[pypy-commit] pypy default: merge branch 'framestate2'

rlamy noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Wed Feb 18 18:14:46 CET 2015

Author: Ronan Lamy <ronan.lamy at gmail.com>
Changeset: r75984:1ac18445e487
Date: 2015-02-18 17:11 +0000

Log:	merge branch 'framestate2'

	Refactor FrameState.

diff --git a/rpython/flowspace/flowcontext.py b/rpython/flowspace/flowcontext.py
--- a/rpython/flowspace/flowcontext.py
+++ b/rpython/flowspace/flowcontext.py
@@ -12,8 +12,7 @@
 from rpython.flowspace.argument import CallSpec
 from rpython.flowspace.model import (Constant, Variable, Block, Link,
     c_last_exception, const, FSException)
-from rpython.flowspace.framestate import (FrameState, recursively_unflatten,
-    recursively_flatten)
+from rpython.flowspace.framestate import FrameState
 from rpython.flowspace.specialcase import (rpython_print_item,
 from rpython.flowspace.operation import op
@@ -278,6 +277,7 @@
 class FlowContext(object):
     def __init__(self, graph, code):
         self.graph = graph
@@ -307,112 +307,91 @@
         The locals are ordered according to self.pycode.signature.
-        self.valuestackdepth = code.co_nlocals
-        self.locals_stack_w = [None] * (code.co_stacksize + code.co_nlocals)
+        self.nlocals = code.co_nlocals
+        self.locals_w = [None] * code.co_nlocals
+        self.stack = []
+    @property
+    def stackdepth(self):
+        return len(self.stack)
     def pushvalue(self, w_object):
-        depth = self.valuestackdepth
-        self.locals_stack_w[depth] = w_object
-        self.valuestackdepth = depth + 1
+        self.stack.append(w_object)
     def popvalue(self):
-        depth = self.valuestackdepth - 1
-        assert depth >= self.pycode.co_nlocals, "pop from empty value stack"
-        w_object = self.locals_stack_w[depth]
-        self.locals_stack_w[depth] = None
-        self.valuestackdepth = depth
-        return w_object
+        return self.stack.pop()
     def peekvalue(self, index_from_top=0):
         # NOTE: top of the stack is peekvalue(0).
-        index = self.valuestackdepth + ~index_from_top
-        assert index >= self.pycode.co_nlocals, (
-            "peek past the bottom of the stack")
-        return self.locals_stack_w[index]
+        index = ~index_from_top
+        return self.stack[index]
     def settopvalue(self, w_object, index_from_top=0):
-        index = self.valuestackdepth + ~index_from_top
-        assert index >= self.pycode.co_nlocals, (
-            "settop past the bottom of the stack")
-        self.locals_stack_w[index] = w_object
+        index = ~index_from_top
+        self.stack[index] = w_object
     def popvalues(self, n):
-        values_w = [self.popvalue() for i in range(n)]
-        values_w.reverse()
+        if n == 0:
+            return []
+        values_w = self.stack[-n:]
+        del self.stack[-n:]
         return values_w
-    def dropvalues(self, n):
-        finaldepth = self.valuestackdepth - n
-        for n in range(finaldepth, self.valuestackdepth):
-            self.locals_stack_w[n] = None
-        self.valuestackdepth = finaldepth
     def dropvaluesuntil(self, finaldepth):
-        for n in range(finaldepth, self.valuestackdepth):
-            self.locals_stack_w[n] = None
-        self.valuestackdepth = finaldepth
-    def save_locals_stack(self):
-        return self.locals_stack_w[:self.valuestackdepth]
-    def restore_locals_stack(self, items_w):
-        self.locals_stack_w[:len(items_w)] = items_w
-        self.dropvaluesuntil(len(items_w))
+        del self.stack[finaldepth:]
     def getstate(self, next_offset):
-        # getfastscope() can return real None, for undefined locals
-        data = self.save_locals_stack()
-        if self.last_exception is None:
-            data.append(Constant(None))
-            data.append(Constant(None))
-        else:
-            data.append(self.last_exception.w_type)
