[pypy-commit] extradoc extradoc: add first (bad) results for JIT in our benchmarks

Raemi noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Wed May 28 14:59:34 CEST 2014

Author: Remi Meier <remi.meier at inf.ethz.ch>
Branch: extradoc
Changeset: r5277:2308d810d1bf
Date: 2014-05-28 15:00 +0200

Log:	add first (bad) results for JIT in our benchmarks

diff --git a/talk/dls2014/paper/paper.tex b/talk/dls2014/paper/paper.tex
--- a/talk/dls2014/paper/paper.tex
+++ b/talk/dls2014/paper/paper.tex
@@ -950,7 +950,7 @@
 Here, we will not go into detail about the integration of our STM
 system with PyPy's JIT. In fact, we will disable it for all benchmarks
-except those in section \ref{sec:real-world-bench}. We would like to
+except those in section \ref{sec:performance-bench}. We would like to
 regard it as a simple performance enhancement, but that is not what
 happens in reality. First, since the JIT is a tracing
 JIT\remi{explain?}  running in multiple threads, it may compile
@@ -962,7 +962,7 @@
 exposes the overhead of STM more by speeding up all the rest.
 Overall, we believe that disabling it on all benchmarks except the
-real-world benchmarks in section \ref{sec:real-world-bench} is better
+performance benchmarks in section \ref{sec:performance-bench} is better
 because we can minimise non-determinism. We also do not want to depend
 on the capabilities of the JIT in these experiments.
@@ -1089,7 +1089,13 @@
-\subsection{Real-World Benchmarks\label{sec:real-world-bench}}
+\subsection{Performance Benchmarks\label{sec:performance-bench}}
+\remi{For performance we first look at no-JIT behaviour of STM. Since
+we cannot compete well even with CPython, we later show JIT benchmarks
+where we see the unstable performance but also that we can still scale.
+(with more work we can use our STM system to parallelise jitted code
 more real benchmarks comparing multiple implementations:
@@ -1102,6 +1108,18 @@
+% TODO: Jython
+\remi{Some benchmarks (figure \ref{fig:performance-jit} with enabled
+JIT show that we can be competitive with the other solutions. It also
+shows that more work is needed in that area to make performance more
+  \centering
+  \includegraphics[width=1\columnwidth]{plots/performance.pdf}
+  \caption{Comparing runtime between interpreters with JIT\label{fig:performance-jit}}
 \section{Related Work}
diff --git a/talk/dls2014/paper/plots/performance.pdf b/talk/dls2014/paper/plots/performance.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..99fa8230f1a046efb2fe92225955fc00178fdaa0
GIT binary patch


