[pypy-commit] pypy stm-gc: In-progress

arigo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Sun Apr 22 15:05:31 CEST 2012

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: stm-gc
Changeset: r54616:3b5630b98667
Date: 2012-04-22 15:05 +0200

Log:	In-progress

diff --git a/pypy/rlib/rstm.py b/pypy/rlib/rstm.py
--- a/pypy/rlib/rstm.py
+++ b/pypy/rlib/rstm.py
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.lloperation import llop
 from pypy.rpython.annlowlevel import llhelper, cast_instance_to_base_ptr
 from pypy.rpython.annlowlevel import base_ptr_lltype, cast_base_ptr_to_instance
-from pypy.rlib.objectmodel import keepalive_until_here
+from pypy.rlib.objectmodel import keepalive_until_here, we_are_translated
+from pypy.rlib.debug import ll_assert
 from pypy.translator.stm.stmgcintf import StmOperations
@@ -21,15 +22,28 @@
         raise NotImplementedError
+def stm_operations():
+    if we_are_translated():
+        return StmOperations
+    else:
+        from pypy.rlib.test.test_rstm import fake_stm_operations
+        return fake_stm_operations
+def in_transaction():
+    return bool(stm_operations().in_transaction())
 def run_all_transactions(initial_transaction,
                          num_threads = NUM_THREADS_DEFAULT):
-    if StmOperations.in_transaction():
+    if in_transaction():
         raise TransactionError("nested call to rstm.run_all_transactions()")
     # Tell the GC we are entering transactional mode.  This makes
     # sure that 'initial_transaction' is flagged as GLOBAL.
+    # (Actually it flags all surviving objects as GLOBAL.)
     # No more GC operation afterwards!
@@ -39,31 +53,53 @@
     # is no possibility of having a GC collection inbetween.
+    # The following line causes the _run_transaction() function to be
+    # generated in the C source with a specific signature, where it
+    # can be called by the C code.
+    llhelper(StmOperations.RUN_TRANSACTION, _run_transaction)
+    #
     # Tell the C code to run all transactions.
-    callback = llhelper(_CALLBACK, _run_transaction)
     ptr = _cast_transaction_to_voidp(initial_transaction)
-    StmOperations.run_all_transactions(callback, ptr, num_threads)
+    stm_operations().run_all_transactions(ptr, num_threads)
     # Tell the GC we are leaving transactional mode.
+    # Hack
+    if not we_are_translated():
+        stm_operations().leaving()
+    #
     # If an exception was raised, re-raise it here.
-_CALLBACK = lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType([rffi.VOIDP, lltype.Signed],
-                                       rffi.VOIDP))
 def _cast_transaction_to_voidp(transaction):
-    ptr = cast_instance_to_base_ptr(transaction)
-    return lltype.cast_pointer(rffi.VOIDP, ptr)
+    if we_are_translated():
+        ptr = cast_instance_to_base_ptr(transaction)
+        return rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, ptr)
+    else:
+        return stm_operations().cast_transaction_to_voidp(transaction)
 def _cast_voidp_to_transaction(transactionptr):
-    ptr = lltype.cast_pointer(base_ptr_lltype(), transactionptr)
-    return cast_base_ptr_to_instance(Transaction, ptr)
+    if we_are_translated():
+        ptr = rffi.cast(base_ptr_lltype(), transactionptr)
+        return cast_base_ptr_to_instance(Transaction, ptr)
+    else:
+        return stm_operations().cast_voidp_to_transaction(transactionptr)
 class _TransactionalState(object):
+    """This is the class of a global singleton, seen by every transaction.
+    Used for cross-transaction synchronization.  Of course writing to it
+    will likely cause conflicts.  Reserved for now for storing the
+    exception that must be re-raised by run_all_transactions().
+    """
+    # The logic ensures that once a transaction calls must_reraise_exception()
+    # and commits, all uncommitted transactions will abort (because they have
+    # read '_reraise_exception' when they started) and then, when they retry,
+    # do nothing.  This makes the transaction committing an exception the last
+    # one to commit, and it cleanly shuts down all other pending transactions.
     def initialize(self):
         self._reraise_exception = None
@@ -73,6 +109,8 @@
     def must_reraise_exception(self, got_exception):
         self._got_exception = got_exception
         self._reraise_exception = self.reraise_exception_callback
+        if not we_are_translated():
+            import sys; self._got_tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
     def close_exceptions(self):
         if self._reraise_exception is not None:
@@ -80,8 +118,11 @@
     def reraise_exception_callback():
-        exc = _transactionalstate._got_exception
+        self = _transactionalstate
+        exc = self._got_exception
         self._got_exception = None
+        if not we_are_translated() and hasattr(self, '_got_tb'):
+            raise exc.__class__, exc, self._got_tb
         raise exc
 _transactionalstate = _TransactionalState()
diff --git a/pypy/rlib/test/test_rstm.py b/pypy/rlib/test/test_rstm.py
--- a/pypy/rlib/test/test_rstm.py
+++ b/pypy/rlib/test/test_rstm.py
@@ -1,101 +1,90 @@
-import os, thread, time
-from pypy.rlib.debug import debug_print, ll_assert, fatalerror
+import random
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import lltype, rffi
 from pypy.rlib import rstm
-from pypy.rpython.annlowlevel import llhelper
-from pypy.translator.stm.test.support import CompiledSTMTests
-from pypy.module.thread import ll_thread
-class Arg(object):
-    pass
-arg_list = [Arg() for i in range(10)]
+class FakeStmOperations:
+    _in_transaction = 0
+    _mapping = {}
-def setx(arg, retry_counter):
-    debug_print(arg.x)
-    assert rstm._debug_get_state() == 1
-    if arg.x == 303:
-        # this will trigger stm_become_inevitable()
-        os.write(1, "hello\n")
-        assert rstm._debug_get_state() == 2
-    arg.x = 42
+    def in_transaction(self):
+        return self._in_transaction
-def stm_perform_transaction(done=None, i=0):
-    ll_assert(rstm._debug_get_state() == -2, "bad debug_get_state (1)")
-    rstm.descriptor_init()
-    arg = arg_list[i]
-    if done is None:
-        arg.x = 202
-    else:
-        arg.x = done.initial_x
-    ll_assert(rstm._debug_get_state() == 0, "bad debug_get_state (2)")
-    rstm.perform_transaction(setx, Arg, arg)
-    ll_assert(rstm._debug_get_state() == 0, "bad debug_get_state (3)")
-    ll_assert(arg.x == 42, "bad arg.x")
-    if done is not None:
-        ll_thread.release_NOAUTO(done.finished_lock)
-    rstm.descriptor_done()
-    ll_assert(rstm._debug_get_state() == -2, "bad debug_get_state (4)")
+    def _add(self, transactionptr):
+        r = random.random()
+        assert r not in self._pending    # very bad luck if it is
+        self._pending[r] = transactionptr
-def test_stm_multiple_threads():
-    ok = []
-    def f(i):
-        stm_perform_transaction(i=i)
-        ok.append(i)
-    rstm.enter_transactional_mode()
-    for i in range(10):
-        thread.start_new_thread(f, (i,))
-    timeout = 10
-    while len(ok) < 10:
-        time.sleep(0.1)
-        timeout -= 0.1
-        assert timeout >= 0.0, "timeout!"
