[pypy-commit] pypy improve-heap-caching-tracing: make list allocation go through the heap cache

cfbolz noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Wed Sep 7 15:13:17 CEST 2011

Author: Carl Friedrich Bolz <cfbolz at gmx.de>
Branch: improve-heap-caching-tracing
Changeset: r47138:60e23189885e
Date: 2011-09-07 14:13 +0200

Log:	make list allocation go through the heap cache

diff --git a/pypy/jit/metainterp/pyjitpl.py b/pypy/jit/metainterp/pyjitpl.py
--- a/pypy/jit/metainterp/pyjitpl.py
+++ b/pypy/jit/metainterp/pyjitpl.py
@@ -480,11 +480,9 @@
     @arguments("descr", "descr", "descr", "descr", "box")
     def opimpl_newlist(self, structdescr, lengthdescr, itemsdescr, arraydescr,
-        # XXX use heapcache
-        sbox = self.metainterp.execute_and_record(rop.NEW, structdescr)
+        sbox = self.opimpl_new(structdescr)
         self._opimpl_setfield_gc_any(sbox, lengthdescr, sizebox)
-        abox = self.metainterp.execute_and_record(rop.NEW_ARRAY, arraydescr,
-                                                  sizebox)
+        abox = self.opimpl_new_array(arraydescr, sizebox)
         self._opimpl_setfield_gc_any(sbox, itemsdescr, abox)
         return sbox
diff --git a/pypy/jit/metainterp/test/test_tracingopts.py b/pypy/jit/metainterp/test/test_tracingopts.py
--- a/pypy/jit/metainterp/test/test_tracingopts.py
+++ b/pypy/jit/metainterp/test/test_tracingopts.py
@@ -521,6 +521,29 @@
         assert res == 2 * 7 + 2 * 8
+    def test_heap_caching_multiple_lists(self):
+        class Gbl(object):
+            pass
+        g = Gbl()
+        g.l = []
+        def fn(n):
+            if n < -100:
+                g.l.append(1)
+            a1 = [n, n, n]
+            g.l = a1
+            a1[0] = n
+            a2 = [n, n, n]
+            g.l = a2
+            a2[0] = n - 1
+            return a1[0] + a2[0] + a1[0] + a2[0]
+        res = self.interp_operations(fn, [7])
+        assert res == 2 * 7 + 2 * 6
+        self.check_operations_history(getarrayitem_gc=0, getfield_gc=0)
+        res = self.interp_operations(fn, [-7])
+        assert res == 2 * -7 + 2 * -8
+        self.check_operations_history(getarrayitem_gc=0, getfield_gc=0)
     def test_length_caching(self):
         class Gbl(object):

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