[pypy-commit] lang-smalltalk stmgc-c7: merge

Hubert Hesse noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Thu Jul 10 17:46:46 CEST 2014

Author: Hubert Hesse <hubert.hesse at student.hpi.uni-potsdam.de>
Branch: stmgc-c7
Changeset: r893:63cabb3a874b
Date: 2014-07-10 17:45 +0200

Log:	merge

diff too long, truncating to 2000 out of 32528 lines

diff --git a/images/Squeak4.5-12568.changes b/images/Squeak4.5-12568.changes
--- a/images/Squeak4.5-12568.changes
+++ b/images/Squeak4.5-12568.changes
@@ -758,4 +758,14340 @@
 		self fieldNew: swapField.
-	^ self field! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 3:33:07 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 93437!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 3:33:13 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: '*SPy-Benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 15:33'!
	STMSimulation benchmark.! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 3:34:03 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 110218!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 3:34:57 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: '*SPy-Benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 15:35'!
	STMSimulation benchmark.! !

Integer removeSelector: #gameLifeOfLife!

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 3:35:14 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 110526!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 3:36:22 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: '*SPy-Benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 15:36' prior: 33665224!
	STMSimulation benchmark2.! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 3:36:45 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 110873!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 3:36:49 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 3:36:53 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 111195!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 3:36:56 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: '*SPy-Benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 15:37' prior: 33665587!
	SPyVM print: STMSimulation benchmark2.! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 3:37:32 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 111392!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 3:38:15 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 3:38:35 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 111727!

----STARTUP----{2 June 2014 . 12:57:18 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 6/2/2014 12:58'!

	10 timesRepeat: [SPyVM print: (self benchStmParallel)].! !

----QUIT----{2 June 2014 . 12:58:21 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 111924!

----STARTUP----{26 June 2014 . 2:47:09 pm} as D:\code\python\spy-vm\lang-smalltalk\images\Squeak4.5-12568.image!

'From Squeak4.4 of 28 April 2013 [latest update: #12627] on 26 June 2014 at 2:46:54 pm'!

Object subclass: #OSLock
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Kernel-STM'!

Object subclass: #OSLock
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Kernel-STM'!
!OSLock methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pre 6/26/2014 14:25'!

	<primitive: 792>! !
!OSLock methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pre 6/26/2014 14:26'!

	<primitive: 793>! !

----End fileIn of a stream----!

'From Squeak4.4 of 28 April 2013 [latest update: #12627] on 26 June 2014 at 2:46:45 pm'!
!Integer methodsFor: '*SPy-Benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 14:48' prior: 33647508!
	| p |
	FileStream stdout nextPutAll: 'starting stm process.'.
	p := [ 1 + 1. ] parallelFork.
	p wait! !

----End fileIn of D:\code\python\spy-vm\lang-smalltalk\images\Integer-parallelForkTest.st----!

----QUIT----{26 June 2014 . 2:47:49 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 112268!

----STARTUP----{26 June 2014 . 2:49:11 pm} as D:\code\python\spy-vm\lang-smalltalk\images\Squeak4.5-12568.image!

'From Squeak4.4 of 28 April 2013 [latest update: #12627] on 26 June 2014 at 2:46:45 pm'!
!Integer methodsFor: '*SPy-Benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 14:48' prior: 33667646!
	| p |
	FileStream stdout nextPutAll: 'starting stm process.'.
	p := [ 1 + 1. ] parallelFork.
	p wait! !

----End fileIn of D:\code\python\spy-vm\lang-smalltalk\images\Integer-parallelForkTest.st----!

----SNAPSHOT----{26 June 2014 . 2:49:57 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 113431!

----QUIT----{26 June 2014 . 2:50 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 114022!

----STARTUP----{26 June 2014 . 2:52:02 pm} as D:\code\python\spy-vm\lang-smalltalk\images\Squeak4.5-12568.image!

