[pypy-commit] pypy rpython-doc: Separate RPython FAQ entries.

Manuel Jacob noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Sat Feb 23 21:40:08 CET 2013

Author: Manuel Jacob
Branch: rpython-doc
Changeset: r61693:67621cc8a2cc
Date: 2013-02-23 18:13 +0100

Log:	Separate RPython FAQ entries.

diff --git a/pypy/doc/faq.rst b/pypy/doc/faq.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/faq.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/faq.rst
@@ -200,208 +200,3 @@
 This will disable SELinux's protection and allow PyPy to configure correctly.
 Be sure to enable it again if you need it!
-The RPython translation tool chain
-Can RPython compile normal Python programs to C?
-No, RPython is not a Python compiler.
-In Python, it is mostly impossible to *prove* anything about the types
-that a program will manipulate by doing a static analysis.  It should be
-clear if you are familiar with Python, but if in doubt see [BRETT]_.
-If you want a fast Python program, please use the PyPy JIT_ instead.
-.. _JIT: jit/index.html
-.. [BRETT] Brett Cannon,
-           Localized Type Inference of Atomic Types in Python,
-           http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
-.. _`PyPy's RPython`: 
-What is this RPython language?
-RPython is a restricted subset of the Python language.   It is used for 
-implementing dynamic language interpreters within the PyPy toolchain.  The
-restrictions ensure that type inference (and so, ultimately, translation
-to other languages) of RPython programs is possible. 
-The property of "being RPython" always applies to a full program, not to single
-functions or modules (the translation toolchain does a full program analysis).
-The translation toolchain follows all calls
-recursively and discovers what belongs to the program and what does not.
-RPython program restrictions mostly limit the ability
-to mix types in arbitrary ways. RPython does not allow the binding of two
-different types in the same variable. In this respect (and in some others) it
-feels a bit like Java. Other features not allowed in RPython are the use of
-special methods (``__xxx__``) except ``__init__`` and ``__del__``, and the
-use of reflection capabilities (e.g. ``__dict__``).
-You cannot use most existing standard library modules from RPython.  The
-exceptions are
-some functions in ``os``, ``math`` and ``time`` that have native support.
-To read more about the RPython limitations read the `RPython description`_.
-.. _`RPython description`: coding-guide.html#restricted-python
-Does RPython have anything to do with Zope's Restricted Python?
-No.  `Zope's RestrictedPython`_ aims to provide a sandboxed 
-execution environment for CPython.   `PyPy's RPython`_ is the implementation
-language for dynamic language interpreters.  However, PyPy also provides 
-a robust `sandboxed Python Interpreter`_. 
-.. _`sandboxed Python Interpreter`: sandbox.html
-.. _`Zope's RestrictedPython`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/RestrictedPython
-What's the ``"NOT_RPYTHON"`` I see in some docstrings?
-If you put "NOT_RPYTHON" into the docstring of a function and that function is
-found while trying to translate an RPython program, the translation process
-stops and reports this as an error. You can therefore mark functions as
-"NOT_RPYTHON" to make sure that they are never analyzed.
-Couldn't we simply take a Python syntax tree and turn it into Lisp?
-It's not necessarily nonsense, but it's not really The PyPy Way.  It's
-pretty hard, without some kind of type inference, to translate this
-    a + b
-into anything significantly more efficient than this Common Lisp::
-    (py:add a b)
-And making type inference possible is what RPython is all about.
-You could make ``#'py:add`` a generic function and see if a given CLOS
-implementation is fast enough to give a useful speed (but I think the
-coercion rules would probably drive you insane first).  -- mwh
-Do I have to rewrite my programs in RPython?
-No, and you shouldn't try.  First and foremost, RPython is a language
-designed for writing interpreters. It is a restricted subset of
-Python.  If you program is not an interpreter but tries to do "real
-things", like use *any* part of the standard Python library or *any*
-3rd-party library, then it is not RPython to start with.  You should
-only look at RPython if you try to `write your own interpreter`__.
-.. __: `how do I compile my own interpreters`_
-If your goal is to speed up Python code, then look at the regular PyPy,
-which is a full and compliant Python 2.7 interpreter (which happens to
-be written in RPython).  Not only is it not necessary for you to rewrite
-your code in RPython, it might not give you any speed improvements even
-if you manage to.
-Yes, it is possible with enough effort to compile small self-contained
-pieces of RPython code doing a few performance-sensitive things.  But
-this case is not interesting for us.  If you needed to rewrite the code
-in RPython, you could as well have rewritten it in C for example.  The
-latter is a much more supported, much more documented language `:-)`
-Which backends are there for the RPython toolchain?
-Currently, there are backends for C_, the CLI_, and the JVM_.
