[pypy-commit] stmgc default: add test_list.py

Raemi noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Tue Sep 9 11:33:17 CEST 2014

Author: Remi Meier <remi.meier at inf.ethz.ch>
Changeset: r1377:c823a30acbc0
Date: 2014-09-09 11:21 +0200

Log:	add test_list.py

diff --git a/c8/stm/list.h b/c8/stm/list.h
--- a/c8/stm/list.h
+++ b/c8/stm/list.h
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
 static void tree_insert(struct tree_s *tree, uintptr_t addr, uintptr_t val);
 static bool tree_delete_item(struct tree_s *tree, uintptr_t addr)
-static wlog_t *tree_item(struct tree_s *tree, int index); /* SLOW */
+static wlog_t *tree_item(struct tree_s *tree, int index) __attribute__((unused)); /* SLOW */
 static inline bool tree_contains(struct tree_s *tree, uintptr_t addr)
diff --git a/c8/test/test_list.py b/c8/test/test_list.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/c8/test/test_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+import random
+import cffi
+from common import parent_dir
+ffi = cffi.FFI()
+struct list_s *list_create(void);
+struct tree_s *tree_create(void);
+void tree_free(struct tree_s *tree);
+void tree_clear(struct tree_s *tree);
+bool tree_is_cleared(struct tree_s *tree);
+bool tree_contains(struct tree_s *tree, uintptr_t addr);
+void tree_insert(struct tree_s *tree, uintptr_t addr, uintptr_t val);
+bool tree_delete_item(struct tree_s *tree, uintptr_t addr);
+int test_tree_walk(struct tree_s *tree, uintptr_t addrs[]);
+lib = ffi.verify('''
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#define LIKELY(x)    (x)
+#define UNLIKELY(x)  (x)
+#define stm_fatalerror(x)  abort()
+#include "stm/list.h"
+#define _STM_CORE_H_
+#include "stm/list.c"
+int test_tree_walk(struct tree_s *tree, uintptr_t addrs[])
+    int result = 0;
+    wlog_t *item;
+    TREE_LOOP_FORWARD(tree, item) {
+        addrs[result++] = item->addr;
+    int i = result;
+    TREE_LOOP_BACKWARD(tree, item) {
+        assert(i > 0);
+        i--;
+        assert(addrs[i] == item->addr);
+    assert(i == 0);
+    return result;
+''', define_macros=[('STM_TESTS', '1')],
+     undef_macros=['NDEBUG'],
+     include_dirs=[parent_dir],
+     extra_compile_args=['-g', '-O0', '-Werror', '-ferror-limit=1'],
+     force_generic_engine=True)
+# ____________________________________________________________
+# XXX need tests for list_xxx too
+def test_tree_empty():
+    t = lib.tree_create()
+    for i in range(100):
+        assert lib.tree_contains(t, i) == False
+    lib.tree_free(t)
+def test_tree_add():
+    t = lib.tree_create()
+    lib.tree_insert(t, 23, 456)
+    for i in range(0, 100):
+        assert lib.tree_contains(t, i) == (i == 23)
+    lib.tree_free(t)
+def test_tree_is_cleared():
+    t = lib.tree_create()
+    assert lib.tree_is_cleared(t)
+    lib.tree_insert(t, 23, 456)
+    assert not lib.tree_is_cleared(t)
+    lib.tree_free(t)
+def test_tree_delete_item():
+    t = lib.tree_create()
+    lib.tree_insert(t, 23, 456)
+    lib.tree_insert(t, 42, 34289)
+    assert not lib.tree_is_cleared(t)
+    assert lib.tree_contains(t, 23)
+    res = lib.tree_delete_item(t, 23)
+    assert res
+    assert not lib.tree_contains(t, 23)
+    res = lib.tree_delete_item(t, 23)
+    assert not res
+    res = lib.tree_delete_item(t, 21)
+    assert not res
+    assert not lib.tree_is_cleared(t)
+    assert lib.tree_contains(t, 42)
+    res = lib.tree_delete_item(t, 42)
+    assert res
+    assert not lib.tree_is_cleared(t)   # not cleared, but still empty
+    for i in range(100):
+        assert not lib.tree_contains(t, i)
+    lib.tree_free(t)
+def test_tree_walk():
+    t = lib.tree_create()
+    lib.tree_insert(t, 23, 456)
+    lib.tree_insert(t, 42, 34289)
+    a = ffi.new("uintptr_t[10]")
+    res = lib.test_tree_walk(t, a)
+    assert res == 2
+    assert ((a[0] == 23 and a[1] == 42) or
+            (a[0] == 42 and a[1] == 23))
+    lib.tree_free(t)
+def test_tree_walk_big():
+    t = lib.tree_create()
+    values = random.sample(xrange(1, 100000), 300)
+    for x in values:
+        lib.tree_insert(t, x, x)
+    a = ffi.new("uintptr_t[1000]")
+    res = lib.test_tree_walk(t, a)
+    assert res == 300
+    found = set()
+    for i in range(res):
+        found.add(a[i])
+    assert found == set(values)
+    lib.tree_free(t)
+def test_hash_permutation():
+    hashes = [((n ^ (n << 4)) & 0xFF0) for n in range(256)]
+    assert set(hashes) == set(range(0, 4096, 16))

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