[pypy-svn] pypy default: Start a small refactoring: kill the possibility to say "imm_fine=False"

arigo commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Fri Jan 14 15:06:11 CET 2011

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Changeset: r40668:228219bbe895
Date: 2011-01-14 10:57 +0100

Log:	Start a small refactoring: kill the possibility to say
	"imm_fine=False" in llsupport/regalloc. The hope is that it will
	make using it less convoluted, because so far with "imm_fine=False"
	you get registers that will live dangerously shortly, and risk being
	overwritten by the next command.

diff --git a/pypy/jit/backend/llsupport/regalloc.py b/pypy/jit/backend/llsupport/regalloc.py
--- a/pypy/jit/backend/llsupport/regalloc.py
+++ b/pypy/jit/backend/llsupport/regalloc.py
@@ -210,40 +210,25 @@
         except KeyError:
             return self.frame_manager.loc(box)
-    def return_constant(self, v, forbidden_vars=[], selected_reg=None,
-                        imm_fine=True):
-        """ Return the location of the constant v.  If 'imm_fine' is False,
-        or if 'selected_reg' is not None, it will first load its value into
-        a register.  See 'force_allocate_reg' for the meaning of 'selected_reg'
-        and 'forbidden_vars'.
+    def return_constant(self, v):
+        """ Return the location of the constant v.
         assert isinstance(v, Const)
-        if selected_reg or not imm_fine:
-            # this means we cannot have it in IMM, eh
-            if selected_reg in self.free_regs:
-                self.assembler.regalloc_mov(self.convert_to_imm(v), selected_reg)
-                return selected_reg
-            if selected_reg is None and self.free_regs:
-                loc = self.free_regs[-1]
-                self.assembler.regalloc_mov(self.convert_to_imm(v), loc)
-                return loc
-            loc = self._spill_var(v, forbidden_vars, selected_reg)
-            self.free_regs.append(loc)
-            self.assembler.regalloc_mov(self.convert_to_imm(v), loc)
-            return loc
         return self.convert_to_imm(v)
     def make_sure_var_in_reg(self, v, forbidden_vars=[], selected_reg=None,
-                             imm_fine=True, need_lower_byte=False):
+                             need_lower_byte=False):
         """ Make sure that an already-allocated variable v is in some
-        register.  Return the register.  See 'return_constant' and
-        'force_allocate_reg' for the meaning of the optional arguments.
+        register.  Return the register.  See 'force_allocate_reg' for
+        the meaning of the optional arguments.
         if isinstance(v, Const):
-            return self.return_constant(v, forbidden_vars, selected_reg,
-                                        imm_fine)
+            assert selected_reg is None, (
+                "make_sure_var_in_reg(): selected_reg can only be "
+                "specified for Boxes, not Consts")
+            return self.return_constant(v)
         prev_loc = self.loc(v)
         loc = self.force_allocate_reg(v, forbidden_vars, selected_reg,
@@ -274,15 +259,7 @@
-        if isinstance(v, Const):
-            loc = self.make_sure_var_in_reg(v, forbidden_vars,
-                                            imm_fine=False)
-            # note that calling make_sure_var_in_reg with imm_fine=False
-            # will not allocate place in reg_bindings, we need to do it
-            # on our own
-            self.reg_bindings[result_v] = loc
-            self.free_regs = [reg for reg in self.free_regs if reg is not loc]
-            return loc
+        assert isinstance(v, Box), "force_result_in_reg(): got a Const"
         if v not in self.reg_bindings:
             prev_loc = self.frame_manager.loc(v)
             loc = self.force_allocate_reg(v, forbidden_vars)

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