[pypy-commit] pypy numpy-comparison: Add ufuncs to appleveldefs

snus_mumrik noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Fri Sep 2 14:46:04 CEST 2011

Author: Ilya Osadchiy <osadchiy.ilya at gmail.com>
Branch: numpy-comparison
Changeset: r47018:da8ca4cb9579
Date: 2011-09-02 14:13 +0300

Log:	Add ufuncs to appleveldefs

diff --git a/pypy/module/micronumpy/__init__.py b/pypy/module/micronumpy/__init__.py
--- a/pypy/module/micronumpy/__init__.py
+++ b/pypy/module/micronumpy/__init__.py
@@ -38,7 +38,13 @@
         ("sin", "sin"),
         ("subtract", "subtract"),
         ("tan", "tan"),
-        ("equal", "equal")
+        ("equal", "equal"),
+        ("equal", "equal"),
+        ("not_equal", "not_equal"),
+        ("less", "less"),
+        ("less_equal", "less_equal"),
+        ("greater", "greater"),
+        ("greater_equal", "greater_equal"),
         interpleveldefs[exposed] = "interp_ufuncs.get(space).%s" % impl
diff --git a/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_numarray.py b/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_numarray.py
--- a/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_numarray.py
+++ b/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_numarray.py
@@ -561,6 +561,7 @@
         from numpy import array, dtype
         a = array(range(5))
         b = array(range(5), dtype=float)
+        c = array(reversed(range(5)))
         for func in [
                 lambda x, y: x == y,
                 lambda x, y: x != y,
@@ -585,6 +586,14 @@
             assert _3b.dtype is dtype(bool)
             for i in xrange(5):
                 assert _3b[i] == (True if func(3, b[i]) else False)
+            _ac = func (a, c)
+            assert _ac.dtype is dtype(bool)
+            for i in xrange(5):
+                assert _ac[i] == (True if func(a[i], c[i]) else False)
+            _bc = func (b, c)
+            assert _bc.dtype is dtype(bool)
+            for i in xrange(5):
+                assert _bc[i] == (True if func(b[i], c[i]) else False)
 class AppTestSupport(object):
     def setup_class(cls):
diff --git a/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_ufuncs.py b/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_ufuncs.py
--- a/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_ufuncs.py
+++ b/pypy/module/micronumpy/test/test_ufuncs.py
@@ -299,13 +299,35 @@
         assert math.isnan(b[0])
     def test_comparison(self):
-        from numpy import array, dtype, equal
-        assert equal(3, 3) is True
-        assert equal(3, 4) is False
-        assert equal(3.0, 3.0) is True
-        assert equal(3.0, 3.5) is False
-        assert equal(3.0, 3) is True
-        assert equal(3.0, 4) is False
+        from numpy import (
+                equal,
+                not_equal,
+                less,
+                less_equal,
+                greater,
+                greater_equal,
+                )
+        for (ufunc, func) in [
+                (equal,          lambda x, y: x == y),
+                (not_equal,      lambda x, y: x != y),
+                (less,           lambda x, y: x <  y),
+                (less_equal,     lambda x, y: x <= y),
+                (greater,        lambda x, y: x >  y),
+                (greater_equal,  lambda x, y: x >= y),
+                ]:
+            for a, b in [
+                    (3, 3),
+                    (3, 4),
+                    (4, 3),
+                    (3.0, 3.0),
+                    (3.0, 3.5),
+                    (3.5, 3.0),
+                    (3.0, 3),
+                    (3, 3.0),
+                    (3.5, 3),
+                    (3, 3.5),
+                    ]:
+                assert ufunc(a, b) is (True if func(a, b) else False)
     def test_reduce_errors(self):
         from numpy import sin, add

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