[pypy-commit] pypy default: Mostly no-op reorganization. It avoids promoting the whole W_FunctionWrapper

arigo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Tue Jun 23 09:28:20 CEST 2015

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Changeset: r78248:53cddb11ed7c
Date: 2015-06-23 09:25 +0200

Log:	Mostly no-op reorganization. It avoids promoting the whole
	W_FunctionWrapper instance, and instead promotes only its
	rawfunctype attribute.

diff --git a/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/lib_obj.py b/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/lib_obj.py
--- a/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/lib_obj.py
+++ b/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/lib_obj.py
@@ -60,12 +60,12 @@
             self.ffi, self.ctx.c_types, getarg(g.c_type_op))
         assert isinstance(rawfunctype, realize_c_type.W_RawFuncType)
-        w_ct, locs = rawfunctype.unwrap_as_nostruct_fnptr(self.ffi)
+        rawfunctype.prepare_nostruct_fnptr(self.ffi)
         ptr = rffi.cast(rffi.CCHARP, g.c_address)
         assert ptr
-        return W_FunctionWrapper(self.space, ptr, g.c_size_or_direct_fn, w_ct,
-                                 locs, rawfunctype, fnname, self.libname)
+        return W_FunctionWrapper(self.space, ptr, g.c_size_or_direct_fn,
+                                 rawfunctype, fnname, self.libname)
     def _get_attr_elidable(self, attr):
@@ -237,7 +237,8 @@
         if isinstance(w_value, W_FunctionWrapper):
             # '&func' returns a regular cdata pointer-to-function
             if w_value.directfnptr:
-                return W_CData(space, w_value.directfnptr, w_value.ctype)
+                ctype = w_value.rawfunctype.nostruct_ctype
+                return W_CData(space, w_value.directfnptr, ctype)
                 return w_value    # backward compatibility
diff --git a/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/realize_c_type.py b/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/realize_c_type.py
--- a/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/realize_c_type.py
+++ b/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/realize_c_type.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 import sys
+from rpython.rlib import jit
 from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import intmask
 from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import specialize
 from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, rffi
@@ -135,8 +136,12 @@
 class W_RawFuncType(W_Root):
     """Temporary: represents a C function type (not a function pointer)"""
+    _immutable_fields_ = ['nostruct_ctype', 'nostruct_locs', 'nostruct_nargs']
     _ctfuncptr = None
-    _nostruct_ctfuncptr = (None, None)
+    nostruct_ctype = None
+    nostruct_locs = None
+    nostruct_nargs = 0
     def __init__(self, opcodes, base_index):
         self.opcodes = opcodes
@@ -168,14 +173,16 @@
         assert self._ctfuncptr is not None
         return self._ctfuncptr
-    def unwrap_as_nostruct_fnptr(self, ffi):
-        # tweaked version: instead of returning the ctfuncptr corresponding
-        # exactly to the OP_FUNCTION ... OP_FUNCTION_END opcodes, return
-        # another one in which the struct args are replaced with ptr-to-
-        # struct, and a struct return value is replaced with a hidden first
-        # arg of type ptr-to-struct.  This is how recompiler.py produces
+    @jit.dont_look_inside
+    def prepare_nostruct_fnptr(self, ffi):
+        # tweaked version: instead of returning the ctfuncptr
+        # corresponding exactly to the OP_FUNCTION ... OP_FUNCTION_END
+        # opcodes, this builds in self.nostruct_ctype another one in
+        # which the struct args are replaced with ptr-to- struct, and
+        # a struct return value is replaced with a hidden first arg of
+        # type ptr-to-struct.  This is how recompiler.py produces
         # trampoline functions for PyPy.
-        if self._nostruct_ctfuncptr[0] is None:
+        if self.nostruct_ctype is None:
             fargs, fret, ellipsis = self._unpack(ffi)
             # 'locs' will be a string of the same length as the final fargs,
             # containing 'A' where a struct argument was detected, and 'R'
@@ -198,8 +205,10 @@
                 locs = None
                 locs = ''.join(locs)
-            self._nostruct_ctfuncptr = (ctfuncptr, locs)
-        return self._nostruct_ctfuncptr
+            self.nostruct_ctype = ctfuncptr
+            self.nostruct_locs = locs
+            self.nostruct_nargs = len(ctfuncptr.fargs) - (locs is not None and
+                                                          locs[0] == 'R')
     def unexpected_fn_type(self, ffi):
         fargs, fret, ellipsis = self._unpack(ffi)
diff --git a/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/wrapper.py b/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/wrapper.py
--- a/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/wrapper.py
+++ b/pypy/module/_cffi_backend/wrapper.py
@@ -25,8 +25,14 @@
     _immutable_ = True
     common_doc_str = 'direct call to the C function of the same name'
-    def __init__(self, space, fnptr, directfnptr, ctype,
-                 locs, rawfunctype, fnname, modulename):
+    def __init__(self, space, fnptr, directfnptr,
+                 rawfunctype, fnname, modulename):
+        # everything related to the type of the function is accessed
+        # as immutable attributes of the 'rawfunctype' object, which
+        # is a W_RawFuncType.  This gives us an obvious thing to
+        # promote in order to do the call.
+        ctype = rawfunctype.nostruct_ctype
+        locs = rawfunctype.nostruct_locs
         assert isinstance(ctype, W_CTypeFunc)
         assert ctype.cif_descr is not None     # not for '...' functions
         assert locs is None or len(ctype.fargs) == len(locs)
@@ -34,84 +40,86 @@
