[pypy-commit] lang-js default: removed old code

stepahn noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Fri Dec 28 11:33:03 CET 2012

Author: Stephan <stephan at stzal.com>
Changeset: r165:20c904e5be39
Date: 2011-12-21 13:55 +0100

Log:	removed old code

diff --git a/js/jsobj.py b/js/jsobj.py
--- a/js/jsobj.py
+++ b/js/jsobj.py
@@ -507,222 +507,6 @@
     def ToString(self):
         return self._function_.ToString()
-#class W_PrimitiveObject(W_Root):
-    #_immutable_fields_ = ['Class', 'Prototype', 'Scope', 'Value']
-    #def __init__(self, Prototype=None, Class='Object', Value=w_Undefined):
-        #self.Prototype = Prototype
-        #self.property_map = root_map()
-        #self.property_values = []
-        #if Prototype is None:
-            #Prototype = w_Undefined
-        #self._set_property('prototype', Prototype, DONT_ENUM | DONT_DELETE)
-        #self.Class = Class
-        #self.Scope = None
-        #self.Value = Value
-    #def _set_property(self, name, value, flags):
-        #if self.property_map.lookup(name) == self.property_map.NOT_FOUND:
-            #self.property_map = self.property_map.add(name, flags)
-        #self._set_property_value(name, value)
-        #self._set_property_flags(name, flags)
-    #def _set_property_value(self, name, value):
-        #idx = self.property_map.lookup(name)
-        #l = len(self.property_values)
-        #if l <= idx:
-            #self.property_values = self.property_values + ([None] * (idx - l + 1))
-        #self.property_values[idx] = value
-    #def _set_property_flags(self, name, flags):
-        #self.property_map = self.property_map.set_flags(name, flags)
-    #def _get_property_value(self, name):
-        #idx = self.property_map.lookup(name)
-        #if idx == self.property_map.NOT_FOUND:
-            #raise KeyError
-        #return self.property_values[idx]
-    #def _get_property_flags(self, name):
-        #flag = self.property_map.lookup_flag(name)
-        #if flag == self.property_map.NOT_FOUND:
-            #raise KeyError
-        #return flag
-    #def _has_property(self, name):
-        #return self.property_map.lookup(name) != self.property_map.NOT_FOUND
-    #@jit.unroll_safe
-    #def _delete_property(self, name):
-        #idx = self.property_map.lookup(name)
-        #old_map = self.property_map
-        #new_map = self.property_map.delete(name)
-        #new_keys = new_map.keys()
-        #new_values = [None] * len(new_keys)
-        #old_values = self.property_values
-        #for key in new_keys:
-            #old_index = old_map.lookup(key)
-            #new_index = new_map.lookup(key)
-            #new_values[new_index] = old_values[old_index]
-        #self.property_values = new_values
-        #self.property_map = new_map
-    #def _get_property_keys(self):
-        #return self.property_map.keys()
-    #def Call(self, args=[], this=None):
-        #raise JsTypeError('not a function')
-    #def Construct(self, args=[]):
-        #obj = W_Object(Class='Object')
-        #prot = self.Get('prototype')
-        #if isinstance(prot, W_PrimitiveObject):
-            #obj.Prototype = prot
-        #else: # would love to test this
-            ##but I fail to find a case that falls into this
-            ##obj.Prototype = ctx.get_global().Get('Object').Get('prototype')
-            #from js.builtins import get_builtin_prototype
-            #obj.Prototype = get_builtin_prototype('Object')
-        #try: #this is a hack to be compatible to spidermonkey
-            #self.Call(args, this=obj)
-            #return obj
-        #except ReturnException, e:
-            #return e.value
-    #def Get(self, P):
-        #try:
-            #return self._get_property_value(P)
-        #except KeyError:
-            #if self.Prototype is None:
-                #return w_Undefined
-        #return self.Prototype.Get(P) # go down the prototype chain
-    #def CanPut(self, P):
-        #if self._has_property(P):
-            #if self._get_property_flags(P) & READ_ONLY: return False
-            #return True
-        #if self.Prototype is None: return True
-        #return self.Prototype.CanPut(P)
-    #def Put(self, P, V, flags = 0):
-        #if self._has_property(P):
-            #self._set_property_value(P, V)