-    rstm.leave_transactional_mode()
-    assert sorted(ok) == range(10)
+    def run_all_transactions(self, initial_transaction_ptr, num_threads=4):
+        self._pending = {}
+        self._add(initial_transaction_ptr)
+        while self._pending:
+            r, transactionptr = self._pending.popitem()
+            transaction = self.cast_voidp_to_transaction(transactionptr)
+            transaction._next_transaction = None
+            nextptr = rstm._run_transaction(transactionptr, 0)
+            next = self.cast_voidp_to_transaction(nextptr)
+            while next is not None:
+                self._add(self.cast_transaction_to_voidp(next))
+                next = next._next_transaction
+        del self._pending
+    def cast_transaction_to_voidp(self, transaction):
+        if transaction is None:
+            return lltype.nullptr(rffi.VOIDP.TO)
+        assert isinstance(transaction, rstm.Transaction)
+        num = 10000 + len(self._mapping)
+        self._mapping[num] = transaction
+        return rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, num)
-class TestTransformSingleThread(CompiledSTMTests):
+    def cast_voidp_to_transaction(self, transactionptr):
+        if not transactionptr:
+            return None
+        num = rffi.cast(lltype.Signed, transactionptr)
+        return self._mapping[num]
-    def test_no_pointer_operations(self):
-        def simplefunc(argv):
-            i = 0
-            while i < 100:
-                i += 3
-            debug_print(i)
-            return 0
-        t, cbuilder = self.compile(simplefunc)
-        dataout, dataerr = cbuilder.cmdexec('', err=True)
-        assert dataout == ''
-        assert '102' in dataerr.splitlines()
+    def leaving(self):
+        self._mapping.clear()
-    def build_perform_transaction(self):
-        class Done: done = False
-        done = Done()
-        def g():
-            stm_perform_transaction(done)
-        def f(argv):
-            done.initial_x = int(argv[1])
-            assert rstm._debug_get_state() == -1    # main thread
-            done.finished_lock = ll_thread.allocate_ll_lock()
-            ll_thread.acquire_NOAUTO(done.finished_lock, True)
-            #
-            rstm.enter_transactional_mode()
-            #
-            llcallback = llhelper(ll_thread.CALLBACK, g)
-            ident = ll_thread.c_thread_start_NOGIL(llcallback)
-            ll_thread.acquire_NOAUTO(done.finished_lock, True)
-            #
-            rstm.leave_transactional_mode()
-            return 0
-        t, cbuilder = self.compile(f)
-        return cbuilder
+fake_stm_operations = FakeStmOperations()
-    def test_perform_transaction(self):
-        cbuilder = self.build_perform_transaction()
-        #
-        dataout, dataerr = cbuilder.cmdexec('202', err=True)
-        assert dataout == ''
-        assert '202' in dataerr.splitlines()
-        #
-        dataout, dataerr = cbuilder.cmdexec('303', err=True)
-        assert 'hello' in dataout.splitlines()
-        assert '303' in dataerr.splitlines()
+def test_in_transaction():
+    res = rstm.in_transaction()
+    assert res is False
+def test_run_all_transactions_minimal():
+    seen = []
+    class Empty(rstm.Transaction):
+        def run(self):
+            seen.append(42)
+    rstm.run_all_transactions(Empty())
+    assert seen == [42]
+def test_run_all_transactions_recursive():
+    seen = []
+    class DoInOrder(rstm.Transaction):
+        def run(self):
+            assert self._next_transaction is None
+            if len(seen) < 10:
+                seen.append(len(seen))
+                return [self]
+    rstm.run_all_transactions(DoInOrder())
+    assert seen == range(10)
+def test_run_all_transactions_random_order():
+    seen = []
+    class AddToSeen(rstm.Transaction):
+        def run(self):
+            seen.append(self.value)
+    class DoInOrder(rstm.Transaction):
+        count = 0
+        def run(self):
+            assert self._next_transaction is None
+            if self.count < 50:
+                other = AddToSeen()
+                other.value = self.count
+                self.count += 1
+                return [self, other]
+    rstm.run_all_transactions(DoInOrder())
+    assert seen != range(50) and sorted(seen) == range(50)
diff --git a/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/lloperation.py b/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/lloperation.py
--- a/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/lloperation.py
+++ b/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/lloperation.py
@@ -403,14 +403,12 @@
     'stm_getarrayitem':       LLOp(sideeffects=False, canrun=True),
     'stm_getinteriorfield':   LLOp(sideeffects=False, canrun=True),
     'stm_become_inevitable':  LLOp(),
-    'stm_descriptor_init':    LLOp(canrun=True),
-    'stm_descriptor_done':    LLOp(canrun=True),
     'stm_enter_transactional_mode': LLOp(canrun=True, canmallocgc=True),
     'stm_leave_transactional_mode': LLOp(canrun=True, canmallocgc=True),
-    'stm_writebarrier':       LLOp(sideeffects=False),
+    'stm_writebarrier':       LLOp(),
     'stm_normalize_global':   LLOp(),
     'stm_start_transaction':  LLOp(canrun=True, canmallocgc=True),
-    'stm_commit_transaction': LLOp(canrun=True, canmallocgc=True),
+    'stm_stop_transaction':   LLOp(canrun=True, canmallocgc=True),
     # __________ address operations __________
diff --git a/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/opimpl.py b/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/opimpl.py
--- a/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/opimpl.py
+++ b/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/opimpl.py
@@ -625,17 +625,19 @@
 def op_stm_descriptor_init():
     # for direct testing only
+    xxx
     from pypy.translator.stm import stmgcintf
     stmgcintf.StmOperations.set_tls(llmemory.NULL, 0)
 def op_stm_descriptor_done():
+    xxx
     from pypy.translator.stm import stmgcintf
 def op_stm_start_transaction():
-def op_stm_commit_transaction():
+def op_stm_stop_transaction():
 def op_stm_enter_transactional_mode():
diff --git a/pypy/translator/stm/src_stm/core.c b/pypy/translator/stm/src_stm/core.c
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pypy/translator/stm/src_stm/core.c
@@ -0,0 +1,668 @@
+/* -*- c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+#define ABORT_REASONS 8
+struct tx_descriptor {
+  void *rpython_tls_object;
+  jmp_buf *setjmp_buf;
+  owner_version_t start_time;
+  owner_version_t end_time;
+  /*unsigned long last_known_global_timestamp;*/
+  owner_version_t my_lock_word;
+  struct OrecList reads;
+  unsigned num_commits;
+  unsigned num_aborts[ABORT_REASONS];
+  unsigned num_spinloops[SPINLOOP_REASONS];
+  /*unsigned int spinloop_counter;*/
+  struct RedoLog redolog;   /* last item, because it's the biggest one */
+/* global_timestamp contains in its lowest bit a flag equal to 1
+   if there is an inevitable transaction running */
+static volatile unsigned long global_timestamp = 2;
+static __thread struct tx_descriptor *thread_descriptor = NULL;
+static __thread struct tx_descriptor *active_thread_descriptor = NULL;
+static long (*rpython_get_size)(void*);
+static unsigned long get_global_timestamp(struct tx_descriptor *d)
+  return (/*d->last_known_global_timestamp =*/ global_timestamp);
+static _Bool change_global_timestamp(struct tx_descriptor *d,
+                                     unsigned long old,
+                                     unsigned long new)
+  if (bool_cas(&global_timestamp, old, new))
+    {
+      /*d->last_known_global_timestamp = new;*/
+      return 1;
+    }
+  return 0;
+static void set_global_timestamp(struct tx_descriptor *d, unsigned long new)
+  global_timestamp = new;
+  /*d->last_known_global_timestamp = new;*/
+static void tx_abort(int);
+static void tx_spinloop(int num)
+  unsigned int c;
+  int i;
+  struct tx_descriptor *d = active_thread_descriptor;
+  d->num_spinloops[num]++;
+  //printf("tx_spinloop(%d)\n", num);
+#if 0
+  c = d->spinloop_counter;
+  d->spinloop_counter = c * 9;
+  i = c & 0xff0000;
+  while (i >= 0) {
+    spinloop();
+    i -= 0x10000;
+  }
+  spinloop();
+static _Bool is_inevitable(struct tx_descriptor *d)
+  return d->setjmp_buf == NULL;
+/*** run the redo log to commit a transaction, and release the locks */
+static void tx_redo(struct tx_descriptor *d)
+  owner_version_t newver = d->end_time;
+  wlog_t *item;
+  REDOLOG_LOOP_FORWARD(d->redolog, item)
+    {
+      void *globalobj = item->addr;
+      void *localobj = item->val;
+      long size = rpython_get_size(localobj);
+      memcpy(((char *)globalobj) + sizeof(orec_t),
+             ((char *)localobj) + sizeof(orec_t),
+             size - sizeof(orec_t));
+      /* unlock the orec */
+      volatile orec_t* o = get_orec(globalobj);
+      CFENCE;
+      o->version = newver;
+/*** on abort, release locks and restore the old version number. */
+static void releaseAndRevertLocks(struct tx_descriptor *d)
+  wlog_t *item;
+  REDOLOG_LOOP_FORWARD(d->redolog, item)
+    {
+      if (item->p != -1)
+        {
+          volatile orec_t* o = get_orec(item->addr);
+          o->version = item->p;
+        }
+/*** release locks and restore the old version number, ready to retry later */
+static void releaseLocksForRetry(struct tx_descriptor *d)
+  wlog_t *item;
+  REDOLOG_LOOP_FORWARD(d->redolog, item)
+    {
+      volatile orec_t* o = get_orec(item->addr);
+      assert(item->p != -1);
+      o->version = item->p;
+      item->p = -1;
+/*** lock all locations */
+static void acquireLocks(struct tx_descriptor *d)
+  wlog_t *item;
+  // try to lock every location in the write set
+  REDOLOG_LOOP_BACKWARD(d->redolog, item)
+    {
+      // get orec, read its version#
+      volatile orec_t* o = get_orec(item->addr);
+      owner_version_t ovt;
+    retry:
+      ovt = o->version;
+      // if orec not locked, lock it
+      //
+      // NB: if ovt > start time, we may introduce inconsistent
+      // reads.  Since most writes are also reads, we'll just abort under this
+      // condition.  This can introduce false conflicts
+      if (!IS_LOCKED_OR_NEWER(ovt, d->start_time)) {
+        if (!bool_cas(&o->version, ovt, d->my_lock_word))
+          goto retry;
+        // save old version to item->p.  Now we hold the lock.
