[pypy-commit] benchmarks default: (cfbolz, arigo)

arigo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Mon Dec 8 17:15:26 CET 2014

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Changeset: r284:ed338f71e5f7
Date: 2014-12-08 16:15 +0000

Log:	(cfbolz, arigo)

	Add the MDP code (Robert Grosse on pypy-dev)

diff --git a/benchmarks.py b/benchmarks.py
--- a/benchmarks.py
+++ b/benchmarks.py
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
              'spectral-norm', 'chaos', 'telco', 'go', 'pyflate-fast',
              'raytrace-simple', 'crypto_pyaes', 'bm_mako', 'bm_chameleon',
              'json_bench', 'pidigits', 'hexiom2', 'eparse', 'deltablue',
-             'bm_dulwich_log', 'bm_krakatau']:
+             'bm_dulwich_log', 'bm_krakatau', 'bm_mdp']:
     _register_new_bm(name, name, globals(), **opts.get(name, {}))
 for name in ['names', 'iteration', 'tcp', 'pb', ]:#'web']:#, 'accepts']:
diff --git a/own/bm_mdp.py b/own/bm_mdp.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/own/bm_mdp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+import collections, time
+from collections import defaultdict as ddict
+from fractions import Fraction as frac
+def tarjanSCC(roots, getChildren):
+    """Return a list of strongly connected components in a graph. If getParents is passed instead of getChildren, the result will be topologically sorted.
+    roots - list of root nodes to search from
+    getChildren - function which returns children of a given node
+    """
+    sccs = []
+    indexCounter = itertools.count()
+    index = {}
+    lowlink = {}
+    removed = set()
+    subtree = []
+    #Use iterative version to avoid stack limits for large datasets
+    stack = [(node, 0) for node in roots]
+    while stack:
+        current, state = stack.pop()
+        if state == 0: #before recursing
+            if current not in index: #if it's in index, it was already visited (possibly earlier on the current search stack)
+                lowlink[current] = index[current] = next(indexCounter)
+                subtree.append(current)
+                stack.append((current, 1))
+                stack.extend((child, 0) for child in getChildren(current) if child not in removed)
+        else: #after recursing
+            children = [child for child in getChildren(current) if child not in removed]
+            for child in children:
+                if index[child] <= index[current]: #backedge (or selfedge)
+                    lowlink[current] = min(lowlink[current], index[child])
+                else:
+                    lowlink[current] = min(lowlink[current], lowlink[child])
+                assert(lowlink[current] <= index[current])
+            if index[current] == lowlink[current]:
+                scc = []
+                while not scc or scc[-1] != current:
+                    scc.append(subtree.pop())
+                sccs.append(tuple(scc))
+                removed.update(scc)
+    return sccs
+def topoSort(roots, getParents):
+    """Return a topological sorting of nodes in a graph.
+    roots - list of root nodes to search from
+    getParents - function which returns the parents of a given node
+    """
+    results = []
+    visited = set()
+    #Use iterative version to avoid stack limits for large datasets
+    stack = [(node,0) for node in roots]
+    while stack:
+        current, state = stack.pop()
+        if state == 0: #before recursing
+            if current not in visited:
+                visited.add(current)
+                stack.append((current,1))
+                stack.extend((parent,0) for parent in getParents(current))
+        else: #after recursing
+            assert(current in visited)
