[pypy-svn] extradoc extradoc: whitespace cleanup

alex_gaynor commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Mon Mar 21 20:58:21 CET 2011

Author: Alex Gaynor <alex.gaynor at gmail.com>
Branch: extradoc
Changeset: r3389:63e4617062b2
Date: 2011-03-21 15:58 -0400

Log:	whitespace cleanup

diff --git a/blog/draft/thank-you-psf.rst b/blog/draft/thank-you-psf.rst
--- a/blog/draft/thank-you-psf.rst
+++ b/blog/draft/thank-you-psf.rst
@@ -8,17 +8,16 @@
 As you may have heard, on Friday morning at PyCon Jesse Noller handed the PyPy
 team a check for $10,000, on behalf of the PSF.  This was in recognition of our
-success over the past few years in bringing PyPy from a research project 
-to a fast,
-compliant, production-ready Python implementation, and to allow us to continue
-our work on making it faster and more up-to-date with upstream version changes.
+success over the past few years in bringing PyPy from a research project
+to a fast, compliant, production-ready Python implementation, and to allow us
+to continue our work on making it faster and more up-to-date with upstream
+version changes.
 Beyond the large check, we're grateful for the endorsement this represents,
-not only of our work on PyPy, but also of all alternatve Python VMs.  
-The PSF has
-shifted its focus from representing just CPython to representing the Python
-Language, reguardless of its implementation, something
-we are very appreciative of.
+not only of our work on PyPy, but also of all alternatve Python VMs.
+The PSF has shifted its focus from representing just CPython to representing
+the Python Language, reguardless of its implementation, something we are very
+appreciative of.
 .. image:: xxx.png

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