'From Squeak4.4 of 28 April 2013 [latest update: #12627] on 26 June 2014 at 2:51:52 pm'!
!Integer methodsFor: '*SPy-Benchmarks' stamp: 'pre 6/26/2014 14:43'!

	| lock process1 process2 process2lock |
	lock := OSLock new.
	lock lock.
	process2lock := OSLock new.
	process2lock lock.
	process1 := [ SPyVM print: 'First process start'. 
	  lock lock.
	  process2lock release.
	  SPyVM print: 'First process after lock'.
	  lock release. ] parallelFork .

	process2 := [ SPyVM print: 'Second process start'.
	  process2lock lock.
	  lock lock.
	  SPyVM print: 'Second process after lock'.
	  process2lock release.
	  lock release. ] parallelFork .

	SPyVM print: 'Processes initialized.'.
	lock release.
	process1 wait.
	process2 wait.! !

----End fileIn of a stream----!

----QUIT----{26 June 2014 . 2:53:18 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 114110!

----STARTUP----{26 June 2014 . 3:02:03 pm} as D:\code\python\spy-vm\lang-smalltalk\images\Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: '*SPy-Benchmarks' stamp: 'pre 6/26/2014 15:02'!

	| lock |
	lock := OSLock new.
	lock lock.
	lock release.
	SPyVM print: 'Survived lock.'! !

----QUIT----{26 June 2014 . 3:02:52 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 115096!

----STARTUP----{26 June 2014 . 3:03:40 pm} as D:\code\python\spy-vm\lang-smalltalk\images\Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!OSLock methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pre 6/26/2014 15:04' prior: 33667310!

	<primitive: 792>
	SPyVM print: '* STM Process did not fork *' , Character cr.
	self primitiveFailed.
	self resume! !
!OSLock methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pre 6/26/2014 15:04' prior: 33667409!

	<primitive: 793>
	SPyVM print: '* STM Process did not fork *' , Character cr.
	self primitiveFailed.
	self resume! !
!OSLock methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pre 6/26/2014 15:04' prior: 33670408!

	<primitive: 793>
	SPyVM print: '* OS Lock could not be released *' , Character cr.
	self primitiveFailed.
	self resume! !
!OSLock methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pre 6/26/2014 15:04' prior: 33670196!

	<primitive: 792>
	SPyVM print: '* OS Lock could not be locked *' , Character cr.
	self primitiveFailed.
	self resume! !

----QUIT----{26 June 2014 . 3:04:45 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 115476!

----STARTUP----{26 June 2014 . 3:08:07 pm} as D:\code\python\spy-vm\lang-smalltalk\images\Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: '*SPy-Benchmarks' stamp: 'pre 6/26/2014 15:08' prior: 33669797!

	| lock |
	lock := OSLock new.
	lock lock.
	SPyVM print: 'Survived lock.'! !

----QUIT----{26 June 2014 . 3:08:24 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 116537!

----STARTUP----{26 June 2014 . 3:09:05 pm} as D:\code\python\spy-vm\lang-smalltalk\images\Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: '*SPy-Benchmarks' stamp: 'pre 6/26/2014 15:09' prior: 33671254!

	| lock |
	lock := OSLock new.
	lock lock.
	lock release.
	SPyVM print: 'Survived lock.'! !

----QUIT----{26 June 2014 . 3:09:17 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 116916!

----STARTUP----{26 June 2014 . 3:57:38 pm} as D:\code\python\spy-vm\lang-smalltalk\images\Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: '*SPy-Benchmarks' stamp: 'pre 6/26/2014 15:57' prior: 33671633!

	| lock |
	lock := OSLock new.
	lock lock.
	SPyVM print: 'Survived lock.'
	lock release.
	SPyVM print: 'Survived lock.'! !
!Integer methodsFor: '*SPy-Benchmarks' stamp: 'pre 6/26/2014 15:58' prior: 33672027!

	| lock |
	lock := OSLock new.
	lock lock.
	SPyVM print: 'Survived lock.'.
	lock release.
	SPyVM print: 'Survived lock.'.
	^ self! !

----QUIT----{26 June 2014 . 3:58:58 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 117310!

----STARTUP----{26 June 2014 . 3:59:21 pm} as D:\code\python\spy-vm\lang-smalltalk\images\Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: '*SPy-Benchmarks' stamp: 'pre 6/26/2014 15:59' prior: 33672253!

	| lock |
	lock := OSLock new.
	lock lock.
	SPyVM print: 'Survived locking.'.
	lock release.
	SPyVM print: 'Survived releasing.'.
	^ self! !
!Integer methodsFor: '*SPy-Benchmarks' stamp: 'pre 6/26/2014 15:59' prior: 33672690!

	| lock1 |
	lock1 := OSLock new.
	lock1 lock.
	SPyVM print: 'Survived locking.'.
	lock1 release.
	SPyVM print: 'Survived releasing.'.
	^ self! !