+            results.append(current)
+    return results
+def getDamages(L, A, D, B, stab, te):
+	x = (2*L)//5
+	x = ((x+2)*A*B)//(D*50) + 2
+	if stab:
+		x += x // 2
+	x = int(x * te)
+	return [(x*z)//255 for z in range(217,256)]
+def getCritDist(L, p, A1, A2, D1, D2, B, stab, te):
+	p = min(p, frac(1))
+	norm = getDamages(L, A1, D1, B, stab, te)
+	crit = getDamages(L*2, A2, D2, B, stab, te)
+	dist = ddict(frac)
+	for mult, vals in zip([1-p, p], [norm, crit]):
+		mult /= len(vals)
+		for x in vals:
+			dist[x] += mult
+	return dist
+def getAvg(dd):
+	return float(sum(k*v for k,v in dd))
+def plus12(x): return x + x//8
+def plus50(x): return x + x//2
+def replace(t, i, v):
+	if t[i] != v:
+		temp = t[:i] + (v,) + t[i+1:]
+		t = type(t)._make(temp)
+	return t
+poke_stats_t = collections.namedtuple('poke_stats_t', ['lvl', 'basespeed', 'hp', 'atk', 'df', 'speed', 'spec'])
+stats_t = collections.namedtuple('stats_t', ['atk', 'df', 'speed', 'spec'])
+NOMODS = stats_t(0,0,0,0)
+fixeddata_t = collections.namedtuple('fixeddata_t', ['maxhp', 'stats', 'lvl', 'badges','basespeed'])
+halfstate_t = collections.namedtuple('halfstate_t', ['fixed','hp','status','statmods','stats'])
+_statmod_table = [frac(i,2) for i in range(3,9)]
+_statmod_table = [1/x for x in reversed(_statmod_table)] + [frac(1)] + _statmod_table
+def applyHPChange(hstate, change):
+	hp = min(hstate.fixed.maxhp, max(0, hstate.hp + change))
+	return hstate._replace(hp=hp)
+def applyBadgeBoosts(badges, stats):
+	return stats_t(*[(plus12(x) if b else x) for x,b in zip(stats, badges)])
+attack_stats_t = collections.namedtuple('attack_stats_t', ['power', 'isspec', 'stab', 'te', 'crit'])
+attack_data = {
+	'Ember': attack_stats_t(40, True, True, 0.5, False),
+	'Dig': attack_stats_t(100, False, False, 1, False),
+	'Slash': attack_stats_t(70, False, False, 1, True),
+	'Water Gun': attack_stats_t(40, True, True, 2, False),
+	'Bubblebeam': attack_stats_t(65, True, True, 2, False),
+def _applyActionSide1(state, act):
+	me, them, extra = state
+	if act == 'Super Potion':
+		me = applyHPChange(me, 50)
+		return {(me, them, extra): frac(1)}
+	mdata = attack_data[act]
+	aind = 3 if mdata.isspec else 0
+	dind = 3 if mdata.isspec else 1
+	pdiv = 64 if mdata.crit else 512
+	dmg_dist = getCritDist(me.fixed.lvl, frac(me.fixed.basespeed, pdiv),
+		me.stats[aind], me.fixed.stats[aind], them.stats[dind], them.fixed.stats[dind],
+		mdata.power, mdata.stab, mdata.te)
+	dist = ddict(frac)
+	for dmg, p in dmg_dist.items():
+		them2 = applyHPChange(them, -dmg)
+		dist[me, them2, extra] += p
+	return dist
+def _applyAction(state, side, act):
+	if side == 0:
+		return _applyActionSide1(state, act)
+	else:
+		me, them, extra = state
+		dist = _applyActionSide1((them, me, extra), act)
+		return {(k[1], k[0], k[2]): v for k,v in dist.items()}
+def printstate(state):
+	return 'char {} star {}'.format(state[0].hp, state[1].hp)
+def printsp(sp):
+	return '[{}, {}, {}]'.format(sp[0], printstate(sp[1]), ', '.join(map(str, sp[2:])))
+class Battle(object):
+	def __init__(self):
+		self.successors = {}
+		self.min = ddict(float)
+		self.max = ddict(lambda:1.0)
+		self.frozen = set()
+		self.win = 4, True
+		self.loss = 4, False
+		self.max[self.loss] = 0.0
+		self.min[self.win] = 1.0
+		self.frozen.update([self.win, self.loss])
+	def _getSuccessorsA(self, statep):
+		st, state = statep
+		for action in ['Dig', 'Super Potion']:
+			yield (1, state, action)
+	def _applyActionPair(self, state, side1, act1, side2, act2, dist, pmult):
+		for newstate, p in _applyAction(state, side1, act1).items():
+			if newstate[0].hp == 0:
+				newstatep = self.loss
+			elif newstate[1].hp == 0:
+				newstatep = self.win