+        item->p = ovt;
+      }
+      // else if the location is too recent...
+      else if (!IS_LOCKED(ovt))
+        tx_abort(0);
+      // else it is locked: check it's not by me
+      else {
+        assert(ovt != d->my_lock_word);
+        // we can either abort or spinloop.  Because we are at the end of
+        // the transaction we might try to spinloop, even though after the
+        // lock is released the ovt will be very recent, possibly
+        // > d->start_time.  It is necessary to spinloop in case we are
+        // inevitable, so use that as a criteria.  Another solution to avoid
+        // deadlocks would be to sort the order in which we take the locks.
+        if (is_inevitable(d))
+          tx_spinloop(8);
+        else
+          tx_abort(6);
+        goto retry;
+      }
+static void common_cleanup(struct tx_descriptor *d)
+  d->reads.size = 0;
+  redolog_clear(&d->redolog);
+static void tx_cleanup(struct tx_descriptor *d)
+  // release the locks and restore version numbers
+  releaseAndRevertLocks(d);
+  // reset all lists
+  common_cleanup(d);
+static void tx_restart(struct tx_descriptor *d)
+  tx_cleanup(d);
+  tx_spinloop(0);
+  longjmp(*d->setjmp_buf, 1);
+/*** increase the abort count and restart the transaction */
+static void tx_abort(int reason)
+  struct tx_descriptor *d = active_thread_descriptor;
+  assert(!is_inevitable(d));
+  d->num_aborts[reason]++;
+  PYPY_DEBUG_START("stm-abort");
+      fprintf(PYPY_DEBUG_FILE, "thread %lx aborting %d\n",
+                               (long)pthread_self(), reason);
+  PYPY_DEBUG_STOP("stm-abort");
+  tx_restart(d);
+ * fast-path validation, assuming that I don't hold locks.
+ */
+static void validate_fast(struct tx_descriptor *d, int lognum)
+  int i;
+  owner_version_t ovt;
+  assert(!is_inevitable(d));
+  for (i=0; i<d->reads.size; i++)
+    {
+    retry:
+      ovt = d->reads.items[i]->version;
+      if (IS_LOCKED_OR_NEWER(ovt, d->start_time))
+        {
+          // If locked, we wait until it becomes unlocked.  The chances are
+          // that it will then have a very recent start_time, likely
+          // > d->start_time, but it might still be better than always aborting
+          if (IS_LOCKED(ovt))
+            {
+              tx_spinloop(lognum);  /* tx_spinloop(1), tx_spinloop(2),
+                                       tx_spinloop(3) */
+              goto retry;
+            }
+          else
+            // abort if the timestamp is newer than my start time.  
+            tx_abort(lognum);  /* tx_abort(1), tx_abort(2), tx_abort(3) */
+        }
+    }
+ * validate the read set by making sure that all orecs that we've read have
+ * timestamps at least as old as our start time, unless we locked those orecs.
+ */
+static void validate(struct tx_descriptor *d)
+  int i;
+  owner_version_t ovt;
+  assert(!is_inevitable(d));
+  for (i=0; i<d->reads.size; i++)
+    {
+      ovt = d->reads.items[i]->version;      // read this orec
+      if (IS_LOCKED_OR_NEWER(ovt, d->start_time))
+        {
+          if (!IS_LOCKED(ovt))
+            // if unlocked and newer than start time, abort
+            tx_abort(4);
+          else
+            {
+              // if locked and not by me, abort
+              if (ovt != d->my_lock_word)
+                tx_abort(5);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+/* mutex: only to avoid busy-looping too much in tx_spinloop() below */
+static pthread_mutex_t mutex_inevitable = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+static unsigned long locked_by = 0;
+static void mutex_lock(void)
+  unsigned long pself = (unsigned long)pthread_self();
+                                      "%lx: mutex inev locking...\n", pself);
+  assert(locked_by != pself);
+  pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_inevitable);
+  locked_by = pself;
+                                      "%lx: mutex inev locked\n", pself);
+static void mutex_unlock(void)
+  unsigned long pself = (unsigned long)pthread_self();
+  locked_by = 0;
+                                      "%lx: mutex inev unlocked\n", pself);
+  pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_inevitable);
+# else
+#  define mutex_lock()    pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_inevitable)
+#  define mutex_unlock()  pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_inevitable)
+# endif
+# define mutex_lock()     /* nothing */
+# define mutex_unlock()   /* nothing */
+static void wait_end_inevitability(struct tx_descriptor *d)
+  unsigned long curts;
+  releaseLocksForRetry(d);
+  // We are going to wait until the other inevitable transaction
+  // finishes.  XXX We could do better here: we could check if
+  // committing 'd' would create a conflict for the other inevitable
+  // thread 'd_inev' or not.  It requires peeking in 'd_inev' from this
+  // thread (which we never do so far) in order to do something like
+  // 'validate_fast(d_inev); d_inev->start_time = updated;'
+  while ((curts = get_global_timestamp(d)) & 1)
+    {
+      // while we're about to wait anyway, we can do a validate_fast
+      if (d->start_time < curts - 1)
+        {
+          validate_fast(d, 3);
+          d->start_time = curts - 1;
+        }
+      tx_spinloop(4);
+      mutex_lock();
+      mutex_unlock();
+    }
+  acquireLocks(d);
+static void commitInevitableTransaction(struct tx_descriptor *d)
+  unsigned long ts;
+  _Bool ok;
+  // no-one else can modify global_timestamp if I'm inevitable
+  // and d_inev_checking is 0
+  ts = get_global_timestamp(d);
+  assert(ts & 1);
+  set_global_timestamp(d, ts + 1);
+  d->end_time = ts + 1;
+  assert(d->end_time == (d->start_time + 2));
+  // run the redo log, and release the locks
+  tx_redo(d);
+  mutex_unlock();
+/* lazy/lazy read instrumentation */
+#define STM_DO_READ(READ_OPERATION)                                     \
+  if (is_inevitable(d)) {                                               \
+    /* if is_inevitable(), then we don't need to do the checking of  */ \
+    /* o->version done below --- but more importantly, we don't need */ \
+    /* to insert o in the OrecList                                   */ \
+    READ_OPERATION;                                                     \
+  }                                                                     \
+  else {                                                                \
+ retry:                                                                 \
+  /* read the orec BEFORE we read anything else */                      \
+  ovt = o->version;                                                     \
+  CFENCE;                                                               \
+                                                                        \
+  /* this tx doesn't hold any locks, so if the lock for this addr is */ \
+  /* held, there is contention.  A lock is never hold for too long,  */ \
+  /* so spinloop until it is released.                               */ \
+  if (IS_LOCKED_OR_NEWER(ovt, d->start_time))                           \
+    {                                                                   \
+      if (IS_LOCKED(ovt)) {                                             \
+        tx_spinloop(7);                                                 \
+        goto retry;                                                     \
+      }                                                                 \
