[pypy-commit] benchmarks default: the primes counter

Raemi noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Mon Jul 21 17:48:55 CEST 2014

Author: Remi Meier <remi.meier at inf.ethz.ch>
Changeset: r268:bd9befb5e179
Date: 2014-07-21 17:48 +0200

Log:	the primes counter

diff --git a/multithread/primes/primes.py b/multithread/primes/primes.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/multithread/primes/primes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# from https://github.com/Tinche/stm-playground
+import sys
+import time, random
+from common.abstract_threading import (
+    atomic, Future, set_thread_pool, ThreadPool,
+    hint_commit_soon, print_abort_info)
+from itertools import izip, chain, repeat
+from Queue import Queue
+from pyprimes import isprime
+import threading
+def check_prime(num):
+    return isprime(num), num
+def grouper(n, iterable, padvalue=None):
+    "grouper(3, 'abcdefg', 'x') --> ('a','b','c'), ('d','e','f'), ('g','x','x')"
+    return izip(*[chain(iterable, repeat(padvalue, n-1))]*n)
+poison_pill = object()
+def worker(tasks, results):
+    while True:
+        batch = tasks.get()
+        if batch is poison_pill:
+            tasks.task_done()
+            return
+        result = []
+        for task in batch:
+            with atomic:
+                result.append(check_prime(task))
+        results.put(result)
+        tasks.task_done()
+def run(threads=2, n=2000000):
+    threads = int(threads)
+    n = int(n)
+    LIMIT = n
+    BATCH_SIZE = 1000
+    tasks = Queue()
+    results = Queue()
+    print("Starting...")
+    with atomic:
+        for batch in grouper(BATCH_SIZE, xrange(LIMIT), 1):
+            tasks.put(list(batch))
+        for _ in xrange(threads):
+            tasks.put(poison_pill)
+    for _ in xrange(threads):
+        t = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(tasks, results))
+        t.start()
+    tasks.join()
+    count = 0
+    while not results.empty():
+        batch_results = results.get()
+        count += sum(1 for res in batch_results if res[0])
+    return count
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    run()
diff --git a/multithread/primes/pyprimes.py b/multithread/primes/pyprimes.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/multithread/primes/pyprimes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1193 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+##  Module pyprimes.py
+##  Copyright (c) 2012 Steven D'Aprano.
+##  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+##  a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+##  "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+##  without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+##  distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+##  permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+##  the following conditions:
+##  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+##  included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+"""Generate and test for small primes using a variety of algorithms
+implemented in pure Python.
+This module includes functions for generating prime numbers, primality
+testing, and factorising numbers into prime factors. Prime numbers are
+positive integers with no factors other than themselves and 1.
+Generating prime numbers
+To generate an unending stream of prime numbers, use the ``primes()``
+generator function:
+    primes():
+        Yield prime numbers 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, ...
+    >>> p = primes()
+    >>> [next(p) for _ in range(10)]
+    [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29]
+To efficiently generate pairs of (isprime(i), i) for integers i, use the
+generator functions ``checked_ints()`` and ``checked_oddints()``:
+    checked_ints()
+        Yield pairs of (isprime(i), i) for i=0,1,2,3,4,5...
+    checked_oddints()
+        Yield pairs of (isprime(i), i) for odd i=1,3,5,7...
+    >>> it = checked_ints()
+    >>> [next(it) for _ in range(5)]
+    [(False, 0), (False, 1), (True, 2), (True, 3), (False, 4)]
+Other convenience functions wrapping ``primes()`` are:
+    ------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
+    Function            Description
+    ------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
+    nprimes(n)          Yield the first n primes, then stop.
+    nth_prime(n)        Return the nth prime number.
+    prime_count(x)      Return the number of primes less than or equal to x.
+    primes_below(x)     Yield the primes less than or equal to x.
+    primes_above(x)     Yield the primes strictly greater than x.
+    primesum(n)         Return the sum of the first n primes.
+    primesums()         Yield the partial sums of the prime numbers.
+    ------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
+Primality testing
+These functions test whether numbers are prime or not. Primality tests fall
+into two categories: exact tests, and probabilistic tests.
+Exact tests are guaranteed to give the correct result, but may be slow,
+particularly for large arguments. Probabilistic tests do not guarantee
+correctness, but may be much faster for large arguments.
+To test whether an integer is prime, use the ``isprime`` function:
+    isprime(n)
+        Return True if n is prime, otherwise return False.
+    >>> isprime(101)
+    True
+    >>> isprime(102)
+    False
+Exact primality tests are:
+    isprime_naive(n)
+        Naive and slow trial division test for n being prime.
+    isprime_division(n)
+        A less naive trial division test for n being prime.
