[pypy-commit] stmgc c7-refactor: use SOME_MEDIUM_SIZE and SOME_LARGE_SIZE constants to allocate objects -> fails currently

Remi Meier noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Wed Feb 19 15:53:43 CET 2014

Author: Remi Meier
Branch: c7-refactor
Changeset: r783:961ea6611d93
Date: 2014-02-19 15:46 +0100

Log:	use SOME_MEDIUM_SIZE and SOME_LARGE_SIZE constants to allocate
	objects -> fails currently

diff --git a/c7/test/test_random.py b/c7/test/test_random.py
--- a/c7/test/test_random.py
+++ b/c7/test/test_random.py
@@ -250,7 +250,12 @@
     def do(self, ex, global_state, thread_state):
         r = get_new_root_name(False)
-        ex.do('%s = stm_allocate(16)' % r)
+        size = global_state.rnd.choice([
+            16,
+            "SOME_MEDIUM_SIZE+16",
+            "SOME_LARGE_SIZE+16",
+        ])
+        ex.do('%s = stm_allocate(%s)' % (r, size))
         assert thread_state.transaction_state.write_root(r, 0) is None

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