[pypy-commit] extradoc extradoc: Talk for djangocon

alex_gaynor noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Mon Jun 6 10:31:12 CEST 2011

Author: Alex Gaynor <alex.gaynor at gmail.com>
Branch: extradoc
Changeset: r3597:7eeb46762fb7
Date: 2011-06-06 10:24 +0200

Log:	Talk for djangocon

diff --git a/talk/djangocon.eu2011/Makefile b/talk/djangocon.eu2011/Makefile
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/talk/djangocon.eu2011/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+	rst2s5.py --current-slide talk.rst talk.html
+	chromium-browser talk.html
diff --git a/talk/djangocon.eu2011/talk.rst b/talk/djangocon.eu2011/talk.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/talk/djangocon.eu2011/talk.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+Django and PyPy
+ * Django and PyPy core developer
+ * I like making your code faster
+ * Working at Quora making their codebase run on PyPy, fast.
+What is Django?
+What is PyPy?
+ * An implementation of Python 2.7.1
+ * A very fast implementation
+ * A very compliant implementation
+What is PyPy? (2)
+ * Python written in Python
+ * Open source (MIT licensed)
+ * 8 years old
+ * Over 150,000 lines of test code (that's more than all of Django)
+ * A replacement to Psyco
+ * Faster than CPython on almost every benchmark we have.
+ * http://speed.pypy.org/
+World's shortest introduction to JITing
+ * Run interpreter
+ * Find frequently executed loops
+ * Turn those loops into efficient assembler, by specializing for the types of variables and other things.
+Case studies
+ * Production ready
+ * Real people are using this to speed up their apps.
+ * Parse the output of ``git log`` and generate data/reports
+ * CPython: 63 seconds
+ * PyPy: 21 seconds
+Some guy on IRC
+ * Query PostgreSQL and generate reports.
+ * CPython: 2 minutes
+ * PyPy: 8 seconds
+Why isn't everyone using PyPy?
+ * C extensions
+ * C-API tightly coupled to CPython implementation details
+ * CPyExt
+ * Pure Python/``ctypes``
+ * Cython (GSOC)
+But web apps are I/O bound...
+ * Eh, maybe they should be, but they often aren't.
+The Wild Wild Web (WWW for short)
+ * To run a Django site you need a handful of things
+ * Web server
+ * Database
+ * Random other libraries (``PIL``, ``lxml``, etc.)
+Web server
+ * WSGI
+ * Any pure Python server will do
+ * I like ``gunicorn``, you can use whatever you like
+ * *Not* ``mod_wsgi``
+ * Use any database you like, so long as there's an adapter for it that works with both Django and PyPy!
+ * Standard library, just works!
+ * RPython ``psycopg2`` compatible lib, requires compiling your own PyPy
+ * ``pg8000`` and tons of other random libraries, Django doesn't work with them, but if they're pure Python they'll work with other stuff (e.g. SQLAlchemy)
+ * (various expletives censored)
+ * Nothing that works with Django ATM
+ * I'm working on a ``ctypes`` based MySQLdb dropin replacement, hopefully open source soonish.
+ * We have an RPython ``cx_Oracle``
+ * I know nothing about its status
+Other databases
+ * There are other databases?
+ * Uhh, talk to me later?
+Random other libs
+ * ``PIL`` - works under CPyExt
+ * ``lxml`` - doesn't work :(
+ * Others - how should I know?  Others isn't very specific.
+ * Lies, damned lies, and statistics!
+ * And benchmarks
+ * Ignore them, you need to test *your* app.
+ * But if you need to convince your boss...
+Django template benchmark
+ * Part of the Unladen Swallow benchmark suite
+ * PyPy 1.5: almost 10x faster than CPython
+ * PyPy trunk: almost 12x faster
+Rietveld benchmark
+ * Another part of the Unladen Swallow benchmark suit
+ * PyPy trunk: about 1.35x faster than CPython
+Tornado web app
+ * 2x as many requests per second
+ * A better platform for developing Python itself
+ * A faster Python for your apps
+ * http://alexgaynor.net/
+ * http://pypy.org/
+ * Thank you!
+    * Dank je wel!

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