[pypy-commit] pypy py3k: cPickle was renamed to _pickle.

amauryfa noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Mon Nov 19 23:51:42 CET 2012

Author: Amaury Forgeot d'Arc <amauryfa at gmail.com>
Branch: py3k
Changeset: r59010:feec18d676e0
Date: 2012-11-19 23:24 +0100

Log:	cPickle was renamed to _pickle. Adapt to py3k and fix most tests in

diff --git a/lib_pypy/cPickle.py b/lib_pypy/_pickle.py
rename from lib_pypy/cPickle.py
rename to lib_pypy/_pickle.py
--- a/lib_pypy/cPickle.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/_pickle.py
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
 import marshal
 import struct
 import sys
-from pickle import Pickler, dump, dumps, PickleError, PicklingError, UnpicklingError, _EmptyClass
+import io
+from pickle import _Pickler, _Unpickler, dump, dumps, PickleError, PicklingError, UnpicklingError
 from pickle import __doc__, __version__, format_version, compatible_formats
 from types import *
 from copyreg import dispatch_table
@@ -15,103 +16,125 @@
 except ImportError: builtinify = lambda f: f
 # These are purely informational; no code uses these.
-format_version = "2.0"                  # File format version we write
+format_version = "3.0"                  # File format version we write
 compatible_formats = ["1.0",            # Original protocol 0
                       "1.1",            # Protocol 0 with INST added
                       "1.2",            # Original protocol 1
                       "1.3",            # Protocol 1 with BINFLOAT added
                       "2.0",            # Protocol 2
+                      "3.0",            # Protocol 3
                       ]                 # Old format versions we can read
 # Keep in synch with cPickle.  This is the highest protocol number we
 # know how to read.
+# The protocol we write by default.  May be less than HIGHEST_PROTOCOL.
+# We intentionally write a protocol that Python 2.x cannot read;
+# there are too many issues with that.
 BadPickleGet = KeyError
-UnpickleableError = PicklingError
-MARK            = ord('(')   # push special markobject on stack
-STOP            = ord('.')   # every pickle ends with STOP
-POP             = ord('0')   # discard topmost stack item
-POP_MARK        = ord('1')   # discard stack top through topmost markobject
-DUP             = ord('2')   # duplicate top stack item
-FLOAT           = ord('F')   # push float object; decimal string argument
-INT             = ord('I')   # push integer or bool; decimal string argument
-BININT          = ord('J')   # push four-byte signed int
-BININT1         = ord('K')   # push 1-byte unsigned int
-LONG            = ord('L')   # push long; decimal string argument
-BININT2         = ord('M')   # push 2-byte unsigned int
-NONE            = ord('N')   # push None
-PERSID          = ord('P')   # push persistent object; id is taken from string arg
-BINPERSID       = ord('Q')   #  "       "         "  ;  "  "   "     "  stack
-REDUCE          = ord('R')   # apply callable to argtuple, both on stack
-STRING          = ord('S')   # push string; NL-terminated string argument
-BINSTRING       = ord('T')   # push string; counted binary string argument
-SHORT_BINSTRING = ord('U')   #  "     "   ;    "      "       "      " < 256 bytes
-UNICODE         = ord('V')   # push Unicode string; raw-unicode-escaped'd argument
-BINUNICODE      = ord('X')   #   "     "       "  ; counted UTF-8 string argument
-APPEND          = ord('a')   # append stack top to list below it
-BUILD           = ord('b')   # call __setstate__ or __dict__.update()
-GLOBAL          = ord('c')   # push self.find_class(modname, name); 2 string args
-DICT            = ord('d')   # build a dict from stack items
-EMPTY_DICT      = ord('}')   # push empty dict
-APPENDS         = ord('e')   # extend list on stack by topmost stack slice
-GET             = ord('g')   # push item from memo on stack; index is string arg
-BINGET          = ord('h')   #   "    "    "    "   "   "  ;   "    " 1-byte arg
-INST            = ord('i')   # build & push class instance
-LONG_BINGET     = ord('j')   # push item from memo on stack; index is 4-byte arg
-LIST            = ord('l')   # build list from topmost stack items
-EMPTY_LIST      = ord(']')   # push empty list
-OBJ             = ord('o')   # build & push class instance
-PUT             = ord('p')   # store stack top in memo; index is string arg
-BINPUT          = ord('q')   #   "     "    "   "   " ;   "    " 1-byte arg
-LONG_BINPUT     = ord('r')   #   "     "    "   "   " ;   "    " 4-byte arg
-SETITEM         = ord('s')   # add key+value pair to dict
-TUPLE           = ord('t')   # build tuple from topmost stack items
-EMPTY_TUPLE     = ord(')')   # push empty tuple
-SETITEMS        = ord('u')   # modify dict by adding topmost key+value pairs
-BINFLOAT        = ord('G')   # push float; arg is 8-byte float encoding
+# An instance of _Stop is raised by Unpickler.load_stop() in response to
+# the STOP opcode, passing the object that is the result of unpickling.
