[pypy-commit] pypy default: issue1764

arigo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Mon May 12 20:02:18 CEST 2014

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Changeset: r71471:cae86999e6c8
Date: 2014-05-12 18:30 +0200

Log:	issue1764

	Test and fix

diff --git a/rpython/translator/c/gcc/instruction.py b/rpython/translator/c/gcc/instruction.py
--- a/rpython/translator/c/gcc/instruction.py
+++ b/rpython/translator/c/gcc/instruction.py
@@ -184,6 +184,9 @@
     def __init__(self):
         self.delta = -7.25     # use this non-integer value as a marker
+class InsnPushed(InsnStackAdjust):
+    pass
 class InsnStop(Insn):
     _args_ = ['reason']
     def __init__(self, reason='?'):
diff --git a/rpython/translator/c/gcc/test/elf64/track_random_rsp_rbp.s b/rpython/translator/c/gcc/test/elf64/track_random_rsp_rbp.s
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpython/translator/c/gcc/test/elf64/track_random_rsp_rbp.s
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+	.type	seterror.part.1, @function
+	.cfi_startproc
+	pushq	%r14
+	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+	.cfi_offset 14, -16
+	pushq	%r13
+	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 24
+	.cfi_offset 13, -24
+	pushq	%r12
+	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+	.cfi_offset 12, -32
+	pushq	%rbp
+	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 40
+	.cfi_offset 6, -40
+	pushq	%rbx
+	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 48
+	.cfi_offset 3, -48
+	subq	$512, %rsp
+	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 560
+	testq	%r8, %r8
+	je	.L30
+	movq	PyPyExc_TypeError at GOTPCREL(%rip), %rax
+	movq	%r8, %rsi
+	movq	(%rax), %rdi
+	call	PyPyErr_SetString at PLT
+	;; expected {552(%rsp) | 512(%rsp), 528(%rsp), 536(%rsp), 544(%rsp), %r15, 520(%rsp) | }
+	addq	$512, %rsp
+	.cfi_remember_state
+	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 48
+	popq	%rbx
+	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 40
+	popq	%rbp
+	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 32
+	popq	%r12
+	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 24
+	popq	%r13
+	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
+	popq	%r14
+	.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
+	ret
+	.p2align 4,,10
+	.p2align 3
+	.cfi_restore_state
+	testq	%rcx, %rcx
+	movq	%rsi, %r12
+	movl	%edi, %r14d
+	movq	%rdx, %r13
+	movq	%rsp, %rbp
+	movl	$512, %esi
+	movq	%rsp, %rbx
+	je	.L13
+	leaq	.LC6(%rip), %rdx
+	movl	$512, %esi
+	movq	%rsp, %rdi
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	movq	%rsp, %rbx
+	call	PyPyOS_snprintf at PLT
+	;; expected {552(%rsp) | 512(%rsp), 528(%rsp), 536(%rsp), 544(%rsp), %r15, 520(%rsp) | }
+	movl	(%rbx), %eax
+	addq	$4, %rbx
+	leal	-16843009(%rax), %esi
+	notl	%eax
+	andl	%eax, %esi
+	andl	$-2139062144, %esi
+	je	.L14
+	movl	%esi, %eax
+	shrl	$16, %eax
+	testl	$32896, %esi
+	cmove	%eax, %esi
+	leaq	2(%rbx), %rax
+	cmove	%rax, %rbx
+	addb	%sil, %sil
+	movq	%rbp, %rsi
+	sbbq	$3, %rbx
+	subq	%rbx, %rsi
+	addq	$512, %rsi
+	testl	%r14d, %r14d
+	je	.L16
+	leaq	.LC7(%rip), %rdx
+	movq	%rbx, %rdi
+	movl	%r14d, %ecx
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	call	PyPyOS_snprintf at PLT
+	;; expected {552(%rsp) | 512(%rsp), 528(%rsp), 536(%rsp), 544(%rsp), %r15, 520(%rsp) | }
+	movq	%rbx, %rdi
+	call	strlen at PLT
+	;; expected {552(%rsp) | 512(%rsp), 528(%rsp), 536(%rsp), 544(%rsp), %r15, 520(%rsp) | }
+	addq	%rax, %rbx
+	movl	0(%r13), %eax
+	testl	%eax, %eax
+	jle	.L18
+	movq	%rbx, %rdx
+	subq	%rbp, %rdx
+	cmpl	$219, %edx
+	jg	.L18
+	addq	$4, %r13
+	xorl	%r14d, %r14d
+	.p2align 4,,10
+	.p2align 3
+	movq	%rbp, %rsi
+	leal	-1(%rax), %ecx
+	leaq	.LC8(%rip), %rdx
+	subq	%rbx, %rsi
+	movq	%rbx, %rdi
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	addq	$512, %rsi