+      /* else this location is too new, scale forward */                \
+      owner_version_t newts = get_global_timestamp(d) & ~1;             \
+      validate_fast(d, 1);                                              \
+      d->start_time = newts;                                            \
+    }                                                                   \
+                                                                        \
+  /* orec is unlocked, with ts <= start_time.  read the location */     \
+  READ_OPERATION;                                                       \
+                                                                        \
+  /* postvalidate AFTER reading addr: */                                \
+  CFENCE;                                                               \
+  if (__builtin_expect(o->version != ovt, 0))                           \
+    goto retry;       /* oups, try again */                             \
+                                                                        \
+  oreclist_insert(&d->reads, (orec_t*)o);                               \
+  }
+#define STM_READ_WORD(SIZE, SUFFIX, TYPE)                               \
+TYPE stm_read_int##SIZE##SUFFIX(void* addr, long offset)                \
+{                                                                       \
+  struct tx_descriptor *d = active_thread_descriptor;                   \
+  volatile orec_t *o = get_orec(addr);                                  \
+  owner_version_t ovt;                                                  \
+                                                                        \
+  assert(sizeof(TYPE) == SIZE);                                         \
+  /* XXX try to remove this check from the main path:           */      \
+  /*     d is NULL only when in non-main threads but            */      \
+  /*     outside a transaction.                                 */      \
+  if (d == NULL)                                                        \
+    return *(TYPE *)(((char *)addr) + offset);                          \
+                                                                        \
+  if ((o->tid & GCFLAG_WAS_COPIED) != 0)                                \
+    {                                                                   \
+      /* Look up in the thread-local dictionary. */                     \
+      wlog_t *found;                                                    \
+      REDOLOG_FIND(d->redolog, addr, found, goto not_found);            \
+      orec_t *localobj = (orec_t *)found->val;                          \
+      assert((localobj->tid & GCFLAG_GLOBAL) == 0);                     \
+      return *(TYPE *)(((char *)localobj) + offset);                    \
+                                                                        \
+    not_found:;                                                         \
+    }                                                                   \
+                                                                        \
+  TYPE tmp;                                                             \
+  STM_DO_READ(tmp = *(TYPE *)(((char *)addr) + offset));                \
+  return tmp;                                                           \
+STM_READ_WORD(1, , char)
+STM_READ_WORD(2, , short)
+STM_READ_WORD(4, , int)
+STM_READ_WORD(8, , long long)
+STM_READ_WORD(8,f, double)
+STM_READ_WORD(4,f, float)
+void stm_copy_transactional_to_raw(void *src, void *dst, long size)
+  struct tx_descriptor *d = active_thread_descriptor;
+  volatile orec_t *o = get_orec(src);
+  owner_version_t ovt;
+  assert(d != NULL);
+  /* don't copy the header */
+  src = ((char *)src) + sizeof(orec_t);
+  dst = ((char *)dst) + sizeof(orec_t);
+  size -= sizeof(orec_t);
+  STM_DO_READ(memcpy(dst, src, size));
+static struct tx_descriptor *descriptor_init(long in_main_thread)
+  assert(thread_descriptor == NULL);
+  assert(active_thread_descriptor == NULL);
+  if (1)  /* for hg diff */
+    {
+      struct tx_descriptor *d = malloc(sizeof(struct tx_descriptor));
+      memset(d, 0, sizeof(struct tx_descriptor));
+      PYPY_DEBUG_START("stm-init");
+      if (in_main_thread)
+        {
+          d->my_lock_word = 0;   /* special value for the main thread */
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          /* initialize 'my_lock_word' to be a unique negative number */
+          d->my_lock_word = (owner_version_t)d;
+          if (!IS_LOCKED(d->my_lock_word))
+            d->my_lock_word = ~d->my_lock_word;
+          assert(IS_LOCKED(d->my_lock_word));
+        }
+      /*d->spinloop_counter = (unsigned int)(d->my_lock_word | 1);*/
+      thread_descriptor = d;
+      if (in_main_thread)
+        ; //stm_leave_transactional_mode();
+      else
+        ;   /* active_thread_descriptor stays NULL */
+      if (PYPY_HAVE_DEBUG_PRINTS) fprintf(PYPY_DEBUG_FILE, "thread %lx starting\n",
+                                          (long)pthread_self());
+      PYPY_DEBUG_STOP("stm-init");
+      return d;
+    }
+static void descriptor_done(void)
+  struct tx_descriptor *d = thread_descriptor;
+  assert(d != NULL);
+  assert(active_thread_descriptor == NULL);
+  thread_descriptor = NULL;
+  PYPY_DEBUG_START("stm-done");
+    int num_aborts = 0, num_spinloops = 0;
+    int i, prevchar;
+    char line[256], *p = line;
+    for (i=0; i<ABORT_REASONS; i++)
+      num_aborts += d->num_aborts[i];
+    for (i=0; i<SPINLOOP_REASONS; i++)
+      num_spinloops += d->num_spinloops[i];
+    p += sprintf(p, "thread %lx: %d commits, %d aborts\n",
+                 (long)pthread_self(),
+                 d->num_commits,
+                 num_aborts);
+    for (i=0; i<ABORT_REASONS; i++)
+      p += sprintf(p, "%c%d", i == 0 ? '[' : ',',
+                   d->num_aborts[i]);
+    for (i=1; i<SPINLOOP_REASONS; i++)  /* num_spinloops[0] == num_aborts */
+      p += sprintf(p, "%c%d", i == 1 ? '|' : ',',
+                   d->num_spinloops[i]);
+    p += sprintf(p, "]\n");
+    fwrite(line, 1, p - line, PYPY_DEBUG_FILE);
+  }
+  PYPY_DEBUG_STOP("stm-done");
+  free(d);
+static void begin_transaction(jmp_buf* buf)
+  struct tx_descriptor *d = thread_descriptor;
+  /* you need to call descriptor_init() before calling
+     stm_perform_transaction() */
+  assert(d != NULL);
+  d->setjmp_buf = buf;
+  d->start_time = (/*d->last_known_global_timestamp*/ global_timestamp) & ~1;
+  active_thread_descriptor = d;
+static long commit_transaction(void)
+  struct tx_descriptor *d = active_thread_descriptor;
+  assert(d != NULL);
+  // if I don't have writes, I'm committed
+  if (!redolog_any_entry(&d->redolog))
+    {
+      if (is_inevitable(d))
+        {
+          unsigned long ts = get_global_timestamp(d);
+          assert(ts & 1);
+          set_global_timestamp(d, ts - 1);
+          mutex_unlock();
+        }
+      d->num_commits++;
+      common_cleanup(d);
+      active_thread_descriptor = NULL;
+      return d->start_time;
+    }
+  // bring that variable over to this CPU core (optimization, maybe)
+  global_timestamp;
+  // acquire locks
+  acquireLocks(d);
+  if (is_inevitable(d))
+    {
+      commitInevitableTransaction(d);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      while (1)
+        {
+          unsigned long expected = get_global_timestamp(d);
+          if (expected & 1)
+            {
+              // wait until it is done.  hopefully we can then proceed
+              // without conflicts.
