[pypy-commit] stmgc c7-more-segments: It worked fine by chance: "!segment_num" was always 0, which was the correct value.

arigo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Sun Mar 16 18:33:38 CET 2014

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: c7-more-segments
Changeset: r1055:b23d72e6aa6b
Date: 2014-03-16 18:33 +0100

Log:	It worked fine by chance: "!segment_num" was always 0, which was the
	correct value.

diff --git a/c7/stm/core.c b/c7/stm/core.c
--- a/c7/stm/core.c
+++ b/c7/stm/core.c
@@ -518,19 +518,17 @@
 static void
 reset_modified_from_other_segments(int segment_num)
-    /* pull the right versions from other threads in order
+    /* pull the right versions from segment 0 in order
        to reset our pages as part of an abort.
        Note that this function is also sometimes called from
        contention.c to clean up the state of a different thread,
        when we would really like it to be aborted now and it is
        suspended at a safe-point.
     struct stm_priv_segment_info_s *pseg = get_priv_segment(segment_num);
-    long remote_num = !segment_num;
     char *local_base = get_segment_base(segment_num);
-    char *remote_base = get_segment_base(remote_num);
+    char *remote_base = get_segment_base(0);

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