmGC.GCFLAG_MOVED, 0]:
-            called[:] = []
-            s = self.allocate_prebuilt_s()
-            sgcref = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, s)
-            s.h_tid |= flags
-            descr._do_barrier(sgcref,
-                              returns_modified_object=True)
-            # check if rev-fastpath worked
-            if not flags:
-                # fastpath
-                self.assert_not_in(called, [sgcref])
-            else:
-                self.assert_in(called, [sgcref])
-    def test_gc_immutable_read_barrier_fastpath(self):
-        from rpython.jit.backend.llsupport.gc import STMReadBarrierDescr
-        descr = STMReadBarrierDescr(self.cpu.gc_ll_descr, 'A2I')
-        called = []
-        def read(obj):
-            called.append(obj)
-            return obj
-        functype = lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType(
-            [llmemory.Address], llmemory.Address))
-        funcptr = llhelper(functype, read)
-        descr.b_failing_case_ptr = funcptr
-        descr.llop1 = fakellop()
-        # -------- TEST --------
-        for flags in [StmGC.GCFLAG_STUB, 0]:
-            called[:] = []
-            s = self.allocate_prebuilt_s()
-            sgcref = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, s)
-            s.h_tid |= flags
-            descr._do_barrier(sgcref, returns_modified_object=True)
-            # check if rev-fastpath worked
-            if not flags:
-                # fastpath
-                self.assert_not_in(called, [sgcref])
-            else:
-                self.assert_in(called, [sgcref])
-    def test_gc_write_barrier_fastpath(self):
-        from rpython.jit.backend.llsupport.gc import STMWriteBarrierDescr
-        descr = STMWriteBarrierDescr(self.cpu.gc_ll_descr, 'A2W')
-        called = []
-        def write(obj):
-            called.append(obj)
-            return obj
-        functype = lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType(
-            [llmemory.Address], llmemory.Address))
-        funcptr = llhelper(functype, write)
-        descr.b_failing_case_ptr = funcptr
-        descr.llop1 = fakellop()
-        # -------- TEST --------
-        for rev in [fakellop.PRIV_REV+4, fakellop.PRIV_REV]:
-            called[:] = []
-            s = self.allocate_prebuilt_s()
-            sgcref = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, s)
-            s.h_revision = rev
-            descr._do_barrier(sgcref,
-                              returns_modified_object=True)
-            # check if fastpath worked
-            if rev == fakellop.PRIV_REV:
-                # fastpath
-                self.assert_not_in(called, [sgcref])
-            else:
-                self.assert_in(called, [sgcref])
-            # now set WRITE_BARRIER -> always call slowpath
-            called[:] = []
-            s.h_tid |= StmGC.GCFLAG_WRITE_BARRIER
-            descr._do_barrier(sgcref, 
-                              returns_modified_object=True)
-            self.assert_in(called, [sgcref])
-    def test_gc_repeat_write_barrier_fastpath(self):
-        from rpython.jit.backend.llsupport.gc import STMWriteBarrierDescr
-        descr = STMWriteBarrierDescr(self.cpu.gc_ll_descr, 'V2W')
-        called = []
-        def write(obj):
-            called.append(obj)
-            return obj
-        functype = lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType(
-            [llmemory.Address], llmemory.Address))
-        funcptr = llhelper(functype, write)
-        descr.b_failing_case_ptr = funcptr
-        descr.llop1 = fakellop()
-        # -------- TEST --------
-        s = self.allocate_prebuilt_s()
-        sgcref = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, s)
-        descr._do_barrier(sgcref,
-                          returns_modified_object=True)
-        # fastpath (WRITE_BARRIER not set)
-        self.assert_not_in(called, [sgcref])
-        # now set WRITE_BARRIER -> always call slowpath