-            #f = self._get_property_flags(P) | flags
-            #self._set_property_flags(P, f)
-            #return
-        #if not self.CanPut(P): return
-        #self._set_property(P, V, flags)
-    #def HasProperty(self, P):
-        #if self._has_property(P): return True
-        #if self.Prototype is None: return False
-        #return self.Prototype.HasProperty(P)
-    #def Delete(self, P):
-        #if self._has_property(P):
-            #if self._get_property_flags(P) & DONT_DELETE:
-                #return False
-            #self._delete_property(P)
-            #return True
-        #return True
-    #def internal_def_value(self, tryone, trytwo):
-        ## XXX: redo this!
-        #t1 = self.Get(tryone)
-        #if isinstance(t1, W_PrimitiveObject):
-            #val = t1.Call(this=self)
-            #if isinstance(val, W__Primitive):
-                #return val
-        #t2 = self.Get(trytwo)
-        #if isinstance(t2, W_PrimitiveObject):
-            #val = t2.Call(this=self)
-            #if isinstance(val, W__Primitive):
-                #return val
-        #raise JsTypeError
-    #def DefaultValue(self,  hint=""):
-        #if hint == "String":
-            #return self.internal_def_value("toString", "valueOf")
-        #else: # hint can only be empty, String or Number
-            #return self.internal_def_value("valueOf", "toString")
-    #ToPrimitive = DefaultValue
-    #def ToBoolean(self):
-        #return True
-    #def ToString(self):
-        #try:
-            #res = self.ToPrimitive('String')
-        #except JsTypeError:
-            #return "[object %s]"%(self.Class,)
-        #return res.ToString()
-    #def __str__(self):
-        #return "<Object class: %s>" % self.Class
-    #def type(self):
-        #return 'object'
-#class W_Object(W_PrimitiveObject):
-    #def __init__(self, Prototype=None, Class='Object', Value=w_Undefined):
-        #W_PrimitiveObject.__init__(self, Prototype, Class, Value)
-    #def ToNumber(self):
-        #return self.Get('valueOf').Call(args=[], this=self).ToNumber()
-#class W_CallableObject(W_Object):
-    #_immutable_fields_ = ['callfunc', 'ctx']
-    #def __init__(self, ctx, Prototype, callfunc):
-        #W_Object.__init__(self, Prototype, 'Function')
-        #self.ctx = ctx
-        #self.callfunc = callfunc
-    #@jit.unroll_safe
-    #def Call(self, args=[], this=None):
-        #from js.jsexecution_context import make_activation_context, make_function_context
-        #w_Arguments = W_Arguments(self, args)
-        #act = make_activation_context(self.ctx, this, w_Arguments)
-        #newctx = make_function_context(act, self.callfunc)
-        #paramn = len(self.callfunc.params)
-        #for i in range(paramn):
-            #paramname = self.callfunc.params[i]
-            #try:
-                #value = args[i]
-            #except IndexError:
-                #value = w_Undefined
-            #newctx.declare_variable(paramname)
-            #newctx.assign(paramname, value)
-        #val = self.callfunc.run(ctx=newctx, save_stack = False)
-        #return val
-    #def type(self):
-        #return 'function'
-#class W_Builtin(W_PrimitiveObject):
-    #def __init__(self, builtin=None, Prototype=None, Class='function', Value=w_Undefined):
-        #W_PrimitiveObject.__init__(self, Prototype, Class, Value)
-        #self.set_builtin_call(builtin)
-    #def set_builtin_call(self, callfuncbi):
-        #self.callfuncbi = callfuncbi
-    #def Call(self, args=[], this = None):
-        #return self.callfuncbi(args, this)
-    #def Construct(self, args=[]):
-        #return self.callfuncbi(args, None)
-    #def type(self):
-        #return self.Class
 class W_Arguments(W_BasicObject):
     def tolist(self):
         l = []
@@ -740,15 +524,6 @@
             self.Put(str(i), args[i])
         self.length = len(args)
-#class ActivationObject(W_PrimitiveObject):
-    #"""The object used on function calls to hold arguments and this"""
-    #def __init__(self):
-        #W_PrimitiveObject.__init__(self, Class='Activation')
-        #self._delete_property('prototype')
-    #def __repr__(self):
-        #return str(self.property_map)
 class W_ArrayConstructor(W_BasicObject):
     def IsCallable(self):
         return True

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