[pypy-commit] cffi auto-types: Add all standard Windows types (as per a list from some official-looking

arigo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Sun Feb 10 20:12:16 CET 2013

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: auto-types
Changeset: r1144:34f7feebf13d
Date: 2013-02-10 20:11 +0100

Log:	Add all standard Windows types (as per a list from some official-
	looking page of the MS site).

diff --git a/cffi/commontypes.py b/cffi/commontypes.py
--- a/cffi/commontypes.py
+++ b/cffi/commontypes.py
@@ -1,12 +1,246 @@
+import sys
 from . import api, model
     'FILE': model.unknown_type('FILE', '_IO_FILE'),
-    'bool': model.PrimitiveType('_Bool'),
+    'bool': '_Bool',
 for _type in model.PrimitiveType.ALL_PRIMITIVE_TYPES:
     if _type.endswith('_t'):
-        COMMON_TYPES[_type] = model.PrimitiveType(_type)
+        COMMON_TYPES[_type] = _type
 del _type
+_CACHE = {}
+def resolve_common_type(commontype):
+    try:
+        return _CACHE[commontype]
+    except KeyError:
+        result = COMMON_TYPES.get(commontype, commontype)
+        if not isinstance(result, str):
+            pass    # result is already a BaseType
+        elif result.endswith(' *'):
+            if result.startswith('const '):
+                result = model.ConstPointerType(
+                    resolve_common_type(result[6:-2]))
+            else:
+                result = model.PointerType(resolve_common_type(result[:-2]))
+        elif result in model.PrimitiveType.ALL_PRIMITIVE_TYPES:
+            result = model.PrimitiveType(result)
+        else:
+            assert commontype != result
+            result = resolve_common_type(result)   # recursively
+        assert isinstance(result, model.BaseTypeByIdentity)
+        _CACHE[commontype] = result
+        return result
+# ____________________________________________________________
+# Windows common types
+def win_common_types(maxsize):
+    result = {}
+    if maxsize < (1<<32):
+        result.update({      # Windows 32-bits
+            'HALF_PTR': 'short',
+            'INT_PTR': 'int',
+            'LONG_PTR': 'long',
+            'UHALF_PTR': 'unsigned short',
+            'UINT_PTR': 'unsigned int',
+            'ULONG_PTR': 'unsigned long',
+            })
+    else:
+        result.update({      # Windows 64-bits
+            'HALF_PTR': 'int',
+            'INT_PTR': 'long long',
+            'LONG_PTR': 'long long',
+            'UHALF_PTR': 'unsigned int',
+            'UINT_PTR': 'unsigned long long',
+            'ULONG_PTR': 'unsigned long long',
+            })
+    result.update({
+        "BYTE": "unsigned char",
+        "BOOL": "int",
+        "CCHAR": "char",
+        "CHAR": "char",
+        "DWORD": "unsigned long",
+        "DWORD32": "unsigned int",
+        "DWORD64": "unsigned long long",
+        "FLOAT": "float",
+        "INT": "int",
+        "INT8": "signed char",
+        "INT16": "short",
+        "INT32": "int",
+        "INT64": "long long",
+        "LONG": "long",
+        "LONGLONG": "long long",
+        "LONG32": "int",
+        "LONG64": "long long",
+        "WORD": "unsigned short",
+        "PVOID": model.voidp_type,
+        "ULONGLONG": "unsigned long long",
+        "WCHAR": "wchar_t",
+        "SHORT": "short",
+        "TBYTE": "WCHAR",
+        "TCHAR": "WCHAR",
+        "UCHAR": "unsigned char",