-        s.h_tid |= StmGC.GCFLAG_WRITE_BARRIER
-        descr._do_barrier(sgcref, 
-            returns_modified_object=True)
-        self.assert_in(called, [sgcref])
-    def test_gc_noptr_write_barrier_fastpath(self):
-        from rpython.jit.backend.llsupport.gc import STMWriteBarrierDescr
-        descr = STMWriteBarrierDescr(self.cpu.gc_ll_descr, 'A2V')
-        called = []
-        def write(obj):
-            called.append(obj)
-            return obj
-        functype = lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType(
-            [llmemory.Address], llmemory.Address))
-        funcptr = llhelper(functype, write)
-        descr.b_failing_case_ptr = funcptr
-        descr.llop1 = fakellop()
-        # -------- TEST --------
-        for rev in [fakellop.PRIV_REV+4, fakellop.PRIV_REV]:
-            called[:] = []
-            s = self.allocate_prebuilt_s()
-            sgcref = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, s)
-            s.h_revision = rev
-            descr._do_barrier(sgcref, returns_modified_object=True)
-            # check if fastpath worked
-            if rev == fakellop.PRIV_REV:
-                # fastpath
-                self.assert_not_in(called, [sgcref])
-            else:
-                self.assert_in(called, [sgcref])
-            # now set WRITE_BARRIER -> no effect
-            called[:] = []
-            s.h_tid |= StmGC.GCFLAG_WRITE_BARRIER
-            descr._do_barrier(sgcref, returns_modified_object=True)
-            if rev == fakellop.PRIV_REV:
-                # fastpath
-                self.assert_not_in(called, [sgcref])
-            else:
-                self.assert_in(called, [sgcref])
-    def test_read_barrier_fastpath(self):
-        cpu = self.cpu
-        cpu.gc_ll_descr.init_nursery(100)
-        cpu.setup_once()
-        PRIV_REV = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, StmGC.PREBUILT_REVISION)
-        self.priv_rev_num[0] = PRIV_REV
-        called_on = cpu.gc_ll_descr.rb_called_on
-        for rev in [PRIV_REV+4, PRIV_REV]:
-            cpu.gc_ll_descr.clear_lists()
-            self.clear_read_cache()
-            s = self.allocate_prebuilt_s()
-            sgcref = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, s)
-            s.h_revision = rev
-            p0 = BoxPtr()
-            operations = [
-                ResOperation(rop.COND_CALL_STM_B, [p0], None,
-                             descr=self.a2rd),
-                ResOperation(rop.FINISH, [p0], None, 
-                             descr=BasicFinalDescr(0)),
-                ]
-            inputargs = [p0]
-            looptoken = JitCellToken()
-            cpu.compile_loop(None, inputargs, operations, looptoken)
-            self.cpu.execute_token(looptoken, sgcref)
-            # check if rev-fastpath worked
-            if rev == PRIV_REV:
-                # fastpath
-                self.assert_not_in(called_on, [sgcref])
-            else:
-                self.assert_in(called_on, [sgcref])
-            # now add it to the read-cache and check
-            # that it will never call the read_barrier
-            cpu.gc_ll_descr.clear_lists()
-            self.set_cache_item(sgcref)
-            self.cpu.execute_token(looptoken, sgcref)
-            # not called:
-            assert not called_on
-    def test_repeat_read_barrier_fastpath(self):
-        cpu = self.cpu
-        cpu.gc_ll_descr.init_nursery(100)
-        cpu.setup_once()
-        called_on = cpu.gc_ll_descr.rb_called_on
-        for flags in [StmGC.GCFLAG_PUBLIC_TO_PRIVATE|StmGC.GCFLAG_MOVED, 0]:
-            cpu.gc_ll_descr.clear_lists()
-            self.clear_read_cache()
-            s = self.allocate_prebuilt_s()
-            sgcref = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, s)
-            s.h_tid |= flags
-            p0 = BoxPtr()
-            operations = [
-                ResOperation(rop.COND_CALL_STM_B, [p0], None,
-                             descr=self.q2rd),
-                ResOperation(rop.FINISH, [p0], None, 