----QUIT----{26 June 2014 . 4:00 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 117973!

----STARTUP----{26 June 2014 . 4:07:56 pm} as D:\code\python\spy-vm\lang-smalltalk\images\Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!OSLock methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pre 6/26/2014 16:09' prior: 33670843!

	self internalLock
	! !
!OSLock methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pre 6/26/2014 16:09'!
	<primitive: 792>
	SPyVM print: '* OS Lock could not be locked *' , Character cr.
	self primitiveFailed.
	self resume! !
!OSLock methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pre 6/26/2014 16:09'!

	<primitive: 793>
	SPyVM print: '* OS Lock could not be released *' , Character cr.
	self primitiveFailed.
	self resume! !
!OSLock methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'pre 6/26/2014 16:09' prior: 33670623!

	self internalRelease! !

----QUIT----{26 June 2014 . 4:09:34 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 118668!
\ No newline at end of file
+	^ self field! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 3:33:07 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 93437!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 3:33:13 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: '*SPy-Benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 15:33'!
	STMSimulation benchmark.! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 3:34:03 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 110218!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 3:34:57 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: '*SPy-Benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 15:35'!
	STMSimulation benchmark.! !

Integer removeSelector: #gameLifeOfLife!

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 3:35:14 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 110526!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 3:36:22 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: '*SPy-Benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 15:36' prior: 33665224!
	STMSimulation benchmark2.! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 3:36:45 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 110873!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 3:36:49 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 3:36:53 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 111195!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 3:36:56 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: '*SPy-Benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 15:37' prior: 33665587!
	SPyVM print: STMSimulation benchmark2.! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 3:37:32 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 111392!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 3:38:15 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 3:38:35 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 111727!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 3:48:40 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

----QUIT/NOSAVE----{22 May 2014 . 3:48:43 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 111924!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 4:20:56 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 16:21' prior: 33603722!
	| sum num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.
	sum := 0.
	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num) collect: [ :i | 
		 [((i * max) to: ((i + 1) * max - 1)) do: [ :k | 
				sum := sum + k. ]
			] parallelFork
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	^ sum printString! !
!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 16:25' prior: 33666837!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [((i * max) to: ((i + 1) * max - 1)) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum.
			] parallelFork
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !
!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 16:26' prior: 33667525!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [((i * max) to: ((i + 1) * max - 1)) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
			localSums at: i put: sum.
			] parallelFork
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !
!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 16:26' prior: 33668262!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [((i * max) to: ((i + 1) * max - 1)) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum.
			] parallelFork
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !
!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 16:26' prior: 33669000!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [((i * max) to: ((i + 1) * max - 1)) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 4:26:33 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 111924!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 4:28:08 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 16:28' prior: 33669737!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [((i * max) to: ((i + 1) * max - 1)) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: localSums.
	^  localSums sum printString! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 4:28:57 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 115957!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 4:30:39 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 16:31' prior: 33670666!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [((i * max) to: ((i + 1) * max - 1)) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 4:31:47 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 116913!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 4:37:03 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 4:37:21 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 117878!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 4:37:56 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 16:38' prior: 33671622!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * max - 1)) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !
!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 16:38' prior: 33672784!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * (max - 1))) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 4:38:37 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 118075!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 4:39:37 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

#('1' '2' '3')!

#('1' '2' '3') at: 2!
!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 16:49' prior: 33673552!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * (max - 1))) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
	threads add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ]].
		localSums at: num put: sum.
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !
!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 16:49' prior: 33674559!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * (max - 1))) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
	threads add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ]].
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork.
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 4:49:24 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 119810!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 4:49:54 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 16:50' prior: 33675489!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * (max - 1))) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
	threads add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ]].
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork.
	SPyVM print: 'bar'.
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 4:50:32 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 121907!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 4:50:54 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 16:52' prior: 33676616!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * (max - 1))) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
	SPyVM print: 'bar'.
	threads add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ]].
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork.
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !
!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 16:52' prior: 33677764!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * (max - 1))) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
	SPyVM print: 'bar'.
	threads add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ]].
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork.
		SPyVM print: 'bar2'.
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 4:52:16 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 123055!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 4:52:32 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 16:52' prior: 33678717!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * (max - 1))) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
	threads add: ([
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ]].
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork).
		SPyVM print: 'bar2'.
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 4:52:57 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 125181!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 4:53:15 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 4:54:05 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 126335!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 4:54:23 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 16:56' prior: 33679890!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * (max - 1))) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
		SPyVM print: self-num-max.
	threads add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 ((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork.

