[pypy-commit] lang-smalltalk storage: More fixes to jit.py.

anton_gulenko noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Mon Apr 7 19:34:47 CEST 2014

Author: Anton Gulenko <anton.gulenko at googlemail.com>
Branch: storage
Changeset: r783:a04e692d3fb1
Date: 2014-04-07 19:07 +0200

Log:	More fixes to jit.py.

diff --git a/spyvm/test/jit.py b/spyvm/test/jit.py
--- a/spyvm/test/jit.py
+++ b/spyvm/test/jit.py
@@ -15,9 +15,6 @@
 from spyvm.test.util import import_bytecodes, read_image
 from spyvm import model, shadow
-imagename = "mini.image"
-# imagename = "minitest.image"
 jit = LLJitMixin()
@@ -28,13 +25,12 @@
 # Pass a function inside here to meta-interpret it and show all encountered loops.
 def meta_interp(func):
-    res = jit.meta_interp(func, [], listcomp=True, listops=True, backendopt=True, inline=True)
-    print_result(res)
+    return jit.meta_interp(func, [], listcomp=True, listops=True, backendopt=True, inline=True)
 # ==== The following are factories for functions to be passed into meta_interp() ====
 # This will build a small jit just for the specified message-send
-def perform(receiver, selector, *args):
+def perform(imagename, receiver, selector, *args):
     _, interp, _, _ = read_image(imagename)
     def interp_miniloop():
         return interp.perform(receiver, selector, *args)
@@ -43,7 +39,7 @@
 # This will build a jit executing a synthetic method composed of the given bytecodes and literals,
 # and operating on the given stack. The receiver of the 'message' must be at the bottom of the stack.
 # The bytecodes can be composed from constants created in this module in above import_bytecodes() call.
-def execute_frame(bytes, literals, stack):
+def execute_frame(imagename, bytes, literals, stack):
     space, interp, _, _ = read_image(imagename)
     w_method = model.W_CompiledMethod(space, header=512)
     w_method.literals = literals
@@ -51,15 +47,17 @@
     w_receiver = stack[0]
     s_frame = shadow.MethodContextShadow(space, None, w_method, w_receiver, [])
     w_frame = s_frame.w_self()
-    def interp_execute_bytes_with_stack():
+    def interp_execute_frame():
         return interp.loop(w_frame)
-    return interp_execute_bytes_with_stack
+    return interp_execute_frame
 # This will build a JIT for the entire VM. Arguments to the VM entry-point must be provided.
 def full_vm(args):
     import targetimageloadingsmalltalk
-    full_args = [sys.argv[0]]
+    module_file = targetimageloadingsmalltalk.__file__[:-1]
+    full_args = [ module_file ]
     full_args.extend([ str(a) for a in args ])
+    print ">> Entry Point arguments: %r" % full_args
     def interp_full_vm():
         return targetimageloadingsmalltalk.entry_point(full_args)
     return interp_full_vm
@@ -70,27 +68,40 @@
     return full_vm(args)
 def run_vm_code(imagename, code):
-    return open_image(['-r', code])
-def execute_vm_method(imagename, selector, receiver_num = None, string_arg=None):
-    args = ['-m', selector, '-n', receiver_num]
+    return open_image(imagename, ['-r', code])
+def execute_vm_method(imagename, selector, receiver_num=None, string_arg=None):
+    args = ['-m', selector]
     if string_arg:
         args.extend(['-a', string_arg])
     if receiver_num:
         args.extend(['-n', receiver_num])
-    return open_image(args)
+    return open_image(imagename, args)
 def main():
-    # func = perform(model.W_SmallInteger(1000), 'loopTest2')
-    # func = perform(model.W_SmallInteger(777), 'name')
-    # func = execute_frame([returnReceiver], [], [model.W_SmallInteger(42)])
-    # func = run_vm_code("mini.image", "^5+6")
+    # ===== First define which image we are going to use.
+    imagename = "mini.image"
+    # imagename = "minitest.image"
+    # imagename = "Squeak4.5-noBitBlt.image"
+    # ===== These entry-points pre-load the image and execute just a single frame.
+    # func = perform(imagename, model.W_SmallInteger(1000), 'loopTest2')
+    func = perform(imagename, model.W_SmallInteger(777), 'name')
+    # func = execute_frame(imagename, [returnReceiver], [], [model.W_SmallInteger(42)])
+    # ===== These execute the complete interpreter
+    # XXX These do not work because loading the image file while meta-interpreting always leads to 
+    # a 'Bad file descriptor' error.
     # func = execute_vm_method("mini.image", "name", 33)
-    func = open_image("Squeak4.5-noBitBlt.image")
+    # func = run_vm_code(imagename, "^5+6")
+    # func = execute_vm_method(imagename, "name", 33)
+    # func = open_image(imagename)
+    # ===== Now we can either simply execute the entry-point, or meta-interpret it (showing all encountered loops).
     # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
-    # print_result(func())
-    meta_interp(func)
+    # res = func()
+    res = meta_interp(func)
+    print_result(res)
 # This is for execution using pytest.py. This way you can get a pdb on assertion-errors etc.
 # Execute e.g. $ pypy ../pypy/pytest.py spyvm/test/jit.py -s --pdb -k test_main

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