-                             descr=BasicFinalDescr(0)),
-                ]
-            inputargs = [p0]
-            looptoken = JitCellToken()
-            cpu.compile_loop(None, inputargs, operations, looptoken)
-            self.cpu.execute_token(looptoken, sgcref)
-            # check if rev-fastpath worked
-            if not flags:
-                # fastpath
-                self.assert_not_in(called_on, [sgcref])
-            else:
-                self.assert_in(called_on, [sgcref])
-    def test_immutable_read_barrier_fastpath(self):
-        cpu = self.cpu
-        cpu.gc_ll_descr.init_nursery(100)
-        cpu.setup_once()
-        called_on = cpu.gc_ll_descr.rb_called_on
-        for flags in [StmGC.GCFLAG_STUB, 0]:
-            cpu.gc_ll_descr.clear_lists()
-            self.clear_read_cache()
-            s = self.allocate_prebuilt_s()
-            sgcref = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, s)
-            s.h_tid |= flags
-            p0 = BoxPtr()
-            operations = [
-                ResOperation(rop.COND_CALL_STM_B, [p0], None,
-                             descr=self.a2id),
-                ResOperation(rop.FINISH, [p0], None, 
-                             descr=BasicFinalDescr(0)),
-                ]
-            inputargs = [p0]
-            looptoken = JitCellToken()
-            cpu.compile_loop(None, inputargs, operations, looptoken)
-            self.cpu.execute_token(looptoken, sgcref)
-            # check if rev-fastpath worked
-            if not flags:
-                # fastpath
-                self.assert_not_in(called_on, [sgcref])
-            else:
-                self.assert_in(called_on, [sgcref])
-    def test_write_barrier_fastpath(self):
-        cpu = self.cpu
-        cpu.gc_ll_descr.init_nursery(100)
-        cpu.setup_once()
-        PRIV_REV = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, StmGC.PREBUILT_REVISION)
-        self.priv_rev_num[0] = PRIV_REV
-        called_on = cpu.gc_ll_descr.wb_called_on
-        for rev in [PRIV_REV+4, PRIV_REV]:
-            cpu.gc_ll_descr.clear_lists()
-            s = self.allocate_prebuilt_s()
-            sgcref = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, s)
-            s.h_revision = rev
-            p0 = BoxPtr()
-            operations = [
-                ResOperation(rop.COND_CALL_STM_B, [p0], None,
-                             descr=self.a2wd),
-                ResOperation(rop.FINISH, [p0], None, 
-                             descr=BasicFinalDescr(0)),
-                ]
-            inputargs = [p0]
-            looptoken = JitCellToken()
-            cpu.compile_loop(None, inputargs, operations, looptoken)
-            self.cpu.execute_token(looptoken, sgcref)
-            # check if rev-fastpath worked
-            if rev == PRIV_REV:
-                # fastpath and WRITE_BARRIER not set
-                self.assert_not_in(called_on, [sgcref])
-            else:
-                self.assert_in(called_on, [sgcref])
-            # now set WRITE_BARRIER -> always call slowpath
-            cpu.gc_ll_descr.clear_lists()
-            s.h_tid |= StmGC.GCFLAG_WRITE_BARRIER
-            self.cpu.execute_token(looptoken, sgcref)
-            self.assert_in(called_on, [sgcref])
-    def test_repeat_write_barrier_fastpath(self):
-        cpu = self.cpu
-        cpu.gc_ll_descr.init_nursery(100)
-        cpu.setup_once()
-        called_on = cpu.gc_ll_descr.wb_called_on
-        cpu.gc_ll_descr.clear_lists()
-        s = self.allocate_prebuilt_s()
-        sgcref = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, s)
-        p0 = BoxPtr()
-        operations = [
-            ResOperation(rop.COND_CALL_STM_B, [p0], None,
-                         descr=self.v2wd),
-            ResOperation(rop.FINISH, [p0], None, 
-                        descr=BasicFinalDescr(0)),
-            ]
-        inputargs = [p0]
-        looptoken = JitCellToken()
-        cpu.compile_loop(None, inputargs, operations, looptoken)
