[pypy-commit] pypy default: Converted README.md to reStructuredText inside rpython/doc/

anton_gulenko noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Wed Apr 22 12:20:57 CEST 2015

Author: Anton Gulenko <anton.gulenko at googlemail.com>
Changeset: r76878:9b7808006d44
Date: 2015-03-12 13:40 +0100

Log:	Converted README.md to reStructuredText inside rpython/doc/ Added
	short section and reference inside rlib.rst.

diff --git a/rpython/doc/rlib.rst b/rpython/doc/rlib.rst
--- a/rpython/doc/rlib.rst
+++ b/rpython/doc/rlib.rst
@@ -128,6 +128,14 @@
 a hierarchy of Address classes, in a typical static-OO-programming style.
+The :source:`rpython/rlib/rstrategies` module contains a library to implement storage strategies in
+RPython VMs. The library is language-independent and extensible.
+More details and examples can be found in the :doc:`rstrategies documentation <rstrategies>`.
diff --git a/rpython/doc/rstrategies.rst b/rpython/doc/rstrategies.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpython/doc/rstrategies.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+A library to implement storage strategies in VMs based on the RPython
+toolchain. rstrategies can be used in VMs for any language or language
+This library has been developed as part of a Masters Thesis by `Anton
+Gulenko <https://github.com/antongulenko>`__.
+The original paper describing the optimization "Storage Strategies for
+collections in dynamically typed languages" by C.F. Bolz, L. Diekmann
+and L. Tratt can be found
+`here <http://stups.hhu.de/mediawiki/images/3/3b/Pub-BoDiTr13_246.pdf>`__.
+So far, this library has been adpoted by 3 VMs:
+`RSqueak <https://github.com/HPI-SWA-Lab/RSqueak>`__,
+`Topaz <https://github.com/topazproject/topaz>`__ (`Forked
+here <https://github.com/antongulenko/topaz/tree/rstrategies>`__) and
+`Pycket <https://github.com/samth/pycket>`__ (`Forked
+here <https://github.com/antongulenko/pycket/tree/rstrategies>`__).
+Collections are often used homogeneously, i.e. they contain only objects
+of the same type. Primitive numeric types like ints or floats are
+especially interesting for optimization. These cases can be optimized by
+storing the unboxed data of these objects in consecutive memory. This is
+done by letting a special "strategy" object handle the entire storage of
+a collection. The collection object holds two separate references: one
+to its strategy and one to its storage. Every operation on the
+collection is delegated to the strategy, which accesses the storage when
+needed. The strategy can be switched to a more suitable one, which might
+require converting the storage array.
+The following are the steps needed to integrated rstrategies in an
+RPython VM. Because of the special nature of this library it is not
+enough to simply call some API methods; the library must be integrated
+within existing VM classes using a metaclass, mixins and other
+meta-programming techniques.
+The sequence of steps described here is something like a "setup
+walkthrough", and might be a bit abstract. To see a concrete example,
+look at
+`AbstractShadow <https://github.com/HPI-SWA-Lab/RSqueak/blob/d5ff2572106d23a5246884de6f8b86f46d85f4f7/spyvm/storage.py#L73>`__,
+`StrategyFactory <https://github.com/HPI-SWA-Lab/RSqueak/blob/d5ff2572106d23a5246884de6f8b86f46d85f4f7/spyvm/storage.py#L126>`__
+`W\_PointersObject <https://github.com/HPI-SWA-Lab/RSqueak/blob/d5ff2572106d23a5246884de6f8b86f46d85f4f7/spyvm/model.py#L565>`__
+from the `RSqueak VM <https://github.com/HPI-SWA-Lab/RSqueak>`__. The
+code is also well commented.
+Currently the rstrategies library supports fixed sized and variable
+sized collections. This can be used to optimize a wide range of
+primitive data structures like arrays, lists or regular objects. Any of
+these are called 'collections' in this context. The VM should have a
+central class or class hierarchy for collections. In order to extend
+these classes and use strategies, the library needs accessor methods for
+two attributes of collection objects: strategy and storage. The easiest
+way is adding the following line to the body of the root collection
+    rstrategies.make_accessors(strategy='strategy', storage='storage')
+This will generate the 4 accessor methods
+``_[get/set]_[storage/strategy]()`` for the respective attributes.
+Alternatively, implement these methods manually or overwrite the
+getters/setters in ``StrategyFactory``.
+Next, the strategy classes must be defined. This requires a small class
+hierarchy with a dedicated root class. In the definition of this root
+class, include the following lines:
+        __metaclass__ = rstrategies.StrategyMetaclass
+        import_from_mixin(rstrategies.AbstractStrategy)
+        import_from_mixin(rstrategies.SafeIndexingMixin)
+``import_from_mixin`` can be found in ``rpython.rlib.objectmodel``. If
+index-checking is performed safely at other places in the VM, you can
+use ``rstrategies.UnsafeIndexingMixin`` instead. If you need your own
+metaclass, you can combine yours with the rstrategies one using multiple
+inheritance `like
+here <https://github.com/HPI-SWA-Lab/RSqueak/blob/d5ff2572106d23a5246884de6f8b86f46d85f4f7/spyvm/storage_contexts.py#L24>`__.