+	addl	$1, %r14d
+	call	PyPyOS_snprintf at PLT
+	;; expected {552(%rsp) | 512(%rsp), 528(%rsp), 536(%rsp), 544(%rsp), %r15, 520(%rsp) | }
+	movq	%rbx, %rdi
+	call	strlen at PLT
+	;; expected {552(%rsp) | 512(%rsp), 528(%rsp), 536(%rsp), 544(%rsp), %r15, 520(%rsp) | }
+	addq	%rax, %rbx
+	movl	0(%r13), %eax
+	testl	%eax, %eax
+	jle	.L18
+	cmpl	$32, %r14d
+	je	.L18
+	movq	%rbx, %rdx
+	addq	$4, %r13
+	subq	%rbp, %rdx
+	cmpl	$219, %edx
+	jle	.L21
+	jmp	.L18
+	.p2align 4,,10
+	.p2align 3
+	leaq	.LC9(%rip), %rdx
+	movq	%rbx, %rdi
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	call	PyPyOS_snprintf at PLT
+	;; expected {552(%rsp) | 512(%rsp), 528(%rsp), 536(%rsp), 544(%rsp), %r15, 520(%rsp) | }
+	movq	%rbx, %rdi
+	call	strlen at PLT
+	;; expected {552(%rsp) | 512(%rsp), 528(%rsp), 536(%rsp), 544(%rsp), %r15, 520(%rsp) | }
+	addq	%rax, %rbx
+	movq	%rbp, %rsi
+	leaq	.LC10(%rip), %rdx
+	movq	%r12, %rcx
+	subq	%rbx, %rsi
+	movq	%rbx, %rdi
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	addq	$512, %rsi
+	call	PyPyOS_snprintf at PLT
+	;; expected {552(%rsp) | 512(%rsp), 528(%rsp), 536(%rsp), 544(%rsp), %r15, 520(%rsp) | }
+	movq	%rbp, %r8
+	jmp	.L11
+	.cfi_endproc
+	.size	seterror.part.1, .-seterror.part.1
diff --git a/rpython/translator/c/gcc/test/test_trackgcroot.py b/rpython/translator/c/gcc/test/test_trackgcroot.py
--- a/rpython/translator/c/gcc/test/test_trackgcroot.py
+++ b/rpython/translator/c/gcc/test/test_trackgcroot.py
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
     elif format == 'darwin' or format == 'darwin64':
         py.test.skip("disabled on OS/X's terribly old gcc")
-        r_globallabel = re.compile(r"([\w]+)=[.]+")
+        r_globallabel = re.compile(r"([\w.]+)=[.]+")
     print path.dirpath().basename + '/' + path.basename
     lines = path.readlines()
diff --git a/rpython/translator/c/gcc/trackgcroot.py b/rpython/translator/c/gcc/trackgcroot.py
--- a/rpython/translator/c/gcc/trackgcroot.py
+++ b/rpython/translator/c/gcc/trackgcroot.py
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 from rpython.translator.c.gcc.instruction import InsnSetLocal, InsnCopyLocal
 from rpython.translator.c.gcc.instruction import InsnPrologue, InsnEpilogue
 from rpython.translator.c.gcc.instruction import InsnGCROOT, InsnCondJump
-from rpython.translator.c.gcc.instruction import InsnStackAdjust
+from rpython.translator.c.gcc.instruction import InsnStackAdjust, InsnPushed
 from rpython.translator.c.gcc.instruction import InsnCannotFollowEsp
 from rpython.translator.c.gcc.instruction import LocalVar, somenewvalue
 from rpython.translator.c.gcc.instruction import frameloc_esp, frameloc_ebp
@@ -665,14 +665,22 @@
         match = self.r_unaryinsn.match(line)
         source = match.group(1)
         return self.insns_for_copy(source, self.TOP_OF_STACK_MINUS_WORD) + \
-               [InsnStackAdjust(-self.WORD)]
+               [InsnPushed(-self.WORD)]
     def _visit_pop(self, target):
         return [InsnStackAdjust(+self.WORD)] + \
                self.insns_for_copy(self.TOP_OF_STACK_MINUS_WORD, target)
     def _visit_prologue(self):
-        # for the prologue of functions that use %ebp as frame pointer
+        # For the prologue of functions that use %ebp as frame pointer.
+        # First, find the latest InsnStackAdjust; if it's not a PUSH,
+        # then consider that this 'mov %rsp, %rbp' is actually unrelated
+        i = -1
+        while not isinstance(self.insns[i], InsnStackAdjust):
+            i -= 1
+        if not isinstance(self.insns[i], InsnPushed):
+            return []
+        #
         self.uses_frame_pointer = True
         self.r_localvar = self.r_localvarfp
         return [InsnPrologue(self.WORD)]

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