+    isprime_regex(n)
+        Uses a regex to test if n is a prime number.
+        .. NOTE:: ``isprime_regex`` should be considered a novelty
+           rather than a serious test, as it is very slow.
+Probabilistic tests do not guarantee correctness, but can be faster for
+large arguments. There are two probabilistic tests:
+    fermat(n [, base])
+        Fermat primality test, returns True if n is a weak probable
+        prime to the given base, otherwise False.
+    miller_rabin(n [, base])
+        Miller-Rabin primality test, returns True if n is a strong
+        probable prime to the given base, otherwise False.
+Both guarantee no false negatives: if either function returns False, the
+number being tested is certainly composite. However, both are subject to false
+positives: if they return True, the number is only possibly prime.
+    >>> fermat(12400013)  # composite 23*443*1217
+    False
+    >>> miller_rabin(14008971)  # composite 3*947*4931
+    False
+Prime factorisation
+These functions return or yield the prime factors of an integer.
+    factors(n)
+        Return a list of the prime factors of n.
+    factorise(n)
+        Yield tuples (factor, count) for n.
+The ``factors(n)`` function lists repeated factors:
+    >>> factors(37*37*109)
+    [37, 37, 109]
+The ``factorise(n)`` generator yields a 2-tuple for each unique factor, giving
+the factor itself and the number of times it is repeated:
+    >>> list(factorise(37*37*109))
+    [(37, 2), (109, 1)]
+Alternative and toy prime number generators
+These functions are alternative methods of generating prime numbers. Unless
+otherwise stated, they generate prime numbers lazily on demand. These are
+supplied for educational purposes and are generally slower or less efficient
+than the preferred ``primes()`` generator.
+    --------------  --------------------------------------------------------
+    Function        Description
+    --------------  --------------------------------------------------------
+    croft()         Yield prime numbers using the Croft Spiral sieve.
+    erat(n)         Return primes up to n by the sieve of Eratosthenes.
+    sieve()         Yield primes using the sieve of Eratosthenes.
+    cookbook()      Yield primes using "Python Cookbook" algorithm.
+    wheel()         Yield primes by wheel factorization.
+    --------------  --------------------------------------------------------
+    .. TIP:: In the current implementation, the fastest of these
+       generators is aliased as ``primes()``.
+from __future__ import division
+import functools
+import itertools
+import random
+from re import match as _re_match
+# Module metadata.
+__version__ = "0.1.2a"
+__date__ = "2012-08-25"
+__author__ = "Steven D'Aprano"
+__author_email__ = "steve+python at pearwood.info"
+__all__ = ['primes', 'checked_ints', 'checked_oddints', 'nprimes',
+           'primes_above', 'primes_below', 'nth_prime', 'prime_count',
+           'primesum', 'primesums', 'warn_probably', 'isprime', 'factors',
+           'factorise',
+           ]
+# ============================
+# Python 2.x/3.x compatibility
+# ============================
+# This module should support 2.5+, including Python 3.
+    next
+except NameError:
+    # No next() builtin, so we're probably running Python 2.5.
+    # Use a simplified version (without support for default).
+    def next(iterator):
+        return iterator.next()
+    range = xrange
+except NameError:
+    # No xrange built-in, so we're almost certainly running Python3
+    # and range is already a lazy iterator.
+    assert type(range(3)) is not list
+    from itertools import ifilter as filter, izip as zip
+except ImportError:
+    # Python 3, where filter and zip are already lazy.
+    assert type(filter(None, [1, 2])) is not list
+    assert type(zip("ab", [1, 2])) is not list
+    from itertools import compress
+except ImportError:
+    # Must be Python 2.x, so we need to roll our own.
+    def compress(data, selectors):
+        """compress('ABCDEF', [1,0,1,0,1,1]) --> A C E F"""
+        return (d for d, s in zip(data, selectors) if s)
+    from math import isfinite
+except ImportError:
+    # Python 2.6 or older.
+    try:
+        from math import isnan, isinf
+    except ImportError:
+        # Python 2.5. Quick and dirty substitutes.
+        def isnan(x):
+            return x != x
+        def isinf(x):
+            return x - x != 0
+    def isfinite(x):
+        return not (isnan(x) or isinf(x))
+# =====================
+# Helpers and utilities
+# =====================
+def _validate_int(obj):
+    """Raise an exception if obj is not an integer."""
+    m = int(obj + 0)  # May raise TypeError, or OverflowError.
+    if obj != m:
+        raise ValueError('expected an integer but got %r' % obj)
+def _validate_num(obj):
+    """Raise an exception if obj is not a finite real number."""
+    m = obj + 0  # May raise TypeError.