-            data.append(self.last_exception.w_value)
-        recursively_flatten(data)
-        return FrameState(data, self.blockstack[:], next_offset)
+        return FrameState(self.locals_w[:], self.stack[:],
+                self.last_exception, self.blockstack[:], next_offset)
     def setstate(self, state):
         """ Reset the context to the given frame state. """
-        data = state.mergeable[:]
-        recursively_unflatten(data)
-        self.restore_locals_stack(data[:-2])  # Nones == undefined locals
-        if data[-2] == Constant(None):
-            assert data[-1] == Constant(None)
-            self.last_exception = None
-        else:
-            self.last_exception = FSException(data[-2], data[-1])
+        self.locals_w = state.locals_w[:]
+        self.stack = state.stack[:]
+        self.last_exception = state.last_exception
         self.blockstack = state.blocklist[:]
+        self._normalize_raise_signals()
+    def _normalize_raise_signals(self):
+        st = self.stack
+        for i in range(len(st)):
+            if isinstance(st[i], RaiseImplicit):
+                st[i] = Raise(st[i].w_exc)
     def guessbool(self, w_condition):
         if isinstance(w_condition, Constant):
             return w_condition.value
         return self.recorder.guessbool(self, w_condition)
-    def record(self, spaceop):
+    def maybe_merge(self):
         recorder = self.recorder
         if getattr(recorder, 'final_state', None) is not None:
             self.mergeblock(recorder.crnt_block, recorder.final_state)
             raise StopFlowing
+    def record(self, spaceop):
         spaceop.offset = self.last_offset
-        recorder.append(spaceop)
+        self.recorder.append(spaceop)
     def do_op(self, op):
+        self.maybe_merge()
         return op.result
-    def guessexception(self, exceptions, force=False):
+    def guessexception(self, exceptions):
         Catch possible exceptions implicitly.
         if not exceptions:
-        if not force and not any(isinstance(block, (ExceptBlock, FinallyBlock))
-                                 for block in self.blockstack):
-            # The implicit exception wouldn't be caught and would later get
-            # removed, so don't bother creating it.
-            return
-        self.recorder.guessexception(self, *exceptions)
+        # Implicit exceptions are ignored unless they are caught explicitly
+        if self.has_exc_handler():
+            self.recorder.guessexception(self, *exceptions)
+    def has_exc_handler(self):
+        return any(isinstance(block, (ExceptBlock, FinallyBlock))
+                for block in self.blockstack)
     def build_flow(self):
         graph = self.graph
@@ -430,35 +409,8 @@
             while True:
                 next_offset = self.handle_bytecode(next_offset)
                 self.recorder.final_state = self.getstate(next_offset)
-        except RaiseImplicit as e:
-            w_exc = e.w_exc
-            if isinstance(w_exc.w_type, Constant):
-                exc_cls = w_exc.w_type.value
-            else:
-                exc_cls = Exception
-            msg = "implicit %s shouldn't occur" % exc_cls.__name__
-            w_type = Constant(AssertionError)
-            w_value = Constant(AssertionError(msg))
-            link = Link([w_type, w_value], self.graph.exceptblock)
-            self.recorder.crnt_block.closeblock(link)
-        except Raise as e:
-            w_exc = e.w_exc
-            if w_exc.w_type == const(ImportError):
-                msg = 'import statement always raises %s' % e
-                raise ImportError(msg)
-            link = Link([w_exc.w_type, w_exc.w_value], self.graph.exceptblock)
-            self.recorder.crnt_block.closeblock(link)
         except StopFlowing:
-        except Return as exc:
-            w_result = exc.w_value
-            link = Link([w_result], self.graph.returnblock)
-            self.recorder.crnt_block.closeblock(link)
