[pypy-commit] pypy default: merge

fijal noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Tue Feb 14 11:26:46 CET 2012

Author: Maciej Fijalkowski <fijall at gmail.com>
Changeset: r52443:c8ebd9df585a
Date: 2012-02-14 12:26 +0200

Log:	merge

diff --git a/lib_pypy/ctypes_config_cache/pyexpat.ctc.py b/lib_pypy/ctypes_config_cache/pyexpat.ctc.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib_pypy/ctypes_config_cache/pyexpat.ctc.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-'ctypes_configure' source for pyexpat.py.
-Run this to rebuild _pyexpat_cache.py.
-import ctypes
-from ctypes import c_char_p, c_int, c_void_p, c_char
-from ctypes_configure import configure
-import dumpcache
-class CConfigure:
-    _compilation_info_ = configure.ExternalCompilationInfo(
-        includes = ['expat.h'],
-        libraries = ['expat'],
-        pre_include_lines = [
-        )
-    XML_Char = configure.SimpleType('XML_Char', c_char)
-    XML_COMBINED_VERSION = configure.ConstantInteger('XML_COMBINED_VERSION')
-        locals()[name] = configure.ConstantInteger(name)
-    XML_Encoding = configure.Struct('XML_Encoding',[
-                                    ('data', c_void_p),
-                                    ('convert', c_void_p),
-                                    ('release', c_void_p),
-                                    ('map', c_int * 256)])
-    XML_Content = configure.Struct('XML_Content',[
-        ('numchildren', c_int),
-        ('children', c_void_p),
-        ('name', c_char_p),
-        ('type', c_int),
-        ('quant', c_int),
-    ])
-    # this is insanely stupid
-    XML_FALSE = configure.ConstantInteger('XML_FALSE')
-    XML_TRUE = configure.ConstantInteger('XML_TRUE')
-config = configure.configure(CConfigure)
-dumpcache.dumpcache2('pyexpat', config)
diff --git a/lib_pypy/ctypes_config_cache/test/test_cache.py b/lib_pypy/ctypes_config_cache/test/test_cache.py
--- a/lib_pypy/ctypes_config_cache/test/test_cache.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/ctypes_config_cache/test/test_cache.py
@@ -39,10 +39,6 @@
     d = run('resource.ctc.py', '_resource_cache.py')
     assert 'RLIM_NLIMITS' in d
-def test_pyexpat():
-    d = run('pyexpat.ctc.py', '_pyexpat_cache.py')
-    assert 'XML_COMBINED_VERSION' in d
 def test_locale():
     d = run('locale.ctc.py', '_locale_cache.py')
     assert 'LC_ALL' in d
diff --git a/lib_pypy/datetime.py b/lib_pypy/datetime.py
--- a/lib_pypy/datetime.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/datetime.py
@@ -271,8 +271,9 @@
     raise ValueError("%s()=%d, must be in -1439..1439" % (name, offset))
 def _check_date_fields(year, month, day):
-    if not isinstance(year, (int, long)):
-        raise TypeError('int expected')
+    for value in [year, day]:
+        if not isinstance(value, (int, long)):
+            raise TypeError('int expected')
     if not MINYEAR <= year <= MAXYEAR:
         raise ValueError('year must be in %d..%d' % (MINYEAR, MAXYEAR), year)
     if not 1 <= month <= 12:
@@ -282,8 +283,9 @@
         raise ValueError('day must be in 1..%d' % dim, day)
 def _check_time_fields(hour, minute, second, microsecond):
-    if not isinstance(hour, (int, long)):
-        raise TypeError('int expected')
+    for value in [hour, minute, second, microsecond]:
+        if not isinstance(value, (int, long)):
+            raise TypeError('int expected')
     if not 0 <= hour <= 23:
         raise ValueError('hour must be in 0..23', hour)
     if not 0 <= minute <= 59:
diff --git a/lib_pypy/pyexpat.py b/lib_pypy/pyexpat.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib_pypy/pyexpat.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,448 +0,0 @@
-import ctypes
-import ctypes.util
-from ctypes import c_char_p, c_int, c_void_p, POINTER, c_char, c_wchar_p
-import sys
-# load the platform-specific cache made by running pyexpat.ctc.py
-from ctypes_config_cache._pyexpat_cache import *
-try: from __pypy__ import builtinify
-except ImportError: builtinify = lambda f: f
-lib = ctypes.CDLL(ctypes.util.find_library('expat'))
-XML_Content.children = POINTER(XML_Content)
-XML_Parser = ctypes.c_void_p # an opaque pointer
-assert XML_Char is ctypes.c_char # this assumption is everywhere in
-# cpython's expat, let's explode
-def declare_external(name, args, res):
-    func = getattr(lib, name)
-    func.args = args
-    func.restype = res
-    globals()[name] = func
-declare_external('XML_ParserCreate', [c_char_p], XML_Parser)
-declare_external('XML_ParserCreateNS', [c_char_p, c_char], XML_Parser)
-declare_external('XML_Parse', [XML_Parser, c_char_p, c_int, c_int], c_int)
-currents = ['CurrentLineNumber', 'CurrentColumnNumber',
-            'CurrentByteIndex']
-for name in currents:
-    func = getattr(lib, 'XML_Get' + name)
-    func.args = [XML_Parser]
-    func.restype = c_int
-declare_external('XML_SetReturnNSTriplet', [XML_Parser, c_int], None)
-declare_external('XML_GetSpecifiedAttributeCount', [XML_Parser], c_int)
-declare_external('XML_SetParamEntityParsing', [XML_Parser, c_int], None)
-declare_external('XML_GetErrorCode', [XML_Parser], c_int)
-declare_external('XML_StopParser', [XML_Parser, c_int], None)
-declare_external('XML_ErrorString', [c_int], c_char_p)
-declare_external('XML_SetBase', [XML_Parser, c_char_p], None)
-    declare_external('XML_UseForeignDTD', [XML_Parser, c_int], None)
-declare_external('XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler', [XML_Parser, c_void_p,
-                                                   c_void_p], None)
-declare_external('XML_FreeContentModel', [XML_Parser, POINTER(XML_Content)],
-                 None)
-declare_external('XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate', [XML_Parser,c_char_p,
-                                                    c_char_p],
-                 XML_Parser)
-handler_names = [
-    'StartElement',
-    'EndElement',
-    'ProcessingInstruction',
-    'CharacterData',
-    'UnparsedEntityDecl',
-    'NotationDecl',
-    'StartNamespaceDecl',
-    'EndNamespaceDecl',
-    'Comment',
-    'StartCdataSection',
-    'EndCdataSection',
-    'Default',
-    'DefaultHandlerExpand',
-    'NotStandalone',
-    'ExternalEntityRef',
-    'StartDoctypeDecl',
-    'EndDoctypeDecl',
-    'EntityDecl',
-    'XmlDecl',
-    'ElementDecl',
-    'AttlistDecl',
-    ]
-    handler_names.append('SkippedEntity')
-setters = {}
-for name in handler_names:
-    if name == 'DefaultHandlerExpand':
-        newname = 'XML_SetDefaultHandlerExpand'
-    else:
-        name += 'Handler'
-        newname = 'XML_Set' + name
-    cfunc = getattr(lib, newname)
