[pypy-commit] extradoc extradoc: Draft

arigo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Thu Jan 12 19:08:52 CET 2012

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: extradoc
Changeset: r4018:4d0db926ef79
Date: 2012-01-12 19:08 +0100

Log:	Draft

diff --git a/blog/draft/tm.rst b/blog/draft/tm.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blog/draft/tm.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+Transactional Memory
+Here is an update about the previous blog post about the
+`Global Interpreter Lock`__ (GIL).
+.. __: http://morepypy.blogspot.com/p/global-interpreter-lock-or-how-to-kill.html
+We believe we have a plan to implement an interesting model for using
+multiple cores.  Believe it or not, this is *better* than just removing
+the infamous GIL from PyPy.  You might get to use all your cores
+*without ever writing threads.*
+You would instead just use some event dispatcher, say from Twisted, from
+Stackless, or from your favorite GUI; or just write your own.  In this
+model, with minimal changes to the event dispatcher's source code ---
+and of course by using a special version of PyPy --- you get some form
+of automatic parallelization.  The basic idea is simple: start handling
+multiple events in parallel, but give each one its own transaction_.
+.. _transaction: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transactional_memory
+Threads or Events?
+First, why would this be better than "just" removing the GIL?  Because
+using threads can be a mess in any complex program.  Some authors (e.g.
+Lee_) have argued that the reason is that threads are fundamentally
+non-deterministic.  This makes it very hard to reason about them.
+Basically the programmer needs to "trim" down the non-determinism (e.g.
+by adding locks, semaphores, etc.), and it's hard to be sure that he has
+a sufficiently deterministic result, if only because he can't write
+exhaustive tests for it.
+.. _Lee: http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2006/EECS-2006-1.pdf
+By contrast, consider a Twisted program.  It's not a multi-threaded
+program, which means that it handles the "events" one after the other.
+The exact ordering of the events is not really deterministic, because
+they often correspond to external events; but that's the only source of
+non-determinism.  The actual handling of each event occurs in a nicely
+deterministic way, and most importantly, not in parallel with the
+handling of other events.  The same is true about other libraries like
+GUI toolkits, gevent, or even Stackless.
+These two models --- threads or events --- are the two main models we
+have right now.  The latter is more used in Python, because it is much
+simpler to use than the former, and the former doesn't give any benefit
+because of the GIL.  A third model, which is the only one that gives
+multi-core benefits, is to use multiple processes, and do inter-process
+The problem
+Consider the case of a big program that has arbitrary complicated
+dependencies.  Even assuming a GIL-less Python, this is likely enough to
+prevent the programmer from even starting a multi-threaded rewrite,
+because it would require a huge mess of locks.  He could also consider
+using multiple processes instead, but the result is annoying too: the
+complicated dependencies translate into a huge mess of inter-process
+The problem can also be down-sized to very small programs, like the kind
+of hacks that you do and forget about.  In this case, the dependencies
+might be simpler, but you still have to learn and use a complex
+inter-process library, which is overkill for the purpose.  I would even
+argue that this is similar to how we might feel a priori that automatic
+memory management is overkill in small programs --- of course anyone who
+wrote a number of 15-line Python scripts knows this to be wrong.  This
+is even *so* wrong that the opposite is obvious nowadays: it makes no
+sense whatsoever to manage object lifetimes explicitly in most small
+scripts.  I think the same will eventually be true for using multiple
+Events in Transactions
+Consider again the Twisted example I gave above.  The case I am
+interested in is the case in which events are *generally mostly
+independent.*  By this I mean the following: there are often several
+events pending in the dispatch queue (assuming the program is not under
+100% 1-CPU load, otherwise the whole discussion is moot).  Handling
+these events is often mostly independent --- but the point is that they
+don't *have* to be proved independent.  In fact it is fine if they have
+arbitrary complicated dependencies as described above.  The point is the
+expected common case.  Imagine that you have a GIL-less Python and that
+you can, by a wave of your hand, have all the careful locking mess
+magically done.  Then what I mean here is the case in which this
+theoretical program would run mostly in parallel on multiple core,
+without waiting too often on the locks.
+In this case, with minimal tweaks in the event dispatch loop, we can
+handle multiple events on multiple threads, each in its own transaction.
+A transaction is basically a tentative execution of the corresponding
+piece of code: if we detect conflicts with other concurrently executing
+transactions, we cancel the whole transaction and restart it from
+By now, the fact that it can basically work should be clear: multiple
+transactions will only get into conflicts when modifying the same data
+structures, which is the case where the magical wand above would have
+put locks.  If the magical program could progress without too many
+locks, then the transactional program can progress without too many
+conflicts.  Moreover, you get more than what the magical program can
+give you: each event is dispatched in its own transaction, which means
+that from each event's point of view, we have the illusion that nobody
+else is running concurrently.  This is exactly what all existing
+Twisted-/Stackless-/etc.-based programs are assuming.

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