[pypy-commit] pypy stm-thread-2: Kill these two files too.

arigo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Mon Sep 3 19:45:07 CEST 2012

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: stm-thread-2
Changeset: r57099:e089fbd249d8
Date: 2012-09-03 16:16 +0200

Log:	Kill these two files too.

diff --git a/pypy/translator/stm/gcsource.py b/pypy/translator/stm/gcsource.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/translator/stm/gcsource.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-from pypy.objspace.flow.model import Variable, Constant
-from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import lltype, rclass
-from pypy.translator.simplify import get_graph
-    'force_cast', 'cast_pointer', 'same_as', 'cast_opaque_ptr',
-    'jit_force_virtual',
-    # as well as most 'hint' operations, but not all --- see below
-    ])
-def is_gc(var_or_const):
-    TYPE = var_or_const.concretetype
-    return isinstance(TYPE, lltype.Ptr) and TYPE.TO._gckind == 'gc'
-def enum_gc_dependencies(translator):
-    """Enumerate pairs (var-or-const-or-op, var) that together describe
-    the whole control flow of GC pointers in the program.  If the source
-    is a SpaceOperation, it means 'produced by this operation but we can't
-    follow what this operation does'.  The source is a string to describe
-    special cases.
-    """
-    # Tracking dependencies of only GC pointers simplifies the logic here.
-    # We don't have to worry about external calls and callbacks.
-    # This works by assuming that each graph's calls are fully tracked
-    # by the last argument to 'indirect_call'.  Graphs for which we don't
-    # find any call like this are assumed to be not called at all, e.g.
-    # as a result of having been inlined everywhere.
-    resultlist = []
-    #
-    def call(graph, args, result):
-        inputargs = graph.getargs()
-        assert len(args) == len(inputargs)
-        for v1, v2 in zip(args, inputargs):
-            ig = is_gc(v1)
-            assert ig is is_gc(v2)
-            if ig:
-                resultlist.append((v1, v2))
-        v = graph.getreturnvar()
-        ig = is_gc(result)
-        assert ig is is_gc(v)
-        if ig:
-            resultlist.append((v, result))
-    #
-    for graph in translator.graphs:
-        for block in graph.iterblocks():
-            for op in block.operations:
-                #
-                if (op.opname in COPIES_POINTER or
-                        (op.opname == 'hint' and
-                         'stm_write' not in op.args[1].value)):
-                    if is_gc(op.result) and is_gc(op.args[0]):
-                        resultlist.append((op.args[0], op.result))
-                        continue
-                #
-                if op.opname == 'direct_call':
-                    tograph = get_graph(op.args[0], translator)
-                    if tograph is not None:
-                        call(tograph, op.args[1:], op.result)
-                        continue
-                #
-                if op.opname == 'indirect_call':
-                    # any GC argument or result?
-                    for v in op.args[:-1]:
-                        if is_gc(v):
-                            break
-                    else:
-                        if not is_gc(op.result):
-                            continue    # no: ignore the indirect_call
-                    #
-                    tographs = op.args[-1].value
-                    if tographs is not None:
-                        for tograph in tographs:
-                            call(tograph, op.args[1:-1], op.result)
-                        continue
-                    # special-case to detect 'instantiate'
-                    is_instantiate = False
-                    v_func = op.args[0]
-                    for op1 in block.operations:
-                        if (v_func is op1.result and
-                            op1.opname == 'getfield' and
-                            op1.args[0].concretetype == rclass.CLASSTYPE and
-                            op1.args[1].value == 'instantiate'):
-                            is_instantiate = True
-                            break
-                    if is_instantiate:
-                        resultlist.append(('instantiate', op.result))
-                        continue
-                    #
-                    # unknwon targets, passing GC arguments or result:
-                    # check that there is already a stm_writebarrier
-                    # protecting all GC arguments.  The stm_writebarrier
-                    # must be inserted manually.  Only for jit.backend's
-                    # bh_call_x().
-                    writebarriers = set()
-                    for op1 in block.operations:
-                        if op1.opname == 'stm_writebarrier':
-                            writebarriers.add(op1.result)
-                    for v in op.args[1:-1]:
-                        if is_gc(v) and v not in writebarriers:
-                            raise Exception("%r: unknown targets, passing "
-                                            "unprotected GC arguments" % (op,))