+class _Stop(Exception):
+    def __init__(self, value):
+        self.value = value
-TRUE            = 'I01\n'  # not an opcode; see INT docs in pickletools.py
-FALSE           = 'I00\n'  # not an opcode; see INT docs in pickletools.py
+# Jython has PyStringMap; it's a dict subclass with string keys
+    from org.python.core import PyStringMap
+except ImportError:
+    PyStringMap = None
+# Pickle opcodes.  See pickletools.py for extensive docs.  The listing
+# here is in kind-of alphabetical order of 1-character pickle code.
+# pickletools groups them by purpose.
+MARK           = b'('   # push special markobject on stack
+STOP           = b'.'   # every pickle ends with STOP
+POP            = b'0'   # discard topmost stack item
+POP_MARK       = b'1'   # discard stack top through topmost markobject
+DUP            = b'2'   # duplicate top stack item
+FLOAT          = b'F'   # push float object; decimal string argument
+INT            = b'I'   # push integer or bool; decimal string argument
+BININT         = b'J'   # push four-byte signed int
+BININT1        = b'K'   # push 1-byte unsigned int
+LONG           = b'L'   # push long; decimal string argument
+BININT2        = b'M'   # push 2-byte unsigned int
+NONE           = b'N'   # push None
+PERSID         = b'P'   # push persistent object; id is taken from string arg
+BINPERSID      = b'Q'   #  "       "         "  ;  "  "   "     "  stack
+REDUCE         = b'R'   # apply callable to argtuple, both on stack
+STRING         = b'S'   # push string; NL-terminated string argument
+BINSTRING      = b'T'   # push string; counted binary string argument
+SHORT_BINSTRING= b'U'   #  "     "   ;    "      "       "      " < 256 bytes
+UNICODE        = b'V'   # push Unicode string; raw-unicode-escaped'd argument
+BINUNICODE     = b'X'   #   "     "       "  ; counted UTF-8 string argument
+APPEND         = b'a'   # append stack top to list below it
+BUILD          = b'b'   # call __setstate__ or __dict__.update()
+GLOBAL         = b'c'   # push self.find_class(modname, name); 2 string args
+DICT           = b'd'   # build a dict from stack items
+EMPTY_DICT     = b'}'   # push empty dict
+APPENDS        = b'e'   # extend list on stack by topmost stack slice
+GET            = b'g'   # push item from memo on stack; index is string arg
+BINGET         = b'h'   #   "    "    "    "   "   "  ;   "    " 1-byte arg
+INST           = b'i'   # build & push class instance
+LONG_BINGET    = b'j'   # push item from memo on stack; index is 4-byte arg
+LIST           = b'l'   # build list from topmost stack items
+EMPTY_LIST     = b']'   # push empty list
+OBJ            = b'o'   # build & push class instance
+PUT            = b'p'   # store stack top in memo; index is string arg
+BINPUT         = b'q'   #   "     "    "   "   " ;   "    " 1-byte arg
+LONG_BINPUT    = b'r'   #   "     "    "   "   " ;   "    " 4-byte arg
+SETITEM        = b's'   # add key+value pair to dict
+TUPLE          = b't'   # build tuple from topmost stack items
+EMPTY_TUPLE    = b')'   # push empty tuple
+SETITEMS       = b'u'   # modify dict by adding topmost key+value pairs
+BINFLOAT       = b'G'   # push float; arg is 8-byte float encoding
+TRUE           = b'I01\n'  # not an opcode; see INT docs in pickletools.py
+FALSE          = b'I00\n'  # not an opcode; see INT docs in pickletools.py
 # Protocol 2
-PROTO           = ord('\x80')  # identify pickle protocol
-NEWOBJ          = ord('\x81')  # build object by applying cls.__new__ to argtuple
-EXT1            = ord('\x82')  # push object from extension registry; 1-byte index
-EXT2            = ord('\x83')  # ditto, but 2-byte index
-EXT4            = ord('\x84')  # ditto, but 4-byte index
-TUPLE1          = ord('\x85')  # build 1-tuple from stack top
-TUPLE2          = ord('\x86')  # build 2-tuple from two topmost stack items
-TUPLE3          = ord('\x87')  # build 3-tuple from three topmost stack items
-NEWTRUE         = ord('\x88')  # push True
-NEWFALSE        = ord('\x89')  # push False
-LONG1           = ord('\x8a')  # push long from < 256 bytes
-LONG4           = ord('\x8b')  # push really big long