-        self.cpu.execute_token(looptoken, sgcref)
-        # fastpath and WRITE_BARRIER not set
-        self.assert_not_in(called_on, [sgcref])
-        # now set WRITE_BARRIER -> always call slowpath
-        cpu.gc_ll_descr.clear_lists()
-        s.h_tid |= StmGC.GCFLAG_WRITE_BARRIER
-        self.cpu.execute_token(looptoken, sgcref)
-        self.assert_in(called_on, [sgcref])
-    def test_noptr_write_barrier_fastpath(self):
-        cpu = self.cpu
-        cpu.gc_ll_descr.init_nursery(100)
-        cpu.setup_once()
-        PRIV_REV = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, StmGC.PREBUILT_REVISION)
-        self.priv_rev_num[0] = PRIV_REV
-        called_on = cpu.gc_ll_descr.wb_called_on
-        for rev in [PRIV_REV+4, PRIV_REV]:
-            cpu.gc_ll_descr.clear_lists()
-            s = self.allocate_prebuilt_s()
-            sgcref = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, s)
-            s.h_revision = rev
-            p0 = BoxPtr()
-            operations = [
-                ResOperation(rop.COND_CALL_STM_B, [p0], None,
-                             descr=self.a2vd),
-                ResOperation(rop.FINISH, [p0], None, 
-                             descr=BasicFinalDescr(0)),
-                ]
-            inputargs = [p0]
-            looptoken = JitCellToken()
-            cpu.compile_loop(None, inputargs, operations, looptoken)
-            self.cpu.execute_token(looptoken, sgcref)
-            # check if rev-fastpath worked
-            if rev == PRIV_REV:
-                # fastpath and WRITE_BARRIER not set
-                self.assert_not_in(called_on, [sgcref])
-            else:
-                self.assert_in(called_on, [sgcref])
-            # now set WRITE_BARRIER -> no effect
-            cpu.gc_ll_descr.clear_lists()
-            s.h_tid |= StmGC.GCFLAG_WRITE_BARRIER
-            self.cpu.execute_token(looptoken, sgcref)
-            if rev == PRIV_REV:
-                # fastpath and WRITE_BARRIER not set
-                self.assert_not_in(called_on, [sgcref])
-            else:
-                self.assert_in(called_on, [sgcref])
-    def test_ptr_eq_fastpath(self):
-        cpu = self.cpu
-        cpu.gc_ll_descr.init_nursery(100)
-        cpu.setup_once()
-        called_on = cpu.gc_ll_descr.ptr_eq_called_on
-        i0 = BoxInt()
-        i1 = BoxInt()
-        sa, sb = (rffi.cast(llmemory.GCREF, self.allocate_prebuilt_s()),
-                  rffi.cast(llmemory.GCREF, self.allocate_prebuilt_s()))
-        ss = [sa, sa, sb, sb,
-              lltype.nullptr(llmemory.GCREF.TO),
-              lltype.nullptr(llmemory.GCREF.TO),
-              ]
-        for s1, s2 in itertools.combinations(ss, 2):
-            ps = [BoxPtr(), BoxPtr(),
-                  ConstPtr(s1),
-                  ConstPtr(s2)]
-            for p1, p2 in itertools.combinations(ps, 2):
-                for guard in [None, rop.GUARD_TRUE, rop.GUARD_FALSE,
-                              rop.GUARD_VALUE]:
-                    cpu.gc_ll_descr.clear_lists()
-                    # BUILD OPERATIONS:
-                    i = i0
-                    guarddescr = BasicFailDescr()
-                    finaldescr = BasicFinalDescr()
-                    if guard == rop.GUARD_VALUE:
-                        gop = ResOperation(rop.GUARD_VALUE, [p1, p2], None,
-                                           descr=guarddescr)
-                        gop.setfailargs([])
-                        operations = [gop]
-                        i = i1
-                    else:
-                        operations = [ResOperation(rop.PTR_EQ, [p1, p2], i0)]
-                        if guard is not None:
-                            gop = ResOperation(guard, [i0], None, 
-                                               descr=guarddescr)
-                            gop.setfailargs([])
-                            operations.append(gop)
-                            i = i1
-                    # finish must depend on result of ptr_eq if no guard