+        "UINT": "unsigned int",
+        "UINT8": "unsigned char",
+        "UINT16": "unsigned short",
+        "UINT32": "unsigned int",
+        "UINT64": "unsigned long long",
+        "ULONG": "unsigned long",
+        "ULONG32": "unsigned int",
+        "ULONG64": "unsigned long long",
+        "USHORT": "unsigned short",
+        "SIZE_T": "ULONG_PTR",
+        "SSIZE_T": "LONG_PTR",
+        "ATOM": "WORD",
+        "BOOLEAN": "BYTE",
+        "COLORREF": "DWORD",
+        "HANDLE": "PVOID",
+        "DWORD_PTR": "ULONG_PTR",
+        "HACCEL": "HANDLE",
+        "HBITMAP": "HANDLE",
+        "HBRUSH": "HANDLE",
+        "HCONV": "HANDLE",
+        "HCONVLIST": "HANDLE",
+        "HDC": "HANDLE",
+        "HDDEDATA": "HANDLE",
+        "HDESK": "HANDLE",
+        "HDROP": "HANDLE",
+        "HDWP": "HANDLE",
+        "HFILE": "int",
+        "HFONT": "HANDLE",
+        "HGDIOBJ": "HANDLE",
+        "HGLOBAL": "HANDLE",
+        "HHOOK": "HANDLE",
+        "HICON": "HANDLE",
+        "HCURSOR": "HICON",
+        "HINSTANCE": "HANDLE",
+        "HKEY": "HANDLE",
+        "HKL": "HANDLE",
+        "HLOCAL": "HANDLE",
+        "HMENU": "HANDLE",
+        "HMETAFILE": "HANDLE",
+        "HMODULE": "HINSTANCE",
+        "HMONITOR": "HANDLE",
+        "HPALETTE": "HANDLE",
+        "HPEN": "HANDLE",
+        "HRESULT": "LONG",
+        "HRGN": "HANDLE",
+        "HRSRC": "HANDLE",
+        "HSZ": "HANDLE",
+        "WINSTA": "HANDLE",
+        "HWND": "HANDLE",
+        "LANGID": "WORD",
+        "LCID": "DWORD",
+        "LCTYPE": "DWORD",
+        "LGRPID": "DWORD",
+        "LPARAM": "LONG_PTR",
+        "LPBOOL": "BOOL *",
+        "LPBYTE": "BYTE *",
+        "LPCOLORREF": "DWORD *",
+        "LPCSTR": "const char *",
+        "LPCVOID": model.const_voidp_type,
+        "LPCWSTR": "const WCHAR *",
+        "LPCTSTR": "LPCWSTR",
+        "LPDWORD": "DWORD *",
+        "LPHANDLE": "HANDLE *",
+        "LPINT": "int *",
+        "LPLONG": "long *",
+        "LPSTR": "CHAR *",
+        "LPWSTR": "WCHAR *",
+        "LPTSTR": "LPWSTR",
+        "LPVOID": model.voidp_type,
+        "LPWORD": "WORD *",
+        "LRESULT": "LONG_PTR",
+        "PBOOL": "BOOL *",
+        "PBOOLEAN": "BOOLEAN *",
+        "PBYTE": "BYTE *",
+        "PCHAR": "CHAR *",
+        "PCSTR": "const CHAR *",
+        "PCTSTR": "LPCWSTR",
+        "PCWSTR": "const WCHAR *",
+        "PDWORD": "DWORD *",
+        "PDWORD_PTR": "DWORD_PTR *",
+        "PDWORD32": "DWORD32 *",
+        "PDWORD64": "DWORD64 *",
+        "PFLOAT": "FLOAT *",
+        "PHALF_PTR": "HALF_PTR *",
+        "PHANDLE": "HANDLE *",
+        "PHKEY": "HKEY *",
+        "PINT": "int *",
+        "PINT_PTR": "INT_PTR *",
+        "PINT8": "INT8 *",
+        "PINT16": "INT16 *",
+        "PINT32": "INT32 *",
+        "PINT64": "INT64 *",
+        "PLCID": "PDWORD",
+        "PLONG": "LONG *",
+        "PLONGLONG": "LONGLONG *",
+        "PLONG_PTR": "LONG_PTR *",
+        "PLONG32": "LONG32 *",
+        "PLONG64": "LONG64 *",
+        "PSHORT": "SHORT *",
+        "PSIZE_T": "SIZE_T *",
+        "PSSIZE_T": "SSIZE_T *",
+        "PSTR": "CHAR *",
+        "PTBYTE": "TBYTE *",
+        "PTCHAR": "TCHAR *",
+        "PTSTR": "LPWSTR",
+        "PUCHAR": "UCHAR *",
+        "PUHALF_PTR": "UHALF_PTR *",
+        "PUINT": "UINT *",
+        "PUINT_PTR": "UINT_PTR *",
+        "PUINT8": "UINT8 *",