+PROTO          = b'\x80'  # identify pickle protocol
+NEWOBJ         = b'\x81'  # build object by applying cls.__new__ to argtuple
+EXT1           = b'\x82'  # push object from extension registry; 1-byte index
+EXT2           = b'\x83'  # ditto, but 2-byte index
+EXT4           = b'\x84'  # ditto, but 4-byte index
+TUPLE1         = b'\x85'  # build 1-tuple from stack top
+TUPLE2         = b'\x86'  # build 2-tuple from two topmost stack items
+TUPLE3         = b'\x87'  # build 3-tuple from three topmost stack items
+NEWTRUE        = b'\x88'  # push True
+NEWFALSE       = b'\x89'  # push False
+LONG1          = b'\x8a'  # push long from < 256 bytes
+LONG4          = b'\x8b'  # push really big long
 _tuplesize2code = [EMPTY_TUPLE, TUPLE1, TUPLE2, TUPLE3]
+# Protocol 3 (Python 3.x)
+BINBYTES       = b'B'   # push bytes; counted binary string argument
+SHORT_BINBYTES = b'C'   #  "     "   ;    "      "       "      " < 256 bytes
 # ____________________________________________________________
 # XXX some temporary dark magic to produce pickled dumps that are
 #     closer to the ones produced by cPickle in CPython
-from pickle import StringIO
-PythonPickler = Pickler
-class Pickler(PythonPickler):
+class Pickler(_Pickler):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
         self.__f = None
         if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], int):
-            self.__f = StringIO()
-            PythonPickler.__init__(self, self.__f, args[0], **kw)
+            self.__f = io.BytesIO()
+            _Pickler.__init__(self, self.__f, args[0], **kw)
-            PythonPickler.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
+            _Pickler.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
     def memoize(self, obj):
         self.memo[id(None)] = None   # cPickle starts counting at one
-        return PythonPickler.memoize(self, obj)
+        return _Pickler.memoize(self, obj)
     def getvalue(self):
         return self.__f and self.__f.getvalue()
@@ -122,7 +145,7 @@
 def dumps(obj, protocol=None):
-    file = StringIO()
+    file = io.BytesIO()
     Pickler(file, protocol).dump(obj)
     return file.getvalue()
@@ -133,466 +156,18 @@
 # Unpickling machinery
-class Unpickler(object):
+class Unpickler(_Unpickler):
+    pass
-    def __init__(self, file):
-        """This takes a file-like object for reading a pickle data stream.
+from pickle import decode_long
-        The protocol version of the pickle is detected automatically, so no
-        proto argument is needed.
+def load(file, *, fix_imports=True, encoding="ASCII", errors="strict"):
+    return Unpickler(file, fix_imports=fix_imports,
+                     encoding=encoding, errors=errors).load()
-        The file-like object must have two methods, a read() method that
-        takes an integer argument, and a readline() method that requires no
-        arguments.  Both methods should return a string.  Thus file-like
-        object can be a file object opened for reading, a StringIO object,
-        or any other custom object that meets this interface.
-        """
-        self.readline = file.readline
-        self.read = file.read
-        self.memo = {}
-    def load(self):
-        """Read a pickled object representation from the open file.
-        Return the reconstituted object hierarchy specified in the file.
-        """
-        self.mark = object() # any new unique object
-        self.stack = []
-        self.append = self.stack.append
-        try:
-            key = ord(self.read(1))
-            while key != STOP:
-                self.dispatch[key](self)
-                key = ord(self.read(1))
-        except TypeError:
-            if self.read(1) == '':
-                raise EOFError
-            raise
-        return self.stack.pop()
-    # Return largest index k such that self.stack[k] is self.mark.
-    # If the stack doesn't contain a mark, eventually raises IndexError.
-    # This could be sped by maintaining another stack, of indices at which
-    # the mark appears.  For that matter, the latter stack would suffice,
-    # and we wouldn't need to push mark objects on self.stack at all.
