[pypy-commit] pypy kill-multimethod: Remove multimethods sections from documentation.

Manuel Jacob noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Tue Feb 25 18:49:41 CET 2014

Author: Manuel Jacob
Branch: kill-multimethod
Changeset: r69439:0d2003298f8b
Date: 2014-02-25 18:34 +0100

Log:	Remove multimethods sections from documentation.

diff --git a/pypy/doc/objspace.rst b/pypy/doc/objspace.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/objspace.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/objspace.rst
@@ -384,105 +384,6 @@
 .. _`Standard Interpreter Optimizations`: interpreter-optimizations.html
-The Standard Object Space allows multiple object implementations per
-Python type - this is based on multimethods_.  For a description of the
-multimethod variant that we implemented and which features it supports,
-see the comment at the start of `pypy/objspace/std/multimethod.py`_.  However, multimethods
-alone are not enough for the Standard Object Space: the complete picture
-spans several levels in order to emulate the exact Python semantics.
-Consider the example of the ``space.getitem(w_a, w_b)`` operation,
-corresponding to the application-level syntax ``a[b]``.  The Standard
-Object Space contains a corresponding ``getitem`` multimethod and a
-family of functions that implement the multimethod for various
-combination of argument classes - more precisely, for various
-combinations of the *interpreter-level* classes of the arguments.  Here
-are some examples of functions implementing the ``getitem``
-* ``getitem__Tuple_ANY``: called when the first argument is a
-  W_TupleObject, this function converts its second argument to an
-  integer and performs tuple indexing.
-* ``getitem__Tuple_Slice``: called when the first argument is a
-  W_TupleObject and the second argument is a W_SliceObject.  This
-  version takes precedence over the previous one if the indexing is
-  done with a slice object, and performs tuple slicing instead.
-* ``getitem__String_Slice``: called when the first argument is a
-  W_StringObject and the second argument is a slice object.
-Note how the multimethod dispatch logic helps writing new object
-implementations without having to insert hooks into existing code.  Note
-first how we could have defined a regular method-based API that new
-object implementations must provide, and call these methods from the
-space operations.  The problem with this approach is that some Python
-operators are naturally binary or N-ary.  Consider for example the
-addition operation: for the basic string implementation it is a simple
-concatenation-by-copy, but it can have a rather more subtle
-implementation for strings done as ropes.  It is also likely that
-concatenating a basic string with a rope string could have its own
-dedicated implementation - and yet another implementation for a rope
-string with a basic string.  With multimethods, we can have an
-orthogonally-defined implementation for each combination.
-The multimethods mechanism also supports delegate functions, which are
-converters between two object implementations.  The dispatch logic knows
-how to insert calls to delegates if it encounters combinations of
-interp-level classes which is not directly implemented.  For example, we
-have no specific implementation for the concatenation of a basic string
-and a StringSlice object; when the user adds two such strings, then the
-StringSlice object is converted to a basic string (that is, a
-temporarily copy is built), and the concatenation is performed on the
-resulting pair of basic strings.  This is similar to the C++ method
-overloading resolution mechanism (but occurs at runtime).
-.. _multimethods: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multimethods
-Multimethod slicing
-The complete picture is more complicated because the Python object model
-is based on *descriptors*: the types ``int``, ``str``, etc. must have
-methods ``__add__``, ``__mul__``, etc. that take two arguments including
-the ``self``.  These methods must perform the operation or return
-``NotImplemented`` if the second argument is not of a type that it
-doesn't know how to handle.
-The Standard Object Space creates these methods by *slicing* the
-multimethod tables.  Each method is automatically generated from a
-subset of the registered implementations of the corresponding
-multimethod.  This slicing is performed on the first argument, in order
-to keep only the implementations whose first argument's
-interpreter-level class matches the declared Python-level type.
-For example, in a baseline PyPy, ``int.__add__`` is just calling the
-function ``add__Int_Int``, which is the only registered implementation
-for ``add`` whose first argument is an implementation of the ``int``
-Python type.  On the other hand, if we enable integers implemented as
-tagged pointers, then there is another matching implementation:
-``add__SmallInt_SmallInt``.  In this case, the Python-level method
-``int.__add__`` is implemented by trying to dispatch between these two
-functions based on the interp-level type of the two arguments.
-Similarly, the reverse methods (``__radd__`` and others) are obtained by
-slicing the multimethod tables to keep only the functions whose *second*
-argument has the correct Python-level type.
-Slicing is actually a good way to reproduce the details of the object
-model as seen in CPython: slicing is attempted for every Python types
-for every multimethod, but the ``__xyz__`` Python methods are only put
-into the Python type when the resulting slices are not empty.  This is
-how our ``int`` type has no ``__getitem__`` method, for example.
-Additionally, slicing ensures that ``5 .__add__(6L)`` correctly returns
-``NotImplemented`` (because this particular slice does not include
-``add__Long_Long`` and there is no ``add__Int_Long``), which leads to
-``6L.__radd__(5)`` being called, as in CPython.
 .. _`Flow Object Space`:
 The Flow Object Space

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