-                    # is inbetween (otherwise ptr_eq gets deleted)
-                    # if there is a guard, the result of ptr_eq must not
-                    # be used after it again... -> i
-                    operations.append(
-                        ResOperation(rop.FINISH, [i], None, 
-                                     descr=finaldescr)
-                        )
-                    print operations
-                    # COMPILE & EXECUTE LOOP:
-                    inputargs = [p for p in (p1, p2) 
-                                 if not isinstance(p, Const)]
-                    looptoken = JitCellToken()
-                    c_loop = cpu.compile_loop(None, inputargs + [i1],
-                                              operations, looptoken)
-                    args = [s for i, s in enumerate((s1, s2))
-                            if not isinstance((p1, p2)[i], Const)] + [7]
-                    deadframe = self.cpu.execute_token(looptoken, *args)
-                    frame = rffi.cast(JITFRAMEPTR, deadframe)
-                    frame_adr = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, frame.jf_descr)
-                    guard_failed = frame_adr != id(finaldescr)
-                    # CHECK:
-                    a, b = cast_to_int(s1), cast_to_int(s2)
-                    if isinstance(p1, Const):
-                        a = cast_to_int(p1.value)
-                    if isinstance(p2, Const):
-                        b = cast_to_int(p2.value)
-                    # XXX: there is now no function being called in the
-                    # slowpath, so we can't check if fast- vs. slowpath
-                    # works :/
-                    # if a == b or a == 0 or b == 0:
-                    #     assert (a, b) not in called_on
-                    #     assert (b, a) not in called_on
-                    # else:
-                    #     assert ([(a, b)] == called_on
-                    #             or [(b, a)] == called_on)
-                    if guard is not None:
-                        if a == b:
-                            if guard in (rop.GUARD_TRUE, rop.GUARD_VALUE):
-                                assert not guard_failed
-                            else:
-                                assert guard_failed
-                        elif guard == rop.GUARD_FALSE:
-                            assert not guard_failed
-                        else:
-                            assert guard_failed
-    def test_assembler_call(self):
-        cpu = self.cpu
-        cpu.gc_ll_descr.init_nursery(100)
-        cpu.setup_once()
-        called = []
-        def assembler_helper(deadframe, virtualizable):
-            frame = rffi.cast(JITFRAMEPTR, deadframe)
-            frame_adr = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, frame.jf_descr)
-            called.append(frame_adr)
-            return 4 + 9
-        FUNCPTR = lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType([llmemory.GCREF,
-                                              llmemory.GCREF],
-                                             lltype.Signed))
-        class FakeJitDriverSD:
-            index_of_virtualizable = -1
-            _assembler_helper_ptr = llhelper(FUNCPTR, assembler_helper)
-            assembler_helper_adr = llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(
-                _assembler_helper_ptr)
-        ops = '''
-        [i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9]
-        i10 = int_add(i0, i1)
-        i11 = int_add(i10, i2)
-        i12 = int_add(i11, i3)
-        i13 = int_add(i12, i4)
-        i14 = int_add(i13, i5)
-        i15 = int_add(i14, i6)
-        i16 = int_add(i15, i7)
-        i17 = int_add(i16, i8)
-        i18 = int_add(i17, i9)
-        finish(i18)'''
-        loop = parse(ops)
-        looptoken = JitCellToken()
-        looptoken.outermost_jitdriver_sd = FakeJitDriverSD()
-        finish_descr = loop.operations[-1].getdescr()
