[pypy-commit] pypy default: Small updates

arigo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Thu Mar 13 23:21:03 CET 2014

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Changeset: r69941:2a1dbb0f0d8a
Date: 2014-03-13 23:20 +0100

Log:	Small updates

diff --git a/pypy/doc/faq.rst b/pypy/doc/faq.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/faq.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/faq.rst
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
 No, we found no way of doing that.  The JIT generates machine code
 containing a large number of constant addresses --- constant at the time
-the machine code is written.  The vast majority is probably not at all
+the machine code is generated.  The vast majority is probably not at all
 constants that you find in the executable, with a nice link name.  E.g.
 the addresses of Python classes are used all the time, but Python
 classes don't come statically from the executable; they are created anew
@@ -212,12 +212,16 @@
 garbage collection, implementation of various things like arbitrarily long
 integers, etc. 
-Currently, we have preliminary versions of a JavaScript interpreter
-(Leonardo Santagada as his Summer of PyPy project), a `Prolog interpreter`_
-(Carl Friedrich Bolz as his Bachelor thesis), and a `SmallTalk interpreter`_
+Currently, we have `Topaz`_, a Ruby interpreter; `Hippy`_, a PHP
+interpreter; preliminary versions of a `JavaScript interpreter`_
+(Leonardo Santagada as his Summer of PyPy project); a `Prolog interpreter`_
+(Carl Friedrich Bolz as his Bachelor thesis); and a `SmallTalk interpreter`_
 (produced during a sprint).  On the `PyPy bitbucket page`_ there is also a
 Scheme and an Io implementation; both of these are unfinished at the moment.
+.. _`Topaz`: http://topazruby.com/
+.. _`Hippy`: http://morepypy.blogspot.ch/2012/07/hello-everyone.html
+.. _`JavaScript interpreter`: https://bitbucket.org/pypy/lang-js/
 .. _`Prolog interpreter`: https://bitbucket.org/cfbolz/pyrolog/
 .. _`SmallTalk interpreter`: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-89275-5_7
 .. _`PyPy bitbucket page`: https://bitbucket.org/pypy/

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