-    cfunc.args = [XML_Parser, ctypes.c_void_p]
-    cfunc.result = ctypes.c_int
-    setters[name] = cfunc
-class ExpatError(Exception):
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self.s
-error = ExpatError
-class XMLParserType(object):
-    specified_attributes = 0
-    ordered_attributes = 0
-    returns_unicode = 1
-    encoding = 'utf-8'
-    def __init__(self, encoding, namespace_separator, _hook_external_entity=False):
-        self.returns_unicode = 1
-        if encoding:
-            self.encoding = encoding
-        if not _hook_external_entity:
-            if namespace_separator is None:
-                self.itself = XML_ParserCreate(encoding)
-            else:
-                self.itself = XML_ParserCreateNS(encoding, ord(namespace_separator))
-            if not self.itself:
-                raise RuntimeError("Creating parser failed")
-            self._set_unknown_encoding_handler()
-        self.storage = {}
-        self.buffer = None
-        self.buffer_size = 8192
-        self.character_data_handler = None
-        self.intern = {}
-        self.__exc_info = None
-    def _flush_character_buffer(self):
-        if not self.buffer:
-            return
-        res = self._call_character_handler(''.join(self.buffer))
-        self.buffer = []
-        return res
-    def _call_character_handler(self, buf):
-        if self.character_data_handler:
-            self.character_data_handler(buf)
-    def _set_unknown_encoding_handler(self):
-        def UnknownEncoding(encodingData, name, info_p):
-            info = info_p.contents
-            s = ''.join([chr(i) for i in range(256)])
-            u = s.decode(self.encoding, 'replace')
-            for i in range(len(u)):
-                if u[i] == u'\xfffd':
-                    info.map[i] = -1
-                else:
-                    info.map[i] = ord(u[i])
-            info.data = None
-            info.convert = None
-            info.release = None
-            return 1
-        CB = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, c_char_p, POINTER(XML_Encoding))
-        cb = CB(UnknownEncoding)
-        self._unknown_encoding_handler = (cb, UnknownEncoding)
-        XML_SetUnknownEncodingHandler(self.itself, cb, None)
-    def _set_error(self, code):
-        e = ExpatError()
-        e.code = code
-        lineno = lib.XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(self.itself)
-        colno = lib.XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(self.itself)
-        e.offset = colno
-        e.lineno = lineno
-        err = XML_ErrorString(code)[:200]
-        e.s = "%s: line: %d, column: %d" % (err, lineno, colno)
-        e.message = e.s
-        self._error = e
-    def Parse(self, data, is_final=0):
-        res = XML_Parse(self.itself, data, len(data), is_final)
-        if res == 0:
-            self._set_error(XML_GetErrorCode(self.itself))
-            if self.__exc_info:
-                exc_info = self.__exc_info
-                self.__exc_info = None
-                raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
-            else:
-                raise self._error
-        self._flush_character_buffer()
-        return res
-    def _sethandler(self, name, real_cb):
-        setter = setters[name]
-        try:
-            cb = self.storage[(name, real_cb)]
-        except KeyError:
-            cb = getattr(self, 'get_cb_for_%s' % name)(real_cb)
-            self.storage[(name, real_cb)] = cb
-        except TypeError:
-            # weellll...
-            cb = getattr(self, 'get_cb_for_%s' % name)(real_cb)
-        setter(self.itself, cb)
-    def _wrap_cb(self, cb):
-        def f(*args):
-            try:
-                return cb(*args)
-            except:
-                self.__exc_info = sys.exc_info()
-                XML_StopParser(self.itself, XML_FALSE)
-        return f
-    def get_cb_for_StartElementHandler(self, real_cb):
-        def StartElement(unused, name, attrs):
-            # unpack name and attrs
-            conv = self.conv
-            self._flush_character_buffer()
-            if self.specified_attributes:
-                max = XML_GetSpecifiedAttributeCount(self.itself)
-            else:
-                max = 0
-            while attrs[max]:
-                max += 2 # copied
-            if self.ordered_attributes:
-                res = [attrs[i] for i in range(max)]
-            else:
-                res = {}
-                for i in range(0, max, 2):
-                    res[conv(attrs[i])] = conv(attrs[i + 1])
-            real_cb(conv(name), res)
-        StartElement = self._wrap_cb(StartElement)
-        CB = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_char_p, POINTER(c_char_p))
-        return CB(StartElement)
-    def get_cb_for_ExternalEntityRefHandler(self, real_cb):
-        def ExternalEntity(unused, context, base, sysId, pubId):
-            self._flush_character_buffer()
-            conv = self.conv
-            res = real_cb(conv(context), conv(base), conv(sysId),
-                          conv(pubId))
-            if res is None:
-                return 0
-            return res
-        ExternalEntity = self._wrap_cb(ExternalEntity)
-        CB = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p, *([c_char_p] * 4))
-        return CB(ExternalEntity)
-    def get_cb_for_CharacterDataHandler(self, real_cb):
-        def CharacterData(unused, s, lgt):
-            if self.buffer is None:
-                self._call_character_handler(self.conv(s[:lgt]))
-            else:
-                if len(self.buffer) + lgt > self.buffer_size:
-                    self._flush_character_buffer()
-                    if self.character_data_handler is None:
-                        return
-                if lgt >= self.buffer_size:
-                    self._call_character_handler(s[:lgt])
-                    self.buffer = []
-                else:
-                    self.buffer.append(s[:lgt])
-        CharacterData = self._wrap_cb(CharacterData)
-        CB = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, POINTER(c_char), c_int)
-        return CB(CharacterData)
-    def get_cb_for_NotStandaloneHandler(self, real_cb):
-        def NotStandaloneHandler(unused):
-            return real_cb()
-        NotStandaloneHandler = self._wrap_cb(NotStandaloneHandler)
-        CB = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_void_p)
-        return CB(NotStandaloneHandler)
-    def get_cb_for_EntityDeclHandler(self, real_cb):
-        def EntityDecl(unused, ename, is_param, value, value_len, base,
