[pypy-commit] pypy default: start of cppyy documentation

wlav noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Fri Apr 20 21:04:46 CEST 2012

Author: Wim Lavrijsen <WLavrijsen at lbl.gov>
Changeset: r54597:1d560d5a8154
Date: 2012-04-20 12:05 -0700

Log:	start of cppyy documentation

diff --git a/pypy/doc/cppyy.rst b/pypy/doc/cppyy.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pypy/doc/cppyy.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+cppyy: C++ bindings for pypy
+The cppyy module provides C++ bindings for PyPy by using the reflection
+information extracted from C++ header files by means of the
+`Reflex package`_.
+For this to work, you have to both install Reflex and build PyPy from the
+reflex-support branch.
+As indicated by this being a branch, support for Reflex is still
+However, it is functional enough to put it in the hands of those who want
+to give it a try.
+In the medium term, cppyy will move away from Reflex and instead use
+`cling`_ as its backend, which is based on `llvm`_.
+Although that will change the logistics on the generation of reflection
+information, it will not change the python-side interface.
+.. _`Reflex package`: http://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/reflex
+.. _`cling`: http://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/cling
+.. _`llvm`: http://llvm.org/
+For now, the easiest way of getting the latest version of Reflex, is by
+installing the ROOT package.
+`Download`_ a binary or install from `source`_.
+Some Linux and Mac systems may have ROOT provided in the list of scientific
+software of their packager.
+A current, standalone version of Reflex should be provided at some point,
+once the dependencies and general packaging have been thought out.
+Also, make sure you have a version of `gccxml`_ installed, which is most
+easily provided by the packager of your system.
+If you read up on gccxml, you'll probably notice that it is no longer being
+developed and hence will not provide C++11 support.
+That's why the medium plan is to move to `cling`_.
+.. _`Download`: http://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/downloading-root
+.. _`source`: http://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/installing-root-source
+.. _`gccxml`: http://www.gccxml.org
+Next, get the `PyPy sources`_, select the reflex-support branch, and build
+For the build to succeed, the ``$ROOTSYS`` environment variable must point to
+the location of your ROOT installation::
+    $ hg clone https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy
+    $ cd pypy
+    $ hg up reflex-support
+    $ cd pypy/translator/goal
+    $ python translate.py -O jit --gcrootfinder=shadowstack targetpypystandalone.py --withmod-cppyy
+This will build a ``pypy-c`` that includes the cppyy module, and through that,
+Reflex support.
+Of course, if you already have a prebuilt version of the ``pypy`` interpreter,
+you can use that for the translation rather than ``python``.
+.. _`PyPy sources`: https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/overview
+Basic example
+Now test with a trivial example whether all packages are properly installed
+and functional.
+First, create a C++ header file with some class in it (note that all functions
+are made inline for convenience; a real-world example would of course have a
+corresponding source file)::
+    $ cat MyClass.h
+    class MyClass {
+    public:
+        MyClass( int i = -99) : m_myint( i ) {}
+        int GetMyInt() { return m_myint; }
+        void SetMyInt( int i ) { m_myint = i; }
+    public:
+       int m_myint;
+    };
+Then, generate the bindings using ``genreflex`` (part of ROOT), and compile the
+    $ genreflex MyClass.h
+    $ g++ -fPIC -rdynamic -O2 -shared -I$ROOTSYS/include MyClass_rflx.cpp -o libMyClassDict.so
+Now you're ready to use the bindings.
+Since the bindings are designed to look pythonistic, it should be
+    $ pypy-c
+    >>>> import cppyy
+    >>>> cppyy.load_reflection_info("libMyClassDict.so")
+    <CPPLibrary object at 0xb6fd7c4c>
+    >>>> myinst = cppyy.gbl.MyClass(42)
+    >>>> print myinst.GetMyInt()
+    42
+    >>>> myinst.SetMyInt(33)
+    >>>> print myinst.m_myint
+    33
+    >>>> myinst.m_myint = 77
+    >>>> print myinst.GetMyInt()
+    77
+    >>>> help(cppyy.gbl.MyClass)   # shows that normal python introspection works
+That's all there is to it!
diff --git a/pypy/doc/extending.rst b/pypy/doc/extending.rst
--- a/pypy/doc/extending.rst
+++ b/pypy/doc/extending.rst
@@ -23,9 +23,12 @@
 * Write them in RPython as mixedmodule_, using *rffi* as bindings.
+* Write them in C++ and bind them through Reflex_ (EXPERIMENTAL)
 .. _ctypes: #CTypes
 .. _\_ffi: #LibFFI
 .. _mixedmodule: #Mixed Modules
+.. _Reflex: #Reflex
@@ -110,3 +113,34 @@
 XXX we should provide detailed docs about lltype and rffi, especially if we
     want people to follow that way.
+This method is only experimental for now, and is being exercised on a branch,
+`reflex-support`_, so you will have to build PyPy yourself.
+The method works by using the `Reflex package`_ to provide reflection
+information of the C++ code, which is then used to automatically generate
+bindings at runtime, which can then be used from python.
+Full details are `available here`_.
+.. _`reflex-support`: cppyy.html
+.. _`Reflex package`: http://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/reflex
+.. _`available here`: cppyy.html
+If it works, it is mostly automatic, and hence easy in use.
+The bindings can make use of direct pointers, in which case the calls are
+very fast.
+C++ is a large language, and these bindings are not yet feature-complete.
+Although missing features should do no harm if you don't use them, if you do
+need a particular feature, it may be necessary to work around it in python
+or with a C++ helper function.
+Although Reflex works on various platforms, the bindings with PyPy have only
+been tested on Linux.

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