diff --git a/talk/dls2014/paper/plots/plot_performance.py b/talk/dls2014/paper/plots/plot_performance.py
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/talk/dls2014/paper/plots/plot_performance.py
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+# benchmarks-repo at 0d81c9b1ec8e
+# for now: avg & stddev of the best
+#    pypy-c-paper-jit bench.py -k5 raytrace/raytrace.py 1-4
+#    pypy-c-paper-jit bench.py -k5 btree/btree.py 1-4
+#    pypy-c-paper-jit bench.py -k5 skiplist/skiplist.py 1-4
+#    pypy-c-paper-jit bench.py -k5 threadworms/threadworms.py 1-4
+#    pypy-c-paper-jit bench.py -k5 mandelbrot/mandelbrot.py 1-4 64
+#    pypy-c-paper-jit multithread-richards.py 10000 1-4 # report runtime
+import matplotlib
+import os
+import sys
+from matplotlib import rc
+## for Palatino and other serif fonts use:
+rc('text', usetex=True)
+args = None
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+# import pprint - slow as hell
+# threads
+ts = range(1,5)
+interps_styles = {
+    "pypy-stm-jit": 'r-',
+    "pypy-jit": 'b--',
+    "best": "k:"
+benchs = {
+    "raytrace":{
+        "pypy-stm-jit":[
+            [3.91, 3.87],
+            [2.53, 2.52],
+            [2.23],
+            [2.46, 2.6]
+        ],
+        "pypy-jit":[
+            [1.6],
+            [2.17],
+            [3.33],
+            [4.16]
+        ]},
+    "btree":{
+        "pypy-stm-jit":[
+            [1.68],
+            [1.3],
+            [1.39],
+            [1.66]
+        ],
+        "pypy-jit":[
+            [1.6],
+            [3.3],
+            [5.1],
+            [5.8]
+        ]},
+    "skiplist":{
+        "pypy-stm-jit":[
+            [2.9],
+            [3.0],
+            [3.4],
+            [3.8]
+        ],
+        "pypy-jit":[
+            [2.14],
+            [4.5],
+            [6.2],
+            [6.58]
+        ]},
+    "threadworms":{
+        "pypy-stm-jit":[
+            [4.23],
+            [3.4],
+            [3.16],
+            [3.4, 3.3]
+        ],
+        "pypy-jit":[
+            [4.14],
+            [12.5],
+            [16],
+            [20]
+        ]},
+    "mandelbrot":{
+        "pypy-stm-jit":[
+            [18.5],
+            [9.9],
+            [8.4],
+            [7.2]
+        ],
+        "pypy-jit":[
+            [13.5],
+            [14.3],
+            [14.5],
+            [14.1]
+        ]},
+    "richards":{
+        "pypy-stm-jit":[
+            [63.4],
+            [33.1],
+            [24.9,36],
+            [27,39,63]
+        ],
+        "pypy-jit":[
+            [30.7],
+            [31.4],
+            [33],
+            [32.0]
+        ]}
+def plot_speedups(plt):
+    import numpy as np
+    from collections import OrderedDict
+    fig = plt.figure()
+    legend = OrderedDict()
+    w, h = 2, 3
+    axs = {}
+    for i, (name, contestants) in enumerate(benchs.items()):
+        if i >= w:
+            sharex = axs[i - w]
+        else:
+            sharex = None
+        ax = fig.add_subplot(h, w, i+1, sharex=sharex)
+        axs[i] = ax
+        max_y = 0
+        best_y = 9999999
+        for interp, runs in contestants.items():
+            y = []
+            yerr = []
+            for r in runs:
+                new_y = np.mean(r)
+                y.append(new_y)
+                yerr.append(np.std(r))
+                if new_y > max_y:
+                    max_y = new_y
+                if new_y < best_y:
+                    best_y = new_y
+            artist = ax.errorbar(ts, y, yerr=yerr,
+                                 fmt=interps_styles[interp])
+            if interp not in legend:
+                legend[interp] = artist
+        legend["best"], = ax.plot(ts, [best_y] * len(ts),
+                                  interps_styles["best"])
+        if i // w == h-1:
+            ax.set_xlim(0, 5)
+            ax.set_xlabel("Threads")
+        ax.set_ylim(0, max_y * 1.1)
+        if i % w == 0:
+            ax.set_ylabel("Runtime [s]")
+        ax.set_title(name)
+    return axs[w*(h-1)].legend(tuple(legend.values()), tuple(legend.keys()),
+                               ncol=3,
+                               loc=(0,-0.4))
+def main():
+    global fig
+    print "Draw..."
+    legend = plot_speedups(plt)
+    #axs[0].set_ylim(0, len(x))
+    #ax.set_yticks([r+0.5 for r in range(len(logs))])
+    #ax.set_yticklabels(range(1, len(logs)+1))
+    #axs[0].set_xticks([])
+    # def label_format(x, pos):
+    #     return "%.2f" % (abs((x - left) * 1e-6), )
+    # major_formatter = matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(label_format)
+    # axs[0].xaxis.set_major_formatter(major_formatter)
+    #ax.set_title("Memory Usage in Richards")
+    plt.draw()
+    #plt.show()
+    print "Drawn."
+    file_name = "performance.pdf"
+    plt.savefig(file_name, format='pdf',
+                bbox_extra_artists=(legend,),
+                bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import argparse
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Plot stm log files')
+    parser.add_argument('--figure-size', default='7x8',
+                        help='set figure size in inches: format=6x4')
+    parser.add_argument('--font-size', default='10.0',
+                        help='set font size in pts: 10.0')
+    parser.add_argument('--png-dpi', default='300',
+                        help='set dpi of png output: 300')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    matplotlib.rcParams.update(
+        {'figure.figsize': tuple(map(int, args.figure_size.split('x'))),
+         'font.size': float(args.font_size),
+         'savefig.dpi': int(args.png_dpi),
+         })
+    main()

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