+        "PUINT16": "UINT16 *",
+        "PUINT32": "UINT32 *",
+        "PUINT64": "UINT64 *",
+        "PULONG": "ULONG *",
+        "PULONG_PTR": "ULONG_PTR *",
+        "PULONG32": "ULONG32 *",
+        "PULONG64": "ULONG64 *",
+        "PUSHORT": "USHORT *",
+        "PWCHAR": "WCHAR *",
+        "PWORD": "WORD *",
+        "PWSTR": "WCHAR *",
+        "QWORD": "unsigned long long",
+        "SC_HANDLE": "HANDLE",
+        "SC_LOCK": "LPVOID",
+        "UNICODE_STRING": model.StructType(
+            "_UNICODE_STRING",
+            ["Length",
+             "MaximumLength",
+             "Buffer"],
+            [model.PrimitiveType("unsigned short"),
+             model.PrimitiveType("unsigned short"),
+             model.PointerType(model.PrimitiveType("wchar_t"))],
+            [-1, -1, -1]),
+        "USN": "LONGLONG",
+        "VOID": model.void_type,
+        "WPARAM": "UINT_PTR",
+        })
+    return result
+if sys.platform == 'win32':
+    COMMON_TYPES.update(win_common_types(sys.maxsize))
diff --git a/cffi/cparser.py b/cffi/cparser.py
--- a/cffi/cparser.py
+++ b/cffi/cparser.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 from . import api, model
-from .commontypes import COMMON_TYPES
+from .commontypes import COMMON_TYPES, resolve_common_type
 import pycparser.c_parser, weakref, re, sys
@@ -299,9 +299,7 @@
                     return model.void_type
                 if ident == '__dotdotdot__':
                     raise api.FFIError('bad usage of "..."')
-                if ident in COMMON_TYPES:
-                    return COMMON_TYPES[ident]
-                return model.PrimitiveType(ident)
+                return resolve_common_type(ident)
             if isinstance(type, pycparser.c_ast.Struct):
                 # 'struct foobar'
diff --git a/cffi/model.py b/cffi/model.py
--- a/cffi/model.py
+++ b/cffi/model.py
@@ -183,6 +183,8 @@
         BPtr = PointerType(self.totype).get_cached_btype(ffi, finishlist)
         return BPtr
+const_voidp_type = ConstPointerType(void_type)
 class NamedPointerType(PointerType):
     _attrs_ = ('totype', 'name')
diff --git a/testing/test_parsing.py b/testing/test_parsing.py
--- a/testing/test_parsing.py
+++ b/testing/test_parsing.py
@@ -222,3 +222,35 @@
     ffi = FFI()
     ffi.cdef("typedef _Bool bool; void f(bool);")
+def test_win_common_types():
+    from cffi.commontypes import COMMON_TYPES, _CACHE
+    from cffi.commontypes import win_common_types, resolve_common_type
+    #
+    def clear_all(extra={}, old_dict=COMMON_TYPES.copy()):
+        COMMON_TYPES.clear()
+        COMMON_TYPES.update(old_dict)
+        COMMON_TYPES.update(extra)
+        _CACHE.clear()
+    #
+    for maxsize in [2**32-1, 2**64-1]:
+        ct = win_common_types(maxsize)
+        clear_all(ct)
+        for key in sorted(ct):
+            resolve_common_type(key)
+    # assert did not crash
+    # now try to use e.g. WPARAM (-> UINT_PTR -> unsigned 32/64-bit)
+    for maxsize in [2**32-1, 2**64-1]:
+        ct = win_common_types(maxsize)
+        clear_all(ct)
+        ffi = FFI()
+        value = int(ffi.cast("WPARAM", -1))
+        assert value == maxsize
+    #
+    clear_all()
+def test_WPARAM_on_windows():
+    if sys.platform != 'win32':
+        py.test.skip("Only for Windows")
+    ffi = FFI()
+    ffi.cdef("void f(WPARAM);")

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