	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !
!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 16:56' prior: 33681241!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * (max - 1))) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
		SPyVM print: self-num-max.
	SPyVM print: self-num.	
	threads add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 ((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork.

	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 4:56:21 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 126532!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 4:56:41 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 16:58' prior: 33682201!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * (max - 1))) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].

	threads asOrderedCollection add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 ((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork.

	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !
!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 16:58' prior: 33683383!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * (max - 1))) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ] asOrderedCollection.

	threads  add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 ((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork.

	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !
!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 16:58' prior: 33684335!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * (max - 1))) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].

	threads asOrderedCollection add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 ((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork.

	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 4:58:37 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 128674!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 5:20:50 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 5:21:16 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 131728!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 5:21:29 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 17:21' prior: 33685288!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * (max - 1))) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
	SPyVM print: '1'.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	threads asOrderedCollection add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 ((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork.

	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !
!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 17:22' prior: 33686634!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * (max - 1))) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
	SPyVM print: '1:'.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	threads asOrderedCollection add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 ((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork.

	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: '2:'.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 5:22:18 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 131925!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 5:22:42 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 17:23' prior: 33687638!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * (max - 1))) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
	SPyVM print: '1:'.
	SPyVM print: threads asString.
	threads asOrderedCollection add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 ((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork.

	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: '2:'.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 5:23:22 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 134149!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 5:23:33 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 17:25' prior: 33688858!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * (max - 1))) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].

	threads asOrderedCollection add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 ((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
			SPyVM print: 'xx'.
			SPyVM print: sum.
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork.

	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: '2:'.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !

----SNAPSHOT----{22 May 2014 . 5:25:10 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 135367!
!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 17:25' prior: 33690076!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * (max - 1))) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].

	threads asOrderedCollection add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 ((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
			SPyVM print: 'xx'.
			SPyVM print: sum.
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork.
	SPyVM print: threads.
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: '2:'.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 5:25:30 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 136577!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 5:25:55 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 5:26:05 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 137699!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 5:26:27 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 5:28:45 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 137896!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 5:29:05 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

----QUIT/NOSAVE----{22 May 2014 . 5:29:16 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 138093!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 5:29:48 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 5:30:10 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 138093!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 5:30:41 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 5:31 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 138494!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 5:31:19 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