-All of these can translate the entire PyPy interpreter.
-To learn more about backends take a look at the `translation document`_.
-.. _C: translation.html#the-c-back-end
-.. _CLI: cli-backend.html
-.. _JVM: translation.html#genjvm
-.. _`translation document`: translation.html
-Could we use LLVM?
-In theory yes.  But we tried to use it 5 or 6 times already, as a
-translation backend or as a JIT backend --- and failed each time.
-In more details: using LLVM as a (static) translation backend is
-pointless nowadays because you can generate C code and compile it with
-clang.  (Note that compiling PyPy with clang gives a result that is not
-faster than compiling it with gcc.)  We might in theory get extra
-benefits from LLVM's GC integration, but this requires more work on the
-LLVM side before it would be remotely useful.  Anyway, it could be
-interfaced via a custom primitive in the C code.
-On the other hand, using LLVM as our JIT backend looks interesting as
-well --- but again we made an attempt, and it failed: LLVM has no way to
-patch the generated machine code.
-So the position of the core PyPy developers is that if anyone wants to
-make an N+1'th attempt with LLVM, he is welcome, and he will receive a
-bit of help on the IRC channel, but he is left with the burden of proof
-that it works.
-How do I compile PyPy?
-See the `getting-started`_ guide.
-.. _`getting-started`: getting-started-python.html
-.. _`how do I compile my own interpreters`:
-How do I compile my own interpreters?
-Begin by reading `Andrew Brown's tutorial`_ .
-.. _`Andrew Brown's tutorial`: http://morepypy.blogspot.com/2011/04/tutorial-writing-interpreter-with-pypy.html
-Can RPython modules for PyPy be translated independently?
-No, you have to rebuild the entire interpreter.  This means two things:
-* It is imperative to use test-driven development.  You have to exhaustively
-  test your module in pure Python, before even attempting to
-  translate it.  Once you translate it, you should have only a few typing
-  issues left to fix, but otherwise the result should work out of the box.
-* Second, and perhaps most important: do you have a really good reason
-  for writing the module in RPython in the first place?  Nowadays you
-  should really look at alternatives, like writing it in pure Python,
-  using ctypes if it needs to call C code.  Other alternatives are being
-  developed too (as of summer 2011), like a Cython binding.
-In this context it is not that important to be able to translate
-RPython modules independently of translating the complete interpreter.
-(It could be done given enough efforts, but it's a really serious
-undertaking.  Consider it as quite unlikely for now.)
-Why does PyPy draw a Mandelbrot fractal while translating?
-Because it's fun.
-.. include:: _ref.txt
diff --git a/rpython/doc/faq.rst b/rpython/doc/faq.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpython/doc/faq.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+Frequently Asked Questions
+.. contents::
+The RPython translation tool chain
+Can RPython compile normal Python programs to C?
+No, RPython is not a Python compiler.
+In Python, it is mostly impossible to *prove* anything about the types
+that a program will manipulate by doing a static analysis.  It should be
+clear if you are familiar with Python, but if in doubt see [BRETT]_.
+If you want a fast Python program, please use the PyPy JIT_ instead.
+.. _JIT: jit/index.html
+.. [BRETT] Brett Cannon,
+           Localized Type Inference of Atomic Types in Python,
+           http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
+.. _`PyPy's RPython`: 
+What is this RPython language?
+RPython is a restricted subset of the Python language.   It is used for 
+implementing dynamic language interpreters within the PyPy toolchain.  The
+restrictions ensure that type inference (and so, ultimately, translation
+to other languages) of RPython programs is possible. 
+The property of "being RPython" always applies to a full program, not to single
+functions or modules (the translation toolchain does a full program analysis).
+The translation toolchain follows all calls
+recursively and discovers what belongs to the program and what does not.
+RPython program restrictions mostly limit the ability
+to mix types in arbitrary ways. RPython does not allow the binding of two
+different types in the same variable. In this respect (and in some others) it
+feels a bit like Java. Other features not allowed in RPython are the use of
+special methods (``__xxx__``) except ``__init__`` and ``__del__``, and the
+use of reflection capabilities (e.g. ``__dict__``).
+You cannot use most existing standard library modules from RPython.  The
+exceptions are
+some functions in ``os``, ``math`` and ``time`` that have native support.
+To read more about the RPython limitations read the `RPython description`_.
+.. _`RPython description`: coding-guide.html#restricted-python
+Does RPython have anything to do with Zope's Restricted Python?
+No.  `Zope's RestrictedPython`_ aims to provide a sandboxed 
+execution environment for CPython.   `PyPy's RPython`_ is the implementation
+language for dynamic language interpreters.  However, PyPy also provides 