+              wait_end_inevitability(d);
+              continue;
+            }
+          if (change_global_timestamp(d, expected, expected + 2))
+            {
+              d->end_time = expected + 2;
+              break;
+            }
+        }
+      // validate (but skip validation if nobody else committed)
+      if (d->end_time != (d->start_time + 2))
+        validate(d);
+      // run the redo log, and release the locks
+      tx_redo(d);
+    }
+  // remember that this was a commit
+  d->num_commits++;
+  // reset all lists
+  common_cleanup(d);
+  active_thread_descriptor = NULL;
+  return d->end_time;
+void stm_try_inevitable(STM_CCHARP1(why))
+  /* when a transaction is inevitable, its start_time is equal to
+     global_timestamp and global_timestamp cannot be incremented
+     by another thread.  We set the lowest bit in global_timestamp
+     to 1. */
+  struct tx_descriptor *d = active_thread_descriptor;
+  if (d == NULL)
+    return;
+  if (is_inevitable(d))   /* also when the transaction is inactive */
+    {
+      return;  /* I am already inevitable */
+    }
+  PYPY_DEBUG_START("stm-inevitable");
+    {
+      fprintf(PYPY_DEBUG_FILE, "%s\n", why);
+    }
+  while (1)
+    {
+      unsigned long curtime = get_global_timestamp(d);
+      if (d->start_time != (curtime & ~1))
+        {                             /* scale forward */
+          validate_fast(d, 2);
+          d->start_time = curtime & ~1;
+        }
+      mutex_lock();
+      if (curtime & 1)   /* there is, or was, already an inevitable thread */
+        {
+          /* should we spinloop here, or abort (and likely come back
+             in try_inevitable() very soon)?  unclear.  For now
+             let's try to spinloop, after the waiting done by
+             acquiring the mutex */
+          mutex_unlock();
+          tx_spinloop(6);
+          continue;
+        }
+      if (change_global_timestamp(d, curtime, curtime + 1))
+        break;
+      mutex_unlock();
+    }
+  d->setjmp_buf = NULL;   /* inevitable from now on */
+  PYPY_DEBUG_STOP("stm-inevitable");
+void stm_abort_and_retry(void)
+  tx_abort(7);     /* manual abort */
diff --git a/pypy/translator/stm/src_stm/et.c b/pypy/translator/stm/src_stm/et.c
--- a/pypy/translator/stm/src_stm/et.c
+++ b/pypy/translator/stm/src_stm/et.c
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <string.h>
-#define USE_PTHREAD_MUTEX    /* optional */
+#define USE_PTHREAD_MUTEX    /* can be made optional */
 # include <pthread.h>
@@ -55,821 +55,12 @@
 #define get_orec(addr)  ((volatile orec_t *)(addr))
 #include "src_stm/lists.c"
+#include "src_stm/core.c"
+#include "src_stm/rpyintf.c"
-#define ABORT_REASONS 8
-struct tx_descriptor {
-  void *rpython_tls_object;
-  jmp_buf *setjmp_buf;
-  owner_version_t start_time;
-  owner_version_t end_time;
-  /*unsigned long last_known_global_timestamp;*/
-  owner_version_t my_lock_word;
-  struct OrecList reads;
-  unsigned num_commits;
-  unsigned num_aborts[ABORT_REASONS];
-  unsigned num_spinloops[SPINLOOP_REASONS];
-  /*unsigned int spinloop_counter;*/
-  struct RedoLog redolog;   /* last item, because it's the biggest one */
-/* global_timestamp contains in its lowest bit a flag equal to 1
-   if there is an inevitable transaction running */
-static volatile unsigned long global_timestamp = 2;
-static __thread struct tx_descriptor *thread_descriptor = NULL;
-static __thread struct tx_descriptor *active_thread_descriptor = NULL;
-static long (*rpython_get_size)(void*);
-static unsigned long get_global_timestamp(struct tx_descriptor *d)
-  return (/*d->last_known_global_timestamp =*/ global_timestamp);
-static _Bool change_global_timestamp(struct tx_descriptor *d,
-                                     unsigned long old,
-                                     unsigned long new)
-  if (bool_cas(&global_timestamp, old, new))
-    {
-      /*d->last_known_global_timestamp = new;*/
-      return 1;
-    }
-  return 0;
-static void set_global_timestamp(struct tx_descriptor *d, unsigned long new)
-  global_timestamp = new;
-  /*d->last_known_global_timestamp = new;*/
-static void tx_abort(int);
-static void tx_spinloop(int num)
-  unsigned int c;
-  int i;
-  struct tx_descriptor *d = active_thread_descriptor;
-  d->num_spinloops[num]++;
-  //printf("tx_spinloop(%d)\n", num);
-#if 0
-  c = d->spinloop_counter;
-  d->spinloop_counter = c * 9;
-  i = c & 0xff0000;
-  while (i >= 0) {
-    spinloop();
-    i -= 0x10000;
-  }
-  spinloop();
-static _Bool is_inevitable(struct tx_descriptor *d)
-  return d->setjmp_buf == NULL;
-/*** run the redo log to commit a transaction, and release the locks */
-static void tx_redo(struct tx_descriptor *d)
-  owner_version_t newver = d->end_time;
-  wlog_t *item;
-  REDOLOG_LOOP_FORWARD(d->redolog, item)
-    {
-      void *globalobj = item->addr;
-      void *localobj = item->val;
-      long size = rpython_get_size(localobj);
-      memcpy(((char *)globalobj) + sizeof(orec_t),
-             ((char *)localobj) + sizeof(orec_t),
-             size - sizeof(orec_t));
-      /* unlock the orec */
-      volatile orec_t* o = get_orec(globalobj);
-      CFENCE;
-      o->version = newver;
-/*** on abort, release locks and restore the old version number. */
-static void releaseAndRevertLocks(struct tx_descriptor *d)
-  wlog_t *item;
-  REDOLOG_LOOP_FORWARD(d->redolog, item)
-    {
-      if (item->p != -1)
-        {
-          volatile orec_t* o = get_orec(item->addr);
-          o->version = item->p;
-        }
-/*** release locks and restore the old version number, ready to retry later */
-static void releaseLocksForRetry(struct tx_descriptor *d)
-  wlog_t *item;
-  REDOLOG_LOOP_FORWARD(d->redolog, item)
-    {
-      volatile orec_t* o = get_orec(item->addr);
-      assert(item->p != -1);
-      o->version = item->p;
-      item->p = -1;
-/*** lock all locations */
-static void acquireLocks(struct tx_descriptor *d)
-  wlog_t *item;
-  // try to lock every location in the write set
-  REDOLOG_LOOP_BACKWARD(d->redolog, item)
-    {
-      // get orec, read its version#
-      volatile orec_t* o = get_orec(item->addr);
-      owner_version_t ovt;
-    retry:
-      ovt = o->version;
-      // if orec not locked, lock it
-      //
-      // NB: if ovt > start time, we may introduce inconsistent
-      // reads.  Since most writes are also reads, we'll just abort under this
-      // condition.  This can introduce false conflicts
-      if (!IS_LOCKED_OR_NEWER(ovt, d->start_time)) {
-        if (!bool_cas(&o->version, ovt, d->my_lock_word))
-          goto retry;
-        // save old version to item->p.  Now we hold the lock.
-        item->p = ovt;
-      }
-      // else if the location is too recent...
-      else if (!IS_LOCKED(ovt))
-        tx_abort(0);
-      // else it is locked: check it's not by me
-      else {
-        assert(ovt != d->my_lock_word);
-        // we can either abort or spinloop.  Because we are at the end of
-        // the transaction we might try to spinloop, even though after the
-        // lock is released the ovt will be very recent, possibly
-        // > d->start_time.  It is necessary to spinloop in case we are
-        // inevitable, so use that as a criteria.  Another solution to avoid
-        // deadlocks would be to sort the order in which we take the locks.
-        if (is_inevitable(d))
-          tx_spinloop(8);
-        else
-          tx_abort(6);
-        goto retry;
-      }
-static void common_cleanup(struct tx_descriptor *d)
-  d->reads.size = 0;
-  redolog_clear(&d->redolog);
-static void tx_cleanup(struct tx_descriptor *d)
-  // release the locks and restore version numbers
-  releaseAndRevertLocks(d);
-  // reset all lists
-  common_cleanup(d);
-static void tx_restart(struct tx_descriptor *d)
-  tx_cleanup(d);
-  tx_spinloop(0);
-  longjmp(*d->setjmp_buf, 1);
-/*** increase the abort count and restart the transaction */
-static void tx_abort(int reason)
-  struct tx_descriptor *d = active_thread_descriptor;
-  assert(!is_inevitable(d));
-  d->num_aborts[reason]++;
-  PYPY_DEBUG_START("stm-abort");
-      fprintf(PYPY_DEBUG_FILE, "thread %lx aborting %d\n",
-                               (long)pthread_self(), reason);
-  PYPY_DEBUG_STOP("stm-abort");
-  tx_restart(d);
- * fast-path validation, assuming that I don't hold locks.
- */
-static void validate_fast(struct tx_descriptor *d, int lognum)
-  int i;
-  owner_version_t ovt;
-  assert(!is_inevitable(d));
-  for (i=0; i<d->reads.size; i++)
-    {
-    retry:
-      ovt = d->reads.items[i]->version;
-      if (IS_LOCKED_OR_NEWER(ovt, d->start_time))
-        {
-          // If locked, we wait until it becomes unlocked.  The chances are
-          // that it will then have a very recent start_time, likely
-          // > d->start_time, but it might still be better than always aborting
-          if (IS_LOCKED(ovt))
-            {
-              tx_spinloop(lognum);  /* tx_spinloop(1), tx_spinloop(2),
-                                       tx_spinloop(3) */
-              goto retry;
-            }
-          else
-            // abort if the timestamp is newer than my start time.  