+    if not isfinite(m):
+        raise ValueError('expected a finite real number but got %r' % obj)
+def _base_to_bases(base, n):
+    if isinstance(base, tuple):
+        bases = base
+    else:
+        bases = (base,)
+    for b in bases:
+        _validate_int(b)
+        if not 1 <= b < n:
+            # Note that b=1 is a degenerate case which is always a prime
+            # witness for both the Fermat and Miller-Rabin tests. I mention
+            # this for completeness, not because we need to do anything
+            # about it.
+            raise ValueError('base %d out of range 1...%d' % (b, n-1))
+    return bases
+# =======================
+# Prime number generators
+# =======================
+# The preferred generator to use is ``primes()``, which will be set to the
+# "best" of these generators. (If you disagree with my judgement of best,
+# feel free to use the generator of your choice.)
+def erat(n):
+    """Return a list of primes up to and including n.
+    This is a fixed-size version of the Sieve of Eratosthenes, using an
+    adaptation of the traditional algorithm.
+    >>> erat(30)
+    [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29]
+    >>> erat(10000) == list(primes_below(10000))
+    True
+    """
+    _validate_int(n)
+    # Generate a fixed array of integers.
+    arr = list(range(n+1))  # A list is faster than an array
+    # Cross out 0 and 1 since they aren't prime.
+    arr[0] = arr[1] = None
+    i = 2
+    while i*i <= n:
+        # Cross out all the multiples of i starting from i**2.
+        for p in range(i*i, n+1, i):
+            arr[p] = None
+        # Advance to the next number not crossed off.
+        i += 1
+        while i <= n and arr[i] is None:
+            i += 1
+    return list(filter(None, arr))
+def sieve():
+    """Yield prime integers using the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
+    This algorithm is modified to generate the primes lazily rather than the
+    traditional version which operates on a fixed size array of integers.
+    """
+    # This is based on a paper by Melissa E. O'Neill, with an implementation
+    # given by Gerald Britton:
+    # http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2009-January/1188529.html
+    innersieve = sieve()
+    prevsq = 1
+    table  = {}
+    i = 2
+    while True:
+        # Note: this explicit test is slightly faster than using
+        # prime = table.pop(i, None) and testing for None.
+        if i in table:
+            prime = table[i]
+            del table[i]
+            nxt = i + prime
+            while nxt in table:
+                nxt += prime
+            table[nxt] = prime
+        else:
+            yield i
+            if i > prevsq:
+                j = next(innersieve)
+                prevsq = j**2
+                table[prevsq] = j
+        i += 1
+def cookbook():
+    """Yield prime integers lazily using the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
+    Another version of the algorithm, based on the Python Cookbook,
+    2nd Edition, recipe 18.10, variant erat2.
+    """
+    # http://onlamp.com/pub/a/python/excerpt/pythonckbk_chap1/index1.html?page=2
+    table = {}
+    yield 2
+    # Iterate over [3, 5, 7, 9, ...]. The following is equivalent to, but
+    # faster than, (2*i+1 for i in itertools.count(1))
+    for q in itertools.islice(itertools.count(3), 0, None, 2):
+        # Note: this explicit test is marginally faster than using
+        # table.pop(i, None) and testing for None.
+        if q in table:
+            p = table[q]; del table[q]  # Faster than pop.
+            x = p + q
+            while x in table or not (x & 1):
+                x += p
+            table[x] = p
+        else:
+            table[q*q] = q
+            yield q
+def croft():
+    """Yield prime integers using the Croft Spiral sieve.
+    This is a variant of wheel factorisation modulo 30.
+    """
+    # Implementation is based on erat3 from here:
+    #   http://stackoverflow.com/q/2211990
+    # and this website:
+    #   http://www.primesdemystified.com/
+    # Memory usage increases roughly linearly with the number of primes seen.
+    # dict ``roots`` stores an entry x:p for every prime p.
+    for p in (2, 3, 5):
+        yield p
+    roots = {9: 3, 25: 5}  # Map d**2 -> d.
+    primeroots = frozenset((1, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29))
+    selectors = (1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)
+    for q in compress(
+            # Iterate over prime candidates 7, 9, 11, 13, ...
+            itertools.islice(itertools.count(7), 0, None, 2),
+            # Mask out those that can't possibly be prime.
+            itertools.cycle(selectors)
+            ):
+        # Using dict membership testing instead of pop gives a
+        # 5-10% speedup over the first three million primes.
+        if q in roots:
+            p = roots[q]
+            del roots[q]
+            x = q + 2*p
+            while x in roots or (x % 30) not in primeroots:
+                x += 2*p
+            roots[x] = p
+        else:
+            roots[q*q] = q
+            yield q
+def wheel():
+    """Generate prime numbers using wheel factorisation modulo 210."""