-        self.cpu.done_with_this_frame_descr_int = BasicFinalDescr()
-        self.cpu.compile_loop(None, loop.inputargs, loop.operations, looptoken)
-        ARGS = [lltype.Signed] * 10
-        RES = lltype.Signed
-        FakeJitDriverSD.portal_calldescr = self.cpu.calldescrof(
-            lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType(ARGS, RES)), ARGS, RES,
-            EffectInfo.MOST_GENERAL)
-        args = [i+1 for i in range(10)]
-        deadframe = self.cpu.execute_token(looptoken, *args)
-        ops = '''
-        [i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9]
-        i10 = int_add(i0, 42)
-        i11 = call_assembler(i10, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, descr=looptoken)
-        guard_not_forced()[]
-        finish(i11)
-        '''
-        loop = parse(ops, namespace=locals())
-        othertoken = JitCellToken()
-        self.cpu.compile_loop(None, loop.inputargs, loop.operations,
-                              othertoken)
-        args = [i+1 for i in range(10)]
-        deadframe = self.cpu.execute_token(othertoken, *args)
-        assert called == [id(finish_descr)]
-        del called[:]
-        # compile a replacement
-        ops = '''
-        [i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9]
-        i10 = int_sub(i0, i1)
-        i11 = int_sub(i10, i2)
-        i12 = int_sub(i11, i3)
-        i13 = int_sub(i12, i4)
-        i14 = int_sub(i13, i5)
-        i15 = int_sub(i14, i6)
-        i16 = int_sub(i15, i7)
-        i17 = int_sub(i16, i8)
-        i18 = int_sub(i17, i9)
-        finish(i18)'''
-        loop2 = parse(ops)
-        looptoken2 = JitCellToken()
-        looptoken2.outermost_jitdriver_sd = FakeJitDriverSD()
-        self.cpu.compile_loop(None, loop2.inputargs, loop2.operations,
-                              looptoken2)
-        finish_descr2 = loop2.operations[-1].getdescr()
-        # install it
-        self.cpu.redirect_call_assembler(looptoken, looptoken2)
-        # now call_assembler should go to looptoken2
-        args = [i+1 for i in range(10)]
-        deadframe = self.cpu.execute_token(othertoken, *args)
-        assert called == [id(finish_descr2)]
-    def test_call_malloc_gc(self):
-        cpu = self.cpu
-        cpu.gc_ll_descr.init_nursery(100)
-        cpu.setup_once()
-        size = WORD*3
-        addr = cpu.gc_ll_descr.get_malloc_fn_addr('malloc_big_fixedsize')
-        typeid = 11
-        descr = cpu.gc_ll_descr.malloc_big_fixedsize_descr
-        p0 = BoxPtr()
-        ops1 = [ResOperation(rop.CALL_MALLOC_GC, 
-                             [ConstInt(addr), ConstInt(size), ConstInt(typeid)],
-                             p0, descr),
-                ResOperation(rop.FINISH, [p0], None, 
-                             descr=BasicFinalDescr(0)),
-                ]
-        inputargs = []
-        looptoken = JitCellToken()
-        c_loop = cpu.compile_loop(None, inputargs, ops1, 
-                                  looptoken)
-        args = []
-        frame = self.cpu.execute_token(looptoken, *args)
-    def test_assembler_call_propagate_exc(self):
-        cpu = self.cpu
-        cpu._setup_descrs()
-        cpu.gc_ll_descr.init_nursery(100)
-        excdescr = BasicFailDescr(666)
-        cpu.propagate_exception_descr = excdescr
-        cpu.setup_once()    # xxx redo it, because we added
-                            # propagate_exception
-        def assembler_helper(deadframe, virtualizable):
-            #assert cpu.get_latest_descr(deadframe) is excdescr
-            # let's assume we handled that
-            return 3
-        FUNCPTR = lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType([llmemory.GCREF,
-                                              llmemory.GCREF],
-                                             lltype.Signed))
-        class FakeJitDriverSD:
-            index_of_virtualizable = -1
-            _assembler_helper_ptr = llhelper(FUNCPTR, assembler_helper)
-            assembler_helper_adr = llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(
