[pypy-commit] extradoc extradoc: merge heads

rlamy noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Fri Sep 19 12:35:57 CEST 2014

Author: Ronan Lamy <ronan.lamy at gmail.com>
Branch: extradoc
Changeset: r5410:ef7b6443a343
Date: 2014-09-19 11:35 +0100

Log:	merge heads

diff --git a/talk/brno-php-2014/talk.rst b/talk/brno-php-2014/talk.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/talk/brno-php-2014/talk.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+HippyVM - yet another attempt at PHP performance
+Who am I?
+* Maciej Fijalkowski
+* PyPy developer for about 8 years
+* main author of hippyvm
+* founder of baroquesoftware.com
+* a PHP interpreter (essentially), runs php code
+* has a just in time compiler, which makes it fast
+* dual licensing, commercial and open source
+HippyVM status
+* runs a lot of PHP test suite
+* misses a lot of builtin functions
+* can kind of "run" wordpress, mediawiki, getting there
+* cgi, fastcgi (not open source)
+* quick    XXX do you mean 'fast'?  but next slide already says 'fast'
+HippyVM status - short
+* fast, compliant
+* not quite ready
+Let's talk about performance
+* "I want my website to run faster"
+* "I'm going to compare various languages, implementations"
+* "I'll use a recursive fibonacci function"
+* a very complex picture
+* bottlenecks depend on the use case
+* libraries, programmers, styles matter
+Performance - let's try science
+* get a set of programs (small, medium, large)
+* compare them
+* don't use a single number
+PHP performance
+* number of requests per second
+* loading the code
+* accessing the DB
+* gluing it all together
+PHP performance landscape
+* Zend PHP
+* php-ng
+* HippyVM
+* other projects
+Current HippyVM performance
+* we can't really compare large things (mediawiki ~on par)
+* small and medium between 2x faster - 2x slower than HHVM
+* very hand-wavy, but you really need to do it yourself
+* consider bottlenecks differ depending on implementation
+Performance - personal opinions
+* the language should be easy **for a programmer**
+* the language implementation can be complex
+* libraries, patterns and the ecosystem matter for anything non-trivial
+Performance - questions
+* ?
+HippyVM history
+* started as a facebook research project
+* got some funding to pursue as a commercial project
+* an offspin of PyPy technology
+* a fast, compliant Python interpreter
+* 0.5%-1% of Python market share
+* a framework for building efficient interpreters
+* 10 years of research
+* fully Open Source, EU funded project
+PyPy history
+HippyVM history

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