+a robust `sandboxed Python Interpreter`_. 
+.. _`sandboxed Python Interpreter`: sandbox.html
+.. _`Zope's RestrictedPython`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/RestrictedPython
+What's the ``"NOT_RPYTHON"`` I see in some docstrings?
+If you put "NOT_RPYTHON" into the docstring of a function and that function is
+found while trying to translate an RPython program, the translation process
+stops and reports this as an error. You can therefore mark functions as
+"NOT_RPYTHON" to make sure that they are never analyzed.
+Couldn't we simply take a Python syntax tree and turn it into Lisp?
+It's not necessarily nonsense, but it's not really The PyPy Way.  It's
+pretty hard, without some kind of type inference, to translate this
+    a + b
+into anything significantly more efficient than this Common Lisp::
+    (py:add a b)
+And making type inference possible is what RPython is all about.
+You could make ``#'py:add`` a generic function and see if a given CLOS
+implementation is fast enough to give a useful speed (but I think the
+coercion rules would probably drive you insane first).  -- mwh
+Do I have to rewrite my programs in RPython?
+No, and you shouldn't try.  First and foremost, RPython is a language
+designed for writing interpreters. It is a restricted subset of
+Python.  If you program is not an interpreter but tries to do "real
+things", like use *any* part of the standard Python library or *any*
+3rd-party library, then it is not RPython to start with.  You should
+only look at RPython if you try to `write your own interpreter`__.
+.. __: `how do I compile my own interpreters`_
+If your goal is to speed up Python code, then look at the regular PyPy,
+which is a full and compliant Python 2.7 interpreter (which happens to
+be written in RPython).  Not only is it not necessary for you to rewrite
+your code in RPython, it might not give you any speed improvements even
+if you manage to.
+Yes, it is possible with enough effort to compile small self-contained
+pieces of RPython code doing a few performance-sensitive things.  But
+this case is not interesting for us.  If you needed to rewrite the code
+in RPython, you could as well have rewritten it in C for example.  The
+latter is a much more supported, much more documented language `:-)`
+Which backends are there for the RPython toolchain?
+Currently, there are backends for C_, the CLI_, and the JVM_.
+All of these can translate the entire PyPy interpreter.
+To learn more about backends take a look at the `translation document`_.
+.. _C: translation.html#the-c-back-end
+.. _CLI: cli-backend.html
+.. _JVM: translation.html#genjvm
+.. _`translation document`: translation.html
+Could we use LLVM?
+In theory yes.  But we tried to use it 5 or 6 times already, as a
+translation backend or as a JIT backend --- and failed each time.
+In more details: using LLVM as a (static) translation backend is
+pointless nowadays because you can generate C code and compile it with
+clang.  (Note that compiling PyPy with clang gives a result that is not
+faster than compiling it with gcc.)  We might in theory get extra
+benefits from LLVM's GC integration, but this requires more work on the
+LLVM side before it would be remotely useful.  Anyway, it could be
+interfaced via a custom primitive in the C code.
+On the other hand, using LLVM as our JIT backend looks interesting as
+well --- but again we made an attempt, and it failed: LLVM has no way to
+patch the generated machine code.
+So the position of the core PyPy developers is that if anyone wants to
+make an N+1'th attempt with LLVM, he is welcome, and he will receive a
+bit of help on the IRC channel, but he is left with the burden of proof
+that it works.
+How do I compile PyPy?
+See the `getting-started`_ guide.
+.. _`getting-started`: getting-started-python.html
+.. _`how do I compile my own interpreters`:
+How do I compile my own interpreters?
+Begin by reading `Andrew Brown's tutorial`_ .
+.. _`Andrew Brown's tutorial`: http://morepypy.blogspot.com/2011/04/tutorial-writing-interpreter-with-pypy.html
+Can RPython modules for PyPy be translated independently?
+No, you have to rebuild the entire interpreter.  This means two things:
+* It is imperative to use test-driven development.  You have to exhaustively
+  test your module in pure Python, before even attempting to
+  translate it.  Once you translate it, you should have only a few typing
+  issues left to fix, but otherwise the result should work out of the box.
+* Second, and perhaps most important: do you have a really good reason
+  for writing the module in RPython in the first place?  Nowadays you
+  should really look at alternatives, like writing it in pure Python,
+  using ctypes if it needs to call C code.  Other alternatives are being
+  developed too (as of summer 2011), like a Cython binding.
+In this context it is not that important to be able to translate
+RPython modules independently of translating the complete interpreter.
+(It could be done given enough efforts, but it's a really serious
+undertaking.  Consider it as quite unlikely for now.)
+Why does PyPy draw a Mandelbrot fractal while translating?
+Because it's fun.

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