         except FlowingError as exc:
             if exc.ctx is None:
                 exc.ctx = self
@@ -476,14 +428,8 @@
             if newstate is not None:
-            newstate = currentstate.copy()
-            newblock = SpamBlock(newstate)
-            # unconditionally link the current block to the newblock
-            outputargs = currentstate.getoutputargs(newstate)
-            link = Link(outputargs, newblock)
-            currentblock.closeblock(link)
+            newblock = self.make_next_block(currentblock, currentstate)
             candidates.insert(0, newblock)
-            self.pendingblocks.append(newblock)
         if newstate.matches(block.framestate):
@@ -493,7 +439,7 @@
         newblock = SpamBlock(newstate)
         varnames = self.pycode.co_varnames
-        for name, w_value in zip(varnames, newstate.mergeable):
+        for name, w_value in zip(varnames, newstate.locals_w):
             if isinstance(w_value, Variable):
         # unconditionally link the current block to the newblock
@@ -513,11 +459,21 @@
         candidates.insert(0, newblock)
+    def make_next_block(self, block, state):
+        newstate = state.copy()
+        newblock = SpamBlock(newstate)
+        # unconditionally link the current block to the newblock
+        outputargs = state.getoutputargs(newstate)
+        link = Link(outputargs, newblock)
+        block.closeblock(link)
+        self.pendingblocks.append(newblock)
+        return newblock
     # hack for unrolling iterables, don't use this
     def replace_in_stack(self, oldvalue, newvalue):
         w_new = Constant(newvalue)
-        stack_items_w = self.locals_stack_w
-        for i in range(self.valuestackdepth - 1, self.pycode.co_nlocals - 1, -1):
+        stack_items_w = self.stack
+        for i in range(self.stackdepth - 1, - 1, -1):
             w_v = stack_items_w[i]
             if isinstance(w_v, Constant):
                 if w_v.value is oldvalue:
@@ -541,7 +497,7 @@
             if isinstance(signal, block.handles):
                 return block.handle(self, signal)
-        return signal.nomoreblocks()
+        return signal.nomoreblocks(self)
     def getlocalvarname(self, index):
         return self.pycode.co_varnames[index]
@@ -870,7 +826,7 @@
             op.simple_call(w_exitfunc, w_None, w_None, w_None).eval(self)
     def LOAD_FAST(self, varindex):
-        w_value = self.locals_stack_w[varindex]
+        w_value = self.locals_w[varindex]
         if w_value is None:
             raise FlowingError("Local variable referenced before assignment")
@@ -915,7 +871,7 @@
     def STORE_FAST(self, varindex):
         w_newvalue = self.popvalue()
         assert w_newvalue is not None
-        self.locals_stack_w[varindex] = w_newvalue
+        self.locals_w[varindex] = w_newvalue
         if isinstance(w_newvalue, Variable):
@@ -1128,11 +1084,11 @@
         op.simple_call(w_append_meth, w_value).eval(self)
     def DELETE_FAST(self, varindex):
-        if self.locals_stack_w[varindex] is None:
+        if self.locals_w[varindex] is None:
             varname = self.getlocalvarname(varindex)
             message = "local variable '%s' referenced before assignment"
             raise UnboundLocalError(message, varname)
-        self.locals_stack_w[varindex] = None
+        self.locals_w[varindex] = None
     def STORE_MAP(self, oparg):
         w_key = self.popvalue()
@@ -1220,25 +1176,32 @@
                 WHY_CONTINUE,   Continue
                 WHY_YIELD       not needed
-    def nomoreblocks(self):
+    def nomoreblocks(self, ctx):
         raise BytecodeCorruption("misplaced bytecode - should not return")
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return type(other) is type(self) and other.args == self.args
 class Return(FlowSignal):
     """Signals a 'return' statement.
-    Argument is the wrapped object to return."""
+    Argument is the wrapped object to return.