-            tx_abort(lognum);  /* tx_abort(1), tx_abort(2), tx_abort(3) */
-        }
-    }
- * validate the read set by making sure that all orecs that we've read have
- * timestamps at least as old as our start time, unless we locked those orecs.
- */
-static void validate(struct tx_descriptor *d)
-  int i;
-  owner_version_t ovt;
-  assert(!is_inevitable(d));
-  for (i=0; i<d->reads.size; i++)
-    {
-      ovt = d->reads.items[i]->version;      // read this orec
-      if (IS_LOCKED_OR_NEWER(ovt, d->start_time))
-        {
-          if (!IS_LOCKED(ovt))
-            // if unlocked and newer than start time, abort
-            tx_abort(4);
-          else
-            {
-              // if locked and not by me, abort
-              if (ovt != d->my_lock_word)
-                tx_abort(5);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-/* mutex: only to avoid busy-looping too much in tx_spinloop() below */
-static pthread_mutex_t mutex_inevitable = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
-unsigned long locked_by = 0;
-static void mutex_lock(void)
-  unsigned long pself = (unsigned long)pthread_self();
-                                      "%lx: mutex inev locking...\n", pself);
-  assert(locked_by != pself);
-  pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_inevitable);
-  locked_by = pself;
-                                      "%lx: mutex inev locked\n", pself);
-static void mutex_unlock(void)
-  unsigned long pself = (unsigned long)pthread_self();
-  locked_by = 0;
-                                      "%lx: mutex inev unlocked\n", pself);
-  pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_inevitable);
-# else
-#  define mutex_lock()    pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_inevitable)
-#  define mutex_unlock()  pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_inevitable)
-# endif
-# define mutex_lock()     /* nothing */
-# define mutex_unlock()   /* nothing */
-static void wait_end_inevitability(struct tx_descriptor *d)
-  unsigned long curts;
-  releaseLocksForRetry(d);
-  // We are going to wait until the other inevitable transaction
-  // finishes.  XXX We could do better here: we could check if
-  // committing 'd' would create a conflict for the other inevitable
-  // thread 'd_inev' or not.  It requires peeking in 'd_inev' from this
-  // thread (which we never do so far) in order to do something like
-  // 'validate_fast(d_inev); d_inev->start_time = updated;'
-  while ((curts = get_global_timestamp(d)) & 1)
-    {
-      // while we're about to wait anyway, we can do a validate_fast
-      if (d->start_time < curts - 1)
-        {
-          validate_fast(d, 3);
-          d->start_time = curts - 1;
-        }
-      tx_spinloop(4);
-      mutex_lock();
-      mutex_unlock();
-    }
-  acquireLocks(d);
-static void commitInevitableTransaction(struct tx_descriptor *d)
-  unsigned long ts;
-  _Bool ok;
-  // no-one else can modify global_timestamp if I'm inevitable
-  // and d_inev_checking is 0
-  ts = get_global_timestamp(d);
-  assert(ts & 1);
-  set_global_timestamp(d, ts + 1);
-  d->end_time = ts + 1;
-  assert(d->end_time == (d->start_time + 2));
-  // run the redo log, and release the locks
-  tx_redo(d);
-  mutex_unlock();
-/* lazy/lazy read instrumentation */
-#define STM_DO_READ(READ_OPERATION)                                     \
-  if (is_inevitable(d)) {                                               \
-    /* if is_inevitable(), then we don't need to do the checking of  */ \
-    /* o->version done below --- but more importantly, we don't need */ \
-    /* to insert o in the OrecList                                   */ \
-    READ_OPERATION;                                                     \
-  }                                                                     \
-  else {                                                                \
- retry:                                                                 \
-  /* read the orec BEFORE we read anything else */                      \
-  ovt = o->version;                                                     \
-  CFENCE;                                                               \
-                                                                        \
-  /* this tx doesn't hold any locks, so if the lock for this addr is */ \
-  /* held, there is contention.  A lock is never hold for too long,  */ \
-  /* so spinloop until it is released.                               */ \
-  if (IS_LOCKED_OR_NEWER(ovt, d->start_time))                           \
-    {                                                                   \
-      if (IS_LOCKED(ovt)) {                                             \
-        tx_spinloop(7);                                                 \
-        goto retry;                                                     \
-      }                                                                 \
-      /* else this location is too new, scale forward */                \
-      owner_version_t newts = get_global_timestamp(d) & ~1;             \
-      validate_fast(d, 1);                                              \
-      d->start_time = newts;                                            \
-    }                                                                   \
-                                                                        \
-  /* orec is unlocked, with ts <= start_time.  read the location */     \
-  READ_OPERATION;                                                       \
-                                                                        \
-  /* postvalidate AFTER reading addr: */                                \
-  CFENCE;                                                               \
-  if (__builtin_expect(o->version != ovt, 0))                           \
-    goto retry;       /* oups, try again */                             \
-                                                                        \
-  oreclist_insert(&d->reads, (orec_t*)o);                               \
-  }
-#define STM_READ_WORD(SIZE, SUFFIX, TYPE)                               \
-TYPE stm_read_int##SIZE##SUFFIX(void* addr, long offset)                \
-{                                                                       \
-  struct tx_descriptor *d = active_thread_descriptor;                   \
-  volatile orec_t *o = get_orec(addr);                                  \
-  owner_version_t ovt;                                                  \
-                                                                        \
-  assert(sizeof(TYPE) == SIZE);                                         \
-  /* XXX try to remove this check from the main path:           */      \
-  /*     d is NULL only when in non-main threads but            */      \
-  /*     outside a transaction.                                 */      \
-  if (d == NULL)                                                        \
-    return *(TYPE *)(((char *)addr) + offset);                          \
-                                                                        \
-  if ((o->tid & GCFLAG_WAS_COPIED) != 0)                                \
-    {                                                                   \
-      /* Look up in the thread-local dictionary. */                     \
-      wlog_t *found;                                                    \
-      REDOLOG_FIND(d->redolog, addr, found, goto not_found);            \
-      orec_t *localobj = (orec_t *)found->val;                          \
-      assert((localobj->tid & GCFLAG_GLOBAL) == 0);                     \
-      return *(TYPE *)(((char *)localobj) + offset);                    \
-                                                                        \
-    not_found:;                                                         \
-    }                                                                   \
-                                                                        \
-  TYPE tmp;                                                             \
-  STM_DO_READ(tmp = *(TYPE *)(((char *)addr) + offset));                \
-  return tmp;                                                           \
-STM_READ_WORD(1, , char)
-STM_READ_WORD(2, , short)
-STM_READ_WORD(4, , int)
-STM_READ_WORD(8, , long long)
-STM_READ_WORD(8,f, double)
-STM_READ_WORD(4,f, float)
-void stm_copy_transactional_to_raw(void *src, void *dst, long size)
-  struct tx_descriptor *d = active_thread_descriptor;
