[pypy-commit] pypy default: We shipped 1.5 already, this file is basically completely out of date.

alex_gaynor noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Sat May 28 03:21:42 CEST 2011

Author: Alex Gaynor <alex.gaynor at gmail.com>
Changeset: r44564:55f943ae1d03
Date: 2011-05-27 17:33 -0700

Log:	We shipped 1.5 already, this file is basically completely out of

diff --git a/lib-python/TODO b/lib-python/TODO
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib-python/TODO
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-TODO list for 2.7.0
-You can find the results of the most recent buildbot run at:
-Probably easy tasks
-- (unicode|bytearray).(index|find) should accept None as indices (see
-  test_unicode.py)
-- missing posix.confstr and posix.confstr_names
-- remove code duplication: bit_length() and _count_bits() in rlib/rbigint.py,
-  objspace/std/longobject.py and objspace/std/longtype.py.
-- missing module pyexpat.errors
-- support for PYTHONIOENCODING, this needs a way to update file.encoding
-- implement format__Complex_ANY() in pypy/objspace/std/complexobject.py
-- Code like this does not work, for two reasons::
-  \
-  from __future__ import (with_statement,
-                          unicode_literals)
-  assert type("") is unicode
-- Code like::
-  assert(x is not None, "error message")
-  should emit a SyntaxWarning when compiled (the tuple is always true)
-Medium tasks
-- socket module has a couple of changes (including AF_TIPC packet range)
-Longer tasks
-- Fix usage of __cmp__ in subclasses::
-    class badint(int):
-        def __cmp__(self, other):
-            raise RuntimeError
-    raises(RuntimeError, cmp, 0, badint(1))
-- Fix comparison of objects layout: if two classes have the same __slots__, it
-  should be possible to change the instances __class__::
-      class A(object): __slots__ = ('a', 'b')
-      class B(object): __slots__ = ('b', 'a')
-      a = A()
-      a.__class__ = B
-- Show a ResourceWarning when a file/socket is not explicitely closed, like
-  CPython did for 3.2: http://svn.python.org/view?view=rev&revision=85920
-  in PyPy this should be enabled by default
-Won't do for this release
-Note: when you give up with a missing feature, please mention it here, as well
-as the various skips added to the test suite.
-- py3k warnings
-  * the -3 flag is accepted on the command line, but displays a warning (see
-    `translator/goal/app_main.py`)
-- CJK codecs.
-  * In `./conftest.py`, skipped all `test_codecencodings_*.py` and
-    `test_codecmaps_*.py`.
-  * In test_codecs, commented out various items in `all_unicode_encodings`.
-- Error messages about ill-formed calls (like "argument after ** must be a
-  mapping") don't always show the function name.  That's hard to fix for
-  the case of errors raised when the Argument object is created (as opposed
-  to when parsing for a given target function, which occurs later).
-  * Some "..." were added to doctests in test_extcall.py
-- CPython's builtin methods are both functions and unbound methods (for
-  example, `str.upper is dict(str.__dict__)['upper']`). This is not the case
-  in pypy, and assertions like `object.__str__ is object.__str__` are False
-  with pypy.  Use the `==` operator instead.
-  * pprint.py, _threading_local.py
-- When importing a nested module fails, the ImportError message mentions the
-  name of the package up to the component that could not be imported (CPython
-  prefers to display the names starting with the failing part).

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