         self.space = space
         self.fnptr = fnptr
         self.directfnptr = directfnptr
-        self.ctype = ctype
-        self.locs = locs
         self.rawfunctype = rawfunctype
         self.fnname = fnname
         self.modulename = modulename
-        self.nargs_expected = len(ctype.fargs) - (locs is not None and
-                                                  locs[0] == 'R')
     def typeof(self, ffi):
         return self.rawfunctype.unwrap_as_fnptr(ffi)
-    @jit.unroll_safe
-    def _prepare(self, args_w, start_index):
-        # replaces struct/union arguments with ptr-to-struct/union arguments
+    def descr_call(self, args_w):
         space = self.space
-        locs = self.locs
-        fargs = self.ctype.fargs
-        for i in range(start_index, len(locs)):
-            if locs[i] != 'A':
-                continue
-            w_arg = args_w[i]
-            farg = fargs[i]      # <ptr to struct/union>
-            assert isinstance(farg, W_CTypePtrOrArray)
-            if isinstance(w_arg, W_CData) and w_arg.ctype is farg.ctitem:
-                # fast way: we are given a W_CData "struct", so just make
-                # a new W_CData "ptr-to-struct" which points to the same
-                # raw memory.  We use unsafe_escaping_ptr(), so we have to
-                # make sure the original 'w_arg' stays alive; the easiest
-                # is to build an instance of W_CDataPtrToStructOrUnion.
-                w_arg = W_CDataPtrToStructOrUnion(
-                    space, w_arg.unsafe_escaping_ptr(), farg, w_arg)
-            else:
-                # slow way: build a new "ptr to struct" W_CData by calling
-                # the equivalent of ffi.new()
-                if space.is_w(w_arg, space.w_None):
-                    continue
-                w_arg = farg.newp(w_arg)
-            args_w[i] = w_arg
-    def descr_call(self, args_w):
-        self = jit.promote(self)
-        if len(args_w) != self.nargs_expected:
-            space = self.space
-            if self.nargs_expected == 0:
+        rawfunctype = jit.promote(self.rawfunctype)
+        ctype = rawfunctype.nostruct_ctype
+        locs = rawfunctype.nostruct_locs
+        nargs_expected = rawfunctype.nostruct_nargs
+        #
+        if len(args_w) != nargs_expected:
+            if nargs_expected == 0:
                 raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError,
                             "%s() takes no arguments (%d given)",
                             self.fnname, len(args_w))
-            elif self.nargs_expected == 1:
+            elif nargs_expected == 1:
                 raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError,
                             "%s() takes exactly one argument (%d given)",
                             self.fnname, len(args_w))
                 raise oefmt(space.w_TypeError,
                             "%s() takes exactly %d arguments (%d given)",
-                            self.fnname, self.nargs_expected, len(args_w))
+                            self.fnname, nargs_expected, len(args_w))
-        if self.locs is not None:
+        if locs is not None:
             # This case is if there are structs as arguments or return values.
             # If the result we want to present to the user is "returns struct",
             # then internally allocate the struct and pass a pointer to it as
             # a first argument.
-            if self.locs[0] == 'R':
-                w_result_cdata = self.ctype.fargs[0].newp(self.space.w_None)
+            if locs[0] == 'R':
+                w_result_cdata = ctype.fargs[0].newp(space.w_None)
                 args_w = [w_result_cdata] + args_w
-                self._prepare(args_w, 1)
-                self.ctype._call(self.fnptr, args_w)    # returns w_None
+                prepare_args(space, rawfunctype, args_w, 1)
+                #
+                ctype._call(self.fnptr, args_w)    # returns w_None
+                #
                 assert isinstance(w_result_cdata, W_CDataPtrToStructOrUnion)
                 return w_result_cdata.structobj
                 args_w = args_w[:]
-                self._prepare(args_w, 0)
+                prepare_args(space, rawfunctype, args_w, 0)
-        return self.ctype._call(self.fnptr, args_w)
+        return ctype._call(self.fnptr, args_w)
     def descr_repr(self, space):
         return space.wrap("<FFIFunctionWrapper for %s()>" % (self.fnname,))
+ at jit.unroll_safe
+def prepare_args(space, rawfunctype, args_w, start_index):
+    # replaces struct/union arguments with ptr-to-struct/union arguments
+    locs = rawfunctype.nostruct_locs
+    fargs = rawfunctype.nostruct_ctype.fargs
+    for i in range(start_index, len(locs)):
+        if locs[i] != 'A':
+            continue
+        w_arg = args_w[i]
+        farg = fargs[i]      # <ptr to struct/union>
+        assert isinstance(farg, W_CTypePtrOrArray)
+        if isinstance(w_arg, W_CData) and w_arg.ctype is farg.ctitem:
+            # fast way: we are given a W_CData "struct", so just make
+            # a new W_CData "ptr-to-struct" which points to the same
+            # raw memory.  We use unsafe_escaping_ptr(), so we have to
+            # make sure the original 'w_arg' stays alive; the easiest
+            # is to build an instance of W_CDataPtrToStructOrUnion.
+            w_arg = W_CDataPtrToStructOrUnion(
+                space, w_arg.unsafe_escaping_ptr(), farg, w_arg)
+        else:
+            # slow way: build a new "ptr to struct" W_CData by calling
+            # the equivalent of ffi.new()
+            if space.is_w(w_arg, space.w_None):
+                continue
+            w_arg = farg.newp(w_arg)
+        args_w[i] = w_arg
 W_FunctionWrapper.typedef = TypeDef(
         __repr__ = interp2app(W_FunctionWrapper.descr_repr),

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