-                       system_id, pub_id, not_name):
-            self._flush_character_buffer()
-            if not value:
-                value = None
-            else:
-                value = value[:value_len]
-            args = [ename, is_param, value, base, system_id,
-                    pub_id, not_name]
-            args = [self.conv(arg) for arg in args]
-            real_cb(*args)
-        EntityDecl = self._wrap_cb(EntityDecl)
-        CB = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_char_p, c_int, c_char_p,
-                               c_int, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p)
-        return CB(EntityDecl)
-    def _conv_content_model(self, model):
-        children = tuple([self._conv_content_model(model.children[i])
-                          for i in range(model.numchildren)])
-        return (model.type, model.quant, self.conv(model.name),
-                children)
-    def get_cb_for_ElementDeclHandler(self, real_cb):
-        def ElementDecl(unused, name, model):
-            self._flush_character_buffer()
-            modelobj = self._conv_content_model(model[0])
-            real_cb(name, modelobj)
-            XML_FreeContentModel(self.itself, model)
-        ElementDecl = self._wrap_cb(ElementDecl)
-        CB = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_char_p, POINTER(XML_Content))
-        return CB(ElementDecl)
-    def _new_callback_for_string_len(name, sign):
-        def get_callback_for_(self, real_cb):
-            def func(unused, s, len):
-                self._flush_character_buffer()
-                arg = self.conv(s[:len])
-                real_cb(arg)
-            func.func_name = name
-            func = self._wrap_cb(func)
-            CB = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(*sign)
-            return CB(func)
-        get_callback_for_.func_name = 'get_cb_for_' + name
-        return get_callback_for_
-    for name in ['DefaultHandlerExpand',
-                 'DefaultHandler']:
-        sign = [None, c_void_p, POINTER(c_char), c_int]
-        name = 'get_cb_for_' + name
-        locals()[name] = _new_callback_for_string_len(name, sign)
-    def _new_callback_for_starargs(name, sign):
-        def get_callback_for_(self, real_cb):
-            def func(unused, *args):
-                self._flush_character_buffer()
-                args = [self.conv(arg) for arg in args]
-                real_cb(*args)
-            func.func_name = name
-            func = self._wrap_cb(func)
-            CB = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(*sign)
-            return CB(func)
-        get_callback_for_.func_name = 'get_cb_for_' + name
-        return get_callback_for_
-    for name, num_or_sign in [
-        ('EndElementHandler', 1),
-        ('ProcessingInstructionHandler', 2),
-        ('UnparsedEntityDeclHandler', 5),
-        ('NotationDeclHandler', 4),
-        ('StartNamespaceDeclHandler', 2),
-        ('EndNamespaceDeclHandler', 1),
-        ('CommentHandler', 1),
-        ('StartCdataSectionHandler', 0),
-        ('EndCdataSectionHandler', 0),
-        ('StartDoctypeDeclHandler', [None, c_void_p] + [c_char_p] * 3 + [c_int]),
-        ('XmlDeclHandler', [None, c_void_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_int]),
-        ('AttlistDeclHandler', [None, c_void_p] + [c_char_p] * 4 + [c_int]),
-        ('EndDoctypeDeclHandler', 0),
-        ('SkippedEntityHandler', [None, c_void_p, c_char_p, c_int]),
-        ]:
-        if isinstance(num_or_sign, int):
-            sign = [None, c_void_p] + [c_char_p] * num_or_sign
-        else:
-            sign = num_or_sign
-        name = 'get_cb_for_' + name
-        locals()[name] = _new_callback_for_starargs(name, sign)
-    def conv_unicode(self, s):
-        if s is None or isinstance(s, int):
-            return s
-        return s.decode(self.encoding, "strict")
-    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
-        # forest of ifs...
-        if name in ['ordered_attributes',
-                    'returns_unicode', 'specified_attributes']:
-            if value:
-                if name == 'returns_unicode':
-                    self.conv = self.conv_unicode
-                self.__dict__[name] = 1
-            else:
-                if name == 'returns_unicode':
-                    self.conv = lambda s: s
-                self.__dict__[name] = 0
-        elif name == 'buffer_text':
-            if value:
-                self.buffer = []
-            else:
-                self._flush_character_buffer()
-                self.buffer = None
-        elif name == 'buffer_size':
-            if not isinstance(value, int):
-                raise TypeError("Expected int")
-            if value <= 0:
-                raise ValueError("Expected positive int")
-            self.__dict__[name] = value
-        elif name == 'namespace_prefixes':
-            XML_SetReturnNSTriplet(self.itself, int(bool(value)))
-        elif name in setters:
-            if name == 'CharacterDataHandler':
-                # XXX we need to flush buffer here
-                self._flush_character_buffer()
-                self.character_data_handler = value
-            #print name
-            #print value
-            #print
-            self._sethandler(name, value)
-        else:
-            self.__dict__[name] = value
-    def SetParamEntityParsing(self, arg):
-        XML_SetParamEntityParsing(self.itself, arg)
-    if XML_COMBINED_VERSION >= 19505:
-        def UseForeignDTD(self, arg=True):
-            if arg:
-                flag = XML_TRUE
-            else:
-                flag = XML_FALSE
-            XML_UseForeignDTD(self.itself, flag)
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        if name == 'buffer_text':
-            return self.buffer is not None
-        elif name in currents:
-            return getattr(lib, 'XML_Get' + name)(self.itself)
-        elif name == 'ErrorColumnNumber':
-            return lib.XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(self.itself)
-        elif name == 'ErrorLineNumber':
-            return lib.XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(self.itself)
-        return self.__dict__[name]
-    def ParseFile(self, file):
-        return self.Parse(file.read(), False)
-    def SetBase(self, base):
-        XML_SetBase(self.itself, base)
-    def ExternalEntityParserCreate(self, context, encoding=None):
-        """ExternalEntityParserCreate(context[, encoding])
-        Create a parser for parsing an external entity based on the
-        information passed to the ExternalEntityRefHandler."""