+    for i in (2, 3, 5, 7, 11):
+        yield i
+    # The following constants are taken from the paper by O'Neill.
+    spokes = (2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6, 4, 2, 4, 6, 6, 2, 6, 4, 2, 6, 4, 6,
+        8, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 8, 6, 4, 6, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6, 6, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2,
+        6, 4, 2, 4, 2, 10, 2, 10)
+    assert len(spokes) == 48
+    # This removes about 77% of the composites that we would otherwise
+    # need to divide by.
+    found = [(11, 121)]  # Smallest prime we care about, and its square.
+    for incr in itertools.cycle(spokes):
+        i += incr
+        for p, p2 in found:
+            if p2 > i:  # i must be a prime.
+                found.append((i, i*i))
+                yield i
+                break
+            elif i % p == 0:  # i must be composite.
+                break
+        else:  # This should never happen.
+            raise RuntimeError("internal error: ran out of prime divisors")
+# This is the preferred way of generating prime numbers. Set this to the
+# fastest/best generator.
+primes = croft
+# === Algorithms to avoid ===
+class Awful:
+    """Awful and naive prime functions namespace.
+    A collection of prime-related algorithms which are supplied for
+    educational purposes, as toys, curios, or as terrible warnings on
+    what **not** to do.
+    None of these methods have acceptable performance; they are barely
+    tolerable even for the first 100 primes.
+    """
+    # === Prime number generators ===
+    @staticmethod
+    def naive_primes1():
+        """Generate prime numbers naively, and REALLY slowly.
+        >>> p = Awful.naive_primes1()
+        >>> [next(p) for _ in range(10)]
+        [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29]
+        This is about as awful as a straight-forward algorithm to generate
+        primes can get without deliberate pessimation. This algorithm does
+        not make even the most trivial optimizations:
+        - it tests all numbers as potential primes, whether odd or even,
+          instead of skipping even numbers apart from 2;
+        - it checks for primality by dividing against every number less
+          than the candidate prime itself, instead of stopping at the
+          square root of the candidate;
+        - it fails to bail out early when it finds a factor, instead
+          pointlessly keeps testing.
+        The result is that this is horribly slow.
+        """
+        i = 2
+        yield i
+        while True:
+            i += 1
+            composite = False
+            for p in range(2, i):
+                if i%p == 0:
+                    composite = True
+            if not composite:  # It must be a prime.
+                yield i
+    @staticmethod
+    def naive_primes2():
+        """Generate prime numbers naively, and very slowly.
+        >>> p = Awful.naive_primes2()
+        >>> [next(p) for _ in range(10)]
+        [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29]
+        This is a little better than ``naive_primes1``, but still horribly
+        slow. It makes a single optimization by using a short-circuit test
+        for primality testing: as soon as a factor is found, the candidate
+        is rejected immediately.
+        """
+        i = 2
+        yield i
+        while True:
+            i += 1
+            if all(i%p != 0 for p in range(2, i)):
+                yield i
+    @staticmethod
+    def naive_primes3():
+        """Generate prime numbers naively, and very slowly.
+        >>> p = Awful.naive_primes3()
+        >>> [next(p) for _ in range(10)]
+        [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29]
+        This is an incremental improvement over ``naive_primes2`` by only
+        testing odd numbers as potential primes and factors.
+        """
+        yield 2
+        i = 3
+        yield i
+        while True:
+            i += 2
+            if all(i%p != 0 for p in range(3, i, 2)):
+                yield i
+    @staticmethod
+    def trial_division():
+        """Generate prime numbers using a simple trial division algorithm.
+        >>> p = Awful.trial_division()
+        >>> [next(p) for _ in range(10)]
+        [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29]
+        This is the first non-naive algorithm. Due to its simplicity, it may
+        perform acceptably for the first hundred or so primes, if your needs
+        are not very demanding. However, it does not scale well for large
+        numbers of primes.
+        This uses three optimizations:
+        - only test odd numbers for primality;
+        - only check against the prime factors already seen;
+        - stop checking at the square root of the number being tested.
+        With these three optimizations, we get asymptotic behaviour of
+        O(N*sqrt(N)/(log N)**2) where N is the number of primes found.
+        Despite these , this is still unacceptably slow, especially
+        as the list of memorised primes grows.
+        """
+        yield 2
+        primes = [2]
+        i = 3
+        while True:
+            it = itertools.takewhile(lambda p, i=i: p*p <= i, primes)
+            if all(i%p != 0 for p in it):
+                primes.append(i)
+                yield i
+            i += 2
+    @staticmethod
+    def turner():
+        """Generate prime numbers very slowly using Euler's sieve.