+Also implement a ``storage_factory()`` method, which returns an instance
+of ``rstrategies.StorageFactory``, which is described below.
+Strategy classes
+Now you can create the actual strategy classes, subclassing them from
+the single root class. The following list summarizes the basic
+strategies available. \* ``EmptyStrategy`` A strategy for empty
+collections; very efficient, but limited. Does not allocate anything. \*
+``SingleValueStrategy`` A strategy for collections containing the same
+object ``n`` times. Only allocates memory to store the size of the
+collection. \* ``GenericStrategy`` A non-optimized strategy backed by a
+generic python list. This is the fallback strategy, since it can store
+everything, but is not optimized. \* ``WeakGenericStrategy`` Like
+``GenericStrategy``, but uses ``weakref`` to hold on weakly to its
+elements. \* ``SingleTypeStrategy`` Can store a single unboxed type like
+int or float. This is the main \* ``TaggingStrategy`` Extension of
+SingleTypeStrategy. Uses a specific value in the value range of the
+unboxed type to represent one additional, arbitrary object.
+There are also intermediate classes, which allow creating new, more
+customized strategies. For this, you should get familiar with the code.
+Include one of these mixin classes using ``import_from_mixin``. The
+mixin classes contain comments describing methods or fields which are
+also required in the strategy class in order to use them. Additionally,
+add the @rstrategies.strategy(generalize=alist) decorator to all
+strategy classes. The ``alist`` parameter must contain all strategies,
+which the decorated strategy can switch to, if it can not represent a
+new element anymore.
+`Example <https://github.com/HPI-SWA-Lab/RSqueak/blob/d5ff2572106d23a5246884de6f8b86f46d85f4f7/spyvm/storage.py#L87>`__
+for an implemented strategy. See the other strategy classes behind this
+link for more examples.
+Strategy Factory
+The last part is subclassing ``rstrategies.StrategyFactory``,
+overwriting the method ``instantiate_strategy`` if necessary and passing
+the strategies root class to the constructor. The factory provides the
+methods ``switch_strategy``, ``set_initial_strategy``,
+``strategy_type_for`` which can be used by the VM code to use the
+mechanism behind strategies. See the comments in the source code.
+The strategy mixins offer the following methods to manipulate the
+contents of the collection: \* basic API \* ``size`` \* fixed size API
+\* ``store``, ``fetch``, ``slice``, ``store_all``, ``fetch_all`` \*
+variable size API \* ``insert``, ``delete``, ``append``, ``pop``
+If the collection has a fixed size, simply never use any of the variable
+size methods in the VM code. Since the strategies are singletons, these
+methods need the collection object as first parameter. For convenience,
+more fitting accessor methods should be implemented on the collection
+class itself.
diff --git a/rpython/rlib/rstrategies/README.md b/rpython/rlib/rstrategies/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/rpython/rlib/rstrategies/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-# rstrategies
-A library to implement storage strategies in VMs based on the RPython toolchain.
-rstrategies can be used in VMs for any language or language family.
-This library has been developed as part of a Masters Thesis by [Anton Gulenko](https://github.com/antongulenko).
-The original paper describing the optimization "Storage Strategies for collections in dynamically typed languages" by C.F. Bolz, L. Diekmann and L. Tratt can be found [here](http://stups.hhu.de/mediawiki/images/3/3b/Pub-BoDiTr13_246.pdf).
-So far, this library has been adpoted by 3 VMs: [RSqueak](https://github.com/HPI-SWA-Lab/RSqueak), [Topaz](https://github.com/topazproject/topaz) ([Forked here](https://github.com/antongulenko/topaz/tree/rstrategies)) and [Pycket](https://github.com/samth/pycket) ([Forked here](https://github.com/antongulenko/pycket/tree/rstrategies)).
-#### Concept
-Collections are often used homogeneously, i.e. they contain only objects of the same type.
-Primitive numeric types like ints or floats are especially interesting for optimization.
-These cases can be optimized by storing the unboxed data of these objects in consecutive memory.
-This is done by letting a special "strategy" object handle the entire storage of a collection.
-The collection object holds two separate references: one to its strategy and one to its storage.
-Every operation on the collection is delegated to the strategy, which accesses the storage when needed.
-The strategy can be switched to a more suitable one, which might require converting the storage array.
-## Usage
-The following are the steps needed to integrated rstrategies in an RPython VM.
-Because of the special nature of this library it is not enough to simply call some API methods; the library must be integrated within existing VM classes using a metaclass, mixins and other meta-programming techniques.
-The sequence of steps described here is something like a "setup walkthrough", and might be a bit abstract.