-    # Doing so is probably a good thing, though, since if the pickle is
-    # corrupt (or hostile) we may get a clue from finding self.mark embedded
-    # in unpickled objects.
-    def marker(self):
-        k = len(self.stack)-1
-        while self.stack[k] is not self.mark: k -= 1
-        return k
-    dispatch = {}
-    def load_proto(self):
-        proto = ord(self.read(1))
-        if not 0 <= proto <= 2:
-            raise ValueError("unsupported pickle protocol: %d" % proto)
-    dispatch[PROTO] = load_proto
-    def load_persid(self):
-        pid = self.readline()[:-1]
-        self.append(self.persistent_load(pid))
-    dispatch[PERSID] = load_persid
-    def load_binpersid(self):
-        pid = self.stack.pop()
-        self.append(self.persistent_load(pid))
-    dispatch[BINPERSID] = load_binpersid
-    def load_none(self):
-        self.append(None)
-    dispatch[NONE] = load_none
-    def load_false(self):
-        self.append(False)
-    dispatch[NEWFALSE] = load_false
-    def load_true(self):
-        self.append(True)
-    dispatch[NEWTRUE] = load_true
-    def load_int(self):
-        data = self.readline()
-        if data == FALSE[1:]:
-            val = False
-        elif data == TRUE[1:]:
-            val = True
-        else:
-            try:
-                val = int(data)
-            except ValueError:
-                val = int(data)
-        self.append(val)
-    dispatch[INT] = load_int
-    def load_binint(self):
-        self.append(mloads('i' + self.read(4)))
-    dispatch[BININT] = load_binint
-    def load_binint1(self):
-        self.append(ord(self.read(1)))
-    dispatch[BININT1] = load_binint1
-    def load_binint2(self):
-        self.append(mloads('i' + self.read(2) + '\000\000'))
-    dispatch[BININT2] = load_binint2
-    def load_long(self):
-        self.append(int(self.readline()[:-1], 0))
-    dispatch[LONG] = load_long
-    def load_long1(self):
-        n = ord(self.read(1))
-        bytes = self.read(n)
-        self.append(decode_long(bytes))
-    dispatch[LONG1] = load_long1
-    def load_long4(self):
-        n = mloads('i' + self.read(4))
-        bytes = self.read(n)
-        self.append(decode_long(bytes))
-    dispatch[LONG4] = load_long4
-    def load_float(self):
-        self.append(float(self.readline()[:-1]))
-    dispatch[FLOAT] = load_float
-    def load_binfloat(self, unpack=struct.unpack):
-        self.append(unpack('>d', self.read(8))[0])
-    dispatch[BINFLOAT] = load_binfloat
-    def load_string(self):
-        rep = self.readline()
-        if len(rep) < 3:
-            raise ValueError("insecure string pickle")
-        if rep[0] == "'" == rep[-2]:
-            rep = rep[1:-2]
-        elif rep[0] == '"' == rep[-2]:
-            rep = rep[1:-2]
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("insecure string pickle")
-        self.append(rep.decode("string-escape"))
-    dispatch[STRING] = load_string
-    def load_binstring(self):
-        L = mloads('i' + self.read(4))
-        self.append(self.read(L))
-    dispatch[BINSTRING] = load_binstring
-    def load_unicode(self):
-        self.append(str(self.readline()[:-1],'raw-unicode-escape'))
-    dispatch[UNICODE] = load_unicode
-    def load_binunicode(self):
-        L = mloads('i' + self.read(4))
-        self.append(str(self.read(L),'utf-8'))
-    dispatch[BINUNICODE] = load_binunicode
-    def load_short_binstring(self):
-        L = ord(self.read(1))
-        self.append(self.read(L))
-    dispatch[SHORT_BINSTRING] = load_short_binstring
-    def load_tuple(self):
-        k = self.marker()
-        self.stack[k:] = [tuple(self.stack[k+1:])]
-    dispatch[TUPLE] = load_tuple
-    def load_empty_tuple(self):
-        self.stack.append(())
-    dispatch[EMPTY_TUPLE] = load_empty_tuple
-    def load_tuple1(self):
-        self.stack[-1] = (self.stack[-1],)
-    dispatch[TUPLE1] = load_tuple1
-    def load_tuple2(self):
-        self.stack[-2:] = [(self.stack[-2], self.stack[-1])]
-    dispatch[TUPLE2] = load_tuple2
-    def load_tuple3(self):
-        self.stack[-3:] = [(self.stack[-3], self.stack[-2], self.stack[-1])]
-    dispatch[TUPLE3] = load_tuple3
-    def load_empty_list(self):
-        self.stack.append([])
-    dispatch[EMPTY_LIST] = load_empty_list
-    def load_empty_dictionary(self):
-        self.stack.append({})
-    dispatch[EMPTY_DICT] = load_empty_dictionary
-    def load_list(self):
-        k = self.marker()
-        self.stack[k:] = [self.stack[k+1:]]
-    dispatch[LIST] = load_list
-    def load_dict(self):
-        k = self.marker()
-        d = {}
-        items = self.stack[k+1:]
-        for i in range(0, len(items), 2):
-            key = items[i]
-            value = items[i+1]
-            d[key] = value
-        self.stack[k:] = [d]
-    dispatch[DICT] = load_dict
-    # INST and OBJ differ only in how they get a class object.  It's not
-    # only sensible to do the rest in a common routine, the two routines
-    # previously diverged and grew different bugs.