+			else:
+				newstatep = 2, newstate, side2, act2
+			dist[newstatep] += p*pmult
+	def _getSuccessorsB(self, statep):
+		st, state, action = statep
+		dist = ddict(frac)
+		for eact, p in [('Water Gun', frac(64, 130)), ('Bubblebeam', frac(66, 130))]:
+			priority1 = state[0].stats.speed + 10000*(action == 'Super Potion')
+			priority2 = state[1].stats.speed + 10000*(action == 'X Defend')
+			if priority1 > priority2:
+				self._applyActionPair(state, 0, action, 1, eact, dist, p)
+			elif priority1 < priority2:
+				self._applyActionPair(state, 1, eact, 0, action, dist, p)
+			else:
+				self._applyActionPair(state, 0, action, 1, eact, dist, p/2)
+				self._applyActionPair(state, 1, eact, 0, action, dist, p/2)
+		return {k:float(p) for k,p in dist.items() if p>0}
+	def _getSuccessorsC(self, statep):
+		st, state, side, action = statep
+		dist = ddict(frac)
+		for newstate, p in _applyAction(state, side, action).items():
+			if newstate[0].hp == 0:
+				newstatep = self.loss
+			elif newstate[1].hp == 0:
+				newstatep = self.win
+			else:
+				newstatep = 0, newstate
+			dist[newstatep] += p
+		return {k:float(p) for k,p in dist.items() if p>0}
+	def getSuccessors(self, statep):
+		try:
+			return self.successors[statep]
+		except KeyError:
+			st = statep[0]
+		if st == 0:
+			result = list(self._getSuccessorsA(statep))
+		else:
+			if st == 1:
+				dist = self._getSuccessorsB(statep)
+			elif st == 2:
+				dist = self._getSuccessorsC(statep)
+			result = sorted(dist.items(), key=lambda t:(-t[1], t[0]))
+		self.successors[statep] = result
+		return result
+	def getSuccessorsList(self, statep):
+		if statep[0] == 4:
+			return []
+		temp = self.getSuccessors(statep)
+		if statep[0] != 0:
+			temp = zip(*temp)[0] if temp else []
+		return temp
+	def evaluate(self, tolerance=0.15):
+		badges = 1, 0, 0, 0
+		starfixed = fixeddata_t(59, stats_t(40, 44, 56, 50), 11, NOMODS, 115)
+		starhalf = halfstate_t(starfixed, 59, 0, NOMODS, stats_t(40, 44, 56, 50))
+		charfixed = fixeddata_t(63, stats_t(39, 34, 46, 38), 26, badges, 65)
+		charhalf = halfstate_t(charfixed, 63, 0, NOMODS, applyBadgeBoosts(badges, stats_t(39, 34, 46, 38)))
+		initial_state = charhalf, starhalf, 0
+		initial_statep = 0, initial_state
+		dmin, dmax, frozen = self.min, self.max, self.frozen
+		stateps = topoSort([initial_statep], self.getSuccessorsList)
+		itercount = 0
+		while dmax[initial_statep] - dmin[initial_statep] > tolerance:
+			itercount += 1
+			#print itercount, dmax[initial_statep] - dmin[initial_statep], len(frozen)
+			for sp in stateps:
+				if sp in frozen:
+					continue
+				if sp[0] == 0: #choice node
+					dmin[sp] = max(dmin[sp2] for sp2 in self.getSuccessors(sp))
+					dmax[sp] = max(dmax[sp2] for sp2 in self.getSuccessors(sp))
+				else:
+					dmin[sp] = sum(dmin[sp2]*p for sp2,p in self.getSuccessors(sp))
+					dmax[sp] = sum(dmax[sp2]*p for sp2,p in self.getSuccessors(sp))
+				if dmin[sp] >= dmax[sp]:
+					dmax[sp] = dmin[sp] = (dmin[sp] + dmax[sp])/2
+					frozen.add(sp)
+		return (dmax[initial_statep] + dmin[initial_statep])/2
+def main(n):
+    l = []
+    for i in range(n):
+        t0 = time.time()
+        Battle().evaluate(0.192)
+        time_elapsed = time.time() - t0
+        l.append(time_elapsed)
+    return l
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    import util, optparse
+    parser = optparse.OptionParser(
+        usage="%prog [options]",
+        description="Test the performance of the MDP benchmark")
+    util.add_standard_options_to(parser)
+    options, args = parser.parse_args()
+    util.run_benchmark(options, options.num_runs, main)

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