-  volatile orec_t *o = get_orec(src);
-  owner_version_t ovt;
-  assert(d != NULL);
-  /* don't copy the header */
-  src = ((char *)src) + sizeof(orec_t);
-  dst = ((char *)dst) + sizeof(orec_t);
-  size -= sizeof(orec_t);
-  STM_DO_READ(memcpy(dst, src, size));
-static struct tx_descriptor *descriptor_init(long in_main_thread)
-  assert(thread_descriptor == NULL);
-  assert(active_thread_descriptor == NULL);
-  if (1)  /* for hg diff */
-    {
-      struct tx_descriptor *d = malloc(sizeof(struct tx_descriptor));
-      memset(d, 0, sizeof(struct tx_descriptor));
-      PYPY_DEBUG_START("stm-init");
-      if (in_main_thread)
-        {
-          d->my_lock_word = 0;   /* special value for the main thread */
-        }
-      else
-        {
-          /* initialize 'my_lock_word' to be a unique negative number */
-          d->my_lock_word = (owner_version_t)d;
-          if (!IS_LOCKED(d->my_lock_word))
-            d->my_lock_word = ~d->my_lock_word;
-          assert(IS_LOCKED(d->my_lock_word));
-        }
-      /*d->spinloop_counter = (unsigned int)(d->my_lock_word | 1);*/
-      thread_descriptor = d;
-      if (in_main_thread)
-        stm_leave_transactional_mode();
-      else
-        ;   /* active_thread_descriptor stays NULL */
-      if (PYPY_HAVE_DEBUG_PRINTS) fprintf(PYPY_DEBUG_FILE, "thread %lx starting\n",
-                                          (long)pthread_self());
-      PYPY_DEBUG_STOP("stm-init");
-      return d;
-    }
-static void descriptor_done(void)
-  struct tx_descriptor *d = thread_descriptor;
-  assert(d != NULL);
-  assert(active_thread_descriptor == NULL);
-  thread_descriptor = NULL;
-  PYPY_DEBUG_START("stm-done");
-    int num_aborts = 0, num_spinloops = 0;
-    int i, prevchar;
-    char line[256], *p = line;
-    for (i=0; i<ABORT_REASONS; i++)
-      num_aborts += d->num_aborts[i];
-    for (i=0; i<SPINLOOP_REASONS; i++)
-      num_spinloops += d->num_spinloops[i];
-    p += sprintf(p, "thread %lx: %d commits, %d aborts\n",
-                 (long)pthread_self(),
-                 d->num_commits,
-                 num_aborts);
-    for (i=0; i<ABORT_REASONS; i++)
-      p += sprintf(p, "%c%d", i == 0 ? '[' : ',',
-                   d->num_aborts[i]);
-    for (i=1; i<SPINLOOP_REASONS; i++)  /* num_spinloops[0] == num_aborts */
-      p += sprintf(p, "%c%d", i == 1 ? '|' : ',',
-                   d->num_spinloops[i]);
-    p += sprintf(p, "]\n");
-    fwrite(line, 1, p - line, PYPY_DEBUG_FILE);
-  }
-  PYPY_DEBUG_STOP("stm-done");
-  free(d);
-static void begin_transaction(jmp_buf* buf)
-  struct tx_descriptor *d = thread_descriptor;
-  /* you need to call descriptor_init() before calling
-     stm_perform_transaction() */
-  assert(d != NULL);
-  d->setjmp_buf = buf;
-  d->start_time = (/*d->last_known_global_timestamp*/ global_timestamp) & ~1;
-  active_thread_descriptor = d;
-static long commit_transaction(void)
-  struct tx_descriptor *d = active_thread_descriptor;
-  assert(d != NULL);
-  // if I don't have writes, I'm committed
-  if (!redolog_any_entry(&d->redolog))
-    {
-      if (is_inevitable(d))
-        {
-          unsigned long ts = get_global_timestamp(d);
-          assert(ts & 1);
-          set_global_timestamp(d, ts - 1);
-          mutex_unlock();
-        }
-      d->num_commits++;
-      common_cleanup(d);
-      active_thread_descriptor = NULL;
-      return d->start_time;
-    }
-  // bring that variable over to this CPU core (optimization, maybe)
-  global_timestamp;
-  // acquire locks
-  acquireLocks(d);
-  if (is_inevitable(d))
-    {
-      commitInevitableTransaction(d);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      while (1)
-        {
-          unsigned long expected = get_global_timestamp(d);
-          if (expected & 1)
-            {
-              // wait until it is done.  hopefully we can then proceed
-              // without conflicts.
-              wait_end_inevitability(d);
-              continue;
-            }
-          if (change_global_timestamp(d, expected, expected + 2))
-            {
-              d->end_time = expected + 2;
-              break;
-            }
-        }
-      // validate (but skip validation if nobody else committed)
-      if (d->end_time != (d->start_time + 2))
-        validate(d);
-      // run the redo log, and release the locks
-      tx_redo(d);
-    }
-  // remember that this was a commit
-  d->num_commits++;
-  // reset all lists
-  common_cleanup(d);
-  active_thread_descriptor = NULL;
-  return d->end_time;
-void* stm_perform_transaction(void*(*callback)(void*, long), void *arg,
-                              void *save_and_restore)
-  void *result;
-  jmp_buf _jmpbuf;
-  volatile long v_counter = 0;
-  long counter;
-  void *volatile saved_value;
-  assert(active_thread_descriptor == NULL);
-  if (save_and_restore)
-    saved_value = *(void**)save_and_restore;
-  setjmp(_jmpbuf);
-  if (save_and_restore)
-    *(void**)save_and_restore = saved_value;
-  begin_transaction(&_jmpbuf);
-  counter = v_counter;
-  v_counter = counter + 1;
-  result = callback(arg, counter);
-  commit_transaction();
-  return result;
-void stm_enter_transactional_mode(void)
-  struct tx_descriptor *d = active_thread_descriptor;
-  assert(d != NULL);
-  assert(is_inevitable(d));
-  /* we only need a subset of a full commit */
-  acquireLocks(d);
-  commitInevitableTransaction(d);
-  common_cleanup(d);
-  active_thread_descriptor = NULL;
-void stm_leave_transactional_mode(void)
-  struct tx_descriptor *d = thread_descriptor;
-  assert(active_thread_descriptor == NULL);
-  mutex_lock();
-  d->setjmp_buf = NULL;
-  d->start_time = get_global_timestamp(d);
-  assert(!(d->start_time & 1));
-  set_global_timestamp(d, d->start_time | 1);
-  assert(is_inevitable(d));
-  active_thread_descriptor = d;
-void stm_try_inevitable(STM_CCHARP1(why))
-  /* when a transaction is inevitable, its start_time is equal to
-     global_timestamp and global_timestamp cannot be incremented
-     by another thread.  We set the lowest bit in global_timestamp
-     to 1. */
-  struct tx_descriptor *d = active_thread_descriptor;
-  if (d == NULL)
-    return;
-  if (is_inevitable(d))   /* also when the transaction is inactive */
-    {
-      return;  /* I am already inevitable */
-    }
-  PYPY_DEBUG_START("stm-inevitable");
-    {
-      fprintf(PYPY_DEBUG_FILE, "%s\n", why);
-    }
-  while (1)
-    {
-      unsigned long curtime = get_global_timestamp(d);
-      if (d->start_time != (curtime & ~1))
-        {                             /* scale forward */
-          validate_fast(d, 2);
-          d->start_time = curtime & ~1;
-        }
-      mutex_lock();
-      if (curtime & 1)   /* there is, or was, already an inevitable thread */
-        {
-          /* should we spinloop here, or abort (and likely come back
-             in try_inevitable() very soon)?  unclear.  For now
-             let's try to spinloop, after the waiting done by
-             acquiring the mutex */
-          mutex_unlock();
-          tx_spinloop(6);
-          continue;
-        }
-      if (change_global_timestamp(d, curtime, curtime + 1))
-        break;
-      mutex_unlock();
-    }
-  d->setjmp_buf = NULL;   /* inevitable from now on */
-  PYPY_DEBUG_STOP("stm-inevitable");
-void stm_abort_and_retry(void)
-  tx_abort(7);     /* manual abort */
-long stm_debug_get_state(void)
-  struct tx_descriptor *d = thread_descriptor;
-  if (d == NULL)
-    return -2;
-  if (active_thread_descriptor == NULL)
-    {
-      assert(d->my_lock_word != 0);
-      return 0;
-    }
-  assert(d == active_thread_descriptor);
-  if (d->my_lock_word == 0)
-    return -1;
-  if (!is_inevitable(d))
-    return 1;
-  else
-    return 2;
-long stm_thread_id(void)
-  struct tx_descriptor *d = thread_descriptor;
-  if (d == NULL)
-    return 0;    /* no thread_descriptor yet, assume it's the main thread */
-  return d->my_lock_word;
-void stm_set_tls(void *newtls, long in_main_thread)
-  struct tx_descriptor *d = descriptor_init(in_main_thread);
-  d->rpython_tls_object = newtls;
-void *stm_get_tls(void)
-  return thread_descriptor->rpython_tls_object;
-void stm_del_tls(void)
-  descriptor_done();
-void *stm_tldict_lookup(void *key)
-  struct tx_descriptor *d = thread_descriptor;
-  wlog_t* found;
-  REDOLOG_FIND(d->redolog, key, found, goto not_found);
-  return found->val;
- not_found:
-  return NULL;
-void stm_tldict_add(void *key, void *value)
-  struct tx_descriptor *d = active_thread_descriptor;
-  assert(d != NULL);
-  redolog_insert(&d->redolog, key, value);
