[pypy-commit] pypy py3k: Reduce the list of non-working modules

amauryfa noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Sat Oct 22 00:28:44 CEST 2011

Author: Amaury Forgeot d'Arc <amauryfa at gmail.com>
Branch: py3k
Changeset: r48336:56294dacd7ca
Date: 2011-10-22 00:24 +0200

Log:	Reduce the list of non-working modules

diff --git a/pypy/config/pypyoption.py b/pypy/config/pypyoption.py
--- a/pypy/config/pypyoption.py
+++ b/pypy/config/pypyoption.py
@@ -37,16 +37,10 @@
-# XXX Here is the list of modules not known to work yet
-for name in [
-    "mmap", "_locale", "pwd",
-    "zipimport", "_lsprof",
-    "crypt", "_rawffi", "termios", "zlib", "bz2",
-    "_hashlib", "_md5", "_sha", "_minimal_curses", "cStringIO",
-    "thread", "itertools", "pyexpat", "_ssl", "cpyext",
-    "_bisect", "_multiprocessing",
-    "_collections", "_multibytecodec", "micronumpy", "_ffi",
-    "_continuation"]:
+# Here is the list of modules known to not work yet
+for name in ["_rawffi", "_ffi", "cpyext",
+             "_hashlib", "_md5", "_sha",
+             ]:
     del working_modules[name]
 translation_modules = default_modules.copy()

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