-                _assembler_helper_ptr)
-        addr = cpu.gc_ll_descr.get_malloc_fn_addr('malloc_big_fixedsize')
-        typeid = 11
-        descr = cpu.gc_ll_descr.malloc_big_fixedsize_descr
-        p0 = BoxPtr()
-        i0 = BoxInt()
-        ops = [ResOperation(rop.CALL_MALLOC_GC, 
-                            [ConstInt(addr), i0, ConstInt(typeid)],
-                            p0, descr),
-               ResOperation(rop.FINISH, [p0], None, 
-                            descr=BasicFinalDescr(0)),
-               ]
-        inputargs = [i0]
-        looptoken = JitCellToken()
-        looptoken.outermost_jitdriver_sd = FakeJitDriverSD()
-        c_loop = cpu.compile_loop(None, inputargs, ops, looptoken)
-        ARGS = [lltype.Signed] * 10
-        RES = lltype.Signed
-        FakeJitDriverSD.portal_calldescr = cpu.calldescrof(
-            lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType(ARGS, RES)), ARGS, RES,
-            EffectInfo.MOST_GENERAL)
-        i1 = ConstInt(sys.maxint - 1)
-        i2 = BoxInt()
-        finaldescr = BasicFinalDescr(1)
-        not_forced = ResOperation(rop.GUARD_NOT_FORCED, [], None,
-                                  descr=BasicFailDescr(1))
-        not_forced.setfailargs([])
-        no_exception = ResOperation(rop.GUARD_NO_EXCEPTION, [], None,
-                                    descr=BasicFailDescr(2))
-        no_exception.setfailargs([])
-        ops = [ResOperation(rop.CALL_ASSEMBLER, [i1], i2, descr=looptoken),
-               not_forced,
-               no_exception,
-               ResOperation(rop.FINISH, [i1], None, descr=finaldescr),
-               ]
-        othertoken = JitCellToken()
-        cpu.done_with_this_frame_descr_int = BasicFinalDescr()
-        c_loop = cpu.compile_loop(None, [], ops, othertoken)
-        deadframe = cpu.execute_token(othertoken)
-        frame = rffi.cast(JITFRAMEPTR, deadframe)
-        descr = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, frame.jf_descr)
-        assert descr != id(finaldescr)
-    def test_write_barrier_on_spilled(self):
-        cpu = self.cpu
-        PRIV_REV = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, StmGC.PREBUILT_REVISION)
-        self.priv_rev_num[0] = PRIV_REV
-        s = self.allocate_prebuilt_s()
-        other_s = self.allocate_prebuilt_s()
-        sgcref = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, s)
-        other_sgcref = lltype.cast_opaque_ptr(llmemory.GCREF, other_s)
-        s.h_revision = PRIV_REV+4
-        other_s.h_revision = PRIV_REV+4
-        called_on = []
-        def write_barrier(obj):
-            called_on.append(obj)
-            if llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(sgcref) == obj:
-                return rffi.cast(llmemory.Address, other_sgcref)
-            return obj
-        A2W = FakeSTMBarrier(cpu.gc_ll_descr, 'A2W', write_barrier)
-        old_a2w = cpu.gc_ll_descr.A2Wdescr
-        cpu.gc_ll_descr.A2Wdescr = A2W
-        cpu.gc_ll_descr.init_nursery(100)
-        cpu.setup_once()
-        from rpython.jit.tool.oparser import FORCE_SPILL
-        p0 = BoxPtr()
-        spill = FORCE_SPILL(None)
-        spill.initarglist([p0])
-        operations = [
-            ResOperation(rop.COND_CALL_STM_B, [p0], None,
-                         descr=A2W),
-            spill,
-            ResOperation(rop.COND_CALL_STM_B, [p0], None,
-                         descr=A2W),
-            ResOperation(rop.FINISH, [p0], None, 
-                             descr=BasicFinalDescr(0)),
-            ]
-        inputargs = [p0]
-        looptoken = JitCellToken()
-        print cpu.compile_loop(None, inputargs, operations, looptoken)
-        cpu.execute_token(looptoken, sgcref)
-        # the second write-barrier must see the result of the
-        # first one
-        self.assert_in(called_on, [sgcref, other_sgcref])
-        # for other tests:
-        cpu.gc_ll_descr.A2Wdescr = old_a2w

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