-void stm_tldict_enum(void(*callback)(void*, void*, void*))
-  struct tx_descriptor *d = thread_descriptor;
-  wlog_t *item;
-  void *tls = stm_get_tls();
-  REDOLOG_LOOP_FORWARD(d->redolog, item)
-    {
-      callback(tls, item->addr, item->val);
-void stm_setup_size_getter(long(*getsize_fn)(void*))
-  rpython_get_size = getsize_fn;
-long stm_in_transaction(void)
-  struct tx_descriptor *d = active_thread_descriptor;
-  return d != NULL;
-void _stm_activate_transaction(long activate)
-  assert(thread_descriptor != NULL);
-  if (activate)
-    {
-      active_thread_descriptor = thread_descriptor;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      active_thread_descriptor = NULL;
-    }
 #endif  /* PYPY_NOT_MAIN_FILE */
diff --git a/pypy/translator/stm/src_stm/et.h b/pypy/translator/stm/src_stm/et.h
--- a/pypy/translator/stm/src_stm/et.h
+++ b/pypy/translator/stm/src_stm/et.h
@@ -12,6 +12,11 @@
 #include "src/commondefs.h"
+long stm_in_transaction(void);
+void stm_run_all_transactions(void*(*)(void*, long), void*, long);
 void stm_setup_size_getter(long(*)(void*));
 void stm_set_tls(void *, long);
@@ -40,8 +45,6 @@
 void* stm_perform_transaction(void*(*)(void*, long), void*, void*);
-void stm_enter_transactional_mode(void);
-void stm_leave_transactional_mode(void);
 void stm_try_inevitable(STM_CCHARP1(why));
 void stm_abort_and_retry(void);
 long stm_debug_get_state(void);  /* -1: descriptor_init() was not called
@@ -50,7 +53,6 @@
                                      2: in an inevitable transaction */
 long stm_thread_id(void);  /* returns a unique thread id,
                               or 0 if descriptor_init() was not called */
-long stm_in_transaction(void);
 void _stm_activate_transaction(long);
 void stm_copy_transactional_to_raw(void *src, void *dst, long size);
diff --git a/pypy/translator/stm/src_stm/rpyintf.c b/pypy/translator/stm/src_stm/rpyintf.c
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pypy/translator/stm/src_stm/rpyintf.c
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+/* -*- c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+long stm_thread_id(void)
+  struct tx_descriptor *d = thread_descriptor;
+  if (d == NULL)
+    return 0;    /* no thread_descriptor yet, assume it's the main thread */
+  return d->my_lock_word;
+void stm_set_tls(void *newtls, long in_main_thread)
+  struct tx_descriptor *d = descriptor_init(in_main_thread);
+  d->rpython_tls_object = newtls;
+void *stm_get_tls(void)
+  return thread_descriptor->rpython_tls_object;
+void stm_del_tls(void)
+  descriptor_done();
+void *stm_tldict_lookup(void *key)
+  struct tx_descriptor *d = thread_descriptor;
+  wlog_t* found;
+  REDOLOG_FIND(d->redolog, key, found, goto not_found);
+  return found->val;
+ not_found:
+  return NULL;
+void stm_tldict_add(void *key, void *value)
+  struct tx_descriptor *d = active_thread_descriptor;
+  assert(d != NULL);
+  redolog_insert(&d->redolog, key, value);
+void stm_tldict_enum(void(*callback)(void*, void*, void*))
+  struct tx_descriptor *d = thread_descriptor;
+  wlog_t *item;
+  void *tls = stm_get_tls();
+  REDOLOG_LOOP_FORWARD(d->redolog, item)
+    {
+      callback(tls, item->addr, item->val);
+void stm_setup_size_getter(long(*getsize_fn)(void*))
+  rpython_get_size = getsize_fn;
+long stm_in_transaction(void)
+  struct tx_descriptor *d = thread_descriptor;
+  return d != NULL;
+void _stm_activate_transaction(long activate)
+  assert(thread_descriptor != NULL);
+  if (activate)
+    {
+      active_thread_descriptor = thread_descriptor;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      active_thread_descriptor = NULL;
+    }
+/* a helper to directly read the field '_next_transaction' on
+   RPython instances of pypy.rlib.rstm.Transaction */
+static void *next_transaction(void *
+/* this lock is acquired when we start running transactions, and
+   released only when we are finished. */
+static pthread_mutex_t mutex_unfinished = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+/* this mutex is used to ensure non-conflicting accesses to global
+   data in run_thread(). */
+static pthread_mutex_t mutex_global = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+/* some global data put there by run_all_transactions(). */
+typedef void *(*run_transaction_t)(void *, long);
+static run_transaction_t g_run_transaction;
+static void *g_first_transaction, *g_last_transaction;
+static int g_num_threads;
+static int g_num_waiting_threads;
+/* the main function running a thread */
+static void *run_thread(void *ignored)
+  pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_global);
+  g_num_waiting_threads++;
+  if (g_num_waiting_threads == g_num_threads)
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_unfinished);
+  pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_global);
+  return NULL;
+void stm_run_all_transactions(run_transaction_t run_transaction,
+                              void *initial_transaction,
+                              long num_threads)
+  int i;
+  g_run_transaction = run_transaction;
+  g_first_transaction = initial_transaction;
+  g_last_transaction = initial_transaction;
+  g_num_threads = (int)num_threads;
+  g_num_waiting_threads = 0;
+  pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_unfinished);
+  for (i=0; i<(int)num_threads; i++)
+    {
+      pthread_t th;
+      int status = pthread_create(&th, NULL, run_thread, NULL);
+      assert(status == 0);
+      pthread_detach(th);
+    }
+  pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_unfinished);
+  pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_unfinished);
diff --git a/pypy/translator/stm/stmgcintf.py b/pypy/translator/stm/stmgcintf.py
--- a/pypy/translator/stm/stmgcintf.py
+++ b/pypy/translator/stm/stmgcintf.py
@@ -35,19 +35,22 @@
                          '8f': rffi.DOUBLE,
                          '4f': rffi.FLOAT}
-    CALLBACK_TX   = lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType([rffi.VOIDP, lltype.Signed],
-                                               rffi.VOIDP))
-    CALLBACK_ENUM = lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType([llmemory.Address] * 3,
-                                               lltype.Void))
-    GETSIZE  = lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType([llmemory.Address], lltype.Signed))
+    RUN_TRANSACTION = lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType([rffi.VOIDP, lltype.Signed],
+                                                 rffi.VOIDP))
     def _freeze_(self):
         return True
-    setup_size_getter = smexternal('stm_setup_size_getter', [GETSIZE],
-                                   lltype.Void)
+    in_transaction = smexternal('stm_in_transaction', [], lltype.Signed)
+    run_all_transactions = smexternal('stm_run_all_transactions',
+                                      [rffi.VOIDP, lltype.Signed],
+                                      lltype.Void)
-    in_transaction = smexternal('stm_in_transaction', [], lltype.Signed)
+    # xxx review and delete xxx
+    CALLBACK_ENUM = lltype.Ptr(lltype.FuncType([llmemory.Address] * 3,
+                                               lltype.Void))
     _activate_transaction = smexternal('_stm_activate_transaction',
                                        [lltype.Signed], lltype.Void)
@@ -56,11 +59,6 @@
     get_tls = smexternal('stm_get_tls', [], llmemory.Address)
     del_tls = smexternal('stm_del_tls', [], lltype.Void)
-    enter_transactional_mode = smexternal('stm_enter_transactional_mode',
-                                          [], lltype.Void)
-    leave_transactional_mode = smexternal('stm_leave_transactional_mode',
-                                          [], lltype.Void)
     tldict_lookup = smexternal('stm_tldict_lookup', [llmemory.Address],
     tldict_add = smexternal('stm_tldict_add', [llmemory.Address] * 2,
@@ -79,15 +77,5 @@
     try_inevitable = smexternal('stm_try_inevitable', [], lltype.Void)
-    perform_transaction = smexternal('stm_perform_transaction',
-                                     [CALLBACK_TX, rffi.VOIDP,
-                                      llmemory.Address], rffi.VOIDP)
     thread_id        = smexternal('stm_thread_id',       [], lltype.Signed)
     abort_and_retry  = smexternal('stm_abort_and_retry', [], lltype.Void)
-    _debug_get_state = smexternal('stm_debug_get_state', [], lltype.Signed)
-    STATE_MAIN_THREAD       = -1
-    STATE_INACTIVE          = 0
-    STATE_ACTIVE            = 1

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