+        >>> p = Awful.turner()
+        >>> [next(p) for _ in range(10)]
+        [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29]
+        The function is named for David Turner, who developed this implementation
+        in a paper in 1975. Due to its simplicity, it has become very popular,
+        particularly in Haskell circles where it is usually implemented as some
+        variation of::
+            primes = sieve [2..]
+            sieve (p : xs) = p : sieve [x | x <- xs, x `mod` p > 0]
+        This algorithm is sometimes wrongly described as the Sieve of
+        Eratosthenes, but it is not, it is a version of Euler's Sieve.
+        Although simple, it is extremely slow and inefficient, with
+        asymptotic behaviour of O(N**2/(log N)**2) which is even worse than
+        trial division, and only marginally better than ``naive_primes1``.
+        O'Neill calls this the "Sleight on Eratosthenes".
+        """
+        # References:
+        #   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sieve_of_Eratosthenes
+        #   http://en.literateprograms.org/Sieve_of_Eratosthenes_(Haskell)
+        #   http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~oneill/papers/Sieve-JFP.pdf
+        #   http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Prime_numbers
+        nums = itertools.count(2)
+        while True:
+            prime = next(nums)
+            yield prime
+            nums = filter(lambda v, p=prime: (v % p) != 0, nums)
+    # === Prime number testing ===
+    @staticmethod
+    def isprime_naive(n):
+        """Naive primality test using naive and unoptimized trial division.
+        >>> Awful.isprime_naive(17)
+        True
+        >>> Awful.isprime_naive(18)
+        False
+        Naive, slow but thorough test for primality using unoptimized trial
+        division. This function does far too much work, and consequently is very
+        slow, but it is simple enough to verify by eye.
+        """
+        _validate_int(n)
+        if n == 2:  return True
+        if n < 2 or n % 2 == 0:  return False
+        for i in range(3, int(n**0.5)+1, 2):
+            if n % i == 0:
+                return False
+        return True
+    @staticmethod
+    def isprime_regex(n):
+        """Slow primality test using a regular expression.
+        >>> Awful.isprime_regex(11)
+        True
+        >>> Awful.isprime_regex(15)
+        False
+        Unsurprisingly, this is not efficient, and should be treated as a
+        novelty rather than a serious implementation. It is O(N^2) in time
+        and O(N) in memory: in other words, slow and expensive.
+        """
+        _validate_int(n)
+        return not _re_match(r'^1?$|^(11+?)\1+$', '1'*n)
+        # For a Perl or Ruby version of this, see here:
+        # http://montreal.pm.org/tech/neil_kandalgaonkar.shtml
+        # http://www.noulakaz.net/weblog/2007/03/18/a-regular-expression-to-check-for-prime-numbers/
+# =====================
+# Convenience functions
+# =====================
+def checked_ints():
+    """Yield tuples (isprime(i), i) for integers i=0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
+    >>> it = checked_ints()
+    >>> [next(it) for _ in range(6)]
+    [(False, 0), (False, 1), (True, 2), (True, 3), (False, 4), (True, 5)]
+    """
+    oddnums = checked_oddints()
+    yield (False, 0)
+    yield next(oddnums)
+    yield (True, 2)
+    for t in oddnums:
+        yield t
+        yield (False, t[1]+1)
+def checked_oddints():
+    """Yield tuples (isprime(i), i) for odd integers i=1, 3, 5, 7, 9, ...
+    >>> it = checked_oddints()
+    >>> [next(it) for _ in range(6)]
+    [(False, 1), (True, 3), (True, 5), (True, 7), (False, 9), (True, 11)]
+    >>> [next(it) for _ in range(6)]
+    [(True, 13), (False, 15), (True, 17), (True, 19), (False, 21), (True, 23)]
+    """
+    yield (False, 1)
+    odd_primes = primes()
+    _ = next(odd_primes)  # Skip 2.
+    prev = 1
+    for p in odd_primes:
+        # Yield the non-primes between the previous prime and
+        # the current one.
+        for i in itertools.islice(itertools.count(prev + 2), 0, None, 2):
+            if i >= p: break
+            yield (False, i)
+        # And yield the current prime.
+        yield (True, p)
+        prev = p
+def nprimes(n):
+    """Convenience function that yields the first n primes.
+    >>> list(nprimes(10))
+    [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29]
+    """
+    _validate_int(n)
+    return itertools.islice(primes(), n)
+def primes_above(x):
+    """Convenience function that yields primes strictly greater than x.
+    >>> next(primes_above(200))
+    211
+    """
+    _validate_num(x)
+    it = primes()
+    # Consume the primes below x as fast as possible, then yield the rest.
+    p = next(it)
+    while p <= x:
+        p = next(it)
+    yield p
+    for p in it:
+        yield p
+def primes_below(x):
+    """Convenience function yielding primes less than or equal to x.