-    # klass is the class to instantiate, and k points to the topmost mark
-    # object, following which are the arguments for klass.__init__.
-    def _instantiate(self, klass, k):
-        args = tuple(self.stack[k+1:])
-        del self.stack[k:]
-        instantiated = 0
-        if (not args and
-                type(klass) is ClassType and
-                not hasattr(klass, "__getinitargs__")):
-            try:
-                value = _EmptyClass()
-                value.__class__ = klass
-                instantiated = 1
-            except RuntimeError:
-                # In restricted execution, assignment to inst.__class__ is
-                # prohibited
-                pass
-        if not instantiated:
-            try:
-                value = klass(*args)
-            except TypeError as err:
-                raise TypeError("in constructor for %s: %s" % (
-                    klass.__name__, str(err))).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2])
-        self.append(value)
-    def load_inst(self):
-        module = self.readline()[:-1]
-        name = self.readline()[:-1]
-        klass = self.find_class(module, name)
-        self._instantiate(klass, self.marker())
-    dispatch[INST] = load_inst
-    def load_obj(self):
-        # Stack is ... markobject classobject arg1 arg2 ...
-        k = self.marker()
-        klass = self.stack.pop(k+1)
-        self._instantiate(klass, k)
-    dispatch[OBJ] = load_obj
-    def load_newobj(self):
-        args = self.stack.pop()
-        cls = self.stack[-1]
-        obj = cls.__new__(cls, *args)
-        self.stack[-1] = obj
-    dispatch[NEWOBJ] = load_newobj
-    def load_global(self):
-        module = self.readline()[:-1]
-        name = self.readline()[:-1]
-        klass = self.find_class(module, name)
-        self.append(klass)
-    dispatch[GLOBAL] = load_global
-    def load_ext1(self):
-        code = ord(self.read(1))
-        self.get_extension(code)
-    dispatch[EXT1] = load_ext1
-    def load_ext2(self):
-        code = mloads('i' + self.read(2) + '\000\000')
-        self.get_extension(code)
-    dispatch[EXT2] = load_ext2
-    def load_ext4(self):
-        code = mloads('i' + self.read(4))
-        self.get_extension(code)
-    dispatch[EXT4] = load_ext4
-    def get_extension(self, code):
-        nil = []
-        obj = _extension_cache.get(code, nil)
-        if obj is not nil:
-            self.append(obj)
-            return
-        key = _inverted_registry.get(code)
-        if not key:
-            raise ValueError("unregistered extension code %d" % code)
-        obj = self.find_class(*key)
-        _extension_cache[code] = obj
-        self.append(obj)
-    def find_class(self, module, name):
-        # Subclasses may override this
-        __import__(module)
-        mod = sys.modules[module]
-        klass = getattr(mod, name)
-        return klass
-    def load_reduce(self):
-        args = self.stack.pop()
-        func = self.stack[-1]
-        value = self.stack[-1](*args)
-        self.stack[-1] = value
-    dispatch[REDUCE] = load_reduce
-    def load_pop(self):
-        del self.stack[-1]
-    dispatch[POP] = load_pop
-    def load_pop_mark(self):
-        k = self.marker()
-        del self.stack[k:]
-    dispatch[POP_MARK] = load_pop_mark
-    def load_dup(self):
-        self.append(self.stack[-1])
-    dispatch[DUP] = load_dup
-    def load_get(self):
-        self.append(self.memo[self.readline()[:-1]])
-    dispatch[GET] = load_get
-    def load_binget(self):
-        i = ord(self.read(1))
-        self.append(self.memo[repr(i)])
-    dispatch[BINGET] = load_binget
-    def load_long_binget(self):
-        i = mloads('i' + self.read(4))
-        self.append(self.memo[repr(i)])
-    dispatch[LONG_BINGET] = load_long_binget
-    def load_put(self):
-        self.memo[self.readline()[:-1]] = self.stack[-1]
-    dispatch[PUT] = load_put
-    def load_binput(self):
-        i = ord(self.read(1))