-                    # the result is listed in a normal dependency.
-                #
-                if is_gc(op.result):
-                    resultlist.append((op, op.result))
-            #
-            for link in block.exits:
-                for v1, v2 in zip(link.args, link.target.inputargs):
-                    ig = is_gc(v2)
-                    assert ig is is_gc(v1)
-                    if ig:
-                        if v1 is link.last_exc_value:
-                            v1 = 'last_exc_value'
-                        resultlist.append((v1, v2))
-    return resultlist
-class GcSource(object):
-    """Works like a dict {gcptr-var: set-of-sources}.  A source is a
-    Constant, or a SpaceOperation that creates the value, or a string
-    which describes a special case."""
-    def __init__(self, translator):
-        self.translator = translator
-        self._backmapping = {}
-        for v1, v2 in enum_gc_dependencies(translator):
-            self._backmapping.setdefault(v2, []).append(v1)
-    def __getitem__(self, variable):
-        set_of_origins, set_of_variables = self._backpropagate(variable)
-        return set_of_origins
-    def backpropagate(self, variable):
-        set_of_origins, set_of_variables = self._backpropagate(variable)
-        return set_of_variables
-    def _backpropagate(self, variable):
-        if isinstance(variable, Constant):
-            return set([variable]), set()
-        result = set()
-        pending = [variable]
-        seen = set(pending)
-        for v2 in pending:
-            for v1 in self._backmapping.get(v2, ()):
-                if isinstance(v1, Variable):
-                    if v1 not in seen:
-                        seen.add(v1)
-                        pending.append(v1)
-                else:
-                    result.add(v1)
-        return result, seen
diff --git a/pypy/translator/stm/localtracker.py b/pypy/translator/stm/localtracker.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/translator/stm/localtracker.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-from pypy.translator.stm.gcsource import GcSource
-from pypy.objspace.flow.model import Variable, Constant, SpaceOperation
-    'malloc', 'malloc_varsize', 'malloc_nonmovable',
-    'malloc_nonmovable_varsize',
-    'stm_writebarrier',
-    ])
-ENSURED_LOCAL_VARS = False      # not needed for now
-class StmLocalTracker(object):
-    """Tracker to determine which pointers are statically known to point
-    to local objects.  Here, 'local' versus 'global' is meant in the sense
-    of the stmgc: a pointer is 'local' if it goes to the thread-local memory,
-    and 'global' if it points to the shared read-only memory area."""
-    def __init__(self, translator):
-        self.translator = translator
-        self.gsrc = GcSource(translator)
-        # Set of variables on which we have called try_ensure_local()
-        # and it returned True, or recursively the variables that
-        # these variables depend on.  It is the set of variables
-        # holding a value that we really want to be local.  It does
-        # not contain the variables that happen to be local but whose
-        # locality is not useful any more.
-            self.ensured_local_vars = set()
-    def try_ensure_local(self, *variables):
-        for variable in variables:
-            if not self._could_be_local(variable):
-                return False   # one of the passed-in variables cannot be local
-        #
-        # they could all be locals, so flag them and their dependencies
-        # and return True
-            for variable in variables:
-                if (isinstance(variable, Variable) and
-                        variable not in self.ensured_local_vars):
-                    depends_on = self.gsrc.backpropagate(variable)
-                    self.ensured_local_vars.update(depends_on)
-        return True
-    def _could_be_local(self, variable):
-        srcs = self.gsrc[variable]
-        for src in srcs:
-            if isinstance(src, SpaceOperation):
-                if src.opname in RETURNS_LOCAL_POINTER:
-                    continue
-                if src.opname == 'hint' and 'stm_write' in src.args[1].value:
-                    continue
-                self.reason = src
-                return False
-            elif isinstance(src, Constant):
-                if src.value:     # a NULL pointer is still valid as local
-                    self.reason = src
-                    return False
-            elif src == 'instantiate':
-                pass
-            elif isinstance(src, str):
-                self.reason = src
-                return False
-            else:
-                raise AssertionError(repr(src))
-        return True
-    def assert_local(self, variable, graph='?'):
-        if self.try_ensure_local(variable):
-            return   # fine
-        else:
-            raise AssertionError(
-                "assert_local() failed (%s, %s):\n%r" % (variable, graph,
-                                                         self.reason))

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