-        new_parser = XMLParserType(encoding, None, True)
-        new_parser.itself = XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate(self.itself,
-                                                           context, encoding)
-        new_parser._set_unknown_encoding_handler()
-        return new_parser
- at builtinify
-def ErrorString(errno):
-    return XML_ErrorString(errno)[:200]
- at builtinify
-def ParserCreate(encoding=None, namespace_separator=None, intern=None):
-    if (not isinstance(encoding, str) and
-        not encoding is None):
-        raise TypeError("ParserCreate() argument 1 must be string or None, not %s" % encoding.__class__.__name__)
-    if (not isinstance(namespace_separator, str) and
-        not namespace_separator is None):
-        raise TypeError("ParserCreate() argument 2 must be string or None, not %s" % namespace_separator.__class__.__name__)
-    if namespace_separator is not None:
-        if len(namespace_separator) > 1:
-            raise ValueError('namespace_separator must be at most one character, omitted, or None')
-        if len(namespace_separator) == 0:
-            namespace_separator = None
-    return XMLParserType(encoding, namespace_separator)
diff --git a/lib_pypy/pypy_test/test_pyexpat.py b/lib_pypy/pypy_test/test_pyexpat.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib_pypy/pypy_test/test_pyexpat.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,665 +0,0 @@
-# XXX TypeErrors on calling handlers, or on bad return values from a
-# handler, are obscure and unhelpful.
-from __future__ import absolute_import
-import StringIO, sys
-import unittest, py
-from lib_pypy.ctypes_config_cache import rebuild
-from lib_pypy import pyexpat
-#from xml.parsers import expat
-expat = pyexpat
-from test.test_support import sortdict, run_unittest
-class TestSetAttribute:
-    def setup_method(self, meth):
-        self.parser = expat.ParserCreate(namespace_separator='!')
-        self.set_get_pairs = [
-            [0, 0],
-            [1, 1],
-            [2, 1],
-            [0, 0],
-            ]
-    def test_returns_unicode(self):
-        for x, y in self.set_get_pairs:
-            self.parser.returns_unicode = x
-            assert self.parser.returns_unicode == y
-    def test_ordered_attributes(self):
-        for x, y in self.set_get_pairs:
-            self.parser.ordered_attributes = x
-            assert self.parser.ordered_attributes == y
-    def test_specified_attributes(self):
-        for x, y in self.set_get_pairs:
-            self.parser.specified_attributes = x
-            assert self.parser.specified_attributes == y
-data = '''\
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
-<?xml-stylesheet href="stylesheet.css"?>
-<!-- comment data -->
-<!DOCTYPE quotations SYSTEM "quotations.dtd" [
-<!ELEMENT root ANY>
-<!NOTATION notation SYSTEM "notation.jpeg">
-<!ENTITY acirc "&#226;">
-<!ENTITY external_entity SYSTEM "entity.file">
-<!ENTITY unparsed_entity SYSTEM "entity.file" NDATA notation>
-<root attr1="value1" attr2="value2&#8000;">
-<myns:subelement xmlns:myns="http://www.python.org/namespace">
-     Contents of subelements
-<sub2><![CDATA[contents of CDATA section]]></sub2>
-# Produce UTF-8 output
-class TestParse:
-    class Outputter:
-        def __init__(self):
-            self.out = []
-        def StartElementHandler(self, name, attrs):
-            self.out.append('Start element: ' + repr(name) + ' ' +
-                            sortdict(attrs))
-        def EndElementHandler(self, name):
-            self.out.append('End element: ' + repr(name))
-        def CharacterDataHandler(self, data):
-            data = data.strip()
-            if data:
-                self.out.append('Character data: ' + repr(data))
-        def ProcessingInstructionHandler(self, target, data):
-            self.out.append('PI: ' + repr(target) + ' ' + repr(data))
-        def StartNamespaceDeclHandler(self, prefix, uri):
-            self.out.append('NS decl: ' + repr(prefix) + ' ' + repr(uri))
-        def EndNamespaceDeclHandler(self, prefix):
-            self.out.append('End of NS decl: ' + repr(prefix))
-        def StartCdataSectionHandler(self):
-            self.out.append('Start of CDATA section')
-        def EndCdataSectionHandler(self):
-            self.out.append('End of CDATA section')
-        def CommentHandler(self, text):
-            self.out.append('Comment: ' + repr(text))
-        def NotationDeclHandler(self, *args):
-            name, base, sysid, pubid = args
-            self.out.append('Notation declared: %s' %(args,))
-        def UnparsedEntityDeclHandler(self, *args):
-            entityName, base, systemId, publicId, notationName = args
-            self.out.append('Unparsed entity decl: %s' %(args,))
-        def NotStandaloneHandler(self):
-            self.out.append('Not standalone')
-            return 1
-        def ExternalEntityRefHandler(self, *args):
-            context, base, sysId, pubId = args
-            self.out.append('External entity ref: %s' %(args[1:],))
-            return 1
-        def StartDoctypeDeclHandler(self, *args):
-            self.out.append(('Start doctype', args))
-            return 1
-        def EndDoctypeDeclHandler(self):
-            self.out.append("End doctype")
-            return 1
-        def EntityDeclHandler(self, *args):
-            self.out.append(('Entity declaration', args))
-            return 1
-        def XmlDeclHandler(self, *args):
-            self.out.append(('XML declaration', args))
-            return 1
-        def ElementDeclHandler(self, *args):
-            self.out.append(('Element declaration', args))
-            return 1
-        def AttlistDeclHandler(self, *args):
-            self.out.append(('Attribute list declaration', args))
-            return 1
-        def SkippedEntityHandler(self, *args):
-            self.out.append(("Skipped entity", args))
-            return 1
-        def DefaultHandler(self, userData):
-            pass
-        def DefaultHandlerExpand(self, userData):
-            pass
-    handler_names = [
-        'StartElementHandler', 'EndElementHandler', 'CharacterDataHandler',
-        'ProcessingInstructionHandler', 'UnparsedEntityDeclHandler',
-        'NotationDeclHandler', 'StartNamespaceDeclHandler',
-        'EndNamespaceDeclHandler', 'CommentHandler',
-        'StartCdataSectionHandler', 'EndCdataSectionHandler', 'DefaultHandler',
-        'DefaultHandlerExpand', 'NotStandaloneHandler',
-        'ExternalEntityRefHandler', 'StartDoctypeDeclHandler',
-        'EndDoctypeDeclHandler', 'EntityDeclHandler', 'XmlDeclHandler',
-        'ElementDeclHandler', 'AttlistDeclHandler', 'SkippedEntityHandler',
-        ]
-    def test_utf8(self):
-        out = self.Outputter()
-        parser = expat.ParserCreate(namespace_separator='!')