-        self.memo[repr(i)] = self.stack[-1]
-    dispatch[BINPUT] = load_binput
-    def load_long_binput(self):
-        i = mloads('i' + self.read(4))
-        self.memo[repr(i)] = self.stack[-1]
-    dispatch[LONG_BINPUT] = load_long_binput
-    def load_append(self):
-        value = self.stack.pop()
-        self.stack[-1].append(value)
-    dispatch[APPEND] = load_append
-    def load_appends(self):
-        stack = self.stack
-        mark = self.marker()
-        lst = stack[mark - 1]
-        lst.extend(stack[mark + 1:])
-        del stack[mark:]
-    dispatch[APPENDS] = load_appends
-    def load_setitem(self):
-        stack = self.stack
-        value = stack.pop()
-        key = stack.pop()
-        dict = stack[-1]
-        dict[key] = value
-    dispatch[SETITEM] = load_setitem
-    def load_setitems(self):
-        stack = self.stack
-        mark = self.marker()
-        dict = stack[mark - 1]
-        for i in range(mark + 1, len(stack), 2):
-            dict[stack[i]] = stack[i + 1]
-        del stack[mark:]
-    dispatch[SETITEMS] = load_setitems
-    def load_build(self):
-        stack = self.stack
-        state = stack.pop()
-        inst = stack[-1]
-        setstate = getattr(inst, "__setstate__", None)
-        if setstate:
-            setstate(state)
-            return
-        slotstate = None
-        if isinstance(state, tuple) and len(state) == 2:
-            state, slotstate = state
-        if state:
-            try:
-                d = inst.__dict__
-                try:
-                    for k, v in state.items():
-                        d[sys.intern(k)] = v
-                # keys in state don't have to be strings
-                # don't blow up, but don't go out of our way
-                except TypeError:
-                    d.update(state)
-            except RuntimeError:
-                # XXX In restricted execution, the instance's __dict__
-                # is not accessible.  Use the old way of unpickling
-                # the instance variables.  This is a semantic
-                # difference when unpickling in restricted
-                # vs. unrestricted modes.
-                # Note, however, that cPickle has never tried to do the
-                # .update() business, and always uses
-                #     PyObject_SetItem(inst.__dict__, key, value) in a
-                # loop over state.items().
-                for k, v in state.items():
-                    setattr(inst, k, v)
-        if slotstate:
-            for k, v in slotstate.items():
-                setattr(inst, k, v)
-    dispatch[BUILD] = load_build
-    def load_mark(self):
-        self.append(self.mark)
-    dispatch[MARK] = load_mark
-#from pickle import decode_long
-def decode_long(data):
-    r"""Decode a long from a two's complement little-endian binary string.
-    >>> decode_long('')
-    0L
-    >>> decode_long("\xff\x00")
-    255L
-    >>> decode_long("\xff\x7f")
-    32767L
-    >>> decode_long("\x00\xff")
-    -256L
-    >>> decode_long("\x00\x80")
-    -32768L
-    >>> decode_long("\x80")
-    -128L
-    >>> decode_long("\x7f")
-    127L
-    """
-    nbytes = len(data)
-    if nbytes == 0:
-        return 0
-    ind = nbytes - 1
-    while ind and ord(data[ind]) == 0:
-        ind -= 1
-    n = ord(data[ind])
-    while ind:
-        n <<= 8
-        ind -= 1
-        if ord(data[ind]):
-            n += ord(data[ind])
-    if ord(data[nbytes - 1]) >= 128:
-        n -= 1 << (nbytes << 3)
-    return n
-def load(f):
-    return Unpickler(f).load()
-def loads(str):
-    f = StringIO(str)
-    return Unpickler(f).load()
+def loads(s, *, fix_imports=True, encoding="ASCII", errors="strict"):
+    if isinstance(s, str):
+        raise TypeError("Can't load pickle from unicode string")
+    file = io.BytesIO(s)
+    return Unpickler(file, fix_imports=fix_imports,
+                     encoding=encoding, errors=errors).load()

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