+    >>> list(primes_below(20))
+    [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19]
+    """
+    _validate_num(x)
+    for p in primes():
+        if p > x:
+            return
+        yield p
+def nth_prime(n):
+    """nth_prime(n) -> int
+    Return the nth prime number, starting counting from 1. Equivalent to
+    p-subscript-n in standard maths notation.
+    >>> nth_prime(1)  # First prime is 2.
+    2
+    >>> nth_prime(5)
+    11
+    >>> nth_prime(50)
+    229
+    """
+    # http://www.research.att.com/~njas/sequences/A000040
+    _validate_int(n)
+    if n < 1:
+        raise ValueError('argument must be a positive integer')
+    return next(itertools.islice(primes(), n-1, None))
+def prime_count(x):
+    """prime_count(x) -> int
+    Returns the number of prime numbers less than or equal to x.
+    It is also known as the Prime Counting Function, or pi(x).
+    (Not to be confused with the constant pi = 3.1415....)
+    >>> prime_count(20)
+    8
+    >>> prime_count(10000)
+    1229
+    The number of primes less than x is approximately x/(ln x - 1).
+    """
+    # See also:  http://primes.utm.edu/howmany.shtml
+    # http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PrimeCountingFunction.html
+    _validate_num(x)
+    return sum(1 for p in primes_below(x))
+def primesum(n):
+    """primesum(n) -> int
+    primesum(n) returns the sum of the first n primes.
+    >>> primesum(9)
+    100
+    >>> primesum(49)
+    4888
+    The sum of the first n primes is approximately n**2*ln(n)/2.
+    """
+    # See:  http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PrimeSums.html
+    # http://www.research.att.com/~njas/sequences/A007504
+    _validate_int(n)
+    return sum(nprimes(n))
+def primesums():
+    """Yield the partial sums of the prime numbers.
+    >>> p = primesums()
+    >>> [next(p) for _ in range(5)]  # primes 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, ...
+    [2, 5, 10, 17, 28]
+    """
+    n = 0
+    for p in primes():
+        n += p
+        yield n
+# =================
+# Primality testing
+# =================
+def isprime(n, trials=25, warn=False):
+    """Return True if n is a prime number, and False if it is not.
+    >>> isprime(101)
+    True
+    >>> isprime(102)
+    False
+    ==========  =======================================================
+    Argument    Description
+    ==========  =======================================================
+    n           Number being tested for primality.
+    trials      Count of primality tests to perform (default 25).
+    warn        If true, warn on inexact results. (Default is false.)
+    ==========  =======================================================
+    For values of ``n`` under approximately 341 trillion, this function is
+    exact and the arguments ``trials`` and ``warn`` are ignored.
+    Above this cut-off value, this function may be probabilistic with a small
+    chance of wrongly reporting a composite (non-prime) number as prime. Such
+    composite numbers wrongly reported as prime are "false positive" errors.
+    The argument ``trials`` controls  the risk of a false positive error. The
+    larger number of trials, the less the chance of an error (and the slower
+    the function). With the default value of 25, you can expect roughly one
+    such error every million trillion tests, which in practical terms is
+    essentially "never".
+    ``isprime`` cannot give a false negative error: if it reports a number is
+    composite, it is certainly composite, but if it reports a number is prime,
+    it may be only probably prime. If you pass a true value for argument
+    ``warn``, then a warning will be raised if the result is probabilistic.
+    """
+    _validate_int(n)
+    # Deal with trivial cases first.
+    if n < 2:
+        return False
+    elif n == 2:
+        return True
+    elif n%2 == 0:
+        return False
+    elif n <= 7:  # 3, 5, 7
+        return True
+    is_probabilistic, bases = _choose_bases(n, trials)
+    is_prime = miller_rabin(n, bases)
+    if is_prime and is_probabilistic and warn:
+        import warnings
+        warnings.warn("number is only probably prime not certainly prime")
+    return is_prime
+def _choose_bases(n, count):
+    """Choose appropriate bases for the Miller-Rabin primality test.
+    If n is small enough, returns a tuple of bases which are provably
+    deterministic for that n. If n is too large, return a selection of
+    possibly random bases.
+    With k distinct Miller-Rabin tests, the probability of a false
+    positive result is no more than 1/(4**k).
+    """
+    # The Miller-Rabin test is deterministic and completely accurate for
+    # moderate sizes of n using a surprisingly tiny number of tests.
+    # See: Pomerance, Selfridge and Wagstaff (1980), and Jaeschke (1993)
+    # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller%E2%80%93Rabin_primality_test
+    prob = False
+    if n < 1373653:  # ~1.3 million
+        bases = (2, 3)
+    elif n < 9080191:  # ~9.0 million
+        bases = (31, 73)
+    elif n < 4759123141:  # ~4.7 billion
+        # Note to self: checked up to approximately 394 million in 9 hours.
