[pypy-commit] pypy vmprof-review: starting rvmprof

arigo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Wed Jul 1 10:13:58 CEST 2015

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: vmprof-review
Changeset: r78369:af777b42cf86
Date: 2015-06-30 17:58 +0200

Log:	starting rvmprof

diff --git a/rpython/rlib/rvmprof/rvmprof.py b/rpython/rlib/rvmprof/rvmprof.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpython/rlib/rvmprof/rvmprof.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+import sys
+from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import specialize
+from rpython.rlib.rstring import StringBuilder
+from rpython.rlib import rgc
+MAX_CODES = 8000
+# ____________________________________________________________
+class VMProf(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._code_classes = set()
+        self._gather_all_code_objs = lambda: None
+        self._cleanup_()
+    def _cleanup_(self):
+        self._current_codes = StringBuilder()
+        if sys.maxint == 2147483647:
+            self._code_unique_id = 0 # XXX this is wrong, it won't work on 32bit
+        else:
+            self._code_unique_id = 0x7000000000000000
+    @specialize.argtype(1)
+    def register_code(self, code, name):
+        """Register the code object.  Call when a new code object is made.
+        """
+        uid = self._code_unique_id
+        self._code_unique_id = uid + 4    # so we have two bits to mark stuff
+        code._vmprof_unique_id = uid
+        #
+        b = self._current_codes
+        b.append('\x02')
+        write_long_to_string_builder(uid, b)
+        write_long_to_string_builder(len(name), b)
+        b.append(name)
+        if b.getlength() >= MAX_CODES:
+            self._flush_codes()
+    def register_code_object_class(self, CodeClass, full_name_func):
+        """NOT_RPYTHON
+        Register statically the class 'CodeClass' as containing user
+        code objects.
+        full_name_func() is a function called at runtime with an
+        instance of CodeClass and it should return a string.  This
+        is the string stored in the vmprof file identifying the code
+        object.  It can be directly an unbound method of CodeClass.
+        Instances of the CodeClass will have a new attribute called
+        '_vmprof_unique_id', but that's managed internally.
+        """
+        if CodeClass in self._code_classes:
+            return
+        CodeClass._vmprof_unique_id = 0     # default value: "unknown"
+        self._code_classes.add(CodeClass)
+        #
+        def try_cast_to_pycode(gcref):
+            return rgc.try_cast_gcref_to_instance(CodeClass, gcref)
+        #
+        def gather_all_code_objs():
+            all_code_objs = rgc.do_get_objects(try_cast_to_pycode)
+            for code in all_code_objs:
+                self.register_code(code, full_name_func(code))
+            prev()
+        # make a chained list of the gather() functions for all
+        # the types of code objects
+        prev = self._gather_all_code_objs
+        self._gather_all_code_objs = gather_all_code_objs
+def write_long_to_string_builder(l, b):
+    if sys.maxint == 2147483647:
+        b.append(chr(l & 0xff))
+        b.append(chr((l >> 8) & 0xff))
+        b.append(chr((l >> 16) & 0xff))
+        b.append(chr((l >> 24) & 0xff))
+    else:
+        b.append(chr(l & 0xff))
+        b.append(chr((l >> 8) & 0xff))
+        b.append(chr((l >> 16) & 0xff))
+        b.append(chr((l >> 24) & 0xff))
+        b.append(chr((l >> 32) & 0xff))
+        b.append(chr((l >> 40) & 0xff))
+        b.append(chr((l >> 48) & 0xff))
+        b.append(chr((l >> 56) & 0xff))
+ at specialize.memo()
+def get_vmprof():
+    return VMProf()

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