+    """
     def __init__(self, w_value):
         self.w_value = w_value
-    def nomoreblocks(self):
-        raise Return(self.w_value)
+    def nomoreblocks(self, ctx):
+        w_result = self.w_value
+        link = Link([w_result], ctx.graph.returnblock)
+        ctx.recorder.crnt_block.closeblock(link)
+        raise StopFlowing
-    def state_unpack_variables(self):
+    @property
+    def args(self):
         return [self.w_value]
-    def state_pack_variables(w_value):
+    def rebuild(w_value):
         return Return(w_value)
 class Raise(FlowSignal):
@@ -1248,28 +1211,48 @@
     def __init__(self, w_exc):
         self.w_exc = w_exc
-    def nomoreblocks(self):
-        raise self
+    def nomoreblocks(self, ctx):
+        w_exc = self.w_exc
+        if w_exc.w_type == const(ImportError):
+            msg = 'import statement always raises %s' % self
+            raise ImportError(msg)
+        link = Link([w_exc.w_type, w_exc.w_value], ctx.graph.exceptblock)
+        ctx.recorder.crnt_block.closeblock(link)
+        raise StopFlowing
-    def state_unpack_variables(self):
+    @property
+    def args(self):
         return [self.w_exc.w_type, self.w_exc.w_value]
-    @staticmethod
-    def state_pack_variables(w_type, w_value):
-        return Raise(FSException(w_type, w_value))
+    @classmethod
+    def rebuild(cls, w_type, w_value):
+        return cls(FSException(w_type, w_value))
 class RaiseImplicit(Raise):
     """Signals an exception raised implicitly"""
+    def nomoreblocks(self, ctx):
+        w_exc = self.w_exc
+        if isinstance(w_exc.w_type, Constant):
+            exc_cls = w_exc.w_type.value
+        else:
+            exc_cls = Exception
+        msg = "implicit %s shouldn't occur" % exc_cls.__name__
+        w_type = Constant(AssertionError)
+        w_value = Constant(AssertionError(msg))
+        link = Link([w_type, w_value], ctx.graph.exceptblock)
+        ctx.recorder.crnt_block.closeblock(link)
+        raise StopFlowing
 class Break(FlowSignal):
     """Signals a 'break' statement."""
-    def state_unpack_variables(self):
+    @property
+    def args(self):
         return []
-    def state_pack_variables():
+    def rebuild():
         return Break.singleton
 Break.singleton = Break()
@@ -1281,11 +1264,12 @@
     def __init__(self, jump_to):
         self.jump_to = jump_to
-    def state_unpack_variables(self):
+    @property
+    def args(self):
         return [const(self.jump_to)]
-    def state_pack_variables(w_jump_to):
+    def rebuild(w_jump_to):
         return Continue(w_jump_to.value)
@@ -1295,21 +1279,21 @@
     def __init__(self, ctx, handlerposition):
         self.handlerposition = handlerposition
-        self.valuestackdepth = ctx.valuestackdepth
+        self.stackdepth = ctx.stackdepth
     def __eq__(self, other):
         return (self.__class__ is other.__class__ and
                 self.handlerposition == other.handlerposition and
-                self.valuestackdepth == other.valuestackdepth)
+                self.stackdepth == other.stackdepth)
     def __ne__(self, other):
         return not (self == other)
     def __hash__(self):
-        return hash((self.handlerposition, self.valuestackdepth))
+        return hash((self.handlerposition, self.stackdepth))
     def cleanupstack(self, ctx):
-        ctx.dropvaluesuntil(self.valuestackdepth)
+        ctx.dropvaluesuntil(self.stackdepth)
     def handle(self, ctx, unroller):
         raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/rpython/flowspace/framestate.py b/rpython/flowspace/framestate.py
--- a/rpython/flowspace/framestate.py
+++ b/rpython/flowspace/framestate.py
@@ -1,21 +1,50 @@
-from rpython.flowspace.model import Variable, Constant
+from rpython.flowspace.model import Variable, Constant, FSException
 from rpython.rlib.unroll import SpecTag
+def _copy(v):
+    from rpython.flowspace.flowcontext import FlowSignal
+    if isinstance(v, Variable):
+        return Variable(v)