-        for name in self.handler_names:
-            setattr(parser, name, getattr(out, name))
-        parser.returns_unicode = 0
-        parser.Parse(data, 1)
-        # Verify output
-        operations = out.out
-        expected_operations = [
-            ('XML declaration', (u'1.0', u'iso-8859-1', 0)),
-            'PI: \'xml-stylesheet\' \'href="stylesheet.css"\'',
-            "Comment: ' comment data '",
-            "Not standalone",
-            ("Start doctype", ('quotations', 'quotations.dtd', None, 1)),
-            ('Element declaration', (u'root', (2, 0, None, ()))),
-            ('Attribute list declaration', ('root', 'attr1', 'CDATA', None,
-                1)),
-            ('Attribute list declaration', ('root', 'attr2', 'CDATA', None,
-                0)),
-            "Notation declared: ('notation', None, 'notation.jpeg', None)",
-            ('Entity declaration', ('acirc', 0, '\xc3\xa2', None, None, None, None)),
-            ('Entity declaration', ('external_entity', 0, None, None,
-                'entity.file', None, None)),
-            "Unparsed entity decl: ('unparsed_entity', None, 'entity.file', None, 'notation')",
-            "Not standalone",
-            "End doctype",
-            "Start element: 'root' {'attr1': 'value1', 'attr2': 'value2\\xe1\\xbd\\x80'}",
-            "NS decl: 'myns' 'http://www.python.org/namespace'",
-            "Start element: 'http://www.python.org/namespace!subelement' {}",
-            "Character data: 'Contents of subelements'",
-            "End element: 'http://www.python.org/namespace!subelement'",
-            "End of NS decl: 'myns'",
-            "Start element: 'sub2' {}",
-            'Start of CDATA section',
-            "Character data: 'contents of CDATA section'",
-            'End of CDATA section',
-            "End element: 'sub2'",
-            "External entity ref: (None, 'entity.file', None)",
-            ('Skipped entity', ('skipped_entity', 0)),
-            "End element: 'root'",
-        ]
-        for operation, expected_operation in zip(operations, expected_operations):
-            assert operation == expected_operation
-    def test_unicode(self):
-        # Try the parse again, this time producing Unicode output
-        out = self.Outputter()
-        parser = expat.ParserCreate(namespace_separator='!')
-        parser.returns_unicode = 1
-        for name in self.handler_names:
-            setattr(parser, name, getattr(out, name))
-        parser.Parse(data, 1)
-        operations = out.out
-        expected_operations = [
-            ('XML declaration', (u'1.0', u'iso-8859-1', 0)),
-            'PI: u\'xml-stylesheet\' u\'href="stylesheet.css"\'',
-            "Comment: u' comment data '",
-            "Not standalone",
-            ("Start doctype", ('quotations', 'quotations.dtd', None, 1)),
-            ('Element declaration', (u'root', (2, 0, None, ()))),
-            ('Attribute list declaration', ('root', 'attr1', 'CDATA', None,
-                1)),
-            ('Attribute list declaration', ('root', 'attr2', 'CDATA', None,
-                0)),
-            "Notation declared: (u'notation', None, u'notation.jpeg', None)",
-            ('Entity declaration', (u'acirc', 0, u'\xe2', None, None, None,
-                None)),
-            ('Entity declaration', (u'external_entity', 0, None, None,
-                 u'entity.file', None, None)),
-            "Unparsed entity decl: (u'unparsed_entity', None, u'entity.file', None, u'notation')",
-            "Not standalone",
-            "End doctype",
-            "Start element: u'root' {u'attr1': u'value1', u'attr2': u'value2\\u1f40'}",
-            "NS decl: u'myns' u'http://www.python.org/namespace'",
-            "Start element: u'http://www.python.org/namespace!subelement' {}",
-            "Character data: u'Contents of subelements'",
-            "End element: u'http://www.python.org/namespace!subelement'",
-            "End of NS decl: u'myns'",
-            "Start element: u'sub2' {}",
-            'Start of CDATA section',
-            "Character data: u'contents of CDATA section'",
-            'End of CDATA section',
-            "End element: u'sub2'",
-            "External entity ref: (None, u'entity.file', None)",
-            ('Skipped entity', ('skipped_entity', 0)),
-            "End element: u'root'",
-        ]
-        for operation, expected_operation in zip(operations, expected_operations):
-            assert operation == expected_operation
-    def test_parse_file(self):
-        # Try parsing a file
-        out = self.Outputter()
-        parser = expat.ParserCreate(namespace_separator='!')