+        bases = (2, 7, 61)
+    elif n < 2152302898747:  # ~2.1 trillion
+        bases = (2, 3, 5, 7, 11)
+    elif n < 3474749660383:  # ~3.4 trillion
+        bases = (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13)
+    elif n < 341550071728321:  # ~341 trillion
+        bases = (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17)
+    else:
+        # n is sufficiently large that we have to use a probabilistic test.
+        prob = True
+        bases = tuple([random.randint(2, n-1) for _ in range(count)])
+        # FIXME Because bases are chosen at random, there may be duplicates
+        # although with extremely small probability given the size of n.
+        # FIXME Is it worthwhile to special case some of the lower, easier
+        # bases? bases = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17] + [random... ]?
+        # Note: we can always be deterministic, no matter how large N is, by
+        # exhaustive testing against each i in the inclusive range
+        # 1 ... min(n-1, floor(2*(ln N)**2)). We don't do this, because it is
+        # expensive for large N, and of no real practical benefit.
+    return prob, bases
+def isprime_division(n):
+    """isprime_division(integer) -> True|False
+    Exact primality test returning True if the argument is a prime number,
+    otherwise False.
+    >>> isprime_division(11)
+    True
+    >>> isprime_division(12)
+    False
+    This function uses trial division by the primes, skipping non-primes.
+    """
+    _validate_int(n)
+    if n < 2:
+        return False
+    limit = n**0.5
+    for divisor in primes():
+        if divisor > limit: break
+        if n % divisor == 0: return False
+    return True
+# === Probabilistic primality tests ===
+def fermat(n, base=2):
+    """fermat(n [, base]) -> True|False
+    ``fermat(n, base)`` is a probabilistic test for primality which returns
+    True if integer n is a weak probable prime to the given integer base,
+    otherwise n is definitely composite and False is returned.
+    ``base`` must be a positive integer between 1 and n-1 inclusive, or a
+    tuple of such bases. By default, base=2.
+    If ``fermat`` returns False, that is definite proof that n is composite:
+    there are no false negatives. However, if it returns True, that is only
+    provisional evidence that n is prime. For example:
+    >>> fermat(99, 7)
+    False
+    >>> fermat(29, 7)
+    True
+    We can conclude that 99 is definitely composite, and state that 7 is a
+    witness that 29 may be prime.
+    As the Fermat test is probabilistic, composite numbers will sometimes
+    pass a test, or even repeated tests:
+    >>> fermat(3*11*17, 7)  # A pseudoprime to base 7.
+    True
+    You can perform multiple tests with a single call by passing a tuple of
+    ints as ``base``. The number must pass the Fermat test for all the bases
+    in order to return True. If any test fails, ``fermat`` will return False.
+    >>> fermat(41041, (17, 23, 356, 359))  # 41041 = 7*11*13*41
+    True
+    >>> fermat(41041, (17, 23, 356, 359, 363))
+    False
+    If a number passes ``k`` Fermat tests, we can conclude that the
+    probability that it is either a prime number, or a particular type of
+    pseudoprime known as a Carmichael number, is at least ``1 - (1/2**k)``.
+    """
+    # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermat_primality_test
+    _validate_int(n)
+    bases = _base_to_bases(base, n)
+    # Deal with the simple deterministic cases first.
+    if n < 2:
+        return False
+    elif n == 2:
+        return True
+    elif n % 2 == 0:
+        return False
+    # Now the Fermat test proper.
+    for a in bases:
+        if pow(a, n-1, n) != 1:
+            return False  # n is certainly composite.
+    return True  # All of the bases are witnesses for n being prime.
+def miller_rabin(n, base=2):
+    """miller_rabin(integer [, base]) -> True|False
+    ``miller_rabin(n, base)`` is a probabilistic test for primality which
+    returns True if integer n is a strong probable prime to the given integer
+    base, otherwise n is definitely composite and False is returned.
+    ``base`` must be a positive integer between 1 and n-1 inclusive, or a
+    tuple of such bases. By default, base=2.
+    If ``miller_rabin`` returns False, that is definite proof that n is
+    composite: there are no false negatives. However, if it returns True,
+    that is only provisional evidence that n is prime:
+    >>> miller_rabin(99, 7)
+    False
+    >>> miller_rabin(29, 7)
+    True
+    We can conclude from this that 99 is definitely composite, and that 29 is
+    possibly prime.
+    As the Miller-Rabin test is probabilistic, composite numbers will
+    sometimes pass one or more tests:
+    >>> miller_rabin(3*11*17, 103)  # 3*11*17=561, the 1st Carmichael number.