+    elif isinstance(v, FlowSignal):
+        vars = [_copy(var) for var in v.args]
+        return v.rebuild(*vars)
+    else:
+        return v
+def _union(seq1, seq2):
+    return [union(v1, v2) for v1, v2 in zip(seq1, seq2)]
 class FrameState(object):
-    def __init__(self, mergeable, blocklist, next_offset):
-        self.mergeable = mergeable
+    def __init__(self, locals_w, stack, last_exception, blocklist, next_offset):
+        self.locals_w = locals_w
+        self.stack = stack
+        self.last_exception = last_exception
         self.blocklist = blocklist
         self.next_offset = next_offset
+        self._mergeable = None
+    @property
+    def mergeable(self):
+        if self._mergeable is not None:
+            return self._mergeable
+        self._mergeable = data = self.locals_w + self.stack
+        if self.last_exception is None:
+            data.append(Constant(None))
+            data.append(Constant(None))
+        else:
+            data.append(self.last_exception.w_type)
+            data.append(self.last_exception.w_value)
+        recursively_flatten(data)
+        return data
     def copy(self):
         "Make a copy of this state in which all Variables are fresh."
-        newstate = []
-        for w in self.mergeable:
-            if isinstance(w, Variable):
-                w = Variable(w)
-            newstate.append(w)
-        return FrameState(newstate, self.blocklist, self.next_offset)
+        exc = self.last_exception
+        if exc is not None:
+            exc = FSException(_copy(exc.w_type), _copy(exc.w_value))
+        return FrameState(map(_copy, self.locals_w), map(_copy, self.stack),
+                exc, self.blocklist, self.next_offset)
     def getvariables(self):
         return [w for w in self.mergeable if isinstance(w, Variable)]
@@ -33,18 +62,31 @@
                 return False
         return True
+    def _exc_args(self):
+        if self.last_exception is None:
+            return [Constant(None), Constant(None)]
+        else:
+            return [self.last_exception.w_type,
+                    self.last_exception.w_value]
     def union(self, other):
         """Compute a state that is at least as general as both self and other.
            A state 'a' is more general than a state 'b' if all Variables in 'b'
            are also Variables in 'a', but 'a' may have more Variables.
-        newstate = []
-            for w1, w2 in zip(self.mergeable, other.mergeable):
-                newstate.append(union(w1, w2))
+            locals = _union(self.locals_w, other.locals_w)
+            stack = _union(self.stack, other.stack)
+            if self.last_exception is None and other.last_exception is None:
+                exc = None
+            else:
+                args1 = self._exc_args()
+                args2 = other._exc_args()
+                exc = FSException(union(args1[0], args2[0]),
+                        union(args1[1], args2[1]))
         except UnionError:
             return None
-        return FrameState(newstate, self.blocklist, self.next_offset)
+        return FrameState(locals, stack, exc, self.blocklist, self.next_offset)
     def getoutputargs(self, targetstate):
         "Return the output arguments needed to link self to targetstate."
@@ -61,6 +103,7 @@
 def union(w1, w2):
     "Union of two variables or constants."
+    from rpython.flowspace.flowcontext import FlowSignal
     if w1 == w2:
         return w1
     if w1 is None or w2 is None:
@@ -69,38 +112,21 @@
     if isinstance(w1, Variable) or isinstance(w2, Variable):
         return Variable()  # new fresh Variable
     if isinstance(w1, Constant) and isinstance(w2, Constant):
-        # FlowSignal represent stack unrollers in the stack.
-        # They should not be merged because they will be unwrapped.
-        # This is needed for try:except: and try:finally:, though
-        # it makes the control flow a bit larger by duplicating the
-        # handlers.
