[pypy-commit] pypy kill-multimethod: Kill register_all().

Manuel Jacob noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Tue Feb 25 05:32:23 CET 2014

Author: Manuel Jacob
Branch: kill-multimethod
Changeset: r69397:7e3079dd2c8d
Date: 2014-02-25 05:01 +0100

Log:	Kill register_all().

diff --git a/pypy/objspace/std/register_all.py b/pypy/objspace/std/register_all.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/objspace/std/register_all.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-from pypy.objspace.std import model, stdtypedef
-_name_mappings = {
-    'and': 'and_',
-    'or': 'or_',
-    }
-def register_all(module_dict, *alt_ns):
-    """register implementations for multimethods.
-    By default a (name, object) pair of the given module dictionary
-    is registered on the multimethod 'name' of StdObjSpace.
-    If the name doesn't exist then the alternative namespace is tried
-    for registration.
-    """
-    namespaces = list(alt_ns) + [model.MM]
-    for name, obj in module_dict.items():
-        if name.startswith('app_'):
-            print "%s: direct app definitions deprecated" % name
-        if name.find('__')<1 or name.startswith('app_') or name.startswith('descr_'):
-            continue
-        funcname, sig = name.split('__')
-        l = []
-        for i in sig.split('_'):
-            if i == 'ANY':        # just in case W_ANY is not in module_dict
-                icls = model.W_ANY
-            elif i == 'Object':   # just in case W_Object is not in module_dict
-                icls = model.W_Object
-            else:
-                icls = (module_dict.get('W_%s' % i) or
-                        module_dict.get('W_%sObject' % i))
-                if icls is None:
-                    x = module_dict.get(i)
-                    if isinstance(x, stdtypedef.StdTypeDef):
-                        icls = x.any
-                if icls is None:
-                    raise ValueError, \
-                          "no W_%s or W_%sObject for the definition of %s" % (
-                             i, i, name)
-            l.append(icls)
-        funcname =  _name_mappings.get(funcname, funcname)
-        func = hack_func_by_name(funcname, namespaces)
-        func.register(obj, *l)
-    model.add_extra_comparisons()
-def hack_func_by_name(funcname, namespaces):
-    for ns in namespaces:
-        if isinstance(ns, dict):
-            if funcname in ns:
-                return ns[funcname]
-        else:
-            if hasattr(ns, funcname):
-                return getattr(ns, funcname)
-    raise NameError, ("trying hard but not finding a multimethod named %s" %
-                      funcname)

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