-To see a concrete example, look at [AbstractShadow](https://github.com/HPI-SWA-Lab/RSqueak/blob/d5ff2572106d23a5246884de6f8b86f46d85f4f7/spyvm/storage.py#L73), [StrategyFactory](https://github.com/HPI-SWA-Lab/RSqueak/blob/d5ff2572106d23a5246884de6f8b86f46d85f4f7/spyvm/storage.py#L126) and [W_PointersObject](https://github.com/HPI-SWA-Lab/RSqueak/blob/d5ff2572106d23a5246884de6f8b86f46d85f4f7/spyvm/model.py#L565) from the [RSqueak VM](https://github.com/HPI-SWA-Lab/RSqueak).
-The code is also well commented.
-#### Basics
-Currently the rstrategies library supports fixed sized and variable sized collections.
-This can be used to optimize a wide range of primitive data structures like arrays, lists or regular objects.
-Any of these are called 'collections' in this context.
-The VM should have a central class or class hierarchy for collections.
-In order to extend these classes and use strategies, the library needs accessor methods for two attributes of collection objects: strategy and storage.
-The easiest way is adding the following line to the body of the root collection class:
-rstrategies.make_accessors(strategy='strategy', storage='storage')
-This will generate the 4 accessor methods ```_[get/set]_[storage/strategy]()``` for the respective attributes.
-Alternatively, implement these methods manually or overwrite the getters/setters in ```StrategyFactory```.
-Next, the strategy classes must be defined. This requires a small class hierarchy with a dedicated root class.
-In the definition of this root class, include the following lines:
-    __metaclass__ = rstrategies.StrategyMetaclass
-    import_from_mixin(rstrategies.AbstractStrategy)
-    import_from_mixin(rstrategies.SafeIndexingMixin)
-```import_from_mixin``` can be found in ```rpython.rlib.objectmodel```.
-If index-checking is performed safely at other places in the VM, you can use ```rstrategies.UnsafeIndexingMixin``` instead.
-If you need your own metaclass, you can combine yours with the rstrategies one using multiple inheritance [like here](https://github.com/HPI-SWA-Lab/RSqueak/blob/d5ff2572106d23a5246884de6f8b86f46d85f4f7/spyvm/storage_contexts.py#L24).
-Also implement a ```storage_factory()``` method, which returns an instance of ```rstrategies.StorageFactory```, which is described below.
-#### Strategy classes
-Now you can create the actual strategy classes, subclassing them from the single root class.
-The following list summarizes the basic strategies available.
-* ```EmptyStrategy```
-    A strategy for empty collections; very efficient, but limited. Does not allocate anything.
-* ```SingleValueStrategy```
-    A strategy for collections containing the same object ```n``` times. Only allocates memory to store the size of the collection.
-* ```GenericStrategy```
-    A non-optimized strategy backed by a generic python list. This is the fallback strategy, since it can store everything, but is not optimized.
-* ```WeakGenericStrategy```
-    Like ```GenericStrategy```, but uses ```weakref``` to hold on weakly to its elements.
-* ```SingleTypeStrategy```
-    Can store a single unboxed type like int or float. This is the main 
-* ```TaggingStrategy```
-    Extension of SingleTypeStrategy. Uses a specific value in the value range of the unboxed type to represent
-    one additional, arbitrary object.
-There are also intermediate classes, which allow creating new, more customized strategies. For this, you should get familiar with the code.
-Include one of these mixin classes using ```import_from_mixin```.
-The mixin classes contain comments describing methods or fields which are also required in the strategy class in order to use them.
-Additionally, add the @rstrategies.strategy(generalize=alist) decorator to all strategy classes.
-The ```alist``` parameter must contain all strategies, which the decorated strategy can switch to, if it can not represent a new element anymore.
-[Example](https://github.com/HPI-SWA-Lab/RSqueak/blob/d5ff2572106d23a5246884de6f8b86f46d85f4f7/spyvm/storage.py#L87) for an implemented strategy.
-See the other strategy classes behind this link for more examples.
-#### Strategy Factory
-The last part is subclassing ```rstrategies.StrategyFactory```, overwriting the method ```instantiate_strategy``` if necessary and passing the strategies root class to the constructor.
-The factory provides the methods ```switch_strategy```, ```set_initial_strategy```, ```strategy_type_for``` which can be used by the VM code to use the mechanism behind strategies.
-See the comments in the source code.
-The strategy mixins offer the following methods to manipulate the contents of the collection:
-* basic API
-    * ```size```
-* fixed size API
-    * ```store```, ```fetch```, ```slice```, ```store_all```, ```fetch_all```
-* variable size API
-    * ```insert```, ```delete```, ```append```, ```pop```
-If the collection has a fixed size, simply never use any of the variable size methods in the VM code.
-Since the strategies are singletons, these methods need the collection object as first parameter.
-For convenience, more fitting accessor methods should be implemented on the collection class itself.

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