-        dont_merge_w1 = w1 in UNPICKLE_TAGS or isinstance(w1.value, SpecTag)
-        dont_merge_w2 = w2 in UNPICKLE_TAGS or isinstance(w2.value, SpecTag)
-        if dont_merge_w1 or dont_merge_w2:
+        if isinstance(w1.value, SpecTag) or isinstance(w2.value, SpecTag):
             raise UnionError
             return Variable()  # generalize different constants
+    if isinstance(w1, FlowSignal) and isinstance(w2, FlowSignal):
+        if type(w1) is not type(w2):
+            raise UnionError
+        vars = [union(v1, v2) for v1, v2 in zip(w1.args, w2.args)]
+        return w1.rebuild(*vars)
+    if isinstance(w1, FlowSignal) or isinstance(w2, FlowSignal):
+        raise UnionError
     raise TypeError('union of %r and %r' % (w1.__class__.__name__,
-# ____________________________________________________________
-# We have to flatten out the state of the frame into a list of
-# Variables and Constants.  This is done above by collecting the
-# locals and the items on the value stack, but the latter may contain
-# FlowSignal.  We have to handle these specially, because
-# some of them hide references to more Variables and Constants.
-# The trick is to flatten ("pickle") them into the list so that the
-# extra Variables show up directly in the list too.
-class PickleTag:
-    pass
 def recursively_flatten(lst):
     from rpython.flowspace.flowcontext import FlowSignal
     i = 0
@@ -109,22 +135,4 @@
         if not isinstance(unroller, FlowSignal):
             i += 1
-            vars = unroller.state_unpack_variables()
-            key = unroller.__class__, len(vars)
-            try:
-                tag = PICKLE_TAGS[key]
-            except KeyError:
-                tag = PICKLE_TAGS[key] = Constant(PickleTag())
-                UNPICKLE_TAGS[tag] = key
-            lst[i:i + 1] = [tag] + vars
-def recursively_unflatten(lst):
-    for i in xrange(len(lst) - 1, -1, -1):
-        item = lst[i]
-        if item in UNPICKLE_TAGS:
-            unrollerclass, argcount = UNPICKLE_TAGS[item]
-            arguments = lst[i + 1:i + 1 + argcount]
-            del lst[i + 1:i + 1 + argcount]
-            unroller = unrollerclass.state_pack_variables(*arguments)
-            lst[i] = unroller
+            lst[i:i + 1] = unroller.args
diff --git a/rpython/flowspace/operation.py b/rpython/flowspace/operation.py
--- a/rpython/flowspace/operation.py
+++ b/rpython/flowspace/operation.py
@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@
                     ctx.replace_in_stack(it, next_unroller)
                     return const(v)
         w_item = ctx.do_op(self)
-        ctx.guessexception([StopIteration, RuntimeError], force=True)
+        ctx.recorder.guessexception(ctx, StopIteration, RuntimeError)
         return w_item
 class GetAttr(SingleDispatchMixin, HLOperation):
diff --git a/rpython/flowspace/pygraph.py b/rpython/flowspace/pygraph.py
--- a/rpython/flowspace/pygraph.py
+++ b/rpython/flowspace/pygraph.py
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
     def __init__(self, func, code):
         from rpython.flowspace.flowcontext import SpamBlock
-        data = [None] * code.co_nlocals
+        locals = [None] * code.co_nlocals
         for i in range(code.formalargcount):
-            data[i] = Variable(code.co_varnames[i])
-        state = FrameState(data + [Constant(None), Constant(None)], [], 0)
+            locals[i] = Variable(code.co_varnames[i])
+        state = FrameState(locals, [], None, [], 0)
         initialblock = SpamBlock(state)
         super(PyGraph, self).__init__(self._sanitize_funcname(func), initialblock)
         self.func = func