----QUIT/NOSAVE----{22 May 2014 . 5:31:35 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 138691!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 5:32:08 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 17:32' prior: 33691176!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * (max - 1))) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
		SPyVM print: 'yy'.
	threads asOrderedCollection add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 ((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
			SPyVM print: 'xx'.
			SPyVM print: sum.
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork.
	SPyVM print: 'sss'.
	SPyVM print: threads.
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside methodaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: '23:'.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 5:32:31 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 138691!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 5:32:45 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 17:33' prior: 33693601!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * (max - 1))) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
		SPyVM print: 'yy'.
	threads asOrderedCollection add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 ((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		SPyVM print: 'xx'.
		SPyVM print: sum.
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork.
	SPyVM print: threads asString, ' threads'.
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: '23:'.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 5:34:02 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 140184!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 5:34:15 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 17:35' prior: 33694893!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * (max - 1))) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
		SPyVM print: 'yy'.
	threads = threads asOrderedCollection add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 ((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		SPyVM print: 'xx'.
		SPyVM print: sum.
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork.
	SPyVM print: threads asString, ' threads'.
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: '23:'.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !
!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 17:35' prior: 33696165!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * (max - 1))) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
		SPyVM print: 'yy'.
	threads := threads asOrderedCollection.
	threads add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 ((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		SPyVM print: 'xx'.
		SPyVM print: sum.
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork.
	SPyVM print: threads asString, ' threads'.
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: '23:'.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 5:35:23 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 141456!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 5:40:42 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 17:42' prior: 33697250!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * (max - 1))) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. 
				SPyVM print: 'from', ( (i-1) * max) asString, 'to', (i * (max - 1)) asString.
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
	threads := threads asOrderedCollection.
	threads add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 ((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork.
	SPyVM print: threads asString, ' threads'.
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: '23:'.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 5:42:11 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 143834!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 5:42:33 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 17:42' prior: 33698543!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * (max - 1))) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. 
		SPyVM print: 'from', ( (i-1) * max) asString, 'to', (i * (max - 1)) asString.
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
	threads := threads asOrderedCollection.
	threads add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 ((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork.
	SPyVM print: threads asString, ' threads'.
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: '23:'.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 5:42:55 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 145152!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 5:43:27 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 5:43:55 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 146468!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 5:44:27 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 17:45' prior: 33699861!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: (i * max - 1)) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. 
		SPyVM print: 'from', ( (i-1) * max) asString, 'to', ((i * max) - 1) asString.
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
	threads := threads asOrderedCollection.
	threads add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 ((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork.
	SPyVM print: threads asString, ' threads'.
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: '23:'.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !
!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 17:45' prior: 33701374!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: ((i * max) - 1)) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. 
		SPyVM print: 'from', ( (i-1) * max) asString, 'to', ((i * max) - 1) asString.
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
	threads := threads asOrderedCollection.
	threads add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 ((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork.
	SPyVM print: threads asString, ' threads'.
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	SPyVM print: '23:'.
	SPyVM print: localSums asString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 5:45:21 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 146665!

----STARTUP----{22 May 2014 . 5:46:08 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 5/22/2014 17:46' prior: 33702491!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: ((i * max) - 1)) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. 
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
	threads := threads asOrderedCollection.
	threads add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 ((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork.
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !

----QUIT----{22 May 2014 . 5:46:37 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 149098!

----STARTUP----{2 June 2014 . 11:04:06 am} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 6/2/2014 11:06'!
	| num threads max start localSums |
	num := self \\ 100.
	max := (self - num) // num.

	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (num printString)).
	SPyVM print: ('Items/Thread:', (max printString)).
	localSums := Array new: num.
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: num-1) collect: [ :i |
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 [( ( (i-1) * max) to: ((i * max) - 1)) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. 
		localSums at: i put: sum. ] parallelFork ].
	threads := threads asOrderedCollection.
	threads add: [
		| sum |
		sum := 0. 
		 ((self-num-max) to: self-num) do: [ :k | 
				 sum := sum + k. ].
		localSums at: num put: sum.
		] parallelFork.
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.
	^  localSums sum printString! !
!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 6/2/2014 11:06' prior: 33704928!
	! !
!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 6/2/2014 11:09' prior: 33705873!
	3 timesRepeat: [1 benchStmParallel].! !
!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 6/2/2014 11:09' prior: 33705981!
	3 timesRepeat: [SPyVM print: 1 benchStmParallel].! !

----SNAPSHOT----{2 June 2014 . 11:09:59 am} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 150235!
!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 6/2/2014 11:10' prior: 33706125!
	3 timesRepeat: [1 benchStmParallel].! !

----SNAPSHOT----{2 June 2014 . 11:10:29 am} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 151771!

----QUIT----{2 June 2014 . 11:10:32 am} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 152003!

----STARTUP----{2 June 2014 . 11:20:35 am} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 6/2/2014 11:20' prior: 33706370!
	3 timesRepeat: [SPyVM print: (1 benchStmParallel)].! !

----QUIT----{2 June 2014 . 11:21:01 am} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 152091!

----STARTUP----{2 June 2014 . 11:21:35 am} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

----QUIT----{2 June 2014 . 11:22:41 am} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 152449!

----STARTUP----{2 June 2014 . 11:23:17 am} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 6/2/2014 11:23' prior: 33706801!
	3 timesRepeat: [SPyVM print: (self benchStmParallel)].! !

----QUIT----{2 June 2014 . 11:23:36 am} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 152648!

----STARTUP----{2 June 2014 . 11:25:39 am} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 6/2/2014 11:25' prior: 33707358!
	10 timesRepeat: [SPyVM print: (self benchStmParallel)].! !

----QUIT----{2 June 2014 . 11:25:46 am} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 153009!