+    True
+    You can perform multiple tests with a single call by passing a tuple of
+    ints as ``base``. The number must pass the Miller-Rabin test for each of
+    the bases before it will return True. If any test fails, ``miller_rabin``
+    will return False.
+    >>> miller_rabin(41041, (16, 92, 100, 256))  # 41041 = 7*11*13*41
+    True
+    >>> miller_rabin(41041, (16, 92, 100, 256, 288))
+    False
+    If a number passes ``k`` Miller-Rabin tests, we can conclude that the
+    probability that it is a prime number is at least ``1 - (1/4**k)``.
+    """
+    # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller%E2%80%93Rabin_primality_test
+    _validate_int(n)
+    bases = _base_to_bases(base, n)
+    # Deal with the trivial cases.
+    if n < 2:
+        return False
+    if n == 2:
+        return True
+    elif n % 2 == 0:
+        return False
+    # Now perform the Miller-Rabin test proper.
+    # Start by writing n-1 as 2**s * d.
+    d, s = _factor2(n-1)
+    for a in bases:
+        if _is_composite(a, d, s, n):
+            return False  # n is definitely composite.
+    # If we get here, all of the bases are witnesses for n being prime.
+    return True
+def _factor2(n):
+    """Factorise positive integer n as d*2**i, and return (d, i).
+    >>> _factor2(768)
+    (3, 8)
+    >>> _factor2(18432)
+    (9, 11)
+    Private function used internally by ``miller_rabin``.
+    """
+    assert n > 0 and int(n) == n
+    i = 0
+    d = n
+    while 1:
+        q, r = divmod(d, 2)
+        if r == 1:
+            break
+        i += 1
+        d = q
+    assert d%2 == 1
+    assert d*2**i == n
+    return (d, i)
+def _is_composite(b, d, s, n):
+    """_is_composite(b, d, s, n) -> True|False
+    Tests base b to see if it is a witness for n being composite. Returns
+    True if n is definitely composite, otherwise False if it *may* be prime.
+    >>> _is_composite(4, 3, 7, 385)
+    True
+    >>> _is_composite(221, 3, 7, 385)
+    False
+    Private function used internally by ``miller_rabin``.
+    """
+    assert d*2**s == n-1
+    if pow(b, d, n) == 1:
+        return False
+    for i in range(s):
+        if pow(b, 2**i * d, n) == n-1:
+            return False
+    return True
+# ===================
+# Prime factorisation
+# ===================
+if __debug__:
+    # Set _EXTRA_CHECKS to True to enable potentially expensive assertions
+    # in the factors() and factorise() functions. This is only defined or
+    # checked when assertions are enabled.
+    _EXTRA_CHECKS = False
+def factors(n):
+    """factors(integer) -> [list of factors]
+    Returns a list of the (mostly) prime factors of integer n. For negative
+    integers, -1 is included as a factor. If n is 0 or 1, [n] is returned as
+    the only factor. Otherwise all the factors will be prime.
+    >>> factors(-693)
+    [-1, 3, 3, 7, 11]
+    >>> factors(55614)
+    [2, 3, 13, 23, 31]
+    """
+    _validate_int(n)
+    result = []
+    for p, count in factorise(n):
+        result.extend([p]*count)
+    if __debug__:
+        # The following test only occurs if assertions are on.
+        if _EXTRA_CHECKS:
+            prod = 1
+            for x in result:
+                prod *= x
+            assert prod == n, ('factors(%d) failed multiplication test' % n)
+    return result
+def factorise(n):
+    """factorise(integer) -> yield factors of integer lazily
+    >>> list(factorise(3*7*7*7*11))
+    [(3, 1), (7, 3), (11, 1)]
+    Yields tuples of (factor, count) where each factor is unique and usually
+    prime, and count is an integer 1 or larger.
+    The factors are prime, except under the following circumstances: if the
+    argument n is negative, -1 is included as a factor; if n is 0 or 1, it
+    is given as the only factor. For all other integer n, all of the factors
+    returned are prime.
+    """
+    _validate_int(n)
+    if n in (0, 1, -1):
+        yield (n, 1)
+        return
+    elif n < 0:
+        yield (-1, 1)
+        n = -n
+    assert n >= 2
+    for p in primes():
+        if p*p > n: break
+        count = 0
+        while n % p == 0:
+            count += 1
+            n //= p
+        if count:
+            yield (p, count)
+    if n != 1:
+        if __debug__:
+            # The following test only occurs if assertions are on.
+            if _EXTRA_CHECKS:
+                assert isprime(n), ('failed isprime test for %d' % n)
+        yield (n, 1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    import doctest
+    doctest.testmod()

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