diff --git a/rpython/flowspace/test/test_flowcontext.py b/rpython/flowspace/test/test_flowcontext.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpython/flowspace/test/test_flowcontext.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+""" Unit tests for flowcontext.py """
+import pytest
+from rpython.flowspace.model import Variable, FSException
+from rpython.flowspace.flowcontext import (
+    Return, Raise, RaiseImplicit, Continue, Break)
+ at pytest.mark.parametrize('signal', [
+    Return(Variable()),
+    Raise(FSException(Variable(), Variable())),
+    RaiseImplicit(FSException(Variable(), Variable())),
+    Break(),
+    Continue(42),
+def test_signals(signal):
+    assert signal.rebuild(*signal.args) == signal
diff --git a/rpython/flowspace/test/test_framestate.py b/rpython/flowspace/test/test_framestate.py
--- a/rpython/flowspace/test/test_framestate.py
+++ b/rpython/flowspace/test/test_framestate.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
         ctx = FlowContext(graph, code)
         # hack the frame
-        ctx.locals_stack_w[ctx.pycode.co_nlocals-1] = Constant(None)
+        ctx.locals_w[-1] = Constant(None)
         return ctx
     def func_simple(x):
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
     def test_neq_hacked_framestate(self):
         ctx = self.get_context(self.func_simple)
         fs1 = ctx.getstate(0)
-        ctx.locals_stack_w[ctx.pycode.co_nlocals-1] = Variable()
+        ctx.locals_w[-1] = Variable()
         fs2 = ctx.getstate(0)
         assert not fs1.matches(fs2)
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
     def test_union_on_hacked_framestates(self):
         ctx = self.get_context(self.func_simple)
         fs1 = ctx.getstate(0)
-        ctx.locals_stack_w[ctx.pycode.co_nlocals-1] = Variable()
+        ctx.locals_w[-1] = Variable()
         fs2 = ctx.getstate(0)
         assert fs1.union(fs2).matches(fs2)  # fs2 is more general
         assert fs2.union(fs1).matches(fs2)  # fs2 is more general
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
     def test_restore_frame(self):
         ctx = self.get_context(self.func_simple)
         fs1 = ctx.getstate(0)
-        ctx.locals_stack_w[ctx.pycode.co_nlocals-1] = Variable()
+        ctx.locals_w[-1] = Variable()
         assert fs1.matches(ctx.getstate(0))
@@ -71,26 +71,25 @@
     def test_getoutputargs(self):
         ctx = self.get_context(self.func_simple)
         fs1 = ctx.getstate(0)
-        ctx.locals_stack_w[ctx.pycode.co_nlocals-1] = Variable()
+        ctx.locals_w[-1] = Variable()
         fs2 = ctx.getstate(0)
         outputargs = fs1.getoutputargs(fs2)
         # 'x' -> 'x' is a Variable
         # locals_w[n-1] -> locals_w[n-1] is Constant(None)
-        assert outputargs == [ctx.locals_stack_w[0], Constant(None)]
+        assert outputargs == [ctx.locals_w[0], Constant(None)]
     def test_union_different_constants(self):
         ctx = self.get_context(self.func_simple)
         fs1 = ctx.getstate(0)
-        ctx.locals_stack_w[ctx.pycode.co_nlocals-1] = Constant(42)
+        ctx.locals_w[-1] = Constant(42)
         fs2 = ctx.getstate(0)
         fs3 = fs1.union(fs2)
-        assert isinstance(ctx.locals_stack_w[ctx.pycode.co_nlocals-1],
-                          Variable)   # generalized
+        assert isinstance(ctx.locals_w[-1], Variable)   # generalized
     def test_union_spectag(self):
         ctx = self.get_context(self.func_simple)
         fs1 = ctx.getstate(0)
-        ctx.locals_stack_w[ctx.pycode.co_nlocals-1] = Constant(SpecTag())
+        ctx.locals_w[-1] = Constant(SpecTag())
         fs2 = ctx.getstate(0)
         assert fs1.union(fs2) is None   # UnionError

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