-        parser.returns_unicode = 1
-        for name in self.handler_names:
-            setattr(parser, name, getattr(out, name))
-        file = StringIO.StringIO(data)
-        parser.ParseFile(file)
-        operations = out.out
-        expected_operations = [
-            ('XML declaration', (u'1.0', u'iso-8859-1', 0)),
-            'PI: u\'xml-stylesheet\' u\'href="stylesheet.css"\'',
-            "Comment: u' comment data '",
-            "Not standalone",
-            ("Start doctype", ('quotations', 'quotations.dtd', None, 1)),
-            ('Element declaration', (u'root', (2, 0, None, ()))),
-            ('Attribute list declaration', ('root', 'attr1', 'CDATA', None,
-                1)),
-            ('Attribute list declaration', ('root', 'attr2', 'CDATA', None,
-                0)),
-            "Notation declared: (u'notation', None, u'notation.jpeg', None)",
-            ('Entity declaration', ('acirc', 0, u'\xe2', None, None, None, None)),
-            ('Entity declaration', (u'external_entity', 0, None, None, u'entity.file', None, None)),
-            "Unparsed entity decl: (u'unparsed_entity', None, u'entity.file', None, u'notation')",
-            "Not standalone",
-            "End doctype",
-            "Start element: u'root' {u'attr1': u'value1', u'attr2': u'value2\\u1f40'}",
-            "NS decl: u'myns' u'http://www.python.org/namespace'",
-            "Start element: u'http://www.python.org/namespace!subelement' {}",
-            "Character data: u'Contents of subelements'",
-            "End element: u'http://www.python.org/namespace!subelement'",
-            "End of NS decl: u'myns'",
-            "Start element: u'sub2' {}",
-            'Start of CDATA section',
-            "Character data: u'contents of CDATA section'",
-            'End of CDATA section',
-            "End element: u'sub2'",
-            "External entity ref: (None, u'entity.file', None)",
-            ('Skipped entity', ('skipped_entity', 0)),
-            "End element: u'root'",
-        ]
-        for operation, expected_operation in zip(operations, expected_operations):
-            assert operation == expected_operation
-class TestNamespaceSeparator:
-    def test_legal(self):
-        # Tests that make sure we get errors when the namespace_separator value
-        # is illegal, and that we don't for good values:
-        expat.ParserCreate()
-        expat.ParserCreate(namespace_separator=None)
-        expat.ParserCreate(namespace_separator=' ')
-    def test_illegal(self):
-        try:
-            expat.ParserCreate(namespace_separator=42)
-            raise AssertionError
-        except TypeError, e:
-            assert str(e) == (
-                'ParserCreate() argument 2 must be string or None, not int')
-        try:
-            expat.ParserCreate(namespace_separator='too long')
-            raise AssertionError
-        except ValueError, e:
-            assert str(e) == (
-                'namespace_separator must be at most one character, omitted, or None')
-    def test_zero_length(self):
-        # ParserCreate() needs to accept a namespace_separator of zero length
-        # to satisfy the requirements of RDF applications that are required
-        # to simply glue together the namespace URI and the localname.  Though
-        # considered a wart of the RDF specifications, it needs to be supported.
-        #
-        # See XML-SIG mailing list thread starting with
-        # http://mail.python.org/pipermail/xml-sig/2001-April/005202.html
-        #
-        expat.ParserCreate(namespace_separator='') # too short
-class TestInterning:
-    def test(self):
-        py.test.skip("Not working")
-        # Test the interning machinery.
-        p = expat.ParserCreate()
-        L = []
-        def collector(name, *args):
-            L.append(name)
-        p.StartElementHandler = collector
-        p.EndElementHandler = collector
-        p.Parse("<e> <e/> <e></e> </e>", 1)
-        tag = L[0]
-        assert len(L) == 6
-        for entry in L:
-            # L should have the same string repeated over and over.
-            assert tag is entry
-class TestBufferText:
-    def setup_method(self, meth):
-        self.stuff = []
-        self.parser = expat.ParserCreate()
-        self.parser.buffer_text = 1
-        self.parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.CharacterDataHandler
-    def check(self, expected, label):
-        assert self.stuff == expected, (
-                "%s\nstuff    = %r\nexpected = %r"
-                % (label, self.stuff, map(unicode, expected)))
-    def CharacterDataHandler(self, text):
-        self.stuff.append(text)
-    def StartElementHandler(self, name, attrs):
-        self.stuff.append("<%s>" % name)
-        bt = attrs.get("buffer-text")
-        if bt == "yes":
-            self.parser.buffer_text = 1
-        elif bt == "no":
-            self.parser.buffer_text = 0
-    def EndElementHandler(self, name):
-        self.stuff.append("</%s>" % name)
-    def CommentHandler(self, data):
-        self.stuff.append("<!--%s-->" % data)
-    def setHandlers(self, handlers=[]):
-        for name in handlers:
-            setattr(self.parser, name, getattr(self, name))
-    def test_default_to_disabled(self):
-        parser = expat.ParserCreate()
-        assert not parser.buffer_text
-    def test_buffering_enabled(self):
-        # Make sure buffering is turned on
-        assert self.parser.buffer_text
-        self.parser.Parse("<a>1<b/>2<c/>3</a>", 1)
-        assert self.stuff == ['123'], (
-                          "buffered text not properly collapsed")
-    def test1(self):
-        # XXX This test exposes more detail of Expat's text chunking than we
-        # XXX like, but it tests what we need to concisely.