----STARTUP----{2 June 2014 . 11:25:48 am} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

----QUIT----{2 June 2014 . 11:25:56 am} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 153371!

----STARTUP----{2 June 2014 . 11:26:31 am} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 6/2/2014 11:26' prior: 33707719!
	100 timesRepeat: [SPyVM print: (self benchStmParallel)].! !

----QUIT----{2 June 2014 . 11:26:36 am} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 153570!

----STARTUP----{2 June 2014 . 11:26:38 am} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

----QUIT----{2 June 2014 . 11:26:42 am} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 153933!

----STARTUP----{2 June 2014 . 11:27:14 am} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 6/2/2014 11:27' prior: 33708280!
	10 timesRepeat: [SPyVM print: (self benchStmParallel)].! !

----QUIT----{2 June 2014 . 11:27:19 am} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 154132!

----STARTUP----{5 June 2014 . 1:39:24 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 6/5/2014 13:45'!
	| threads start |
	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (self printString)).
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := [(1 to: self)
		do: [:t1 | SPyVM print: 'Thread 1 reporting!!']] parallelFork.
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.! !
!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 6/5/2014 13:45' prior: 33709187!
	| threads start |
	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (self printString)).
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := [(1 to: self)
		do: [:t1 | SPyVM print: 'Thread 1 reporting!!']] parallelFork.
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.! !
!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 6/5/2014 13:45' prior: 33709650!
	| threads start |
	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (self printString)).
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := [(1 to: self)
		do: [:t1 | SPyVM print: 'Thread reporting!!']] parallelFork.
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.! !
!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 6/5/2014 13:50' prior: 33710111!
	| threads start |
	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (self printString)).
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := [(1 to: self)
		do: []] parallelFork.
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.! !

----QUIT----{5 June 2014 . 1:50:23 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 154494!

----STARTUP----{5 June 2014 . 1:51:28 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 6/5/2014 13:51' prior: 33710570!
	| threads start |
	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (self printString)).
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := [(1 to: self)
		do: [1+1]] parallelFork.
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.! !

----QUIT----{5 June 2014 . 1:51:37 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 156479!

----STARTUP----{5 June 2014 . 1:52:09 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 6/5/2014 13:53' prior: 33711187!
	| threads start |
	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (self printString)).
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := [(1 to: self) do: [1+1] parallelFork.]
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.! !

----QUIT----{5 June 2014 . 1:53:31 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 157099!

----STARTUP----{5 June 2014 . 1:53:59 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 6/5/2014 13:54' prior: 33711807!
	| threads start |
	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (self printString)).
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := [(1 to: self) do: [1+1]] parallelFork.
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.! !
!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 6/5/2014 13:55' prior: 33712425!
	| threads start |
	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (self printString)).
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: self) do: [[1+1] parallelFork].
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.! !

----QUIT----{5 June 2014 . 1:55:56 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 157717!

----STARTUP----{5 June 2014 . 1:55:58 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

----QUIT----{5 June 2014 . 1:56:05 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 158756!

----STARTUP----{5 June 2014 . 1:56:36 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 6/5/2014 13:56' prior: 33712846!
	| threads start |
	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (self printString)).
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: self) collect: [[1+1] parallelFork].
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.! !

----QUIT----{5 June 2014 . 1:56:46 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 158953!

----STARTUP----{5 June 2014 . 1:57:51 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 6/5/2014 13:58' prior: 33713661!
	| threads start |
	SPyVM print: ('Threads:', (self printString)).
	start := Time now asNanoSeconds.
	threads := (1 to: self) collect: [[SPyVM print: 'hello'.] parallelFork].
	threads do: [:t | t wait].
	SPyVM print: '[squeak] milliseconds inside method:'.
	SPyVM print: (((Time now asNanoSeconds) - start) // 1000000) printString.! !

----QUIT----{5 June 2014 . 1:58:24 pm} Squeak4.5-12568.image priorSource: 159576!

----STARTUP----{5 June 2014 . 1:58:49 pm} as /home/hub/hpi/stm/src/lang-smalltalk/images/Squeak4.5-12568.image!

!Integer methodsFor: 'benchmarks' stamp: 'hh 6/5/2014 13:59' prior: 33714284!
	| threads start |

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