-        self.setHandlers(["StartElementHandler"])
-        self.parser.Parse("<a>1<b buffer-text='no'/>2\n3<c buffer-text='yes'/>4\n5</a>", 1)
-        assert self.stuff == (
-                          ["<a>", "1", "<b>", "2", "\n", "3", "<c>", "4\n5"]), (
-                          "buffering control not reacting as expected")
-    def test2(self):
-        self.parser.Parse("<a>1<b/>&lt;2&gt;<c/>&#32;\n&#x20;3</a>", 1)
-        assert self.stuff == ["1<2> \n 3"], (
-                          "buffered text not properly collapsed")
-    def test3(self):
-        self.setHandlers(["StartElementHandler"])
-        self.parser.Parse("<a>1<b/>2<c/>3</a>", 1)
-        assert self.stuff == ["<a>", "1", "<b>", "2", "<c>", "3"], (
-                          "buffered text not properly split")
-    def test4(self):
-        self.setHandlers(["StartElementHandler", "EndElementHandler"])
-        self.parser.CharacterDataHandler = None
-        self.parser.Parse("<a>1<b/>2<c/>3</a>", 1)
-        assert self.stuff == (
-                          ["<a>", "<b>", "</b>", "<c>", "</c>", "</a>"])
-    def test5(self):
-        self.setHandlers(["StartElementHandler", "EndElementHandler"])
-        self.parser.Parse("<a>1<b></b>2<c/>3</a>", 1)
-        assert self.stuff == (
-            ["<a>", "1", "<b>", "</b>", "2", "<c>", "</c>", "3", "</a>"])
-    def test6(self):
-        self.setHandlers(["CommentHandler", "EndElementHandler",
-                    "StartElementHandler"])
-        self.parser.Parse("<a>1<b/>2<c></c>345</a> ", 1)
-        assert self.stuff == (
-            ["<a>", "1", "<b>", "</b>", "2", "<c>", "</c>", "345", "</a>"]), (
-            "buffered text not properly split")
-    def test7(self):
-        self.setHandlers(["CommentHandler", "EndElementHandler",
-                    "StartElementHandler"])
-        self.parser.Parse("<a>1<b/>2<c></c>3<!--abc-->4<!--def-->5</a> ", 1)
-        assert self.stuff == (
-                          ["<a>", "1", "<b>", "</b>", "2", "<c>", "</c>", "3",
-                           "<!--abc-->", "4", "<!--def-->", "5", "</a>"]), (
-                          "buffered text not properly split")
-# Test handling of exception from callback:
-class TestHandlerException:
-    def StartElementHandler(self, name, attrs):
-        raise RuntimeError(name)
-    def test(self):
-        parser = expat.ParserCreate()
-        parser.StartElementHandler = self.StartElementHandler
-        try:
-            parser.Parse("<a><b><c/></b></a>", 1)
-            raise AssertionError
-        except RuntimeError, e:
-            assert e.args[0] == 'a', (
-                              "Expected RuntimeError for element 'a', but" + \
-                              " found %r" % e.args[0])
-# Test Current* members:
-class TestPosition:
-    def StartElementHandler(self, name, attrs):
-        self.check_pos('s')
-    def EndElementHandler(self, name):
-        self.check_pos('e')
-    def check_pos(self, event):
-        pos = (event,
-               self.parser.CurrentByteIndex,
-               self.parser.CurrentLineNumber,
-               self.parser.CurrentColumnNumber)
-        assert self.upto < len(self.expected_list)
-        expected = self.expected_list[self.upto]
-        assert pos == expected, (
-                'Expected position %s, got position %s' %(pos, expected))
-        self.upto += 1
-    def test(self):
-        self.parser = expat.ParserCreate()
-        self.parser.StartElementHandler = self.StartElementHandler
-        self.parser.EndElementHandler = self.EndElementHandler
-        self.upto = 0
-        self.expected_list = [('s', 0, 1, 0), ('s', 5, 2, 1), ('s', 11, 3, 2),
-                              ('e', 15, 3, 6), ('e', 17, 4, 1), ('e', 22, 5, 0)]
-        xml = '<a>\n <b>\n  <c/>\n </b>\n</a>'
-        self.parser.Parse(xml, 1)
-class Testsf1296433:
-    def test_parse_only_xml_data(self):
-        # http://python.org/sf/1296433
-        #
-        xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso8859'?><s>%s</s>" % ('a' * 1025)
-        # this one doesn't crash
-        #xml = "<?xml version='1.0'?><s>%s</s>" % ('a' * 10000)
-        class SpecificException(Exception):
-            pass
-        def handler(text):
-            raise SpecificException
-        parser = expat.ParserCreate()
-        parser.CharacterDataHandler = handler
-        py.test.raises(Exception, parser.Parse, xml)
-class TestChardataBuffer:
-    """
-    test setting of chardata buffer size
-    """
-    def test_1025_bytes(self):
-        assert self.small_buffer_test(1025) == 2
-    def test_1000_bytes(self):
-        assert self.small_buffer_test(1000) == 1
-    def test_wrong_size(self):
-        parser = expat.ParserCreate()
-        parser.buffer_text = 1
-        def f(size):
-            parser.buffer_size = size
-        py.test.raises(TypeError, f, sys.maxint+1)
-        py.test.raises(ValueError, f, -1)
-        py.test.raises(ValueError, f, 0)
-    def test_unchanged_size(self):
-        xml1 = ("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso8859'?><s>%s" % ('a' * 512))
-        xml2 = 'a'*512 + '</s>'
-        parser = expat.ParserCreate()
-        parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.counting_handler
-        parser.buffer_size = 512
-        parser.buffer_text = 1
-        # Feed 512 bytes of character data: the handler should be called
-        # once.
-        self.n = 0
-        parser.Parse(xml1)
-        assert self.n == 1
-        # Reassign to buffer_size, but assign the same size.
-        parser.buffer_size = parser.buffer_size
-        assert self.n == 1
-        # Try parsing rest of the document
-        parser.Parse(xml2)
-        assert self.n == 2
-    def test_disabling_buffer(self):
-        xml1 = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso8859'?><a>%s" % ('a' * 512)
-        xml2 = ('b' * 1024)
-        xml3 = "%s</a>" % ('c' * 1024)
-        parser = expat.ParserCreate()
-        parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.counting_handler
-        parser.buffer_text = 1
-        parser.buffer_size = 1024
-        assert parser.buffer_size == 1024
-        # Parse one chunk of XML
-        self.n = 0
-        parser.Parse(xml1, 0)
-        assert parser.buffer_size == 1024
-        assert self.n == 1
-        # Turn off buffering and parse the next chunk.
-        parser.buffer_text = 0
-        assert not parser.buffer_text
-        assert parser.buffer_size == 1024
-        for i in range(10):
-            parser.Parse(xml2, 0)
-        assert self.n == 11
-        parser.buffer_text = 1
-        assert parser.buffer_text
-        assert parser.buffer_size == 1024
-        parser.Parse(xml3, 1)
-        assert self.n == 12
-    def make_document(self, bytes):
-        return ("<?xml version='1.0'?><tag>" + bytes * 'a' + '</tag>')
-    def counting_handler(self, text):
-        self.n += 1
-    def small_buffer_test(self, buffer_len):
-        xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso8859'?><s>%s</s>" % ('a' * buffer_len)
-        parser = expat.ParserCreate()
-        parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.counting_handler
-        parser.buffer_size = 1024
-        parser.buffer_text = 1
-        self.n = 0
-        parser.Parse(xml)
-        return self.n
-    def test_change_size_1(self):
-        xml1 = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso8859'?><a><s>%s" % ('a' * 1024)
-        xml2 = "aaa</s><s>%s</s></a>" % ('a' * 1025)
-        parser = expat.ParserCreate()
-        parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.counting_handler
-        parser.buffer_text = 1
-        parser.buffer_size = 1024
-        assert parser.buffer_size == 1024
-        self.n = 0
-        parser.Parse(xml1, 0)
-        parser.buffer_size *= 2
-        assert parser.buffer_size == 2048
-        parser.Parse(xml2, 1)
-        assert self.n == 2
-    def test_change_size_2(self):
-        xml1 = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso8859'?><a>a<s>%s" % ('a' * 1023)
-        xml2 = "aaa</s><s>%s</s></a>" % ('a' * 1025)
-        parser = expat.ParserCreate()
-        parser.CharacterDataHandler = self.counting_handler
-        parser.buffer_text = 1
-        parser.buffer_size = 2048
-        assert parser.buffer_size == 2048
-        self.n=0
-        parser.Parse(xml1, 0)
-        parser.buffer_size /= 2
-        assert parser.buffer_size == 1024
-        parser.Parse(xml2, 1)
-        assert self.n == 4
-    def test_segfault(self):
-        py.test.raises(TypeError, expat.ParserCreate, 1234123123)
-def test_invalid_data():
-    parser = expat.ParserCreate()
-    parser.Parse('invalid.xml', 0)
-    try:
-        parser.Parse("", 1)
-    except expat.ExpatError, e:
-        assert e.code == 2 # XXX is this reliable?
-        assert e.lineno == 1
-        assert e.message.startswith('syntax error')
-    else:
-        py.test.fail("Did not raise")
diff --git a/pypy/doc/config/objspace.usemodules.pyexpat.txt b/pypy/doc/config/objspace.usemodules.pyexpat.txt
--- a/pypy/doc/config/objspace.usemodules.pyexpat.txt
+++ b/pypy/doc/config/objspace.usemodules.pyexpat.txt
@@ -1,2 +1,1 @@
-Use (experimental) pyexpat module written in RPython, instead of CTypes
-version which is used by default.
+Use the pyexpat module, written in RPython.
diff --git a/pypy/module/cpyext/api.py b/pypy/module/cpyext/api.py
--- a/pypy/module/cpyext/api.py
+++ b/pypy/module/cpyext/api.py
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 from pypy.interpreter.function import StaticMethod
 from pypy.objspace.std.sliceobject import W_SliceObject
 from pypy.module.__builtin__.descriptor import W_Property
+from pypy.module.__builtin__.interp_classobj import W_ClassObject
 from pypy.module.__builtin__.interp_memoryview import W_MemoryView
 from pypy.rlib.entrypoint import entrypoint
 from pypy.rlib.unroll import unrolling_iterable
@@ -397,6 +398,7 @@
         'Module': 'space.gettypeobject(Module.typedef)',
         'Property': 'space.gettypeobject(W_Property.typedef)',
         'Slice': 'space.gettypeobject(W_SliceObject.typedef)',
+        'Class': 'space.gettypeobject(W_ClassObject.typedef)',
         'StaticMethod': 'space.gettypeobject(StaticMethod.typedef)',
         'CFunction': 'space.gettypeobject(cpyext.methodobject.W_PyCFunctionObject.typedef)',
         'WrapperDescr': 'space.gettypeobject(cpyext.methodobject.W_PyCMethodObject.typedef)'
diff --git a/pypy/module/cpyext/test/test_classobject.py b/pypy/module/cpyext/test/test_classobject.py
--- a/pypy/module/cpyext/test/test_classobject.py
+++ b/pypy/module/cpyext/test/test_classobject.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 from pypy.module.cpyext.test.test_api import BaseApiTest
+from pypy.module.cpyext.test.test_cpyext import AppTestCpythonExtensionBase
 from pypy.interpreter.function import Function, Method
 class TestClassObject(BaseApiTest):
@@ -51,3 +52,14 @@
         assert api.PyInstance_Check(w_instance)
         assert space.is_true(space.call_method(space.builtin, "isinstance",
                                                w_instance, w_class))
+class AppTestStringObject(AppTestCpythonExtensionBase):
+    def test_class_type(self):
+        module = self.import_extension('foo', [
+            ("get_classtype", "METH_NOARGS",
+             """
+                 Py_INCREF(&PyClass_Type);
+                 return &PyClass_Type;
+             """)])
+        class C: pass
+        assert module.get_classtype() is type(C)
diff --git a/pypy/module/test_lib_pypy/test_datetime.py b/pypy/module/test_lib_pypy/test_datetime.py
--- a/pypy/module/test_lib_pypy/test_datetime.py
+++ b/pypy/module/test_lib_pypy/test_datetime.py
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
 """Additional tests for datetime."""
+import py
 import time
 import datetime
+import copy
 import os
 def test_utcfromtimestamp():
@@ -26,3 +29,18 @@
 def test_utcfromtimestamp_microsecond():
     dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
     assert isinstance(dt.microsecond, int)
+def test_integer_args():
+    with py.test.raises(TypeError):
+        datetime.datetime(10, 10, 10.)
+    with py.test.raises(TypeError):
+        datetime.datetime(10, 10, 10, 10, 10.)
+    with py.test.raises(TypeError):
+        datetime.datetime(10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10.)
+def test_utcnow_microsecond():
+    dt = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+    assert type(dt.microsecond) is int
+    copy.copy(dt)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pypy/rlib/libffi.py b/pypy/rlib/libffi.py
--- a/pypy/rlib/libffi.py
+++ b/pypy/rlib/libffi.py
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
         self = jit.promote(self)
         if argchain.numargs != len(self.argtypes):
             raise TypeError, 'Wrong number of arguments: %d expected, got %d' %\
-                (argchain.numargs, len(self.argtypes))
+                (len(self.argtypes), argchain.numargs)
         ll_args = self._prepare()
         i = 0
         arg = argchain.first

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